/* * This file is part of RUfl * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license * Copyright 2006 James Bursa */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "oslib/font.h" #include "rufl_internal.h" typedef enum { rufl_PAINT, rufl_WIDTH, rufl_X_TO_OFFSET, rufl_SPLIT, rufl_PAINT_CALLBACK, rufl_FONT_BBOX } rufl_action; #define rufl_PROCESS_CHUNK 200 bool rufl_can_background_blend = false; static const os_trfm trfm_oblique = { { { 65536, 0 }, { 13930, 65536 }, { 0, 0 } } }; static rufl_code rufl_process(rufl_action action, const char *font_family, rufl_style font_style, unsigned int font_size, const char *string0, size_t length, int x, int y, unsigned int flags, int *width, int click_x, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x, rufl_callback_t callback, void *context); static rufl_code rufl_process_span(rufl_action action, unsigned short *s, unsigned int n, unsigned int font, unsigned int font_size, unsigned int slant, int *x, int y, unsigned int flags, int click_x, size_t *offset, rufl_callback_t callback, void *context); static rufl_code rufl_process_span_old(rufl_action action, unsigned short *s, unsigned int n, unsigned int font, unsigned int font_size, unsigned int slant, int *x, int y, unsigned int flags, int click_x, size_t *offset, rufl_callback_t callback, void *context); static int rufl_unicode_map_search_cmp(const void *keyval, const void *datum); static rufl_code rufl_process_not_available(rufl_action action, unsigned short *s, unsigned int n, unsigned int font_size, int *x, int y, unsigned int flags, int click_x, size_t *offset, rufl_callback_t callback, void *context); /** * Render Unicode text. */ rufl_code rufl_paint(const char *font_family, rufl_style font_style, unsigned int font_size, const char *string, size_t length, int x, int y, unsigned int flags) { return rufl_process(rufl_PAINT, font_family, font_style, font_size, string, length, x, y, flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /** * Measure the width of Unicode text. */ rufl_code rufl_width(const char *font_family, rufl_style font_style, unsigned int font_size, const char *string, size_t length, int *width) { return rufl_process(rufl_WIDTH, font_family, font_style, font_size, string, length, 0, 0, 0, width, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /** * Find the nearest character boundary in a string to where an x coordinate * falls. */ rufl_code rufl_x_to_offset(const char *font_family, rufl_style font_style, unsigned int font_size, const char *string, size_t length, int click_x, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x) { return rufl_process(rufl_X_TO_OFFSET, font_family, font_style, font_size, string, length, 0, 0, 0, 0, click_x, char_offset, actual_x, 0, 0); } /** * Find the prefix of a string that will fit in a specified width. */ rufl_code rufl_split(const char *font_family, rufl_style font_style, unsigned int font_size, const char *string, size_t length, int width, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x) { return rufl_process(rufl_SPLIT, font_family, font_style, font_size, string, length, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, char_offset, actual_x, 0, 0); } /** * Render text, but call a callback instead of each call to Font_Paint. */ rufl_code rufl_paint_callback(const char *font_family, rufl_style font_style, unsigned int font_size, const char *string, size_t length, int x, int y, rufl_callback_t callback, void *context) { return rufl_process(rufl_PAINT_CALLBACK, font_family, font_style, font_size, string, length, x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, callback, context); } /** * Determine the maximum bounding box of a font. */ rufl_code rufl_font_bbox(const char *font_family, rufl_style font_style, unsigned int font_size, int *bbox) { return rufl_process(rufl_FONT_BBOX, font_family, font_style, font_size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, bbox, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /** * Render, measure, or split Unicode text. */ rufl_code rufl_process(rufl_action action, const char *font_family, rufl_style font_style, unsigned int font_size, const char *string0, size_t length, int x, int y, unsigned int flags, int *width, int click_x, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x, rufl_callback_t callback, void *context) { unsigned short s[rufl_PROCESS_CHUNK]; unsigned int font; unsigned int font0, font1; unsigned int n; unsigned int u; size_t offset; size_t offset_u; size_t offset_map[rufl_PROCESS_CHUNK]; unsigned int slant; const char *string = string0; struct rufl_character_set *charset; rufl_code code; assert(action == rufl_PAINT || (action == rufl_WIDTH && width) || (action == rufl_X_TO_OFFSET && char_offset && actual_x) || (action == rufl_SPLIT && char_offset && actual_x) || (action == rufl_PAINT_CALLBACK && callback) || (action == rufl_FONT_BBOX && width)); if ((flags & rufl_BLEND_FONT) && !rufl_can_background_blend) { /* unsuitable FM => clear blending bit */ flags &= ~rufl_BLEND_FONT; } if (length == 0 && action != rufl_FONT_BBOX) { if (action == rufl_WIDTH) *width = 0; else if (action == rufl_X_TO_OFFSET || action == rufl_SPLIT) { *char_offset = 0; *actual_x = 0; } return rufl_OK; } if ((action == rufl_X_TO_OFFSET || action == rufl_SPLIT) && click_x <= 0) { *char_offset = 0; *actual_x = 0; return rufl_OK; } code = rufl_find_font_family(font_family, font_style, &font, &slant, &charset); if (code != rufl_OK) return code; if (action == rufl_FONT_BBOX) { if (rufl_old_font_manager) code = rufl_process_span_old(action, 0, 0, font, font_size, slant, width, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); else code = rufl_process_span(action, 0, 0, font, font_size, slant, width, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); return code; } offset_u = 0; rufl_utf8_read(string, length, u); if (u <= 0x001f || (0x007f <= u && u <= 0x009f)) font1 = NOT_AVAILABLE; else if (charset && rufl_character_set_test(charset, u)) font1 = font; else if (u < 0x10000) font1 = rufl_substitution_table[u]; else font1 = NOT_AVAILABLE; do { s[0] = u; offset_map[0] = offset_u; n = 1; font0 = font1; /* invariant: s[0..n) is in font font0 */ while (0 < length && n < rufl_PROCESS_CHUNK && font1 == font0) { offset_u = string - string0; rufl_utf8_read(string, length, u); s[n] = u; offset_map[n] = offset_u; if (u <= 0x001f || (0x007f <= u && u <= 0x009f)) font1 = NOT_AVAILABLE; else if (charset && rufl_character_set_test(charset, u)) font1 = font; else if (u < 0x10000) font1 = rufl_substitution_table[u]; else font1 = NOT_AVAILABLE; if (font1 == font0) n++; } if (n == rufl_PROCESS_CHUNK) n--; s[n] = 0; offset_map[n] = offset_u; if (length == 0 && font1 == font0) offset_map[n] = string - string0; if (font0 == NOT_AVAILABLE) code = rufl_process_not_available(action, s, n, font_size, &x, y, flags, click_x, &offset, callback, context); else if (rufl_old_font_manager) code = rufl_process_span_old(action, s, n, font0, font_size, slant, &x, y, flags, click_x, &offset, callback, context); else code = rufl_process_span(action, s, n, font0, font_size, slant, &x, y, flags, click_x, &offset, callback, context); if ((action == rufl_X_TO_OFFSET || action == rufl_SPLIT) && (offset < n || click_x < x)) break; if (code != rufl_OK) return code; } while (!(length == 0 && font1 == font0)); if (action == rufl_WIDTH) *width = x; else if (action == rufl_X_TO_OFFSET || action == rufl_SPLIT) { *char_offset = offset_map[offset]; *actual_x = x; } return rufl_OK; } /** * Render a string of characters from a single RISC OS font. */ rufl_code rufl_process_span(rufl_action action, unsigned short *s, unsigned int n, unsigned int font, unsigned int font_size, unsigned int slant, int *x, int y, unsigned int flags, int click_x, size_t *offset, rufl_callback_t callback, void *context) { unsigned short *split_point; int x_out, y_out; unsigned int i; char font_name[80]; bool oblique = slant && !rufl_font_list[font].slant; font_f f; rufl_code code; code = rufl_find_font(font, font_size, "UTF8", &f); if (code != rufl_OK) return code; if (action == rufl_FONT_BBOX) { rufl_fm_error = xfont_read_info(f, &x[0], &x[1], &x[2], &x[3]); if (rufl_fm_error) return rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR; return rufl_OK; } if (action == rufl_PAINT) { /* paint span */ rufl_fm_error = xfont_paint(f, (const char *) s, font_OS_UNITS | (oblique ? font_GIVEN_TRFM : 0) | font_GIVEN_LENGTH | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN | font_GIVEN16_BIT | ((flags & rufl_BLEND_FONT) ? font_BLEND_FONT : 0), *x, y, 0, &trfm_oblique, n * 2); if (rufl_fm_error) { LOG("xfont_paint: 0x%x: %s", rufl_fm_error->errnum, rufl_fm_error->errmess); for (i = 0; i != n; i++) fprintf(stderr, "0x%x ", s[i]); fprintf(stderr, " (%u)\n", n); return rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR; } } else if (action == rufl_PAINT_CALLBACK) { snprintf(font_name, sizeof font_name, "%s\\EUTF8", rufl_font_list[font].identifier); callback(context, font_name, font_size, 0, s, n, *x, y); } /* increment x by width of span */ if (action == rufl_X_TO_OFFSET || action == rufl_SPLIT) { rufl_fm_error = xfont_scan_string(f, (const char *) s, font_GIVEN_LENGTH | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN | font_GIVEN16_BIT | ((action == rufl_X_TO_OFFSET) ? font_RETURN_CARET_POS : 0), (click_x - *x) * 400, 0x7fffffff, 0, 0, n * 2, (char **)(void *)&split_point, &x_out, &y_out, 0); *offset = split_point - s; } else { rufl_fm_error = xfont_scan_string(f, (const char *) s, font_GIVEN_LENGTH | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN | font_GIVEN16_BIT, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0, 0, n * 2, 0, &x_out, &y_out, 0); } if (rufl_fm_error) { LOG("xfont_scan_string: 0x%x: %s", rufl_fm_error->errnum, rufl_fm_error->errmess); return rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR; } *x += x_out / 400; return rufl_OK; } /** * Render a string of characters from a single RISC OS font (old font manager * version). */ rufl_code rufl_process_span_old(rufl_action action, unsigned short *s, unsigned int n, unsigned int font, unsigned int font_size, unsigned int slant, int *x, int y, unsigned int flags, int click_x, size_t *offset, rufl_callback_t callback, void *context) { char s2[rufl_PROCESS_CHUNK]; char *split_point; int x_out, y_out; unsigned int i; bool oblique = slant && !rufl_font_list[font].slant; font_f f; rufl_code code; struct rufl_unicode_map_entry *entry; code = rufl_find_font(font, font_size, NULL, &f); if (code != rufl_OK) return code; if (action == rufl_FONT_BBOX) { rufl_fm_error = xfont_read_info(f, &x[0], &x[1], &x[2], &x[3]); if (rufl_fm_error) { LOG("xfont_read_info: 0x%x: %s", rufl_fm_error->errnum, rufl_fm_error->errmess); return rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR; } return rufl_OK; } /* convert Unicode string into character string */ for (i = 0; i != n; i++) { entry = bsearch(&s[i], rufl_font_list[font].umap->map, rufl_font_list[font].umap->entries, sizeof rufl_font_list[font].umap->map[0], rufl_unicode_map_search_cmp); s2[i] = entry->c; } s2[i] = 0; if (action == rufl_PAINT) { /* paint span */ /* call Font_SetFont to work around broken PS printer driver, * which doesn't use the font handle from Font_Paint */ rufl_fm_error = xfont_set_font(f); if (rufl_fm_error) { LOG("xfont_set_font: 0x%x: %s", rufl_fm_error->errnum, rufl_fm_error->errmess); return rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR; } rufl_fm_error = xfont_paint(f, s2, font_OS_UNITS | (oblique ? font_GIVEN_TRFM : 0) | font_GIVEN_LENGTH | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN | ((flags & rufl_BLEND_FONT) ? font_BLEND_FONT : 0), *x, y, 0, &trfm_oblique, n); if (rufl_fm_error) { LOG("xfont_paint: 0x%x: %s", rufl_fm_error->errnum, rufl_fm_error->errmess); return rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR; } } else if (action == rufl_PAINT_CALLBACK) { callback(context, rufl_font_list[font].identifier, font_size, s2, 0, n, *x, y); } /* increment x by width of span */ if (action == rufl_X_TO_OFFSET || action == rufl_SPLIT) { rufl_fm_error = xfont_scan_string(f, s2, font_GIVEN_LENGTH | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN | ((action == rufl_X_TO_OFFSET) ? font_RETURN_CARET_POS : 0), (click_x - *x) * 400, 0x7fffffff, 0, 0, n, &split_point, &x_out, &y_out, 0); *offset = split_point - s2; } else { rufl_fm_error = xfont_scan_string(f, s2, font_GIVEN_LENGTH | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0, 0, n, 0, &x_out, &y_out, 0); } if (rufl_fm_error) { LOG("xfont_scan_string: 0x%x: %s", rufl_fm_error->errnum, rufl_fm_error->errmess); return rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR; } *x += x_out / 400; return rufl_OK; } int rufl_unicode_map_search_cmp(const void *keyval, const void *datum) { const unsigned short *key = keyval; const struct rufl_unicode_map_entry *entry = datum; if (*key < entry->u) return -1; else if (entry->u < *key) return 1; return 0; } /** * Render a string of characters not available in any font as their hex code. */ rufl_code rufl_process_not_available(rufl_action action, unsigned short *s, unsigned int n, unsigned int font_size, int *x, int y, unsigned int flags, int click_x, size_t *offset, rufl_callback_t callback, void *context) { char missing[] = "0000"; int dx = 7 * font_size / 64; int top_y = y + 5 * font_size / 64; unsigned int i; font_f f; rufl_code code; if (action == rufl_WIDTH) { *x += n * dx; return rufl_OK; } else if (action == rufl_X_TO_OFFSET || action == rufl_SPLIT) { if (click_x - *x < (int) (n * dx)) *offset = (click_x - *x) / dx; else *offset = n; *x += *offset * dx; return rufl_OK; } code = rufl_find_font(rufl_CACHE_CORPUS, font_size / 2, "Latin1", &f); if (code != rufl_OK) return code; for (i = 0; i != n; i++) { missing[0] = "0123456789abcdef"[(s[i] >> 12) & 0xf]; missing[1] = "0123456789abcdef"[(s[i] >> 8) & 0xf]; missing[2] = "0123456789abcdef"[(s[i] >> 4) & 0xf]; missing[3] = "0123456789abcdef"[(s[i] >> 0) & 0xf]; /* first two characters in top row */ if (action == rufl_PAINT) { rufl_fm_error = xfont_paint(f, missing, font_OS_UNITS | font_GIVEN_LENGTH | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN | ((flags & rufl_BLEND_FONT) ? font_BLEND_FONT : 0), *x, top_y, 0, 0, 2); if (rufl_fm_error) return rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR; } else { callback(context, "Corpus.Medium\\ELatin1", font_size / 2, missing, 0, 2, *x, top_y); } /* last two characters underneath */ if (action == rufl_PAINT) { rufl_fm_error = xfont_paint(f, missing + 2, font_OS_UNITS | font_GIVEN_LENGTH | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN | ((flags & rufl_BLEND_FONT) ? font_BLEND_FONT : 0), *x, y, 0, 0, 2); if (rufl_fm_error) return rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR; } else { callback(context, "Corpus.Medium\\ELatin1", font_size / 2, missing + 2, 0, 2, *x, y); } *x += dx; } return rufl_OK; }