/* * This file is part of LibCSS. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2008 John-Mark Bell */ #include #include "stylesheet.h" #include "bytecode/bytecode.h" #include "bytecode/opcodes.h" #include "parse/properties/utils.h" /** * Parse a colour specifier * * \param c Parsing context * \param vector Vector of tokens to process * \param ctx Pointer to vector iteration context * \param result Pointer to location to receive result (RRGGBBAA) * \return CSS_OK on success, * CSS_INVALID if the input is invalid * * Post condition: \a *ctx is updated with the next token to process * If the input is invalid, then \a *ctx remains unchanged. */ css_error parse_colour_specifier(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, uint32_t *result) { int orig_ctx = *ctx; const css_token *token; uint8_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; css_error error; consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); /* IDENT() | HASH(rgb | rrggbb) | * FUNCTION(rgb) [ [ NUMBER | PERCENTAGE ] ',' ] {3} ')' * * For quirks, NUMBER | DIMENSION | IDENT, too * I.E. "123456" -> NUMBER, "1234f0" -> DIMENSION, "f00000" -> IDENT */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_HASH && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_FUNCTION)) { if (c->sheet->quirks_allowed == false || (token != NULL && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION)) goto invalid; } if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { error = parse_named_colour(c, token->idata, result); if (error != CSS_OK && c->sheet->quirks_allowed) { error = parse_hash_colour(token->idata, result); if (error == CSS_OK) c->sheet->quirks_used = true; } if (error != CSS_OK) *ctx = orig_ctx; return error; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_HASH) { error = parse_hash_colour(token->idata, result); if (error != CSS_OK) *ctx = orig_ctx; return error; } else if (c->sheet->quirks_allowed && token->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER) { error = parse_hash_colour(token->idata, result); if (error == CSS_OK) c->sheet->quirks_used = true; else *ctx = orig_ctx; return error; } else if (c->sheet->quirks_allowed && token->type == CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION) { error = parse_hash_colour(token->idata, result); if (error == CSS_OK) c->sheet->quirks_used = true; else *ctx = orig_ctx; return error; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_FUNCTION) { if (token->ilower == c->strings[RGB]) { int i; css_token_type valid = CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { css_fixed num; size_t consumed = 0; uint8_t *component = i == 0 ? &r : i == 1 ? &b : &g; int32_t intval; consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_PERCENTAGE)) goto invalid; if (i == 0) valid = token->type; else if (token->type != valid) goto invalid; num = number_from_lwc_string(token->idata, valid == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER, &consumed); if (consumed != lwc_string_length(token->idata)) goto invalid; if (valid == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER) { intval = FIXTOINT(num); } else { intval = FIXTOINT( FDIVI(FMULI(num, 255), 100)); } if (intval > 255) *component = 255; else if (intval < 0) *component = 0; else *component = intval; parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) goto invalid; if (i != 2 && tokenIsChar(token, ',')) parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); else if (i == 2 && tokenIsChar(token, ')')) parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); else goto invalid; } } else goto invalid; } /** \todo Is this endian safe? */ *result = (r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8); return CSS_OK; invalid: *ctx = orig_ctx; return CSS_INVALID; } /** * Parse a named colour * * \param c Parsing context * \param data Colour name string * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return CSS_OK on success, * CSS_INVALID if the colour name is unknown */ css_error parse_named_colour(css_language *c, lwc_string *data, uint32_t *result) { static const uint32_t colourmap[LAST_COLOUR + 1 - FIRST_COLOUR] = { 0xf0f8ff00, /* ALICEBLUE */ 0xfaebd700, /* ANTIQUEWHITE */ 0x00ffff00, /* AQUA */ 0x7fffd400, /* AQUAMARINE */ 0xf0ffff00, /* AZURE */ 0xf5f5dc00, /* BEIGE */ 0xffe4c400, /* BISQUE */ 0x00000000, /* BLACK */ 0xffebcd00, /* BLANCHEDALMOND */ 0x0000ff00, /* BLUE */ 0x8a2be200, /* BLUEVIOLET */ 0xa52a2a00, /* BROWN */ 0xdeb88700, /* BURLYWOOD */ 0x5f9ea000, /* CADETBLUE */ 0x7fff0000, /* CHARTREUSE */ 0xd2691e00, /* CHOCOLATE */ 0xff7f5000, /* CORAL */ 0x6495ed00, /* CORNFLOWERBLUE */ 0xfff8dc00, /* CORNSILK */ 0xdc143c00, /* CRIMSON */ 0x00ffff00, /* CYAN */ 0x00008b00, /* DARKBLUE */ 0x008b8b00, /* DARKCYAN */ 0xb8860b00, /* DARKGOLDENROD */ 0xa9a9a900, /* DARKGRAY */ 0x00640000, /* DARKGREEN */ 0xa9a9a900, /* DARKGREY */ 0xbdb76b00, /* DARKKHAKI */ 0x8b008b00, /* DARKMAGENTA */ 0x556b2f00, /* DARKOLIVEGREEN */ 0xff8c0000, /* DARKORANGE */ 0x9932cc00, /* DARKORCHID */ 0x8b000000, /* DARKRED */ 0xe9967a00, /* DARKSALMON */ 0x8fbc8f00, /* DARKSEAGREEN */ 0x483d8b00, /* DARKSLATEBLUE */ 0x2f4f4f00, /* DARKSLATEGRAY */ 0x2f4f4f00, /* DARKSLATEGREY */ 0x00ced100, /* DARKTURQUOISE */ 0x9400d300, /* DARKVIOLET */ 0xff149300, /* DEEPPINK */ 0x00bfff00, /* DEEPSKYBLUE */ 0x69696900, /* DIMGRAY */ 0x69696900, /* DIMGREY */ 0x1e90ff00, /* DODGERBLUE */ 0xd1927500, /* FELDSPAR */ 0xb2222200, /* FIREBRICK */ 0xfffaf000, /* FLORALWHITE */ 0x228b2200, /* FORESTGREEN */ 0xff00ff00, /* FUCHSIA */ 0xdcdcdc00, /* GAINSBORO */ 0xf8f8ff00, /* GHOSTWHITE */ 0xffd70000, /* GOLD */ 0xdaa52000, /* GOLDENROD */ 0x80808000, /* GRAY */ 0x00800000, /* GREEN */ 0xadff2f00, /* GREENYELLOW */ 0x80808000, /* GREY */ 0xf0fff000, /* HONEYDEW */ 0xff69b400, /* HOTPINK */ 0xcd5c5c00, /* INDIANRED */ 0x4b008200, /* INDIGO */ 0xfffff000, /* IVORY */ 0xf0e68c00, /* KHAKI */ 0xe6e6fa00, /* LAVENDER */ 0xfff0f500, /* LAVENDERBLUSH */ 0x7cfc0000, /* LAWNGREEN */ 0xfffacd00, /* LEMONCHIFFON */ 0xadd8e600, /* LIGHTBLUE */ 0xf0808000, /* LIGHTCORAL */ 0xe0ffff00, /* LIGHTCYAN */ 0xfafad200, /* LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW */ 0xd3d3d300, /* LIGHTGRAY */ 0x90ee9000, /* LIGHTGREEN */ 0xd3d3d300, /* LIGHTGREY */ 0xffb6c100, /* LIGHTPINK */ 0xffa07a00, /* LIGHTSALMON */ 0x20b2aa00, /* LIGHTSEAGREEN */ 0x87cefa00, /* LIGHTSKYBLUE */ 0x8470ff00, /* LIGHTSLATEBLUE */ 0x77889900, /* LIGHTSLATEGRAY */ 0x77889900, /* LIGHTSLATEGREY */ 0xb0c4de00, /* LIGHTSTEELBLUE */ 0xffffe000, /* LIGHTYELLOW */ 0x00ff0000, /* LIME */ 0x32cd3200, /* LIMEGREEN */ 0xfaf0e600, /* LINEN */ 0xff00ff00, /* MAGENTA */ 0x80000000, /* MAROON */ 0x66cdaa00, /* MEDIUMAQUAMARINE */ 0x0000cd00, /* MEDIUMBLUE */ 0xba55d300, /* MEDIUMORCHID */ 0x9370db00, /* MEDIUMPURPLE */ 0x3cb37100, /* MEDIUMSEAGREEN */ 0x7b68ee00, /* MEDIUMSLATEBLUE */ 0x00fa9a00, /* MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN */ 0x48d1cc00, /* MEDIUMTURQUOISE */ 0xc7158500, /* MEDIUMVIOLETRED */ 0x19197000, /* MIDNIGHTBLUE */ 0xf5fffa00, /* MINTCREAM */ 0xffe4e100, /* MISTYROSE */ 0xffe4b500, /* MOCCASIN */ 0xffdead00, /* NAVAJOWHITE */ 0x00008000, /* NAVY */ 0xfdf5e600, /* OLDLACE */ 0x80800000, /* OLIVE */ 0x6b8e2300, /* OLIVEDRAB */ 0xffa50000, /* ORANGE */ 0xff450000, /* ORANGERED */ 0xda70d600, /* ORCHID */ 0xeee8aa00, /* PALEGOLDENROD */ 0x98fb9800, /* PALEGREEN */ 0xafeeee00, /* PALETURQUOISE */ 0xdb709300, /* PALEVIOLETRED */ 0xffefd500, /* PAPAYAWHIP */ 0xffdab900, /* PEACHPUFF */ 0xcd853f00, /* PERU */ 0xffc0cb00, /* PINK */ 0xdda0dd00, /* PLUM */ 0xb0e0e600, /* POWDERBLUE */ 0x80008000, /* PURPLE */ 0xff000000, /* RED */ 0xbc8f8f00, /* ROSYBROWN */ 0x4169e100, /* ROYALBLUE */ 0x8b451300, /* SADDLEBROWN */ 0xfa807200, /* SALMON */ 0xf4a46000, /* SANDYBROWN */ 0x2e8b5700, /* SEAGREEN */ 0xfff5ee00, /* SEASHELL */ 0xa0522d00, /* SIENNA */ 0xc0c0c000, /* SILVER */ 0x87ceeb00, /* SKYBLUE */ 0x6a5acd00, /* SLATEBLUE */ 0x70809000, /* SLATEGRAY */ 0x70809000, /* SLATEGREY */ 0xfffafa00, /* SNOW */ 0x00ff7f00, /* SPRINGGREEN */ 0x4682b400, /* STEELBLUE */ 0xd2b48c00, /* TAN */ 0x00808000, /* TEAL */ 0xd8bfd800, /* THISTLE */ 0xff634700, /* TOMATO */ 0x40e0d000, /* TURQUOISE */ 0xee82ee00, /* VIOLET */ 0xd0209000, /* VIOLETRED */ 0xf5deb300, /* WHEAT */ 0xffffff00, /* WHITE */ 0xf5f5f500, /* WHITESMOKE */ 0xffff0000, /* YELLOW */ 0x9acd3200 /* YELLOWGREEN */ }; int i; for (i = FIRST_COLOUR; i <= LAST_COLOUR; i++) { if (data == c->strings[i]) break; } if (i == LAST_COLOUR + 1) return CSS_INVALID; *result = colourmap[i - FIRST_COLOUR]; return CSS_OK; } /** * Parse a hash colour (#rgb or #rrggbb) * * \param data Pointer to colour string * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return CSS_OK on success, * CSS_INVALID if the input is invalid */ css_error parse_hash_colour(lwc_string *data, uint32_t *result) { uint8_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; size_t len = lwc_string_length(data); const char *input = lwc_string_data(data); if (len == 3 && isHex(input[0]) && isHex(input[1]) && isHex(input[2])) { r = charToHex(input[0]); g = charToHex(input[1]); b = charToHex(input[2]); r |= (r << 4); g |= (g << 4); b |= (b << 4); } else if (len == 6 && isHex(input[0]) && isHex(input[1]) && isHex(input[2]) && isHex(input[3]) && isHex(input[4]) && isHex(input[5])) { r = (charToHex(input[0]) << 4); r |= charToHex(input[1]); g = (charToHex(input[2]) << 4); g |= charToHex(input[3]); b = (charToHex(input[4]) << 4); b |= charToHex(input[5]); } else return CSS_INVALID; /** \todo Is this endian safe? */ *result = (r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8); return CSS_OK; } /** * Parse a unit specifier * * \param c Parsing context * \param vector Vector of tokens to process * \param ctx Pointer to current vector iteration context * \param default_unit The default unit to use if none specified * \param length Pointer to location to receive length * \param unit Pointer to location to receive unit * \return CSS_OK on success, * CSS_INVALID if the tokens do not form a valid unit * * Post condition: \a *ctx is updated with the next token to process * If the input is invalid, then \a *ctx remains unchanged. */ css_error parse_unit_specifier(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, uint32_t default_unit, css_fixed *length, uint32_t *unit) { int orig_ctx = *ctx; const css_token *token; css_fixed num; size_t consumed = 0; css_error error; consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_PERCENTAGE)) { *ctx = orig_ctx; return CSS_INVALID; } num = number_from_lwc_string(token->idata, false, &consumed); if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION) { size_t len = lwc_string_length(token->idata); const char *data = lwc_string_data(token->idata); error = parse_unit_keyword(data + consumed, len - consumed, unit); if (error != CSS_OK) { *ctx = orig_ctx; return error; } } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER) { /* Non-zero values are permitted in quirks mode */ if (num != 0) { if (c->sheet->quirks_allowed) { c->sheet->quirks_used = true; } else { *ctx = orig_ctx; return CSS_INVALID; } } *unit = default_unit; if (c->sheet->quirks_allowed) { /* Also, in quirks mode, we need to cater for * dimensions separated from their units by whitespace * (e.g. "0 px") */ int temp_ctx = *ctx; uint32_t temp_unit; consumeWhitespace(vector, &temp_ctx); /* Try to parse the unit keyword, ignoring errors */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, &temp_ctx); if (token != NULL && token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { error = parse_unit_keyword( lwc_string_data(token->idata), lwc_string_length(token->idata), &temp_unit); if (error == CSS_OK) { c->sheet->quirks_used = true; *ctx = temp_ctx; *unit = temp_unit; } } } } else { /* Percentage -- number must be entire token data */ if (consumed != lwc_string_length(token->idata)) { *ctx = orig_ctx; return CSS_INVALID; } *unit = UNIT_PCT; } *length = num; return CSS_OK; } /** * Parse a unit keyword * * \param ptr Pointer to keyword string * \param len Length, in bytes, of string * \param unit Pointer to location to receive computed unit * \return CSS_OK on success, * CSS_INVALID on encountering an unknown keyword */ css_error parse_unit_keyword(const char *ptr, size_t len, css_unit *unit) { if (len == 4) { if (strncasecmp(ptr, "grad", 4) == 0) *unit = UNIT_GRAD; else return CSS_INVALID; } else if (len == 3) { if (strncasecmp(ptr, "kHz", 3) == 0) *unit = UNIT_KHZ; else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "deg", 3) == 0) *unit = UNIT_DEG; else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "rad", 3) == 0) *unit = UNIT_RAD; else return CSS_INVALID; } else if (len == 2) { if (strncasecmp(ptr, "Hz", 2) == 0) *unit = UNIT_HZ; else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "ms", 2) == 0) *unit = UNIT_MS; else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "px", 2) == 0) *unit = UNIT_PX; else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "ex", 2) == 0) *unit = UNIT_EX; else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "em", 2) == 0) *unit = UNIT_EM; else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "in", 2) == 0) *unit = UNIT_IN; else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "cm", 2) == 0) *unit = UNIT_CM; else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "mm", 2) == 0) *unit = UNIT_MM; else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "pt", 2) == 0) *unit = UNIT_PT; else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "pc", 2) == 0) *unit = UNIT_PC; else return CSS_INVALID; } else if (len == 1) { if (strncasecmp(ptr, "s", 1) == 0) *unit = UNIT_S; else return CSS_INVALID; } else return CSS_INVALID; return CSS_OK; }