[[!meta title="Society/Constitution"]] [[!meta author="Tlsa"]] [[!meta date="2009-07-08T14:55:53Z"]] [[!toc]] This is the constitution of the NetSurf Society. 1. This document details the constitution of the the NetSurf Project Society, hereinafter referred to as "the Society". 2. Membership of the Society is non-transferable and is open to any person who fulfils any of the following: 1. The person is an active developer of any of the NetSurf Project's programmes or libraries or documentation or websites thereof. Such a person is defined by their having commit access to the NetSurf Project's central revision control system and having made a non-trivial commit within the past 12 months. 2. The person is an active developer as defined in A but, instead of having commit access to the NetSurf Project's central revision control system, their non-trivial updates, patches, modifications or new content is sponsored by an extant Member of the Society such that it is committed to the NetSurf Project's central revision control system on their behalf. 3. Membership is free of charge, no subscription payments will be due. 4. The Committee comprises three roles: Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. 5. Membership applications and resignations must be made in writing (email or by post) or in person to the current holder of the Secretary role. 6. The Secretary will accept and approve any such application providing the applicant fulfils any of the subclauses of 2. Resignation of membership is subject to no conditions for normal Members, and is predicated on a replacement having been elected for Committee Members. 7. Membership is automatically terminated if any of the following are determined to be true: 1. The Member dies 2. The Member ceases to fulfil any of the requirements as laid out in the subclauses of 2. 8. The Society's objects (the Objects) are: 1. To promote the use of, and advance the development of the NetSurf Web Browser 2. To promote the use of, and advance the development of the NetSurf Project's other applications and libraries. 9. All income and property of the Society shall be applied towards furthering the Objects. 10. The Society will hold an annual general meeting (AGM) each year. At least 11 months and no more than 15 months may elapse between successive AGMs. 11. Any single member of the Committee, or 3 Members of the Society acting in concert may call an EGM at any time by requesting it of the Secretary in writing or in person. 12. No less than two weeks will elapse between the calling of a meeting (either AGM or EGM) and the meeting taking place. 13. Meetings may occur physically or in the IRC channel \#netsurf on the Freenode IRC network. 14. The Committee is elected at the AGM and the Committee Members serve the period starting immediately after the end of the AGM at which they were elected and ending at the end of the subsequent AGM. 15. Nominations for Committee roles and any motions to be considered at an AGM or EGM will be announced to the Members no more than one week and no less than four days before the meeting. 16. Motions and nominations for Committee members must be submitted to the Secretary after the announcement of the AGM (or an EGM called for the purpose of electing a new Committee member) and must arrive no less than one week before the meeting so that they can be included in the announcement detailed in 15. A candidate for a Committee role may withdraw themselves from consideration at any time up to the point at which the vote is called at the meeting. Should a given committee role not have any nominations by this time, or should all nominees withdraw before the vote, the incumbent is considered to be automatically re-nominated. 17. All Members of the Society have one vote. 18. Votes may only be cast by the Member unless previously delegated in writing to the Secretary. 19. Votes may be cast ahead of the meeting by providing a written account of the vote the Member wishes to cast to the Secretary no less than 24 hours ahead of the meeting. 20. A meeting is considered quorate if at least one Committee member is present and at least three other Members are present or have registered absent votes for all motions and nominations being considered. 21. Should a Committee member wish to resign, an EGM shall be called to elect a different Member to that role. The Member wishing to resign the role shall serve until such a meeting can take place. The newly elected Member will serve until the end of the subsequent AGM. 22. Should membership of the Society fall below five Members, or should it prove not possible to elect a Committee, then an EGM will be called to attempt to resolve the situation. Should the EGM end without membership increasing to at least five or without an elected Committee, then the Society will be dissolved. 23. Should a motion at an EGM or AGM be to dissolve the Society, then a two-thirds majority including at least one Committee Member will be required for the motion to pass. 24. Should the society be dissolved, the following must be fulfilled: 1. A resolution detailing the procedure for disposing of any assets belonging to the Society must be passed by a two-thirds majority of the remaining Members of the Society 2. The most recently elected Committee will then execute the resolution as passed. 25. No Member may simultaneously occupy more than one role on the Committee. 26. Signatories on any bank accounts held in the name of the Society shall be the members of the Committee. 27. Should the membership of the Committee change, it shall be the task of the Secretary (both old and new if changing) to ensure that the Bank remain informed of the permitted signatories and to ensure that any required paperwork is executed to that effect. 28. All votes are non-secret and all Members will be notified of the results of motions and nominations by the Secretary after any general meeting. 29. This Constitution may be amended by a motion passed by simple majority at any quorate general meeting.