path: root/
diff options
authorDaniel Silverstone <>2013-04-20 07:07:12 +0100
committerDaniel Silverstone <>2013-04-20 07:07:12 +0100
commit06378cb509ae72cccc1fe1cbf0e9a378ee7139b1 (patch)
treeebbb21c35ce2069f417e95723c80482b8142440c /
working to some extent
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bed9c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+my @repos_in_order = qw(
+ buildsystem
+ libwapcaplet
+ libparserutils
+ libcss
+ libhubbub
+ libdom
+ libnsbmp
+ libnsgif
+ librosprite
+ libnsfb
+ libsvgtiny
+ nsgenjsbind
+ netsurf
+ );
+my %repos = (
+ buildsystem => "buildsystem",
+ libwapcaplet => "libwapcaplet",
+ libparserutils => "libparserutils",
+ libcss => "libcss",
+ libhubbub => "libhubbub",
+ libdom => "libdom",
+ libnsbmp => "libnsbmp",
+ libnsgif => "libnsgif",
+ librosprite => "librosprite",
+ libnsfb => "libnsfb",
+ libsvgtiny => "libsvgtiny",
+ nsgenjsbind => "nsgenbind",
+ rufl => "librufl",
+ libpencil => "libpencil",
+ netsurf => "netsurf",
+ );
+my %vers = ();
+foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
+ $arg =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/;
+ $vers{$1} = $2;
+ print "Memoising $1 = $2\n";
+# Utility functions
+sub repourl {
+ my $repo = shift;
+ return "git://${repo}.git";
+sub tarurl {
+ my $repo = shift;
+ return "$repos{${repo}}-$vers{${repo}}.tar.gz";
+sub tarfile {
+ my $repo = shift;
+ return "tars/$repos{${repo}}-$vers{${repo}}.tar.gz";
+`mkdir -p gits tars`;
+# Step 1, acquire the versions of all the repos in order
+foreach my $repo (keys %repos) {
+ if (defined $vers{$repo}) {
+ print "Assuming $repo is at $vers{$repo}\n";
+ } else {
+ print "Interrogating ${repo}...\n";
+ my $url = repourl($repo);
+ system("git clone $url gits/$repo") unless (-d "gits/$repo");
+ system("cd gits/$repo; git remote update origin");
+ my $ver = `cd gits/$repo; git describe --abbrev=0 origin/master`;
+ chomp $ver;
+ $ver =~ s/^release\///;
+ $vers{$repo} = $ver;
+ print "Determined $repo is at $vers{$repo}\n";
+ }
+# Step 2, acquire the tarballs
+foreach my $repo (keys %repos) {
+ next if ($vers{$repo} eq '');
+ print "Acquiring tar for $repo\n";
+ my $url = tarurl($repo);
+ my $file = tarfile($repo);
+ system("wget -O $file $url") unless (-r $file);
+# Step 3, prepare the tar
+`rm -rf netsurf-all-$vers{netsurf}`;
+`mkdir -p netsurf-all-$vers{netsurf}/src`;
+foreach my $repo (keys %repos) {
+ next if ($vers{$repo} eq '');
+ print "Unpacking $repo\n";
+ my $file = tarfile($repo);
+ system("cd netsurf-all-$vers{netsurf}/src; tar xzf ../../$file");
+# Step 4, prepare top level Makefile
+open INFILE, "<", "";
+open OUTFILE, ">", "netsurf-all-$vers{netsurf}/Makefile";
+while (my $line = <INFILE>) {
+ unless ($line =~ /^###([^#]+)###$/) {
+ print OUTFILE $line;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $what = $1;
+ if ($what eq 'TARGS') {
+ my $libtargs = "";
+ foreach my $repo (@repos_in_order) {
+ next if ($vers{$repo} eq '');
+ my $basis = $repos{$repo};
+ my $ver = $vers{$repo};
+ $repo =~ y/a-z/A-Z/;
+ print OUTFILE "${repo}_BASE := src/$basis\n";
+ print OUTFILE "${repo}_VERS := $ver\n";
+ print OUTFILE "${repo}_TARG := \$(${repo}_BASE)-\$(${repo}_VERS)\n";
+ print OUTFILE "\n";
+ unless ($repo eq 'NETSURF') {
+ $libtargs .= " \$(${repo}_TARG)";
+ }
+ }
+ print OUTFILE "NSLIBTARG :=$libtargs\n";
+ print OUTFILE "\n";
+ }
+close OUTFILE;
+close INFILE;
+print "Tarring it all up\n";
+`tar czf netsurf-all-$vers{netsurf}.tar.gz netsurf-all-$vers{netsurf}`;