/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 Phil Mellor * Copyright 2003 James Bursa * Copyright 2003 John M Bell */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "oslib/os.h" #include "oslib/osfile.h" #include "oslib/osgbpb.h" #include "oslib/plugin.h" #include "oslib/wimp.h" #include "oslib/wimpspriteop.h" #include "oslib/uri.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/gui.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/netsurf.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/options.h" #include "netsurf/render/font.h" #include "netsurf/render/form.h" #include "netsurf/render/html.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/about.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/plugin.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/theme.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/uri.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/messages.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" const char *__dynamic_da_name = "NetSurf"; //static char empty_text[] = ""; //static char password_v[] = "D*"; char *NETSURF_DIR; gui_window *window_list = 0; const char* HOME_URL = "file:///%3CNetSurf$Dir%3E/Resources/intro"; const char* HELP_URL = "file:///%3CNetSurf$Dir%3E/Docs/en/index"; void ro_gui_window_click(gui_window* g, wimp_pointer* mouse); //void ro_gui_window_mouse_at(gui_window* g, wimp_pointer* mouse); void ro_gui_window_open(gui_window* g, wimp_open* open); void ro_gui_window_redraw(gui_window* g, wimp_draw* redraw); //void ro_gui_window_keypress(gui_window* g, wimp_key* key); static void ro_gui_toolbar_redraw(gui_window* g, wimp_draw* redraw); static void gui_disable_icon(wimp_w w, wimp_i i); static void gui_enable_icon(wimp_w w, wimp_i i); static void ro_gui_icon_bar_click(wimp_pointer* pointer); static void ro_gui_throb(void); static gui_window* ro_lookup_gui_from_w(wimp_w window); static gui_window* ro_lookup_gui_toolbar_from_w(wimp_w window); static void ro_gui_window_mouse_at(wimp_pointer* pointer); static void ro_gui_toolbar_click(gui_window* g, wimp_pointer* pointer); static void ro_gui_poll_queue(wimp_event_no event, wimp_block* block); static void ro_gui_keypress(wimp_key* key); static void ro_msg_datasave(wimp_message* block); static void ro_msg_dataload(wimp_message* block); static void ro_msg_datasave_ack(wimp_message* message); static void ro_gui_screen_size(int *width, int *height); int ro_save_data(void *data, unsigned long length, char *file_name, bits file_type); wimp_menu* combo_menu; struct form_control* current_gadget; int TOOLBAR_HEIGHT = 128; ro_theme* current_theme = NULL; const char* BROWSER_VALIDATION = "\0"; const char* task_name = "NetSurf"; const wimp_MESSAGE_LIST(23) task_messages = { {message_DATA_SAVE, message_DATA_SAVE_ACK, message_DATA_LOAD, message_URI_PROCESS, message_PLUG_IN_OPENING, message_PLUG_IN_CLOSED, message_PLUG_IN_RESHAPE_REQUEST, message_PLUG_IN_FOCUS, message_PLUG_IN_URL_ACCESS, message_PLUG_IN_STATUS, message_PLUG_IN_BUSY, message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_NEW, message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_WRITE, message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_WRITTEN, message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_DESTROY, message_PLUG_IN_OPEN, message_PLUG_IN_CLOSE, message_PLUG_IN_RESHAPE, message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_AS_FILE, message_PLUG_IN_NOTIFY, message_PLUG_IN_ABORT, message_PLUG_IN_ACTION, /* message_PLUG_IN_INFORMED, (not provided by oslib) */ 0} }; wimp_t task_handle; wimp_i ro_gui_iconbar_i; gui_window* over_window = NULL; int ro_x_units(unsigned long browser_units) { return (browser_units << 1); } int ro_y_units(unsigned long browser_units) { return -(browser_units << 1); } unsigned long browser_x_units(int ro_units) { return (ro_units >> 1); } unsigned long browser_y_units(int ro_units) { return -(ro_units >> 1); } int window_x_units(int scr_units, wimp_window_state* win) { return scr_units - (win->visible.x0 - win->xscroll); } int window_y_units(int scr_units, wimp_window_state* win) { return scr_units - (win->visible.y1 - win->yscroll); } gui_window *gui_create_browser_window(struct browser_window *bw) { struct wimp_window window; gui_window* g = (gui_window*) xcalloc(1, sizeof(gui_window)); g->type = GUI_BROWSER_WINDOW; g->data.browser.bw = bw; /* create browser and toolbar windows here */ window.visible.x0 = 0; window.visible.y0 = 0; window.visible.x1 = ro_x_units(bw->format_width); window.visible.y1 = 2000; window.xscroll = 0; window.yscroll = 0; window.next = wimp_TOP; window.flags = wimp_WINDOW_MOVEABLE | wimp_WINDOW_NEW_FORMAT | wimp_WINDOW_BACK_ICON | wimp_WINDOW_CLOSE_ICON | wimp_WINDOW_TITLE_ICON | wimp_WINDOW_VSCROLL | wimp_WINDOW_HSCROLL | wimp_WINDOW_SIZE_ICON | wimp_WINDOW_TOGGLE_ICON | wimp_WINDOW_IGNORE_XEXTENT; window.title_fg = wimp_COLOUR_BLACK; window.title_bg = wimp_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY; window.work_fg = wimp_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY; window.work_bg = wimp_COLOUR_WHITE; window.scroll_outer = wimp_COLOUR_DARK_GREY; window.scroll_inner = wimp_COLOUR_MID_LIGHT_GREY; window.highlight_bg = wimp_COLOUR_CREAM; window.extra_flags = 0; window.extent.x0 = 0; window.extent.y0 = ro_y_units(bw->format_height); window.extent.x1 = 8192;//ro_x_units(bw->format_width); if ((bw->flags & browser_TOOLBAR) != 0) { window.extent.y1 = ro_theme_toolbar_height(current_theme); } else { window.extent.y1 = 0; } window.title_flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED; window.work_flags = wimp_BUTTON_CLICK_DRAG << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT; window.sprite_area = wimpspriteop_AREA; window.xmin = 100; window.ymin = window.extent.y1 + 100; window.title_data.indirected_text.text = g->title; window.title_data.indirected_text.validation = BROWSER_VALIDATION; window.title_data.indirected_text.size = 255; window.icon_count = 0; g->data.browser.window = wimp_create_window(&window); strcpy(g->title, "NetSurf"); g->data.browser.toolbar = 0; if ((bw->flags & browser_TOOLBAR) != 0) { ro_theme_window create_toolbar; create_toolbar.type = THEME_TOOLBAR; create_toolbar.data.toolbar.indirected_url = g->url; create_toolbar.data.toolbar.indirected_status = g->status; g->data.browser.toolbar = ro_theme_create_window(current_theme, &create_toolbar); g->data.browser.toolbar_width = -1; } g->redraw_safety = SAFE; g->data.browser.reformat_pending = false; g->data.browser.old_width = 0; g->next = window_list; window_list = g; return g; } void gui_window_set_title(gui_window* g, char* title) { if (title != NULL) strncpy(g->title, title, 255); else strcpy(g->title, "NetSurf (untitled document)"); wimp_force_redraw_title(g->data.browser.window); } void gui_window_destroy(gui_window* g) { assert(g != 0); if (g == window_list) window_list = g->next; else { gui_window* gg; assert(window_list != NULL); gg = window_list; while (gg->next != g && gg->next != NULL) gg = gg->next; assert(gg->next != NULL); gg->next = g->next; } xwimp_delete_window(g->data.browser.window); if (g->data.browser.toolbar) xwimp_delete_window(g->data.browser.toolbar); xfree(g); } void gui_window_show(gui_window* g) { wimp_window_state state; if (g == NULL) return; state.w = g->data.browser.window; wimp_get_window_state(&state); state.next = wimp_TOP; ro_gui_window_open(g, (wimp_open*)&state); } void gui_window_redraw(gui_window* g, unsigned long x0, unsigned long y0, unsigned long x1, unsigned long y1) { if (g == NULL) return; wimp_force_redraw(g->data.browser.window, ro_x_units(x0), ro_y_units(y1), ro_x_units(x1), ro_y_units(y0)); } void gui_window_redraw_window(gui_window* g) { wimp_window_info info; if (g == NULL) return; info.w = g->data.browser.window; wimp_get_window_info_header_only(&info); wimp_force_redraw(g->data.browser.window, info.extent.x0, info.extent.y0, info.extent.x1, info.extent.y1); } gui_safety gui_window_set_redraw_safety(gui_window* g, gui_safety s) { gui_safety old; if (g == NULL) return SAFE; old = g->redraw_safety; g->redraw_safety = s; return old; } void ro_gui_toolbar_redraw(gui_window* g, wimp_draw* redraw) { osbool more; wimp_icon_state throbber; throbber.w = g->data.browser.toolbar; throbber.i = ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_THROBBER"); wimp_get_icon_state(&throbber); throbber.icon.flags = wimp_ICON_SPRITE; snprintf(throbber.icon.data.sprite, 12, "throbber%d", g->throbber); more = wimp_redraw_window(redraw); while (more) { wimp_plot_icon(&throbber.icon); more = wimp_get_rectangle(redraw); } return; } void ro_gui_window_redraw(gui_window* g, wimp_draw* redraw) { osbool more; struct content *c = g->data.browser.bw->current_content; if (g->redraw_safety == SAFE && g->type == GUI_BROWSER_WINDOW && c != NULL) { more = wimp_redraw_window(redraw); wimp_set_font_colours(wimp_COLOUR_WHITE, wimp_COLOUR_BLACK); while (more) { content_redraw(c, (int) redraw->box.x0 - (int) redraw->xscroll, (int) redraw->box.y1 - (int) redraw->yscroll, c->width * 2, c->height * 2, redraw->clip.x0, redraw->clip.y0, redraw->clip.x1 - 1, redraw->clip.y1 - 1); more = wimp_get_rectangle(redraw); } } else { more = wimp_redraw_window(redraw); while (more) more = wimp_get_rectangle(redraw); } } void gui_window_set_scroll(gui_window* g, unsigned long sx, unsigned long sy) { wimp_window_state state; if (g == NULL) return; state.w = g->data.browser.window; wimp_get_window_state(&state); state.xscroll = ro_x_units(sx); state.yscroll = ro_y_units(sy); if ((g->data.browser.bw->flags & browser_TOOLBAR) != 0) state.yscroll += ro_theme_toolbar_height(current_theme); ro_gui_window_open(g, (wimp_open*)&state); } unsigned long gui_window_get_width(gui_window* g) { wimp_window_state state; state.w = g->data.browser.window; wimp_get_window_state(&state); return browser_x_units(state.visible.x1 - state.visible.x0); } void gui_window_set_extent(gui_window* g, unsigned long width, unsigned long height) { os_box extent; if (g == 0) return; extent.x0 = 0; extent.y0 = ro_y_units(height); if (extent.y0 > -960) extent.y0 = -960; extent.x1 = ro_x_units(width); if ((g->data.browser.bw->flags & browser_TOOLBAR) != 0) { extent.y1 = ro_theme_toolbar_height(current_theme); } else { extent.y1 = 0; } wimp_set_extent(g->data.browser.window, &extent); } void gui_window_set_status(gui_window* g, const char* text) { if (strcmp(g->status, text) != 0) { strncpy(g->status, text, 255); wimp_set_icon_state(g->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_STATUS"), 0, 0); } } void gui_disable_icon(wimp_w w, wimp_i i) { wimp_set_icon_state(w, i, wimp_ICON_SHADED, wimp_ICON_SHADED); } void gui_enable_icon(wimp_w w, wimp_i i) { wimp_set_icon_state(w, i, 0, wimp_ICON_SHADED); } void gui_window_message(gui_window* g, gui_message* msg) { if (g == NULL || msg == NULL) return; switch (msg->type) { case msg_SET_URL: fprintf(stderr, "Set URL '%s'\n", msg->data.set_url.url); strncpy(g->url, msg->data.set_url.url, 255); wimp_set_icon_state(g->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_URL"), 0, 0); if (g->data.browser.bw->history != NULL) { if (g->data.browser.bw->history->earlier != NULL) gui_enable_icon(g->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_BACK")); else gui_disable_icon(g->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_BACK")); if (g->data.browser.bw->history->later != NULL) gui_enable_icon(g->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_FORWARD")); else gui_disable_icon(g->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_FORWARD")); } else { gui_disable_icon(g->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_BACK")); gui_disable_icon(g->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_FORWARD")); } break; default: break; } } void ro_gui_window_open(gui_window* g, wimp_open* open) { if (g->type == GUI_BROWSER_WINDOW) { wimp_window_state state; state.w = g->data.browser.window; wimp_get_window_state(&state); if (state.flags & wimp_WINDOW_TOGGLED) { open->visible.x0 = open->visible.y0 = 0; ro_gui_screen_size(&open->visible.x1, &open->visible.y1); } if (g->data.browser.bw->current_content != 0) { int width = open->visible.x1 - open->visible.x0; if (g->data.browser.old_width != width) { if (g->data.browser.bw->current_content->width < browser_x_units(width)) gui_window_set_extent(g, browser_x_units(width), g->data.browser.bw->current_content->height); else gui_window_set_extent(g, g->data.browser.bw->current_content->width, g->data.browser.bw->current_content->height); g->data.browser.old_width = width; g->data.browser.reformat_pending = true; } } wimp_open_window(open); if ((g->data.browser.bw->flags & browser_TOOLBAR) != 0) { wimp_outline outline; wimp_window_state tstate; outline.w = g->data.browser.window; wimp_get_window_outline(&outline); tstate.w = g->data.browser.toolbar; tstate.visible.x0 = open->visible.x0; tstate.visible.x1 = outline.outline.x1 - 2; tstate.visible.y1 = open->visible.y1; tstate.visible.y0 = tstate.visible.y1 - ro_theme_toolbar_height(current_theme); tstate.xscroll = 0; tstate.yscroll = 0; tstate.next = wimp_TOP; wimp_open_window_nested((wimp_open *) &tstate, g->data.browser.window, wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_LS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_BS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_RS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_TS_EDGE_SHIFT); if (tstate.visible.x1 - tstate.visible.x0 != g->data.browser.toolbar_width) { g->data.browser.toolbar_width = tstate.visible.x1 - tstate.visible.x0; ro_theme_resize(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, g->data.browser.toolbar, g->data.browser.toolbar_width, tstate.visible.y1 - tstate.visible.y0); } } } else { wimp_open_window(open); } } void ro_gui_icon_bar_click(wimp_pointer* pointer) { if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_MENU) { ro_gui_create_menu(iconbar_menu, pointer->pos.x - 64, 96 + iconbar_menu_height, NULL); } else if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) { struct browser_window* bw; bw = create_browser_window(browser_TITLE | browser_TOOLBAR | browser_SCROLL_X_ALWAYS | browser_SCROLL_Y_ALWAYS, 640, 480); gui_window_show(bw->window); browser_window_open_location(bw, HOME_URL); wimp_set_caret_position(bw->window->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_URL"), 0,0,-1, (int) strlen(bw->window->url) - 1); } // else if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_ADJUST) // netsurf_quit = 1; } /*** bodge to fix filenames in unixlib. there's probably a proper way of doing this, but 'ck knows what it is. ***/ extern int __riscosify_control; #define __RISCOSIFY_NO_PROCESS 0x0040 void gui_init(int argc, char** argv) { wimp_icon_create iconbar; wimp_version_no version; char theme_fname[256]; int *varsize; char *var; os_error *e; fileswitch_object_type *ot; NETSURF_DIR = getenv("NetSurf$Dir"); messages_load(".Resources.en.Messages"); /* __riscosify_control = __RISCOSIFY_NO_PROCESS; */ task_handle = wimp_initialise(wimp_VERSION_RO38, task_name, (wimp_message_list*) &task_messages, &version); /* Issue a *Desktop to poke AcornURI into life */ if(strcasecmp(getenv("NetSurf$Start_URI_Handler"), "yes") == 0) xwimp_start_task("Desktop", NULL); xos_cli("UnSet NetSurf$Start_Uri_Handler"); iconbar.w = wimp_ICON_BAR_RIGHT; iconbar.icon.extent.x0 = 0; iconbar.icon.extent.y0 = 0; iconbar.icon.extent.x1 = 68; iconbar.icon.extent.y1 = 68; iconbar.icon.flags = wimp_ICON_SPRITE | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | (wimp_BUTTON_CLICK << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT); strcpy(iconbar.icon.data.sprite, "!netsurf"); ro_gui_iconbar_i = wimp_create_icon(&iconbar); if (OPTIONS.theme != NULL) { /* get size of */ e = xos_read_var_val_size ("NetSurf$Dir",0,os_VARTYPE_STRING, &varsize, NULL, NULL); var = xcalloc((~((int)varsize) + 10),sizeof(char)); /* get real value of */ e = xos_read_var_val ("NetSurf$Dir", var, (~(int)varsize), 0, os_VARTYPE_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); strcat(var, ".Themes."); /* check if theme directory exists */ e = xosfile_read_stamped_path ((const char*)OPTIONS.theme, (const char*)var, &ot, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); xfree(var); /* yes -> use this theme */ if (ot != fileswitch_NOT_FOUND && ot == fileswitch_IS_DIR) { sprintf(theme_fname, ".Themes.%s", OPTIONS.theme); } /* no -> use default theme */ else { OPTIONS.theme = strdup("Default"); sprintf(theme_fname, ".Themes.Default"); } } else { sprintf(theme_fname, ".Themes.Default"); OPTIONS.theme = strdup("Default"); } LOG(("Using theme '%s' - from '%s'",theme_fname, OPTIONS.theme)); current_theme = ro_theme_create(theme_fname); wimp_open_template(".Resources.Templates"); ro_gui_dialog_init(); ro_gui_download_init(); ro_gui_menus_init(); ro_gui_401login_init(); wimp_close_template(); } void ro_gui_throb(void) { gui_window* g; float nowtime = (float) clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; for (g = window_list; g != NULL; g = g->next) { if (g->type == GUI_BROWSER_WINDOW) { if ((g->data.browser.bw->flags & browser_TOOLBAR) != 0) { if (g->data.browser.bw->throbbing != 0) { if (nowtime > g->throbtime + 0.2) { g->throbtime = nowtime; g->throbber++; if (g->throbber > current_theme->throbs) g->throbber = 0; wimp_set_icon_state(g->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_THROBBER"), 0, 0); } } } } } } gui_window* ro_lookup_gui_from_w(wimp_w window) { gui_window* g; for (g = window_list; g != NULL; g = g->next) { if (g->type == GUI_BROWSER_WINDOW) { if (g->data.browser.window == window) { return g; } } } return NULL; } gui_window* ro_lookup_gui_toolbar_from_w(wimp_w window) { gui_window* g; for (g = window_list; g != NULL; g = g->next) { if (g->type == GUI_BROWSER_WINDOW) { if (g->data.browser.toolbar == window) { return g; } } } return NULL; } void ro_gui_window_mouse_at(wimp_pointer* pointer) { int x,y; wimp_window_state state; gui_window* g; g = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(pointer->w); if (g == NULL) return; if (g->redraw_safety != SAFE) { fprintf(stderr, "mouse at UNSAFE\n"); return; } state.w = pointer->w; wimp_get_window_state(&state); x = browser_x_units(window_x_units(pointer->pos.x, &state)); y = browser_y_units(window_y_units(pointer->pos.y, &state)); if (g->drag_status == drag_BROWSER_TEXT_SELECTION) { struct browser_action msg; msg.type = act_ALTER_SELECTION; msg.data.mouse.x = x; msg.data.mouse.y = y; browser_window_action(g->data.browser.bw, &msg); } if (g->type == GUI_BROWSER_WINDOW) { if (g->data.browser.bw->current_content != NULL) { struct browser_action msg; msg.type = act_MOUSE_AT; msg.data.mouse.x = x; msg.data.mouse.y = y; browser_window_action(g->data.browser.bw, &msg); } } } void ro_gui_toolbar_click(gui_window* g, wimp_pointer* pointer) { if (pointer->i == ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_BACK")) { browser_window_back(g->data.browser.bw); } else if (pointer->i == ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_FORWARD")) { browser_window_forward(g->data.browser.bw); } else if (pointer->i == ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_RELOAD")) { browser_window_open_location_historical(g->data.browser.bw, g->data.browser.bw->url); } } void ro_gui_window_click(gui_window* g, wimp_pointer* pointer) { struct browser_action msg; int x,y; wimp_window_state state; if (g->redraw_safety != SAFE) { fprintf(stderr, "gui_window_click UNSAFE\n"); return; } state.w = pointer->w; wimp_get_window_state(&state); if (g->type == GUI_BROWSER_WINDOW) { x = browser_x_units(window_x_units(pointer->pos.x, &state)); y = browser_y_units(window_y_units(pointer->pos.y, &state)); if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_MENU) { /* check for mouse gestures */ ro_gui_mouse_action(g); } else if (g->data.browser.bw->current_content != NULL) { if (g->data.browser.bw->current_content->type == CONTENT_HTML) { if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) { msg.type = act_MOUSE_CLICK; msg.data.mouse.x = x; msg.data.mouse.y = y; msg.data.mouse.buttons = act_BUTTON_NORMAL; if (browser_window_action(g->data.browser.bw, &msg) == 1) return; msg.type = act_UNKNOWN; } if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT && g->data.browser.bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.selected == 1) msg.type = act_CLEAR_SELECTION; else if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_ADJUST && g->data.browser.bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.selected == 1) msg.type = act_ALTER_SELECTION; else if (pointer->buttons == wimp_DRAG_SELECT || pointer->buttons == wimp_DRAG_ADJUST) { msg.type = act_START_NEW_SELECTION; if (pointer->buttons == wimp_DRAG_ADJUST && g->data.browser.bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.selected == 1) msg.type = act_ALTER_SELECTION; ro_gui_start_selection(pointer, &state, g); g->drag_status = drag_BROWSER_TEXT_SELECTION; } msg.data.mouse.x = x; msg.data.mouse.y = y; if (msg.type != act_UNKNOWN) browser_window_action(g->data.browser.bw, &msg); if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_ADJUST && g->data.browser.bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.selected == 1) { current_drag.data.selection.gui->data.browser.bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.altering = alter_UNKNOWN; } if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT || pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_ADJUST) { if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) msg.type = act_FOLLOW_LINK; else msg.type = act_FOLLOW_LINK_NEW_WINDOW; msg.data.mouse.x = x; msg.data.mouse.y = y; browser_window_action(g->data.browser.bw, &msg); } } } } } struct ro_gui_poll_block { wimp_event_no event; wimp_block* block; struct ro_gui_poll_block* next; }; struct ro_gui_poll_block* ro_gui_poll_queued_blocks = NULL; void ro_gui_poll_queue(wimp_event_no event, wimp_block* block) { struct ro_gui_poll_block* q = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct ro_gui_poll_block)); q->event = event; q->block = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*block)); memcpy(q->block, block, sizeof(*block)); q->next = NULL; if (ro_gui_poll_queued_blocks == NULL) { ro_gui_poll_queued_blocks = q; return; } else { struct ro_gui_poll_block* current = ro_gui_poll_queued_blocks; while (current->next != NULL) current = current->next; current->next = q; } return; } void gui_multitask(void) { wimp_event_no event; wimp_block block; gui_window* g; event = wimp_poll(wimp_QUEUE_KEY | wimp_MASK_LOSE | wimp_MASK_GAIN | wimp_MASK_POLLWORD, &block, 0); switch (event) { case wimp_NULL_REASON_CODE: if (over_window != NULL) { wimp_pointer pointer; wimp_get_pointer_info(&pointer); ro_gui_window_mouse_at(&pointer); } ro_gui_throb(); break; case wimp_REDRAW_WINDOW_REQUEST : if (block.redraw.w == dialog_config_th) ro_gui_redraw_config_th(&block.redraw); else { g = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(block.redraw.w); if (g) ro_gui_window_redraw(g, &(block.redraw)); else { g = ro_lookup_gui_toolbar_from_w(block.redraw.w); if (g) ro_gui_toolbar_redraw(g, &(block.redraw)); else { osbool more = wimp_redraw_window(&block.redraw); while (more) more = wimp_get_rectangle(&block.redraw); } } } break; case wimp_OPEN_WINDOW_REQUEST : g = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(block.open.w); if (g != NULL) ro_gui_window_open(g, &(block.open)); else { wimp_open_window(&block.open); } break; case wimp_CLOSE_WINDOW_REQUEST : ro_gui_poll_queue(event, &block); break; case wimp_MOUSE_CLICK : if (block.pointer.w == wimp_ICON_BAR) ro_gui_icon_bar_click(&(block.pointer)); else { g = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(block.pointer.w); if (g != NULL) { if (g->redraw_safety == SAFE) ro_gui_window_click(g, &(block.pointer)); else ro_gui_poll_queue(event, &block); } else { g = ro_lookup_gui_toolbar_from_w(block.pointer.w); if (g != NULL) { ro_gui_toolbar_click(g, &(block.pointer)); } else { ro_gui_poll_queue(event, &block); } } } break; case wimp_POINTER_LEAVING_WINDOW : over_window = NULL; break; case wimp_POINTER_ENTERING_WINDOW : over_window = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(block.leaving.w); break; case wimp_USER_DRAG_BOX : ro_gui_drag_end(&(block.dragged)); break; case wimp_MENU_SELECTION : case wimp_USER_MESSAGE : case wimp_USER_MESSAGE_RECORDED : case wimp_USER_MESSAGE_ACKNOWLEDGE: fprintf(stderr, "MESSAGE %d (%x) HAS ARRIVED\n", block.message.action, block.message.action); switch (block.message.action) { case message_DATA_SAVE : ro_msg_datasave(&(block.message)); break; case message_DATA_SAVE_ACK : ro_msg_datasave_ack(&(block.message)); break; case message_DATA_LOAD : ro_msg_dataload(&(block.message)); break; case message_URI_PROCESS : ro_uri_message_received(&(block.message)); break; case message_PLUG_IN_OPENING: case message_PLUG_IN_CLOSED: case message_PLUG_IN_RESHAPE_REQUEST: case message_PLUG_IN_FOCUS: case message_PLUG_IN_URL_ACCESS: case message_PLUG_IN_STATUS: case message_PLUG_IN_BUSY: case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_NEW: case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_WRITE: case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_WRITTEN: case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_DESTROY: case message_PLUG_IN_OPEN: case message_PLUG_IN_CLOSE: case message_PLUG_IN_RESHAPE: case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_AS_FILE: case message_PLUG_IN_NOTIFY: case message_PLUG_IN_ABORT: case message_PLUG_IN_ACTION: plugin_msg_parse(&(block.message), (event == wimp_USER_MESSAGE_ACKNOWLEDGE ? 1 : 0)); break; case message_QUIT : netsurf_quit = 1; break; default: ro_gui_poll_queue(event, &block); break; } break; default: break; } } void ro_gui_keypress(wimp_key* key) { gui_window* g; if (key->i == -1 && (key->c < 256 || (key->c >= 396 && key->c <= 399))) { g = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(key->w); if (g) { /* Munge cursor keys into unused control chars */ if (key->c == 396) key->c = 29; /* Left */ else if (key->c == 397) key->c = 28; /* Right */ else if (key->c == 398) key->c = 31; /* Down */ else if (key->c == 399) key->c = 30; /* Up */ browser_window_key_press(g->data.browser.bw, (char) key->c); return; } } g = ro_lookup_gui_toolbar_from_w(key->w); if (g != NULL) { if (key->c == wimp_KEY_RETURN) { if (g->data.browser.bw->url != NULL) { xfree(g->data.browser.bw->url); g->data.browser.bw->url = NULL; } if (strcasecmp(g->url, "about:") == 0) { about_create(); browser_window_open_location(g->data.browser.bw, "file:///%3CWimp$ScrapDir%3E/WWW/NetSurf/About"); } else { browser_window_open_location(g->data.browser.bw, g->url); } return; } else if (key->c == wimp_KEY_F8) { /* TODO: use some protocol so it's type as HTML not Text. */ if(g->data.browser.bw->current_content->type == CONTENT_HTML || g->data.browser.bw->current_content->type == CONTENT_TEXTPLAIN) xosfile_save_stamped("Pipe:$.Source", osfile_TYPE_TEXT, g->data.browser.bw->current_content->data.html.source, (g->data.browser.bw->current_content->data.html.source + g->data.browser.bw->current_content->data.html.length)); xosfile_set_type("Pipe:$.Source", osfile_TYPE_TEXT); xos_cli("Filer_Run Pipe:$.Source"); } else if (key->c == wimp_KEY_F9) { if (g->data.browser.bw->current_content->type == CONTENT_HTML) box_dump(g->data.browser.bw->current_content->data.html.layout->children, 0); } else if (key->c == wimp_KEY_F10) { cache_dump(); } else if (key->c == (wimp_KEY_CONTROL + wimp_KEY_F2)) { browser_window_destroy(g->data.browser.bw); } } wimp_process_key(key->c); return; } void gui_poll(void) { wimp_event_no event; wimp_block block; gui_window* g; int finished = 0; do { if (ro_gui_poll_queued_blocks == NULL) { event = wimp_poll(wimp_MASK_LOSE | wimp_MASK_GAIN, &block, 0); finished = 1; } else { struct ro_gui_poll_block* next; event = ro_gui_poll_queued_blocks->event; memcpy(&block, ro_gui_poll_queued_blocks->block, sizeof(block)); next = ro_gui_poll_queued_blocks->next; xfree(ro_gui_poll_queued_blocks->block); xfree(ro_gui_poll_queued_blocks); ro_gui_poll_queued_blocks = next; finished = 0; } switch (event) { case wimp_NULL_REASON_CODE : ro_gui_throb(); if (over_window != NULL || current_drag.type == draginfo_BROWSER_TEXT_SELECTION) { wimp_pointer pointer; wimp_get_pointer_info(&pointer); ro_gui_window_mouse_at(&pointer); } for (g = window_list; g; g = g->next) { if (g->type == GUI_BROWSER_WINDOW && g->data.browser.reformat_pending) { content_reformat(g->data.browser.bw->current_content, browser_x_units(g->data.browser.old_width), 1000); g->data.browser.reformat_pending = false; } } break; case wimp_REDRAW_WINDOW_REQUEST : if (block.redraw.w == dialog_config_th) ro_gui_redraw_config_th(&block.redraw); else { g = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(block.redraw.w); if (g != NULL) ro_gui_window_redraw(g, &(block.redraw)); else { g = ro_lookup_gui_toolbar_from_w(block.redraw.w); if (g != NULL) { ro_gui_toolbar_redraw(g, &(block.redraw)); } else { osbool more = wimp_redraw_window(&block.redraw); while (more) more = wimp_get_rectangle(&block.redraw); } } } break; case wimp_OPEN_WINDOW_REQUEST : g = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(block.open.w); if (g != NULL) ro_gui_window_open(g, &(block.open)); else { wimp_open_window(&block.open); } break; case wimp_CLOSE_WINDOW_REQUEST : g = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(block.close.w); if (g != NULL) browser_window_destroy(g->data.browser.bw); else ro_gui_dialog_close(&(block.close.w)); break; case wimp_POINTER_LEAVING_WINDOW : g = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(block.leaving.w); if (g == over_window) over_window = NULL; break; case wimp_POINTER_ENTERING_WINDOW : g = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(block.entering.w); if (g != NULL) over_window = g; break; case wimp_MOUSE_CLICK : if (block.pointer.w == wimp_ICON_BAR) ro_gui_icon_bar_click(&(block.pointer)); else { g = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(block.pointer.w); if (g != NULL) { ro_gui_window_click(g, &(block.pointer)); } else { g = ro_lookup_gui_toolbar_from_w(block.pointer.w); if (g != NULL) { ro_gui_toolbar_click(g, &(block.pointer)); } else { g = ro_lookup_download_window_from_w(block.pointer.w); if (g != NULL) { ro_download_window_click(g, &(block.pointer)); } else ro_gui_dialog_click(&(block.pointer)); } } break; case wimp_USER_DRAG_BOX : ro_gui_drag_end(&(block.dragged)); break; case wimp_KEY_PRESSED : ro_gui_keypress(&(block.key)); break; case wimp_MENU_SELECTION : ro_gui_menu_selection(&(block.selection)); break; case wimp_LOSE_CARET : break; case wimp_GAIN_CARET : break; case wimp_USER_MESSAGE : case wimp_USER_MESSAGE_RECORDED : case wimp_USER_MESSAGE_ACKNOWLEDGE: fprintf(stderr, "MESSAGE %d (%x) HAS ARRIVED\n", block.message.action, block.message.action); switch (block.message.action) { case message_DATA_SAVE : ro_msg_datasave(&(block.message)); break; case message_DATA_SAVE_ACK : ro_msg_datasave_ack(&(block.message)); break; case message_DATA_LOAD : ro_msg_dataload(&(block.message)); break; case message_URI_PROCESS : ro_uri_message_received(&(block.message)); break; case message_PLUG_IN_OPENING: case message_PLUG_IN_CLOSED: case message_PLUG_IN_RESHAPE_REQUEST: case message_PLUG_IN_FOCUS: case message_PLUG_IN_URL_ACCESS: case message_PLUG_IN_STATUS: case message_PLUG_IN_BUSY: case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_NEW: case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_WRITE: case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_WRITTEN: case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_DESTROY: case message_PLUG_IN_OPEN: case message_PLUG_IN_CLOSE: case message_PLUG_IN_RESHAPE: case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_AS_FILE: case message_PLUG_IN_NOTIFY: case message_PLUG_IN_ABORT: case message_PLUG_IN_ACTION: plugin_msg_parse(&(block.message), (event == wimp_USER_MESSAGE_ACKNOWLEDGE ? 1 : 0)); break; case message_QUIT : netsurf_quit = 1; break; } break; } } } while (finished == 0); return; } void gui_window_start_throbber(struct gui_window* g) { g->throbtime = (float) (clock() + 0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; /* workaround compiler warning */ g->throbber = 0; } void gui_window_stop_throbber(gui_window* g) { g->throbber = 0; wimp_set_icon_state(g->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_THROBBER"), 0, 0); } void gui_gadget_combo(struct browser_window* bw, struct form_control* g, unsigned long mx, unsigned long my) { int count = 0; struct form_option* o; wimp_pointer pointer; if (combo_menu != NULL) xfree(combo_menu); o = g->data.select.items; while (o != NULL) { count++; o = o->next; } combo_menu = xcalloc(1, wimp_SIZEOF_MENU(count)); combo_menu->title_data.indirected_text.text = "Select"; combo_menu->title_fg = wimp_COLOUR_BLACK; combo_menu->title_bg = wimp_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY; combo_menu->work_fg = wimp_COLOUR_BLACK; combo_menu->work_bg = wimp_COLOUR_WHITE; combo_menu->width = 0; combo_menu->height = wimp_MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT; combo_menu->gap = wimp_MENU_ITEM_GAP; o = g->data.select.items; count = 0; while (o != NULL) { combo_menu->entries[count].menu_flags = 0; if (count == 0) combo_menu->entries[count].menu_flags = wimp_MENU_TITLE_INDIRECTED; if (o->selected) combo_menu->entries[count].menu_flags |= wimp_MENU_TICKED; if (o->next == NULL) combo_menu->entries[count].menu_flags |= wimp_MENU_LAST; combo_menu->entries[count].sub_menu = wimp_NO_SUB_MENU; combo_menu->entries[count].icon_flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_FILLED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | (wimp_COLOUR_BLACK << wimp_ICON_FG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (wimp_COLOUR_WHITE << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (wimp_BUTTON_MENU_ICON << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT); combo_menu->entries[count].data.indirected_text.text = o->text; combo_menu->entries[count].data.indirected_text.validation = "\0"; combo_menu->entries[count].data.indirected_text.size = strlen(o->text); count++; o = o->next; } wimp_get_pointer_info(&pointer); //wimp_create_menu(combo_menu, pointer.pos.x - 64, pointer.pos.y); current_gadget = g; ro_gui_create_menu(combo_menu, pointer.pos.x - 64, pointer.pos.y, bw->window); } void gui_window_place_caret(gui_window *g, int x, int y, int height) { wimp_set_caret_position(g->data.browser.window, -1, x * 2, -(y + height) * 2, height * 2, -1); } void ro_msg_datasave(wimp_message* block) { gui_window* gui; struct browser_window* bw; wimp_message_data_xfer* data; int x,y; struct box_selection* click_boxes; int found, plot_index; int i; int done = 0; wimp_window_state state; data = &block->data.data_xfer; gui = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(data->w); if (gui == NULL) return; bw = gui->data.browser.bw; state.w = data->w; wimp_get_window_state(&state); x = browser_x_units(window_x_units(data->pos.x, &state)); y = browser_y_units(window_y_units(data->pos.y, &state)); found = 0; click_boxes = NULL; plot_index = 0; box_under_area(bw->current_content->data.html.layout->children, x, y, 0, 0, &click_boxes, &found, &plot_index); if (found == 0) return; for (i = found - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (click_boxes[i].box->gadget != NULL) { if (click_boxes[i].box->gadget->type == GADGET_TEXTAREA && data->file_type == 0xFFF) { /* load the text in! */ fprintf(stderr, "REPLYING TO MESSAGE MATE\n"); block->action = message_DATA_SAVE_ACK; block->your_ref = block->my_ref; block->my_ref = 0; strcpy(block->data.data_xfer.file_name, ""); wimp_send_message(wimp_USER_MESSAGE, block, block->sender); } } } xfree(click_boxes); } void ro_msg_dataload(wimp_message* block) { gui_window* gui; struct browser_window* bw; wimp_message_data_xfer* data; int x,y; struct box_selection* click_boxes; int found, plot_index; int i; int done = 0; wimp_window_state state; data = &block->data.data_xfer; gui = ro_lookup_gui_from_w(data->w); if (gui == NULL) return; bw = gui->data.browser.bw; state.w = data->w; wimp_get_window_state(&state); x = browser_x_units(window_x_units(data->pos.x, &state)); y = browser_y_units(window_y_units(data->pos.y, &state)); found = 0; click_boxes = NULL; plot_index = 0; box_under_area(bw->current_content->data.html.layout->children, x, y, 0, 0, &click_boxes, &found, &plot_index); if (found == 0) return; for (i = found - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (click_boxes[i].box->gadget != NULL) { if (click_boxes[i].box->gadget->type == GADGET_TEXTAREA && data->file_type == 0xFFF) { /* load the text in! */ /* TODO */ } } } xfree(click_boxes); } /** * Find screen size in OS units. */ void ro_gui_screen_size(int *width, int *height) { int xeig_factor, yeig_factor, xwind_limit, ywind_limit; os_read_mode_variable(os_CURRENT_MODE, os_MODEVAR_XEIG_FACTOR, &xeig_factor); os_read_mode_variable(os_CURRENT_MODE, os_MODEVAR_YEIG_FACTOR, &yeig_factor); os_read_mode_variable(os_CURRENT_MODE, os_MODEVAR_XWIND_LIMIT, &xwind_limit); os_read_mode_variable(os_CURRENT_MODE, os_MODEVAR_YWIND_LIMIT, &ywind_limit); *width = (xwind_limit + 1) << xeig_factor; *height = (ywind_limit + 1) << yeig_factor; } void ro_gui_open_help_page (void) { struct browser_window *bw; bw = create_browser_window(browser_TITLE | browser_TOOLBAR | browser_SCROLL_X_ALWAYS | browser_SCROLL_Y_ALWAYS, 640, 480); gui_window_show(bw->window); browser_window_open_location(bw, HELP_URL); wimp_set_caret_position(bw->window->data.browser.toolbar, ro_theme_icon(current_theme, THEME_TOOLBAR, "TOOLBAR_URL"), 0,0,-1, (int) strlen(bw->window->url) - 1); } void ro_gui_drag_box_start(wimp_pointer *pointer) { wimp_drag *drag_box; wimp_window_state *icon_window; wimp_icon_state *icon_icon; int x0, y0; /* TODO: support drag_a_sprite */ icon_window = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*icon_window)); icon_icon = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*icon_icon)); drag_box = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*drag_box)); drag_box->w = pointer->i; drag_box->type = wimp_DRAG_USER_FIXED; icon_window->w = pointer->w; wimp_get_window_state(icon_window); x0 = icon_window->visible.x0 - icon_window->xscroll; y0 = icon_window->visible.y1 - icon_window->yscroll; icon_icon->w = pointer->w; icon_icon->i = pointer->i; wimp_get_icon_state(icon_icon); drag_box->initial.x0 = x0 + icon_icon->icon.extent.x0; drag_box->initial.y0 = y0 + icon_icon->icon.extent.y0; drag_box->initial.x1 = x0 + icon_icon->icon.extent.x1; drag_box->initial.y1 = y0 + icon_icon->icon.extent.y1; drag_box->bbox.x0 = 0x80000000; drag_box->bbox.y0 = 0x80000000; drag_box->bbox.x1 = 0x7FFFFFFF; // CHANGE drag_box->bbox.y1 = 0x7FFFFFFF; /*if(USE_DRAGASPRITE == DRAGASPRITE_AVAILABLE) xdragasprite_start((dragasprite_HPOS_CENTRE ^ dragasprite_VPOS_CENTRE ^ dragasprite_NO_BOUND ^ dragasprite_BOUND_POINTER), (osspriteop_area*) 1, "file_fff", (os_box*)&drag_box->initial,0);*/ wimp_drag_box(drag_box); xfree(drag_box); xfree(icon_window); xfree(icon_icon); } void ro_msg_datasave_ack(wimp_message *message) { int save_status = 0; LOG(("ACK Message: filename = %s", message->data.data_xfer.file_name)); if (current_drag.type == draginfo_DOWNLOAD_SAVE) { assert(current_drag.data.download.gui->data.download.download_status == download_COMPLETE); save_status = ro_save_data(current_drag.data.download.gui->data.download.content->data.other.data, current_drag.data.download.gui->data.download.content->data.other.length, message->data.data_xfer.file_name, current_drag.data.download.gui->data.download.file_type); if (save_status != 1) { LOG(("Could not save download data")); //Report_Error } else { ro_download_window_close(current_drag.data.download.gui); current_drag.type = draginfo_NONE; } } } int ro_save_data(void *data, unsigned long length, char *file_name, bits file_type) { os_error *written = NULL; void *end_data = (int)data + length; written = xosfile_save_stamped(file_name, file_type, data, end_data); if (written != NULL) { LOG(("Unable to create stamped file")); return 0; } return 1; }