[[!meta title="Continuous Integration Debian Stretch Setup"]] [[!meta author="Kyllikki"]] [[!meta date="2017-05-28T12:46:14Z"]] [[!toc]] ## Debian 9 (Stretch) OS install ### amd64 VDS install from media [[Virtual server setup|virtual_host_server]] Install minimal system from netinst CD (attached when VDS is created on phoenix) Config options: - In the "role" selection select "ssh server" and "system utilities" only. - The whole disc default partitioning is fine - The base user the install insists on creating should be the netsurf user. - Boot loader in MBR Once installed: - install sudo package and add netsurf user to sudo group - edit /etc/default/grub `GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"` `# update-grub2` ### arm64 VDS install [[ARM64 virtual server setup|virtual_host_server_arm64]] Once installed: - create netsurf user - install sudo package and add netsurf user to sudo group - edit /etc/inittab comment pty 3 through 6 and uncomment serial T0 - enable backports `echo "deb `[`http://http.debian.net/debian`](http://http.debian.net/debian)` stretch-backports main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list` `apt-get update` - install updated kernel `apt-get install linux-image-4.3.0-0.bpo.1-arm64` ### Scaleway node Scaleway servers are currently used for ARM64 and armhf workers. Although we have self-hosted hardware for both of these node types these nodes are conveniant alternatives. For AMD64 workers just create zero cost instances on phoenix! Use the scaleway dashboard to create a server of the correct architecture and Debian jessie image (it has to be upgraded currently) a minimal 50G root volume is plenty of storage. once started ssh to the image using the appropriate ssh key `ssh -i .ssh/keys/id_rsa.netsurf root@` edit \etc\hostname to contain nsciworker17 edit \etc\hosts to set loopback name resolution nsciworker17 localhost ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ci.netsurf-browser.org vpn.netsurf-browser.org `adduser netsurf` ensure netsurf user has ssh key installed edit /etc/group to add netsurf to sudo group edit /etc/apt/sources/list to be stretch # apt-get update # apt-get dist-upgrade # apt-get clean # halt use dashboard power toggle to force a hard reboot login as netsurf and use `sudo -i` to get root terminal something in the update appears to break journalctl # mkdir -p /var/log/journal # rm /etc/machine-id # systemd-machine-id-setup # systemd-tmpfiles --create --prefix /var/log/journal # service systemd-journald restart edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to disable password login. ensure you can login using certificates *before* you do this! # To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here! PasswordAuthentication no `# apt-get install fail2ban` edit /etc/fail2ban/jail.local [DEFAULT] # "bantime" is the number of seconds that a host is banned. bantime = 1200 # A host is banned if it has generated "maxretry" during the last "findtime" # seconds. findtime = 1200 maxretry = 3 [ssh] enabled = true port = ssh filter = sshd logpath = /var/log/auth.log maxretry = 2 `# apt-get install openvpn` create /etc/openvpn/netsurf.conf client dev tap_netsurf proto tcp remote vpn.netsurf-browser.org 1194 resolv-retry infinite nobind user nobody group nogroup persist-key persist-tun lladdr 0E:00:00:00:03:17 ca /etc/openvpn/netsurf-keys/ca.crt cert /etc/openvpn/netsurf-keys/ciworker17.crt key /etc/openvpn/netsurf-keys/ciworker17.key ns-cert-type server comp-lzo # Set log file verbosity. verb 3 script-security 2 up /etc/openvpn/netsurf-up down /etc/openvpn/netsurf-down create /etc/openvpn/netsurf-up #!/bin/sh ifup tap_netsurf create /etc/openvpn/netsurf-down #!/bin/sh ifdown tap_netsurf edit /etc/network/interfaces and add # netsurf auto tap_netsurf iface tap_netsurf inet dhcp `mkdir /etc/openvpn/netsurf-keys` copy openvpn keys from master node into /etc/openvpn/netsurf-keys edit /etc/default/openvpn to have AUTOSTART="netsurf" reload config and restart openvpn # systemctl daemon-reload # service restart openvpn # systemctl status openvpn@netsurf.service ### Banana Pi This system is a dual core ARMv7 allwinner using the armhf ABI Used the install SD media from [[armbian|https://dl.armbian.com/bananapi/Debian_jessie_next.7z]] - unzip and write raw file to full size SD card. Once installed: - first login as root:1234 which will need to be immediately changed - use the nand-sata-install script and moved the install to sata disc. The drive needs to be a clean drive with a recognised partition table (DOS or GPT) and a single partition where the OS will be installed. - edit /etc/init.d/armhwinfo to remove the toilet dynamic MOTD banner - (re)move /etc/bash.bashrc.custom as it issues a lot of unnecessary commands - adduser netsurf - change /etc/apt/sources.list to point at a local mirror - apt-get update - apt-get upgrade - install sudo package and add netsurf user to sudo group ### Raspberry Pi 2 This system is a quad core ARMv7 Broadcom using the armhf ABI Used install media from [[http://sjoerd.luon.net/posts/2015/02/debian-stretch-on-rpi2/ Sjored|http///sjoerd.luon.net/posts/2015/02/debian-stretch-on-rpi2/_sjored]] - unpack onto micro SD card with bmap-tools `On any debian-based linux type "sudo apt-get install bmap-tools" and install it.` `Then type "sudo bmaptool copy --nobmap 'yourlocation/stretch-rpi2.img' /dev/sdx" (Change yourlocation to the location of the .img file and sdx for the letter where the SD is mounted, if you don't know it type "sudo fdisk -l" and look for it).` Once installed: - first login as root:debian which will need to be immediately changed - Prevent package FLASH-KERNEL UPDATING FROM OFFICIAL REPO WITH APT PINNING `'touch /etc/apt/preferences.d/flash-kernel' create a new file` `'vi /etc/apt/preferences.d/flash-kernel' edit it an add the following lines to it:` `Package: flash-kernel` `Pin: origin repositories.collabora.co.uk` `Pin-Priority: 1000` `'apt-cache policy flash-kernel' check if the package is pinned` - change /etc/apt/sources.list to point at a local mirror - apt-get update - apt-get upgrade - adduser netsurf - install sudo package and add netsurf user to sudo group ### Orange Pi PC This system is a quad core ARMv7 allwinner H3 using the armhf ABI Use [[armbian||https://dl.armbian.com/orangepipc/Debian_jessie_default.7z]] - unpack image and write to micro SD card and configure as per banana pi instructions Once installed: - first login as root:1234 which will need to be immediately changed `* superuser available via sudo -i` - change /etc/apt/sources.list to point at a local mirror - apt-get update - apt-get upgrade - alter orangepi user to netsurf by editing `/etc/group (dont forget to replace orangepi on the sudo group)` `/etc/passwd` `/etc/shadow` `mv /home/orangepi /home/netsurf` ## Packaged CI worker install Do a base OS install The recommended hostname for CI workers is "nsciworker17" this allows us to clearly identify CI worker nodes. Note historically we have used "cislave1" which has been objected to by several users. See [[changing hostname|https://wiki.debian.org/howto/changehostname_changing_hostname]] on how to achive this. On master jenkins use "manage nodes" to create new node. Ensure "remote fs root" is set to /var/lib/jenkins add variable JENKINS\_HOME set to /var/lib/jenkins Note: replace arm64 with architecture name as required (armhf etc.) As superuser: - create jenkins user `adduser --system --group --home /var/lib/jenkins/ --disabled-login jenkins` - Add CI server repo to slave apt sources `echo "deb `[`http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/debian/`](http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/debian/)` stretch/amd64/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/netsurf-browser.list` - update repos `apt-get update` - install ns-ci-worker package. accept the large package list and the unsigned package install for gcovr and ns-ci-slave `apt-get install ns-ci-worker` - edit /etc/default/ns-ci-worker to set the correct url and secret parameters - ensure /opt is setup correctly to allow toolchains to be built on the node `mkdir -p /opt/netsurf` `chown jenkins:jenkins /opt/netsurf` - become jenkins user `su -s/bin/bash - jenkins` - create ssh keypair (accept defaults - no password) `ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "netsurf@nsciworker17.netsurf-browser.org"` - copy .ssh/id\_rsa.pub from worker to jenkins master node and append to /home/netsurf/.ssh/authorized\_keys `scp /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa.pub netsurf@ci.netsurf-browser.org:nsciworker17_id_rsa.pub` - exit jenkins user shell - start CI worker daemon `/etc/init.d/ns-ci-worker start` ## Pbuilder setup This allows a worker to build Debian packages. The worker should be installed as a normal CI worker node and then: as superuser on node: # apt-get install pbuilder # addgroup pbuilder # addgroup jenkins pbuilder create /etc/sudoers.d/pbuilder jenkins ALL = NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/pbuilder `visudo` and alter Defaults `Defaults        env_reset,env_keep="DIST ARCH"` replace /etc/pbuilderrc # this is your configuration file for pbuilder. # the file in /usr/share/pbuilder/pbuilderrc is the default template. # /etc/pbuilderrc is the one meant for overwriting defaults in # the default template # # read pbuilderrc.5 document for notes on specific options. # List of Debian suites. DEBIAN_SUITES=("sid", "stretch", "jessie", "wheezy", "squeeze") # List of Ubuntu suites. UBUNTU_SUITES=("vivid" "utopic" "trusty" "saucy" "raring" "quantal" "precise" "oneiric" "natty" "lucid" "hardy") # Mirrors to use. Update these to your preferred mirror. DEBIAN_MIRROR="ftp.uk.debian.org" UBUNTU_MIRROR="mirrors.kernel.org" # set a default distribution if none is used. : ${DIST:="$(lsb_release --short --codename)"} # set the architecture to the host architecture if none set. : ${ARCH:="$(dpkg --print-architecture)"} NAME="$DIST" if [ -n "${ARCH}" ]; then NAME="$NAME-$ARCH" DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS=("--arch" "$ARCH" "${DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS[@]}") fi BASETGZ="/var/cache/pbuilder/$NAME-base.tgz" DISTRIBUTION="$DIST" BUILDRESULT="/var/cache/pbuilder/$NAME/result/" APTCACHE="/var/cache/pbuilder/$NAME/aptcache/" BUILDPLACE="/var/cache/pbuilder/build/" if $(echo ${DEBIAN_SUITES[@]} | grep -q $DIST); then # Debian configuration MIRRORSITE="http://$DEBIAN_MIRROR/debian/" COMPONENTS="main contrib non-free" if $(echo "$STABLE_CODENAME stable" | grep -q $DIST); then OTHERMIRROR="$OTHERMIRROR | deb $MIRRORSITE $STABLE_BACKPORTS_SUITE $COMPONENTS" fi elif $(echo ${UBUNTU_SUITES[@]} | grep -q $DIST); then # Ubuntu configuration MIRRORSITE="http://$UBUNTU_MIRROR/ubuntu/" COMPONENTS="main restricted universe multiverse" else echo "Unknown distribution: $DIST" exit 1 fi The architecture is assumed to be the native one from `dpkg --print-architecture` This can be set by passing ARCH to pbuilder (useful for i386 maybe?) for each distribution this node will build for: create pbuilder result directory and set ownership permissions # mkdir -p /var/cache/pbuilder/stretch-armhf/result # chown root:pbuilder /var/cache/pbuilder/stretch-armhf/result # chmod g+w /var/cache/pbuilder/stretch-armhf/result become jenkins user `su -s/bin/bash - jenkins` create pbuilder base for distribution `sudo DIST=stretch pbuilder create` if desired additional packages and config can be made to the base with `sudo DIST=stretch pbuilder login --save-after-login` ## distcc worker node Do a basic OS install but \*not\* a CI worker setup. A recommended hostname for distcc worker is something like "cicpu0" this allows us to use systems as processing node for other purposes than just distcc in future. See debians [[changing hostname|https://wiki.debian.org/howto/changehostname_changing_hostname]] on how to achive this. The Netsurf repository has necessary updated packages in it and can be accessed by doing the following: Add CI server repo to worker apt sources `echo "deb `[`http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/builds/debian/`](http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/builds/debian/)` stretch/amd64/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list` update repos `apt-get update` use apt to install these packages: `build-essential` `gcc` `clang` `distcc` edit /etc/default/distcc STARTDISTCC="true" ALLOWEDNETS="" LISTEN="" JOBS="8" start the service `service distcc start` ensure the client has hosts set to use the new worker ## Manual CI worker install Caution these instructions may not be up to date. ### required packages The Netsurf repository has necessary updated packages in it and can be accessed by doing the following: - Add CI server repo to slave apt sources `echo "deb `[`http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/builds/debian/`](http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/builds/debian/)` stretch/amd64/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list` - update repos `apt-get update` use apt to install these packages: `openjdk-7-jre-headless ` `screen ` `build-essential` `ccache` `clang` `git` `pkg-config` `check` `doxygen` `libjson0-dev (from our repo - needs bugfixes `[`http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/builds/debian/`](http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/builds/debian/)`)` `libexpat1-dev` `libxml-perl` `libxml-xpath-perl` `lcov` `gcovr (from our repo)` `gperf` `flex` `bison` `libpng-dev` `libjpeg-dev` `libmozjs185-dev` `libglib2.0-dev` `libcurl4-openssl-dev` `liblcms1-dev` `libxml2-dev` `librsvg2-dev` `libmng-dev` `libgtk2.0-dev` `libmozjs-dev` ### config - on master jenkins use "manage nodes" to create new node. Ensure "remote fs root" is set to /home/netsurf/jenkins - create netsurf user - as netsurf user: - wget - run screen - create jenkins-slave.sh `#!/bin/bash` `java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl `[`http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/jenkins/computer/chimera/slave-agent.jnlp`](http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/jenkins/computer/chimera/slave-agent.jnlp)` -secret 0123456789abcdef01234567890abcdef` - - run jenkins-slave.sh - create new screen tab - create ssh keypair (accept defaults - no password) `ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "netsurf@cislave0.netsurf-browser.org"` - - copy .ssh/id\_rsa.pub from slave to jenkins master node and append to /home/netsurf/.ssh/authorized\_keys `scp ci.netsurf-browser.org:.ssh/id_rsa.pub .id_rsa.pub` `cat id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys` - - copy .ssh/id\_rsa.pub from master node to slave and append to /home/netsurf/.ssh/authorized\_keys - create reverse-ssh.sh (change tunnel port number!) `#!/bin/sh` `ssh -R 22224:localhost:22 netsurf@ci.netsurf-browser.org 'bash -c "while true; do echo .; sleep 60; done"'` - - run reverse-ssh.sh - on the master create a shell script to use the ssh tunnel connection, thus firewalls etc are moot as long as the slave can connect to the master `ssh netsurf@localhost -p 22223`