/* * This file is part of LibNSLayout's tests * Licensed under the ISC License, http://opensource.org/licenses/ISC * Copyright 2015 Michael Drake */ #include "../test/test-loader.c" /* * cd ../ && make && make install && cd dev/ && gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror `pkg-config libnslayout --cflags` main.c `pkg-config libnslayout --libs` && ./a.out ; cd ~/dev-netsurf/workspace/libnslayout/dev */ static void nsl_test_lwc_iterator(lwc_string *str, void *pw) { UNUSED(pw); printf(" [%3u] %.*s\n", str->refcnt, (int)lwc_string_length(str), lwc_string_data(str)); } int main(void) { nslayout_init(); test_loader("test-writing-mode.html", CSS_MEDIA_ALL, 15); nslayout_fini(); printf("Remaining lwc strings:\n"); lwc_iterate_strings(nsl_test_lwc_iterator, NULL); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }