path: root/src
diff options
authorJohn-Mark Bell <>2017-02-05 12:20:42 +0000
committerMichael Drake <>2018-07-28 15:27:12 +0100
commit8417698cb2c0a84e6e05c908cf322434c3b4bde9 (patch)
tree1b61f3c36d493d8eace6457f51265826b4910a24 /src
parent01557ca666385178e004916963de343390e5bb16 (diff)
Media Queries: remainder of parser
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 351 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/src/parse/mq.c b/src/parse/mq.c
index 96f70df..c557996 100644
--- a/src/parse/mq.c
+++ b/src/parse/mq.c
@@ -333,6 +333,8 @@ static css_error mq_parse_media_feature(css_language *c,
/* ( already consumed */
+ consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
name_or_value = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
if (name_or_value == NULL)
@@ -423,42 +425,359 @@ static css_error mq_parse_media_feature(css_language *c,
return CSS_OK;
-static css_error mq_parse_media_in_parens()
+static css_error mq_parse_general_enclosed(css_language *c,
+ const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx)
+ /* <general-enclosed> = [ <function-token> <any-value> ) ]
+ * | ( <ident> <any-value> )
+ */
+ /* TODO: implement */
+ return CSS_OK;
+static css_error mq_parse_media_in_parens(css_language *c,
+ const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx,
+ css_mq_cond_or_feature **cond_or_feature)
+ const css_token *token;
+ bool match;
+ int old_ctx;
+ cond_or_feature *result = NULL;
+ css_error error = CSS_OK;
/* <media-in-parens> = ( <media-condition> ) | <media-feature> | <general-enclosed>
- * <general-enclosed> = [ <function-token> <any-value> ) ] | ( <ident> <any-value> )
//LPAREN -> condition-or-feature
// "not" or LPAREN -> condition
+ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
+ if (token == NULL || tokenIsChar(token, '(') == false) {
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
+ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx);
+ if (token == NULL) {
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ old_ctx = *ctx;
+ if (tokenIsChar(token, '(') || (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT &&
+ lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata,
+ c->strings[NOT], &match) == lwc_error_ok &&
+ match)) {
+ css_mq_cond *cond;
+ error = mq_parse_condition(c, vector, ctx, true, &cond);
+ if (error == CSS_OK) {
+ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
+ if (tokenIsChar(token, ')') == false) {
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ result = malloc(sizeof(*result));
+ if (result == NULL) {
+ /* TODO: clean up cond */
+ return CSS_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result));
+ result->type = CSS_MQ_COND;
+ result->data.cond = cond;
+ *cond_or_feature = result;
+ return CSS_OK;
+ }
+ } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT ||
+ token->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER ||
+ token->type == CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION) {
+ css_mq_feature *feature;
+ error = mq_parse_media_feature(c, vector, ctx, &feature);
+ if (error == CSS_OK) {
+ result = malloc(sizeof(*result));
+ if (result == NULL) {
+ /* TODO: clean up feature */
+ return CSS_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result));
+ result->type = CSS_MQ_FEATURE;
+ result->data.feat = feature;
+ *cond_or_feature = result;
+ return CSS_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ *ctx = old_ctx;
+ error = mq_parse_general_enclosed(c, vector, ctx);
+ return error;
-static css_error mq_parse_condition()
+static css_error mq_parse_condition(css_language *c,
+ const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx,
+ bool permit_or, css_mq_cond **cond)
+ const css_token *token;
+ bool match;
+ int op = 0; /* Will be AND | OR once we've had one */
+ css_mq_cond_or_feature *cond_or_feature, **parts;
+ css_mq_cond *result;
+ css_error error;
/* <media-condition> = <media-not> | <media-in-parens> [ <media-and>* | <media-or>* ]
* <media-condition-without-or> = <media-not> | <media-in-parens> <media-and>*
* <media-not> = not <media-in-parens>
* <media-and> = and <media-in-parens>
* <media-or> = or <media-in-parens>
+ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx);
+ if (token == NULL || tokenIsChar(token, '(') == false ||
+ token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT ||
+ lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata,
+ c->strings[NOT], &match) != lwc_error_ok ||
+ match == false) {
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ result = malloc(sizeof(*result));
+ if (result == NULL) {
+ return CSS_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result));
+ result->parts = malloc(sizeof(*result->parts));
+ if (result->parts == NULL) {
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result->parts, 0, sizeof(*result->parts));
+ if (tokenIsChar(token, '(') == false) {
+ /* Must be "not" */
+ parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
+ consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
+ error = mq_parse_media_in_parens(c, vector, ctx, &cond_or_feature);
+ if (error != CSS_OK) {
+ free(result->parts);
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ result->negate = 1;
+ result->parts->nparts = 1;
+ result->parts->parts = malloc(sizeof(*result->parts->parts));
+ if (result->parts->parts == NULL) {
+ /* TODO: clean up cond_or_feature */
+ free(result->parts);
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_NOMEM;
+ }
+ result->parts->parts[0] = cond_or_feature;
+ *cond = result;
+ return CSS_OK;
+ }
+ /* FOLLOW(media-condition) := RPAREN | COMMA | EOF */
+ while (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, ')') == false &&
+ tokenIsChar(token, ',') == false) {
+ error = mq_parse_media_in_parens(c, vector, ctx, &cond_or_feature);
+ if (error != CSS_OK) {
+ /* TODO: clean up result->parts->parts */
+ free(result->parts);
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ parts = realloc(result->parts->parts,
+ (result->parts->nparts+1)*sizeof(*result->parts->parts));
+ if (parts == NULL) {
+ /* TODO: clean up result->parts->parts */
+ free(result->parts);
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_NOMEM;
+ }
+ parts[result->parts->nparts] = cond_or_feature;
+ result->parts->parts = parts;
+ result->parts->nparts++;
+ consumeWhitespace(vector, token);
+ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx);
+ if (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, ')') == false &&
+ tokenIsChar(token, ',') == false) {
+ if (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) {
+ /* TODO: clean up result->parts->parts */
+ free(result->parts);
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata,
+ c->strings[AND], &match) == lwc_error_ok &&
+ match) {
+ if (op != 0 && op != AND) {
+ /* TODO: clean up result->parts->parts */
+ free(result->parts);
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ op = AND;
+ } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata,
+ c->strings[OR], &match) == lwc_error_ok &&
+ match) {
+ if (permit_or == false || (op != 0 && op != OR)) {
+ /* TODO: clean up result->parts->parts */
+ free(result->parts);
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ op = OR;
+ } else {
+ /* Neither AND nor OR */
+ /* TODO: clean up result->parts->parts */
+ free(result->parts);
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
+ consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ if (op == OR) {
+ result->op = 1;
+ }
+ *cond = result;
+ return CSS_OK;
-css_error css__mq_parse_media_list(css_language *c,
+static css_error mq_parse_media_query(css_language *c,
const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx,
- css_mq_query **media)
+ css_mq_query **query)
- css_mq_query *ret = NULL;
const css_token *token;
+ bool match, is_condition = false;
+ css_mq_query *result;
+ css_error error;
- /* <media-query-list> = <media-query> [ COMMA <media-query> ]*
- * <media-query> = <media-condition>
+ /* <media-query> = <media-condition>
* | [ not | only ]? <media-type> [ and <media-condition-without-or> ]?
* <media-type> = <ident> (except "not", "and", "or", "only")
- *
+ // LPAREN -> media-condition
+ // not LPAREN -> media-condition
+ consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
+ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx);
+ if (tokenIsChar(token, '(')) {
+ is_condition = true;
+ } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT &&
+ lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata,
+ c->strings[NOT], &match) == lwc_error_ok &&
+ match) {
+ int old_ctx = *ctx;
+ parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
+ consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
+ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx);
+ if (tokenIsChar(token, '(')) {
+ is_condition = true;
+ }
+ *ctx = old_ctx;
+ }
+ result = malloc(sizeof(*result));
+ if (result == NULL) {
+ return CSS_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result));
+ if (is_condition) {
+ /* media-condition */
+ error = mq_parse_condition(c, vector, ctx, true, &result->cond);
+ if (error != CSS_OK) {
+ free(result);
+ return error;
+ }
+ *query = result;
+ return CSS_OK;
+ }
+ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
+ if (token == NULL || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) {
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata,
+ c->strings[NOT], &match) == lwc_error_ok &&
+ match) {
+ result->negate_type = 1;
+ consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
+ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
+ } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata,
+ c->strings[ONLY], &match) == lwc_error_ok &&
+ match) {
+ consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
+ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
+ }
+ if (token == NULL || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) {
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ result->type = lwc_string_ref(token->idata);
+ consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
+ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
+ if (token != NULL) {
+ if (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT ||
+ lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata,
+ c->strings[AND], &match) != lwc_error_ok ||
+ match == false) {
+ lwc_string_unref(result->type);
+ free(result);
+ return CSS_INVALID;
+ }
+ consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
+ error = mq_parse_condition(c, vector, ctx, false, &result->cond);
+ if (error != CSS_OK) {
+ lwc_string_unref(result->type);
+ free(result);
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ *query = result;
+ return CSS_OK;
+css_error css__mq_parse_media_list(css_language *c,
+ const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx,
+ css_mq_query **media)
+ css_mq_query *result = NULL, *last;
+ const css_token *token;
+ css_error error;
+ /* <media-query-list> = <media-query> [ COMMA <media-query> ]* */
/* if {[(, push }]) to stack
* if func, push ) to stack
* on error, scan forward until stack is empty (or EOF), popping matching tokens off stack
@@ -466,78 +785,32 @@ css_error css__mq_parse_media_list(css_language *c,
* if comma, consume, and start again from the next input token
- UNUSED(c);
- token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
+ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx);
while (token != NULL) {
- if (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT)
- return CSS_INVALID;
+ css_mq_query *query;
+ error = mq_parse_media_query(c, vector, ctx, &query);
+ if (error != CSS_OK) {
+ /* TODO: error recovery (see above) */
+ } else {
+ if (result == NULL) {
+ result = last = query;
+ } else {
+ last->next = query;
+ last = query;
+ }
+ }
-#if 0
- if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata, c->strings[AURAL],
- &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) {
- } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(
- token->idata, c->strings[BRAILLE],
- &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) {
- } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(
- token->idata, c->strings[EMBOSSED],
- &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) {
- } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(
- token->idata, c->strings[HANDHELD],
- &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) {
- } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(
- token->idata, c->strings[PRINT],
- &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) {
- } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(
- token->idata, c->strings[PROJECTION],
- &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) {
- } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(
- token->idata, c->strings[SCREEN],
- &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) {
- } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(
- token->idata, c->strings[SPEECH],
- &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) {
- } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(
- token->idata, c->strings[TTY],
- &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) {
- ret |= CSS_MEDIA_TTY;
- } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(
- token->idata, c->strings[TV],
- &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) {
- ret |= CSS_MEDIA_TV;
- } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(
- token->idata, c->strings[ALL],
- &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) {
- ret |= CSS_MEDIA_ALL;
- } else
- return CSS_INVALID;
consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx);
- if (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, ',') == false)
- return CSS_INVALID;
- consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx);
+ if (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, ',') == false) {
+ /* Give up */
+ break;
+ }
-#if 0
- /* If, after parsing the media list, we still have no media,
- * then it must be ALL. */
- if (ret == 0)
- ret = CSS_MEDIA_ALL;
- *media = ret;
+ *media = result;
return CSS_OK;
diff --git a/src/parse/mq.h b/src/parse/mq.h
index c5268c7..ae0110b 100644
--- a/src/parse/mq.h
+++ b/src/parse/mq.h
@@ -73,20 +73,18 @@ struct css_mq_cond_or_feature {
} type;
union {
- css_mq_cond cond;
- css_mq_feature feat;
+ css_mq_cond *cond;
+ css_mq_feature *feat;
} data;
typedef struct css_mq_query {
struct css_mq_query *next;
- uint32_t negate_type : 1, /* set if "not type" */
- cond_op : 1; /* clear if "and", set if "or" */
+ uint32_t negate_type : 1; /* set if "not type" */
lwc_string *type; /* or NULL */
- uint32_t nconds;
- css_mq_cond **conds;
+ css_mq_cond *cond;
} css_mq_query;
css_error css__mq_parse_media_list(css_language *c,