path: root/release/process.mdwn
diff options
authorVincent Sanders <>2017-02-14 10:06:59 +0000
committerVincent Sanders <>2017-02-14 10:06:59 +0000
commitb5e04eb14eb7d6f4c1eb01d0ce98660034f1fa8b (patch)
treed72a8f5fb066ae1a35da3bd99b5c34c017b44c8f /release/process.mdwn
parent90a93ee16d3374309dd36842f75a034706ce40e8 (diff)
move release files into a separate directory
Diffstat (limited to 'release/process.mdwn')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/release/process.mdwn b/release/process.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9243a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/process.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+[[!meta title="Release Process"]]
+[[!meta author="DanielSilverstone"]]
+[[!meta date="2016-11-19T12:05:07Z"]]
+Releasing a new version of NetSurf and libraries
+firstly the libraries and tool sources should be created (only if they
+need an update)
+Order to release components in (if they require releasing)
+buildsystem is first and has an extra step
+Then libraries using the core buildsystem
+- libwapcaplet
+- libparserutils
+- libcss
+- libhubbub
+- libdom
+- libnsbmp
+- libnsgif
+- librosprite
+- libnsfb
+- libsvgtiny
+- nsgenbind
+- libutf8proc
+- libnsutils
+- libnspsl
+- libpencil
+- librufl
+NetSurf itself is last
+Release of the buildsystem
+The buildsystem follows exactly the same process as below except there
+is an additional step
+Because this is the buildsystem and provides the makefiles for all the
+other source builds you must go to the CI server and ensure the
+source-buildsystem job has successfully run and produced output in
+Release for projects using buildsystem
+We perform all releases from git simply by pushing a
+release/<version number> tag
+Before creating the tag you should do some basic checks
+check the COMPONENT\_VERSION in the root Makefile matches the version
+number you are releasing, if not change it and commit it so it does.
+Any files that should not be put in the distribution archive must be
+placed in the .gitattributes file, as a minimum it should contain
+attributes for the .gitignore and gitattributes files e.g.
+`.gitignore export-ignore`
+`.gitattributes export-ignore`
+in your clone do
+`git branch -vv`
+ensure the top commit looks right and is what you want to tag, for extra
+paranoia check the .git/config to ensure the origin is the correct
+server. You do **not** have to tag from master, for example if this is a
+maintenance release of an old edition and you are tagging from a branch
+etc. just **ensure** you are where you want the release to be.
+Create the tag with
+`git tag -s -m 'Official Release' release/`<version number>
+Ensure the version number in the tag matches the component version.
+Now run
+`make dist`
+if you get
+Makefile:45: \*\*\* Component Version "1.0" and GIT tag version "1.1" do
+not match. Stop.
+you did not get the tag and version numbers lined up, go back, remove
+your local tag with
+`git tag -d release/`<bad version>
+and try again
+when you get a buildsystem-1.0.tar.gz (with appropriate version number)
+well done
+Check the contents of the tar are what you intended to release and
+adjust if not (obviously you will need to remove your local tag and
+start over with fresh commits.
+Next do a dry run push
+`git push -n --tags`
+ensure this shown the correct repo and the release tag something like
+`[gitano] Welcome to the NetSurf Gitano instance.`
+`To `[`ssh://`](ssh://
+` * [new tag]         release/1.0 -> release/1.0`
+If that verifies as correct
+`git push --tags`
+`git push`
+and the release tag is pushed, too late now so be careful and check!
+Releasing NetSurf
+ensure you are at the commit from which you want to create the release
+`git branch -vv`
+Remember that if you are releasing X.Y then amiga calls that X.Y+1 so
+don't be confused and do update amiga stuff.
+check the resources for the frontends you are releasing are up to date
+- copyright years
+- amiga/pkg/netsurf.readme and amiga/pkg/netsurf\_os3.readme
+- windows/res/installer.nsi
+create a branch release/<version number> and switch to it
+`git branch release/3.1`
+`git checkout release/3.1`
+update desktop/version.c to something like
+`#include "testament.h"`
+`const char * const netsurf_version = "3.6 (25th April 2016)";`
+`const int netsurf_version_major = 3;`
+`const int netsurf_version_minor = 6;`
+update amiga/version.c along the same lines
+once you are sure everything is correct, committed push it to the repo
+`git push origin release/3.1`
+finally tag the branch for release
+`git tag -s -m 'Official Release' release/`<version number>
+Next do a dry run push
+`git push -n --tags`
+ensure this shown the correct repo and the release tag something like
+`[gitano] Welcome to the NetSurf Gitano instance.`
+`To `[`ssh://`](ssh://
+` * [new tag]         release/3.1 -> release/3.1`
+If that verifies as correct
+`git push --tags`
+and the release tag is pushed, too late now so be careful and check!
+Next the branch must be merged back to master.
+`git checkout master`
+`git merge -s ours heads/release/3.1`
+Then edit desktop/version.c ready for the next release cycle
+`git add desktop/version.c`
+`git commit -m 'update version info for next development cycle'`
+finally push master
+`git push origin master`
+Please do ensure you \*thoroughly\* check your work at each step as
+mistakes are hard to fix once pushed.
+Releasing the all source
+clone the all repo
+`git clone `[`ssh://`](ssh://
+ensure ther submodules are initialised
+`git submodule init`
+output will be something like
+`Submodule 'buildsystem' () registered for path 'buildsystem'`
+`Submodule 'libcss' () registered for path 'libcss'`
+`Submodule 'libdom' () registered for path 'libdom'`
+`Submodule 'libhubbub' () registered for path 'libhubbub'`
+`Submodule 'libnsbmp' () registered for path 'libnsbmp'`
+`Submodule 'libnsfb' () registered for path 'libnsfb'`
+`Submodule 'libnsgif' () registered for path 'libnsgif'`
+`Submodule 'libparserutils' () registered for path 'libparserutils'`
+`Submodule 'libpencil' () registered for path 'libpencil'`
+`Submodule 'librosprite' () registered for path 'librosprite'`
+`Submodule 'librufl' () registered for path 'librufl'`
+`Submodule 'libsvgtiny' () registered for path 'libsvgtiny'`
+`Submodule 'libwapcaplet' () registered for path 'libwapcaplet'`
+`Submodule 'netsurf' () registered for path 'netsurf'`
+`Submodule 'nsgenbind' () registered for path 'nsgenbind'`
+ensure the submodules are updated
+`git submodule update`
+for each submodule listed above the correct revision must be set. A
+utility target is provided in the makefile
+`make release-checkout`
+This obtains the most recent release tag for each submodule and checks
+it out, equivalent to:
+`cd buildsystem`
+`git checkout origin/HEAD`
+`git checkout $(git describe --abbrev=0 --match="release/*" )`
+`cd ..`
+once each submodule has been updated in the top level netsurf-all
+directory. The modified submodules should then be added ready for commit
+`git add buildsystem libcss libdom libhubbub libnsbmp libnsfb libnsgif libparserutils librosprite libsvgtiny libwapcaplet netsurf nsgenbind`
+`git commit -m 'Update for 3.1 release'`
+finally tag the branch for release
+`git tag -s -m 'Official Release' release/`<version number>
+Next do a dry run push
+`git push -n --tags`
+ensure this shown the correct repo and the release tag something like
+`[gitano] Welcome to the NetSurf Gitano instance.`
+`To `[`ssh://`](ssh://
+` * [new tag]         release/3.1 -> release/3.1`
+If that verifies as correct
+`git push --tags`
+and the release tag is pushed, too late now so be careful and check!
+The netsurf release version must be marked as released in mantis and the
+next development version added if its not already present