/* duktape binding generation implementation * * This file is part of nsgenbind. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2015 Vincent Sanders */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "options.h" #include "utils.h" #include "nsgenbind-ast.h" #include "webidl-ast.h" #include "ir.h" #include "duk-libdom.h" /** prefix for all generated functions */ #define DLPFX "dukky" #define MAGICPFX "\\xFF\\xFFNETSURF_DUKTAPE_" /** * generate a duktape prototype name */ static char *get_prototype_name(const char *interface_name) { char *proto_name; int pnamelen; int pfxlen; /* duplicate the interface name in upper case */ pfxlen = SLEN(MAGICPFX) + SLEN("PROTOTYPE_"); pnamelen = strlen(interface_name) + 1; proto_name = malloc(pnamelen + pfxlen); snprintf(proto_name, pnamelen + pfxlen, "%sPROTOTYPE_%s", MAGICPFX, interface_name); for (pnamelen-- ; pnamelen >= 0; pnamelen--) { proto_name[pnamelen + pfxlen] = toupper(interface_name[pnamelen]); } return proto_name; } /** * Generate a C class name for the interface. * * The IDL interface names are camelcase and not similar to libdom naming so it * is necessary to convert them to a libdom compatible class name. This * implementation is simple ASCII capable only and cannot cope with multibyte * codepoints. * * The algorithm is: * - copy characters to output lowering their case * - if the previous character in the input name was uppercase and the current * one is lowercase insert an underscore before the *previous* character. */ static char *gen_class_name(struct ir_entry *interfacee) { const char *inc; char *outc; char *name; int wasupper; /* enpty strings are a bad idea */ if ((interfacee->name == NULL) || (interfacee->name[0] == 0)) { return NULL; } /* allocate result buffer as twice the input length as thats the * absolute worst case. */ name = calloc(2, strlen(interfacee->name)); outc = name; inc = interfacee->name; wasupper = 0; /* first character handled separately as inserting a leading underscore * is undesirable */ *outc++ = tolower(*inc++); /* copy input to output */ while (*inc != 0) { /* ugly hack as html IDL is always prefixed uppercase and needs * an underscore there */ if ((inc == (interfacee->name + 4)) && (interfacee->name[0] == 'H') && (interfacee->name[1] == 'T') && (interfacee->name[2] == 'M') && (interfacee->name[3] == 'L') && (islower(inc[1]) == 0)) { *outc++ = '_'; } if ((islower(*inc) != 0) && (wasupper != 0)) { *outc = *(outc - 1); *(outc - 1) = '_'; outc++; wasupper = 0; } else { wasupper = isupper(*inc); } *outc++ = tolower(*inc++); } return name; } static FILE *open_header(struct ir *ir, const char *name) { FILE *hdrf; char *fname; int fnamel; fnamel = strlen(name) + 4; fname = malloc(fnamel); snprintf(fname, fnamel, "%s.h", name); /* open output file */ hdrf = genb_fopen_tmp(fname); free(fname); if (hdrf == NULL) { return NULL; } /* tool preface */ output_tool_preface(hdrf); /* binding preface */ output_cdata(hdrf, ir->binding_node, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_PREFACE); /* header guard */ fprintf(hdrf, "\n#ifndef %s_%s_h\n", DLPFX, name); fprintf(hdrf, "#define %s_%s_h\n\n", DLPFX, name); return hdrf; } static int close_header(struct ir *ir, FILE *hdrf, const char *name) { char *fname; int fnamel; fnamel = strlen(name) + 4; fname = malloc(fnamel); snprintf(fname, fnamel, "%s.h", name); fprintf(hdrf, "\n#endif\n"); /* binding postface */ output_cdata(hdrf, ir->binding_node, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_POSTFACE); genb_fclose_tmp(hdrf, fname); free(fname); return 0; } /** * generate private header */ static int output_private_header(struct ir *ir) { int idx; FILE *privf; /* open header */ privf = open_header(ir, "private"); for (idx = 0; idx < ir->entryc; idx++) { struct ir_entry *interfacee; struct ir_entry *inherite; struct genbind_node *priv_node; interfacee = ir->entries + idx; /* do not generate private structs for interfaces marked no * output */ if ((interfacee->type == IR_ENTRY_TYPE_INTERFACE) && (interfacee->u.interface.noobject)) { continue; } switch (interfacee->type) { case IR_ENTRY_TYPE_INTERFACE: fprintf(privf, "/* Private data for %s interface */\n", interfacee->name); break; case IR_ENTRY_TYPE_DICTIONARY: fprintf(privf, "/* Private data for %s dictionary */\n", interfacee->name); break; } fprintf(privf, "typedef struct {\n"); /* find parent entry and include in private */ inherite = ir_inherit_entry(ir, interfacee); if (inherite != NULL) { fprintf(privf, "\t%s_private_t parent;\n", inherite->class_name); } /* for each private variable on the class output it here. */ priv_node = genbind_node_find_type( genbind_node_getnode(interfacee->class), NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_PRIVATE); while (priv_node != NULL) { fprintf(privf, "\t"); output_ctype(privf, priv_node, true); fprintf(privf, ";\n"); priv_node = genbind_node_find_type( genbind_node_getnode(interfacee->class), priv_node, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_PRIVATE); } fprintf(privf, "} %s_private_t;\n\n", interfacee->class_name); } close_header(ir, privf, "private"); return 0; } /** * generate prototype header */ static int output_prototype_header(struct ir *ir) { int idx; FILE *protof; /* open header */ protof = open_header(ir, "prototype"); for (idx = 0; idx < ir->entryc; idx++) { struct ir_entry *entry; entry = ir->entries + idx; switch (entry->type) { case IR_ENTRY_TYPE_INTERFACE: output_interface_declaration(protof, entry); break; case IR_ENTRY_TYPE_DICTIONARY: output_dictionary_declaration(protof, entry); break; } } close_header(ir, protof, "prototype"); return 0; } /** * generate makefile fragment */ static int output_makefile(struct ir *ir) { int idx; FILE *makef; /* open output file */ makef = genb_fopen_tmp("Makefile"); if (makef == NULL) { return -1; } fprintf(makef, "# duk libdom makefile fragment\n\n"); fprintf(makef, "NSGENBIND_SOURCES:=binding.c "); for (idx = 0; idx < ir->entryc; idx++) { struct ir_entry *interfacee; interfacee = ir->entries + idx; /* no source for interfaces marked no output */ if ((interfacee->type == IR_ENTRY_TYPE_INTERFACE) && (interfacee->u.interface.noobject)) { continue; } fprintf(makef, "%s ", interfacee->filename); } fprintf(makef, "\nNSGENBIND_PREFIX:=%s\n", options->outdirname); genb_fclose_tmp(makef, "Makefile"); return 0; } /** * generate binding header * * The binding header contains all the duk-libdom specific binding interface * macros and definitions. * * the create prototypes interface is used to cause all the prototype creation * functions for all generated classes to be called in the correct order with * the primary global (if any) generated last. */ static int output_binding_header(struct ir *ir) { FILE *bindf; /* open header */ bindf = open_header(ir, "binding"); fprintf(bindf, "#define _MAGIC(S) (\"%s\" S)\n" "#define MAGIC(S) _MAGIC(#S)\n" "#define PROTO_MAGIC MAGIC(PROTOTYPES)\n" "#define PRIVATE_MAGIC MAGIC(PRIVATE)\n" "#define INIT_MAGIC MAGIC(INIT)\n" "#define NODE_MAGIC MAGIC(NODE_MAP)\n" "#define _PROTO_NAME(K) _MAGIC(\"PROTOTYPE_\" K)\n" "#define PROTO_NAME(K) _PROTO_NAME(#K)\n" "#define _PROP_NAME(K,V) _MAGIC(K \"_PROPERTY_\" V)\n" "#define PROP_NAME(K,V) _PROP_NAME(#K,#V)\n" "\n", MAGICPFX); /* declaration of constant string values */ fprintf(bindf, "/* Constant strings */\n" "extern const char *%s_error_fmt_argument;\n" "extern const char *%s_error_fmt_bool_type;\n" "extern const char *%s_error_fmt_number_type;\n" "extern const char *%s_magic_string_private;\n" "extern const char *%s_magic_string_prototypes;\n" "\n", DLPFX, DLPFX, DLPFX, DLPFX, DLPFX); fprintf(bindf, "duk_bool_t %s_instanceof(duk_context *ctx, const char *klass);\n", DLPFX); fprintf(bindf, "duk_ret_t %s_create_prototypes(duk_context *ctx);\n", DLPFX); close_header(ir, bindf, "binding"); return 0; } /** * generate binding source * * The binding header contains all the duk-libdom specific binding * implementations. */ static int output_binding_src(struct ir *ir) { int idx; FILE *bindf; struct ir_entry *pglobale = NULL; char *proto_name; /* open output file */ bindf = genb_fopen_tmp("binding.c"); if (bindf == NULL) { return -1; } /* tool preface */ output_tool_preface(bindf); /* binding preface */ output_cdata(bindf, ir->binding_node, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_PREFACE); output_tool_prologue(bindf); /* binding prologue */ output_cdata(bindf, ir->binding_node, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_PROLOGUE); fprintf(bindf, "\n"); fprintf(bindf, "/* Error format strings */\n" "const char *%s_error_fmt_argument =\"%%d argument required, but ony %%d present.\";\n" "const char *%s_error_fmt_bool_type =\"argument %%d (%%s) requires a bool\";\n" "const char *%s_error_fmt_number_type =\"argument %%d (%%s) requires a number\";\n", DLPFX, DLPFX, DLPFX); fprintf(bindf, "\n"); fprintf(bindf, "/* Magic identifiers */\n" "const char *%s_magic_string_private =\"%sPRIVATE\";\n" "const char *%s_magic_string_prototypes =\"%sPROTOTYPES\";\n", DLPFX, MAGICPFX, DLPFX, MAGICPFX); fprintf(bindf, "\n"); /* instance of helper */ fprintf(bindf, "duk_bool_t\n" "%s_instanceof(duk_context *ctx, const char *klass)\n", DLPFX); fprintf(bindf, "{\n" "\t/* ... ??? */\n" "\tif (!duk_check_type(ctx, -1, DUK_TYPE_OBJECT)) {\n" "\t\treturn false;\n" "\t}\n" "\t/* ... obj */\n" "\tduk_get_global_string(ctx, %s_magic_string_prototypes);\n" "\t/* ... obj protos */\n" "\tduk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, klass);\n" "\t/* ... obj protos goalproto */\n" "\tduk_get_prototype(ctx, -3);\n" "\t/* ... obj protos goalproto proto? */\n" "\twhile (!duk_is_undefined(ctx, -1)) {\n" "\t\tif (duk_strict_equals(ctx, -1, -2)) {\n" "\t\t\tduk_pop_3(ctx);\n" "\t\t\treturn true;\n" "\t\t}\n" "\t\tduk_get_prototype(ctx, -1);\n" "\t\t/* ... obj protos goalproto proto proto? */\n" "\t\tduk_replace(ctx, -2);\n" "\t\t/* ... obj protos goalproto proto? */\n" "\t}\n" "\tduk_pop_3(ctx);\n" "\t/* ... obj */\n" "\treturn false;\n" "}\n" "\n", DLPFX); /* prototype creation helper function */ fprintf(bindf, "static duk_ret_t\n" "%s_to_string(duk_context *ctx)\n" "{\n" "\t/* */\n" "\tduk_push_this(ctx);\n" "\t/* this */\n" "\tduk_get_prototype(ctx, -1);\n" "\t/* this proto */\n" "\tduk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, \"%sklass_name\");\n" "\t/* this proto classname */\n" "\tduk_push_string(ctx, \"[object \");\n" "\t/* this proto classname str */\n" "\tduk_insert(ctx, -2);\n" "\t/* this proto str classname */\n" "\tduk_push_string(ctx, \"]\");\n" "\t/* this proto str classname str */\n" "\tduk_concat(ctx, 3);\n" "\t/* this proto str */\n" "\treturn 1;\n" "}\n" "\n", DLPFX, MAGICPFX); fprintf(bindf, "static duk_ret_t %s_create_prototype(duk_context *ctx,\n", DLPFX); fprintf(bindf, "\t\t\t\t\tduk_safe_call_function genproto,\n" "\t\t\t\t\tconst char *proto_name,\n" "\t\t\t\t\tconst char *klass_name)\n" "{\n" "\tduk_int_t ret;\n" "\tduk_push_object(ctx);\n" "\tif ((ret = duk_safe_call(ctx, genproto, 1, 1)) != DUK_EXEC_SUCCESS) {\n" "\t\tduk_pop(ctx);\n" "\t\tLOG(\"Failed to register prototype for %%s\", proto_name + 2);\n" "\t\treturn ret;\n" "\t}\n" "\t/* top of stack is the ready prototype, inject it */\n" "\tduk_push_string(ctx, klass_name);\n" "\tduk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"%sklass_name\");\n" "\tduk_push_c_function(ctx, %s_to_string, 0);\n" "\tduk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"toString\");\n" "\tduk_push_string(ctx, \"toString\");\n" "\tduk_def_prop(ctx, -2, DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_ENUMERABLE);\n" "\tduk_put_global_string(ctx, proto_name);\n" "\treturn DUK_ERR_NONE;\n" "}\n\n", MAGICPFX, DLPFX); /* generate prototype creation */ fprintf(bindf, "duk_ret_t %s_create_prototypes(duk_context *ctx)\n", DLPFX); fprintf(bindf, "{\n"); for (idx = 0; idx < ir->entryc; idx++) { struct ir_entry *interfacee; interfacee = ir->entries + idx; if (interfacee->type == IR_ENTRY_TYPE_DICTIONARY) { continue; } /* do not generate prototype calls for interfaces marked * no output */ if (interfacee->type == IR_ENTRY_TYPE_INTERFACE) { if (interfacee->u.interface.noobject) { continue; } if (interfacee->u.interface.primary_global) { pglobale = interfacee; continue; } } proto_name = get_prototype_name(interfacee->name); fprintf(bindf, "\t%s_create_prototype(ctx, %s_%s___proto, \"%s\", \"%s\");\n", DLPFX, DLPFX, interfacee->class_name, proto_name, interfacee->name); free(proto_name); } if (pglobale != NULL) { fprintf(bindf, "\n\t/* Global object prototype is last */\n"); proto_name = get_prototype_name(pglobale->name); fprintf(bindf, "\t%s_create_prototype(ctx, %s_%s___proto, \"%s\", \"%s\");\n", DLPFX, DLPFX, pglobale->class_name, proto_name, pglobale->name); free(proto_name); } fprintf(bindf, "\n\treturn DUK_ERR_NONE;\n"); fprintf(bindf, "}\n"); /* binding postface */ output_cdata(bindf, ir->binding_node, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_POSTFACE); genb_fclose_tmp(bindf, "binding.c"); return 0; } static int output_interfaces_dictionaries(struct ir *ir) { int res; int idx; /* generate interfaces */ for (idx = 0; idx < ir->entryc; idx++) { struct ir_entry *irentry; irentry = ir->entries + idx; switch (irentry->type) { case IR_ENTRY_TYPE_INTERFACE: /* do not generate class for interfaces marked no * output */ if (!irentry->u.interface.noobject) { res = output_interface(ir, irentry); if (res != 0) { return res; } } break; case IR_ENTRY_TYPE_DICTIONARY: res = output_dictionary(ir, irentry); if (res != 0) { return res; } default: break; } } return 0; } int duk_libdom_output(struct ir *ir) { int idx; int res = 0; /* process ir entries for output */ for (idx = 0; idx < ir->entryc; idx++) { struct ir_entry *irentry; irentry = ir->entries + idx; /* compute class name */ irentry->class_name = gen_class_name(irentry); if (irentry->class_name != NULL) { int ifacenamelen; /* generate source filename */ ifacenamelen = strlen(irentry->class_name) + 4; irentry->filename = malloc(ifacenamelen); snprintf(irentry->filename, ifacenamelen, "%s.c", irentry->class_name); } } res = output_interfaces_dictionaries(ir); if (res != 0) { goto output_err; } /* generate private header */ res = output_private_header(ir); if (res != 0) { goto output_err; } /* generate prototype header */ res = output_prototype_header(ir); if (res != 0) { goto output_err; } /* generate binding header */ res = output_binding_header(ir); if (res != 0) { goto output_err; } /* generate binding source */ res = output_binding_src(ir); if (res != 0) { goto output_err; } /* generate makefile fragment */ res = output_makefile(ir); output_err: return res; }