%{ /* This is a lexer for libnslog filter syntax * * This file is part of libnslog. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2017 Daniel Silverstone * */ #include #include #include #include "nslog/nslog.h" #include "filter-parser.h" /* Ensure compatability with bison 2.6 and later */ #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED && defined FILTER_STYPE_IS_DECLARED #define YYSTYPE FILTER_STYPE #endif #if ! defined YYLTYPE && ! defined YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED && defined FILTER_LTYPE_IS_DECLARED #define YYLTYPE FILTER_LTYPE #endif /* Ensure we use yylloc to silence "variable `yylloc` set but not used" warning */ #define YY_USER_ACTION yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = yylineno; %} /* lexer options */ %option never-interactive %option bison-bridge %option bison-locations %option warn %option prefix="filter_" %option nounput %option noinput %option noyywrap whitespace [ \t]+ pattern [^ \t:|&)^!]+ %x st_patt %% {whitespace} { /* nothing */ } level: { return T_LEVEL_SPECIFIER; } lvl: { return T_LEVEL_SPECIFIER; } cat: { BEGIN(st_patt); return T_CATEGORY_SPECIFIER; } category: { BEGIN(st_patt); return T_CATEGORY_SPECIFIER; } file: { BEGIN(st_patt); return T_FILENAME_SPECIFIER; } filename: { BEGIN(st_patt); return T_FILENAME_SPECIFIER; } dir: { BEGIN(st_patt); return T_DIRNAME_SPECIFIER; } dirname: { BEGIN(st_patt); return T_DIRNAME_SPECIFIER; } func: { BEGIN(st_patt); return T_FUNCNAME_SPECIFIER; } funcname: { BEGIN(st_patt); return T_FUNCNAME_SPECIFIER; } "&&" { return T_OP_AND; } "||" { return T_OP_OR; } DEEPDEBUG { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_DEEPDEBUG; return T_LEVEL; } DDEBUG { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_DEEPDEBUG; return T_LEVEL; } DD { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_DEEPDEBUG; return T_LEVEL; } DEBUG { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; return T_LEVEL; } DBG { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; return T_LEVEL; } VERBOSE { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE; return T_LEVEL; } CHAT { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE; return T_LEVEL; } INFO { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_INFO; return T_LEVEL; } WARNING { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_WARNING; return T_LEVEL; } WARN { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_WARNING; return T_LEVEL; } ERROR { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_ERROR; return T_LEVEL; } ERR { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_ERROR; return T_LEVEL; } CRITICAL { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL; return T_LEVEL; } CRIT { yylval->level = NSLOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL; return T_LEVEL; } {pattern} { yylval->patt = yytext; BEGIN(INITIAL); return T_PATTERN; } . { return (int) yytext[0]; }