/* test/basictests.c * * Basic tests for the test suite for libwapcaplet * * Copyright 2009 The NetSurf Browser Project * Daniel Silverstone */ #include #include #include "tests.h" /**** Simple tracking allocator ****/ typedef enum { NONE, ALLOC, FREE } alloc_op; static unsigned long bytes = 0; static unsigned long allocs = 0; static void *last_pw = NULL; static alloc_op last_op = NONE; static void * tracking_allocator(void *ptr, size_t len, void *pw) { void *ret; last_pw = pw; if (ptr == NULL) { last_op = ALLOC; bytes += len; allocs++; ret = malloc(len + sizeof(size_t)); *(size_t *)ret = len; return ret + sizeof(size_t); } last_op = FREE; allocs--; bytes -= *(((size_t *)ptr) - 1); free((((size_t *)ptr) - 1)); return NULL; } static lwc_context *ctx = NULL; static void with_tracked_alloc_setup(void) { fail_unless(lwc_create_context(tracking_allocator, NULL, &ctx) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to create context"); fail_unless(allocs == 1, "Creating a context used more than one alloc?"); fail_unless(lwc_context_ref(ctx) == ctx, "Reffing the context failed to return the context."); } static void with_tracked_alloc_teardown(void) { lwc_context_unref(ctx); fail_unless(allocs == 0, "Unreffing the context failed to free everything left."); } START_TEST (test_tracking_one_intern) { lwc_string *str; fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "one", 3, &str) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'one'"); fail_unless(allocs == 2, "Interning a string into a fresh context didn't."); } END_TEST START_TEST (test_tracking_one_intern_twice) { lwc_string *str; fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "one", 3, &str) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'one'"); fail_unless(allocs == 2, "Interning a string into a fresh context didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "one", 3, &str) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'one' again"); fail_unless(allocs == 2, "Interning a string again still did."); } END_TEST START_TEST (test_tracking_two_interns) { lwc_string *one, *ONE; fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "one", 3, &one) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'one'"); fail_unless(allocs == 2, "Interning a string into a fresh context didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "ONE", 3, &ONE) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'one' again"); fail_unless(allocs == 3, "Interning a new string didn't."); } END_TEST START_TEST (test_tracking_two_interns_caseless1) { lwc_string *one, *ONE; bool comp = false; fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "one", 3, &one) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'one'"); fail_unless(allocs == 2, "Interning a string into a fresh context didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "ONE", 3, &ONE) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'ONE'"); fail_unless(allocs == 3, "Interning a new string didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx, one, ONE, &comp) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to caseless compare"); fail_unless(allocs == 3, "Caseless compare created worthless new values"); fail_unless(comp == true, "Caseless compare failed to spot that 'one' and 'ONE' are the same"); } END_TEST START_TEST (test_tracking_two_interns_caseless2) { lwc_string *one, *ONE; bool comp = false; fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "oNe", 3, &one) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'oNe'"); fail_unless(allocs == 2, "Interning a string into a fresh context didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "ONE", 3, &ONE) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'ONE'"); fail_unless(allocs == 3, "Interning a new string didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx, one, ONE, &comp) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to caseless compare"); fail_unless(allocs == 4, "Caseless compare didn't make one caseless 'one'"); fail_unless(comp == true, "Caseless compare failed to spot that 'oNe' and 'ONE' are the same"); } END_TEST START_TEST (test_tracking_caseless_unref1) { lwc_string *one, *ONE; bool comp = false; fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "one", 3, &one) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'one'"); fail_unless(allocs == 2, "Interning a string into a fresh context didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "ONE", 3, &ONE) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'ONE'"); fail_unless(allocs == 3, "Interning a new string didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx, one, ONE, &comp) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to caseless compare"); fail_unless(allocs == 3, "Caseless compare made pointless additional 'one'"); fail_unless(comp == true, "Caseless compare failed to spot that 'oNe' and 'ONE' are the same"); lwc_context_string_unref(ctx, ONE); fail_unless(allocs == 2, "Unreffing 'ONE' failed to free something"); } END_TEST START_TEST (test_tracking_caseless_unref2) { lwc_string *one, *ONE; bool comp = false; fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "one", 3, &one) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'one'"); fail_unless(allocs == 2, "Interning a string into a fresh context didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "ONE", 3, &ONE) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'ONE'"); fail_unless(allocs == 3, "Interning a new string didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx, one, ONE, &comp) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to caseless compare"); fail_unless(allocs == 3, "Caseless compare made pointless additional 'one'"); fail_unless(comp == true, "Caseless compare failed to spot that 'oNe' and 'ONE' are the same"); lwc_context_string_unref(ctx, ONE); fail_unless(allocs == 2, "Unreffing 'ONE' failed to free something"); lwc_context_string_unref(ctx, one); fail_unless(allocs == 1, "Unreffing 'one' failed to free something"); } END_TEST START_TEST (test_tracking_caseless_unref3) { lwc_string *one, *ONE; bool comp = false; fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "one", 3, &one) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'one'"); fail_unless(allocs == 2, "Interning a string into a fresh context didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_intern(ctx, "ONE", 3, &ONE) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to intern 'ONE'"); fail_unless(allocs == 3, "Interning a new string didn't."); fail_unless(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx, one, ONE, &comp) == lwc_error_ok, "Unable to caseless compare"); fail_unless(allocs == 3, "Caseless compare made pointless additional 'one'"); fail_unless(comp == true, "Caseless compare failed to spot that 'oNe' and 'ONE' are the same"); lwc_context_string_unref(ctx, one); fail_unless(allocs == 3, "Unreffing 'one' freed something"); lwc_context_string_unref(ctx, ONE); fail_unless(allocs == 1, "Unreffing 'ONE' failed to free both things"); } END_TEST /**** And the suites are set up here ****/ void lwc_memory_suite(SRunner *sr) { Suite *s = suite_create("libwapcaplet: Memory allocation tests"); TCase *tc_mem = tcase_create("memory"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_mem, with_tracked_alloc_setup, with_tracked_alloc_teardown); tcase_add_test(tc_mem, test_tracking_one_intern); tcase_add_test(tc_mem, test_tracking_one_intern_twice); tcase_add_test(tc_mem, test_tracking_two_interns); tcase_add_test(tc_mem, test_tracking_two_interns_caseless1); tcase_add_test(tc_mem, test_tracking_two_interns_caseless2); tcase_add_test(tc_mem, test_tracking_caseless_unref1); tcase_add_test(tc_mem, test_tracking_caseless_unref2); tcase_add_test(tc_mem, test_tracking_caseless_unref3); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_mem); srunner_add_suite(sr, s); }