/* * This file is part of libdom. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2009 Bo Yang */ #include #include "events/mutation_name_event.h" #include "core/document.h" #include "utils/utils.h" static void _virtual_dom_mutation_name_event_destroy(struct dom_event *evt); static const struct dom_event_private_vtable _event_vtable = { _virtual_dom_mutation_name_event_destroy }; /* Constructor */ dom_exception _dom_mutation_name_event_create( struct dom_mutation_name_event **evt) { *evt = malloc(sizeof(dom_mutation_name_event)); if (*evt == NULL) return DOM_NO_MEM_ERR; ((struct dom_event *) *evt)->vtable = &_event_vtable; return _dom_mutation_name_event_initialise(*evt); } /* Destructor */ void _dom_mutation_name_event_destroy(struct dom_mutation_name_event *evt) { _dom_mutation_name_event_finalise(evt); free(evt); } /* Initialise function */ dom_exception _dom_mutation_name_event_initialise( struct dom_mutation_name_event *evt) { evt->prev_namespace = NULL; evt->prev_nodename = NULL; return _dom_event_initialise((dom_event *) evt); } /* Finalise function */ void _dom_mutation_name_event_finalise(struct dom_mutation_name_event *evt) { dom_string_unref(evt->prev_namespace); dom_string_unref(evt->prev_nodename); _dom_event_finalise((dom_event *) evt); } /* The virtual destroy function */ void _virtual_dom_mutation_name_event_destroy(struct dom_event *evt) { _dom_mutation_name_event_destroy((dom_mutation_name_event *) evt); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The public API */ /** * Get the previous namespace * * \param evt The Event object * \param namespace The previous namespace of this event * \return DOM_NO_ERR. */ dom_exception _dom_mutation_name_event_get_prev_namespace( dom_mutation_name_event *evt, dom_string **namespace) { *namespace = evt->prev_namespace; dom_string_ref(*namespace); return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Get the previous node name * * \param evt The Event object * \param name The previous node name * \return DOM_NO_ERR. */ dom_exception _dom_mutation_name_event_get_prev_node_name( dom_mutation_name_event *evt, dom_string **name) { *name = evt->prev_nodename; dom_string_ref(*name); return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Initialise the MutationNameEvent * * \param evt The Event object * \param type The type of this UIEvent * \param bubble Whether this event can bubble * \param cancelable Whether this event is cancelable * \param node The node whose name change * \param prev_ns The old namespace * \param prev_name The old name * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception _dom_mutation_name_event_init(dom_mutation_name_event *evt, dom_string *type, bool bubble, bool cancelable, struct dom_node *node, dom_string *prev_ns, dom_string *prev_name) { evt->prev_namespace = prev_ns; dom_string_ref(prev_ns); evt->prev_nodename = prev_name; dom_string_ref(prev_name); return _dom_mutation_event_init((dom_mutation_event *) evt, type, bubble, cancelable, node, NULL, NULL, NULL, DOM_MUTATION_MODIFICATION); } /** * Initialise the MutationNameEvent with namespace * * \param evt The Event object * \param namespace The namespace * \param type The type of this UIEvent * \param bubble Whether this event can bubble * \param cancelable Whether this event is cancelable * \param node The node whose name change * \param prev_ns The old namespace * \param prev_name The old name * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception _dom_mutation_name_event_init_ns(dom_mutation_name_event *evt, dom_string *namespace, dom_string *type, bool bubble, bool cancelable, struct dom_node *node, dom_string *prev_ns, dom_string *prev_name) { evt->prev_namespace = prev_ns; dom_string_ref(prev_ns); evt->prev_nodename = prev_name; dom_string_ref(prev_name); return _dom_mutation_event_init_ns((dom_mutation_event *) evt, namespace, type, bubble, cancelable, node, NULL, NULL, NULL, DOM_MUTATION_MODIFICATION); }