[[!meta title="Continuous Integration Debian Wheezy Setup"]] [[!meta author="Kyllikki"]] [[!meta date="2014-12-20T11:46:57Z"]] [[!toc]] ## Debian wheezy (7.0) OS install Install minimal system from netinst CD (attached when VDS is created on phoenix) Config options: - In the "role" selection select "ssh server" and "system utilities" only. - The whole disc default partitioning is fine - The base user the install insists on creating should be the netsurf user. - Boot loader in MBR Once installed: - install sudo package and add netsurf user to sudo group - edit /etc/inittab comment pty 3 through 6 and uncomment serial T0 ## Packaged Setup for Debian wheezy (7.0) on master jenkins use "manage nodes" to create new node. Ensure "remote fs root" is set to /var/lib/jenkins add variable JENKINS\_HOME set to /var/lib/jenkins As superuser: - create jenkins user `adduser --system --group --home /var/lib/jenkins/ --disabled-login jenkins` - Add CI server repo to slave apt sources `echo "deb `[`http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/debian/`](http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/debian/)` wheezy/amd64/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/netsurf-browser.list` - update repos `apt-get update` - install ns-ci-slave package. accept the large package list and the unsigned package install for gcovr and ns-ci-slave `apt-get install ns-ci-slave` - edit /etc/default/ns-ci-slave to set the correct url and secret parameters - If toolchains are to be built on the node ensure /opt is setup correctly `mkdir -p /opt/netsurf` `chown jenkins:jenkins /opt/netsurf` - become jenkins user `su -s/bin/bash - jenkins` - create ssh keypair (accept defaults - no password) `ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "netsurf@cislave10.netsurf-browser.org"` - copy .ssh/id\_rsa.pub from slave to jenkins master node and append to /home/netsurf/.ssh/authorized\_keys `scp /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa.pub netsurf@ci.netsurf-browser.org:cislave10_id_rsa.pub` - exit jenkins user shell - start slave daemon `/etc/init.d/ns-ci-slave start` ## Manual Setup of Debian wheezy (7.0) ### required packages use apt to install all these. The Netsurf repository has the necessary updated packages in it and can be accessed by doing the following: - Add CI server repo to slave apt sources `echo "deb `[`http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/builds/debian/`](http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/builds/debian/)` wheezy/amd64/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list` - update repos `apt-get update` `openjdk-7-jre-headless ` `screen ` `build-essential` `ccache` `clang` `git` `pkg-config` `check` `doxygen` `libjson0-dev (from our repo - needs bugfixes `[`http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/builds/debian/`](http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/builds/debian/)`)` `libexpat1-dev` `libxml-perl` `libxml-xpath-perl` `lcov` `gcovr (from our repo)` `gperf` `flex` `bison` `libpng-dev` `libjpeg-dev` `libmozjs185-dev` `libglib2.0-dev` `libcurl4-openssl-dev` `liblcms1-dev` `libxml2-dev` `librsvg2-dev` `libmng-dev` `libgtk2.0-dev` `libmozjs-dev` ### config - on master jenkins use "manage nodes" to create new node. Ensure "remote fs root" is set to /home/netsurf/jenkins - create netsurf user - as netsurf user: - wget - run screen - create jenkins-slave.sh `#!/bin/bash` `java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl `[`http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/jenkins/computer/chimera/slave-agent.jnlp`](http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/jenkins/computer/chimera/slave-agent.jnlp)` -secret 0123456789abcdef01234567890abcdef` - - run jenkins-slave.sh - create new screen tab - create ssh keypair (accept defaults - no password) `ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "netsurf@cislave0.netsurf-browser.org"` - - copy .ssh/id\_rsa.pub from slave to jenkins master node and append to /home/netsurf/.ssh/authorized\_keys `scp ci.netsurf-browser.org:.ssh/id_rsa.pub .id_rsa.pub` `cat id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys` - - copy .ssh/id\_rsa.pub from master node to slave and append to /home/netsurf/.ssh/authorized\_keys - create reverse-ssh.sh (change tunnel port number!) `#!/bin/sh` `ssh -R 22224:localhost:22 netsurf@ci.netsurf-browser.org 'bash -c "while true; do echo .; sleep 60; done"'` - - run reverse-ssh.sh - on the master create a shell script to use the ssh tunnel connection, thus firewalls etc are moot as long as the slave can connect to the master `ssh netsurf@localhost -p 22223`