[[!meta title="LibDOM/Events Support Status"]] [[!meta author="Struggleyb"]] [[!meta date="2009-08-14T09:08:39Z"]] [[!toc]] Level 1 ------- Level 1 has No Events model defined at all. ^_^ Level 2 ------- The DOMTS test result for this level are: Total: 26 Passed: 19 Failed: 7 Conversion Error: 5 Compile Error: 1 Run Error: 1 Not Support: 0 The errors mostly root from our conversion script, there are many new XML elements need to be converted before all the testcase's XML file can be converted successfully. But there are only 6 test cases failed, I don't think it worth the work to write a more complex conversion script to just deal with 6 trivial test cases. So, just leave it as this. EventTarget: addEventListener: Yes removeEventListener: Yes dispatchEvent: Yes EventListener: All Event: type: Yes target: Yes currentTarget: Yes eventPhase: Yes bubbles: Yes cancelable: Yes timeStamp: Yes stopPropagation: Yes preventDefault: Yes initEvent: Yes EventException: All DocumentEvent: createEvent: Yes UIEvent: view: Yes(But no AbstractView support!) detail: Yes initUIEvent: Yes MouseEvent: All MutationEvent: All Level 3 ------- The DOMTS test result for this level are: Total: 1 Passed: 0 Failed: 1 Conversion Error: 1 Compile Error: 0 Run Error: 0 Not Support: 0 The errors mostly root from our conversion script, there are many new XML elements need to be converted before all the testcase's XML file can be converted successfully. But there are only 1 test case failed, I don't think it worth the work to write a more complex conversion script to just deal with 6 trivial test cases. So, just leave it as this. Event: namespaceURI: No stopImmediatePropagation: Yes defaultPrevented: Yes initEventNS: Yes CustomEvent: All EventTarget: addEventListenerNS: No removeEventListenerNS: No DocumentEvent: canDispatch: No UIEvent: All TextEvent: All KeyboardEvent: All MouseEvent: All MouseMultiWheelEvent: All MouseWheelEvent: All MutationEvent: All MutationNameEvent: All