path: root/squeeze.c
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authorDaniel Silverstone <>2012-10-06 15:55:53 +0100
committerDaniel Silverstone <>2012-10-06 15:55:53 +0100
commite962168ecfe389000d07ed20203e8aa558827e9f (patch)
tree932e5907f3c13ad102143550fb4c04c8b5af7cb1 /squeeze.c
Initial dump of Castle sources
Diffstat (limited to 'squeeze.c')
1 files changed, 972 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/squeeze.c b/squeeze.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..169f275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/squeeze.c
@@ -0,0 +1,972 @@
+/* This source code in this file is licensed to You by Castle Technology
+ * Limited ("Castle") and its licensors on contractual terms and conditions
+ * ("Licence") which entitle you freely to modify and/or to distribute this
+ * source code subject to Your compliance with the terms of the Licence.
+ *
+ * This source code has been made available to You without any warranties
+ * whatsoever. Consequently, Your use, modification and distribution of this
+ * source code is entirely at Your own risk and neither Castle, its licensors
+ * nor any other person who has contributed to this source code shall be
+ * liable to You for any loss or damage which You may suffer as a result of
+ * Your use, modification or distribution of this source code.
+ *
+ * Full details of Your rights and obligations are set out in the Licence.
+ * You should have received a copy of the Licence with this source code file.
+ * If You have not received a copy, the text of the Licence is available
+ * online at
+ */
+ * Title: squeeze - compression of ADFS executable images
+ * Author: RCC
+ * Copyright: (C) 1987, Acorn Computers Ltd, Cambridge, England.
+ * Date: 03-Nov-87
+ * LastEdit: 28-Mar-88
+ 19-Jul-88 just to change the version to 1.00, and date (JSutton)
+ 21-Jul-88 remove reference to xpand in help text (JRS)
+ 07-Mar-91 add recognition of MOV R0, R0 as well as BLNV $0
+ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+# include <string.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <strings.h>
+/* extern char *malloc(); */
+/*# define DATE "Mar 07 1991" */
+#include "VersionNum"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#ifdef __riscos
+#include "CLib/kernel.h"
+#include "CLib/swis.h"
+typedef struct {
+ int load, exec; /* load, exec addresses */
+ int start, end; /* start address/length, end address/attributes */
+} _kernel_osfile_block;
+#include "CLX/err.h"
+#include "CLX/host.h"
+#include "CLX/hash.h"
+#include "CLX/wholefls.h"
+#ifndef __riscos
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+ * squeeze takes an ARM executable image file and compresses it, usually
+ * to about half the size, adding decompression code so that the image
+ * will automatically expand itself when it is run.
+ *
+ * For details of the compression scheme, see doc.squeeze. Briefly,
+ * the image is treated as a sequence of 32-bit words, and each word
+ * is encoded in one of four ways, specified by a 4-bit nibble:
+ * zero -> nibble 0
+ * the 7*256 most common word values are encoded with one byte extra as
+ * an index into a table
+ * the 7*256 most common upper-3-byte values are encoded with one byte
+ * extra as index into another table, with the low byte separate
+ * anything else is given in full as 4 bytes.
+ *
+ * The tables of common values are sorted into ascending order
+ * and encoded in a devious way.
+ */
+#define DATE Module_Date
+/* If macro value is empty, expression rewrites to "0 * + 1" which is zero. */
+#if 0 * Module_MinorVersion_CMHG + 1 == 0
+# define VSN Module_MajorVersion
+# define VSN Module_MajorVersion " (" Module_MinorVersion ")"
+#define BRIEF "compress an executable ARM-code program"
+#define SELF "squeeze"
+#define HASHSIZE (8*1024)
+#define CHUNKSIZE (16*1024)
+#include "squeeze.h"
+#if 1
+#include "unsqueeze1.h"
+#include "unsqrm1.h"
+/*extern void UnSqueeze_FindUnSqueezeCode(int *base, int *limit); */
+extern int UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeBase, UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeLimit;
+extern int unsqueeze_base, unsqueeze_limit, unsqueeze_end;
+static int verbose;
+static int debug;
+static int force;
+static clock_t lastticks;
+ * Veneer on file-handling.
+ */
+#define SAVE 0
+#define WRITEINFO 1
+#define READINFO 5
+#define LOAD 0xff
+#define FILEFOUND 1
+static int ticks(void)
+{ int last;
+ last = lastticks; lastticks = clock(); return(lastticks-last);
+static int fileinfo(_kernel_osfile_block *info, const char *name)
+#ifdef __riscos
+ if (_kernel_osfile(READINFO, name, info) != FILEFOUND)
+ return -1;
+ struct stat buf;
+ int len, ftype;
+ if (stat(name, &buf) != 0) return -1;
+ len = strlen(name);
+ if (len > 4 && name[len-4] == ',')
+ ftype = (int)strtoul(name + len - 4, NULL, 16);
+ else
+ ftype = 0xfff;
+ info->load = 0xfff00000 | (ftype << 8);
+ info->exec = buf.st_mtime * 100 / 256;
+ info->start = buf.st_size;
+ info->end = 0;
+ return 0;
+ * Declarations of nibble values for the encoding.
+ */
+#define NSHORTS 7
+#define NLONGS (14-NSHORTS)
+#define MAXTAB (7*256)
+#define ZERO 0
+#define LITERAL 1
+#define LONG 2
+ * Data structure declarations.
+ */
+ * The Info structure is really a 3-word thing, but we are keen to save
+ * space, so pack together the pointer to the next element in the list
+ * and the count of number of occurrences of this value into a single
+ * word. To get as many bits as possible for the count, we constrain
+ * all Info structures to be 8-byte aligned (freeing 3 low bits) and
+ * take the top 8 bits of the address off. This will only work if we
+ * are in the low 16MBytes of address space, but it leaves us 11 bits
+ * for the count, which is nearly always enough.
+ *
+ * Later on, we use these same records to build hash tables mapping
+ * word values -> index in table of common values, for fast encoding.
+ * Fortunately, the tables are of size 7*256 < 2**11, so the same
+ * packing dodge still works. I'm afraid this is all a bit tweaky,
+ * but making it fast and small is worth the effort.
+ *
+ * The alternative is to look up each word by binary search, but that
+ * would be slower (I think), viz 10 iterations for each table.
+ */
+#ifdef __riscos
+typedef struct Info {
+ word nextandcount;
+ word value;
+} Info;
+#define COUNTBITS 11
+#define MAXCOUNT ((1<<COUNTBITS)-1)
+#define unpack(p,n,c) { word t = p->nextandcount; \
+ n = (Info *)((t>>COUNTBITS)<<3); \
+ c = t & MAXCOUNT; }
+#define pack(p,n,c) { word t = (((word)n)<<(COUNTBITS-3)) | c; \
+ p->nextandcount = t; }
+#define inccount(p,n,c) { if (c < MAXCOUNT) ++c; \
+ p->nextandcount = (((word)n)<<(COUNTBITS-3)) | c; }
+#else /* !__riscos */
+typedef struct Info {
+ struct Info *next;
+ word count;
+ word value;
+} Info;
+#define unpack(p,n,c) { n = p->next; \
+ c = p->count; }
+#define pack(p,n,c) { p->next = n; \
+ p->count = c; }
+#define inccount(p,n,c) { p->next = n; \
+ p->count = ++c; }
+#endif /* !__riscos */
+typedef Info *HashTab[HASHSIZE];
+typedef struct VTable { /* sorted vector of common values */
+ int nhits; /* sum of frequencies of words in this table */
+ Info *misses; /* list of (freq, word) pairs not in this table */
+ int size; /* number of els in the table */
+ word els[MAXTAB]; /* table els: [0..size-1] are valid */
+} VTable;
+typedef struct Freqs { /* list of (value, frequency) pairs */
+ int nzeros; /* no of zero words */
+ int maxfreq; /* max frequency in list - useful for sorting */
+ Info *freqs; /* list of (value, frequency) */
+} Freqs;
+ * Some ugly stuff to allocate 2-word Info structures efficiently with
+ * correct (8-byte) alignment.
+ */
+typedef struct InfoChunk {
+ struct InfoChunk *next;
+ Info *free;
+ Info *limit;
+ Info chunks[(CHUNKSIZE-12)/sizeof(Info)];
+} InfoChunk;
+static Info *align(Info *p, int n)
+{ int x = (int)p;
+ x += (n - 1); x -= (x % n); return (Info *)x;
+static char *heaplwm;
+static char *heaphwm;
+static void *xalloc(int bytes, char *what)
+{ void *p = malloc(bytes);
+ if (p == NULL) err_fail("no more room");
+/* if ((int)p < 0) err_fail("storage corruption (%d)", (int)p); */
+ if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "-- alloc(%d, %s) -> &%x\n", bytes, what, (int)p);
+ if ((char *)p + bytes > heaphwm) heaphwm = (char *)p + bytes;
+ if ((char *)p < heaplwm) heaplwm = (char *)p;
+ what = NULL;
+ return(p);
+static void xfree(void *p)
+ if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "-- free(&%x)\n", (int)p);
+ free(p);
+static InfoChunk *curchunk;
+static void freechunks(void)
+{ InfoChunk *p, *next;
+ for (p = curchunk; p != NULL; p = next) { next = p->next; xfree(p); }
+ curchunk = NULL;
+static Info *newinfo(Info *next, word v)
+{ InfoChunk *chunk;
+ Info *p;
+ chunk = curchunk;
+ if ((chunk == NULL) || ((p = chunk->free) >= chunk->limit)) {
+ chunk = (InfoChunk *)xalloc(CHUNKSIZE, "InfoChunk");
+ chunk->next = curchunk;
+ chunk->free = p = align(chunk->chunks, 8);
+ chunk->limit = (Info *)(((int)chunk) + CHUNKSIZE - sizeof(Info));
+ curchunk = chunk;
+ }
+ chunk->free = (p + 1);
+ pack(p, next, 1); p->value = v;
+ return(p);
+static void countwords(word *code, word *limit, Freqs *ans)
+ * Counts number of occurrences of each word value in the specified block
+ * of code [code, limit), and returns list of (value, freqency) pairs.
+ */
+{ HashTab *hash;
+ Info **list;
+ Info *p, *next, *freqs;
+ int j, nzeros, maxfreq;
+ word w;
+ hash = xalloc(sizeof(HashTab), "HashTab");
+ for (j = 0; j < HASHSIZE; ++j) (*hash)[j] = NULL;
+ nzeros = 0;
+ while (code < limit) {
+/* fprintf(stderr, "code %p limit %p\n", code, limit); */
+ w = *code++;
+ if (w == 0) { ++nzeros; continue; }
+ j = (w + (w >> 11) + (w >> 22)) % HASHSIZE; /* simple hash function */
+ list = &((*hash)[j]);
+ p = *list;
+ while (1) {
+ if (p == NULL) { /*fprintf(stderr, "newinfo\n");*/ *list = newinfo(*list, w); /*fprintf(stderr, "newinfo out\n");*/ break; }
+ unpack(p, next, j);
+ if (w == p->value) { inccount(p, next, j); break; }
+ p = next;
+ }
+ } /* while code < limit */
+/*fprintf(stderr, "done countwords\n");*/
+ /*
+ * Now flatten the hash table into a single list, and free the vector.
+ */
+ freqs = NULL; maxfreq = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < HASHSIZE; ++j) {
+ for (p = (*hash)[j]; p != NULL; p = next) {
+ unpack(p, next, w); pack(p, freqs, w); freqs = p;
+ if (w > maxfreq) maxfreq = w; /* keep track of max frequency */
+ }
+ }
+ ans->nzeros = nzeros;
+ ans->maxfreq = maxfreq;
+ ans->freqs = freqs;
+ xfree(hash);
+static int comparewords(const void *a, const void *b)
+ * This proc is passed to the library qsort for sorting table elements.
+ * We know that all table elements are distinct, so can cheat a little.
+ */
+{ word x = *(word *)a;
+ word y = *(word *)b;
+ if (x > y) return(+1);
+ return(-1);
+static void maketable(Freqs *freqs, int maxsize, int wantmisses, VTable *tab)
+ * Builds a VTable of the most common values in the list freqs,
+ * taking at most maxsize of them, destroying the freqs list
+ * in the process, and leaving the remnants hung off the VTable
+ * record.
+ */
+{ Info **withfreq = xalloc((freqs->maxfreq+1) * sizeof(Info *), "withfreq");
+ Info **list;
+ Info *p, *next, *misses;
+ int freq, nhits, size;
+ /*
+ * It is easy to sort things by frequency, as frequency range is
+ * limited to 1..freqs->maxfreq. So just build a vector of lists.
+ */
+ for (list = withfreq + freqs->maxfreq; list >= withfreq; *list-- = NULL);
+ for (p = freqs->freqs; p != NULL; p = next) { /* put p into bucket */
+ unpack(p, next, freq);
+ pack(p, (withfreq[freq]), freq);
+ withfreq[freq] = p;
+ }
+ freqs->freqs = NULL;
+ nhits = 0;
+ misses = NULL;
+ size = 0;
+ for (list = withfreq + freqs->maxfreq; list >= withfreq; --list) {
+ for (p = *list; p != NULL; p = next) {
+ unpack(p, next, freq);
+ if (size < maxsize) { /* add to table */
+ tab->els[size++] = p->value; nhits += freq;
+ } else { /* add to misses list */
+ if (!wantmisses) break;
+ pack(p, misses, freq); misses = p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tab->nhits = nhits;
+ tab->misses = misses;
+ tab->size = size;
+ xfree(withfreq);
+ qsort((void *)(tab->els), size, sizeof(word), &comparewords);
+ if (verbose > 1) printf("-- built table in %d csec\n", ticks());
+static void masklowbyte(Info *list, Freqs *ans)
+ * Take a list of (value, frequency) of 4-byte values, merge values
+ * with the same low byte to produce list of 3-byte values.
+ */
+#define VECBITS 12
+#define VECSIZE (1<<VECBITS)
+{ Info **vec = xalloc(VECSIZE * sizeof(Info *), "mergevec");
+ Info **pp;
+ Info *p, *next;
+ Info *q, *qnext, *qprev;
+ int freq, qfreq, qprevfreq, maxfreq;
+ word val, qval;
+ for (pp = vec + VECSIZE-1; pp >= vec; *pp-- = NULL);
+ for (p = list; p != NULL; p = next) {
+ unpack(p, next, freq);
+ val = (p->value >> 8); p->value = val;
+ pp = vec + ((val + (val >> 9) + (val >> 12)) % VECSIZE);
+ /*
+ * Now insert p in the ascending-value sorted list pp.
+ * This is tricky because of the packing of the nextandcount field,
+ * so have to handle start of list specially.
+ */
+ q = *pp;
+ if (q == NULL) { pack(p, NULL, freq); *pp = p; continue; }
+ unpack(q, qnext, qfreq); qval = q->value;
+ if (val < qval) { pack(p, q, freq); *pp = p; continue; }
+ if (val == qval) {
+ qfreq += freq; if (qfreq > MAXCOUNT) qfreq = MAXCOUNT;
+ pack(q, qnext, qfreq); continue;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ qprev = q; qprevfreq = qfreq; q = qnext;
+ if (q == NULL) { /* end of list: add it here */
+ pack(p, NULL, freq); pack(qprev, p, qprevfreq); break;
+ }
+ unpack(q, qnext, qfreq); qval = q->value;
+ if (val < qval) { /* not in list: add it */
+ pack(p, q, freq); pack(qprev, p, qprevfreq); break;
+ }
+ if (val == qval) { /* value matches: add frequency */
+ qfreq += freq; if (qfreq > MAXCOUNT) qfreq = MAXCOUNT;
+ pack(q, qnext, qfreq); break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Phew! That should keep the register allocator busy.
+ * Now we have a vector of sorted lists: just have to flatten it.
+ */
+ q = NULL; maxfreq = 0;
+ for (pp = vec + VECSIZE-1; pp >= vec; --pp) {
+ for (p = *pp; p != NULL; p = next) {
+ unpack(p, next, freq); pack(p, q, freq); q = p;
+ if (freq > maxfreq) maxfreq = freq;
+ }
+ }
+ ans->maxfreq = maxfreq;
+ ans->freqs = q;
+ xfree(vec);
+#define FASTSIZE 4096
+#define FASTHASH(v) ((v + (v >> 7) + (v >> 15)) % FASTSIZE)
+static Info **fasttab(VTable *tab)
+ * Builds a hash table for translating value -> index in table.
+ */
+{ Info **vec = xalloc(FASTSIZE * sizeof(Info *), "fasthash");
+ Info **pp;
+ int idx;
+ word val;
+ Info *p;
+ for (pp = vec + FASTSIZE; pp > vec; *--pp = NULL);
+ for (idx = 0; idx < tab->size; ++idx) {
+ val = tab->els[idx];
+ pp = vec + FASTHASH(val);
+ /*
+ * Values in table are unique, so just add it to chain.
+ */
+ p = newinfo(NULL, val); pack(p, *pp, idx); *pp = p;
+ }
+ return(vec);
+static int lookup(Info **fast, word val)
+{ Info *p, *next;
+ int idx;
+ for (p = fast[FASTHASH(val)]; p != NULL; p = next) {
+ unpack(p, next, idx);
+ if (val == p->value) return(idx);
+ }
+ return(-1);
+#define TOPBYTE(n) ((n)>>24)
+#define LOWBYTE(n) ((n)&0xff)
+#define PUTLOWBYTE(p, n) (*p++ = (n)) /* relies on store masking low byte */
+#define ENCODEVALUE(w, nibble, p) \
+ if (w == 0) { \
+ nibble = ZERO; \
+ } else if ((idx = lookup(fshorts, w)) >= 0) { \
+ PUTLOWBYTE(p, idx); \
+ nibble = SHORT + (idx >> 8); \
+ } else if ((idx = lookup(flongs, w>>8)) >= 0) { \
+ PUTLOWBYTE(p, w); PUTLOWBYTE(p, idx); \
+ nibble = LONG + (idx >> 8); \
+ } else { \
+ *p++ = TOPBYTE(w); w <<= 8; *p++ = TOPBYTE(w); w <<= 8; \
+ *p++ = TOPBYTE(w); w <<= 8; *p++ = TOPBYTE(w); \
+ nibble = LITERAL; \
+ }
+#define ENCSIZE 8192
+ * We encode a pair of words at a time. To avoid unnecessary copying of data,
+ * things are done in a rather curious order, not quite the opposite of the
+ * optimal decoding order. I can't quite convince myself that this is optimal,
+ * but I think it is quite good.
+ */
+static char *encode(word *base, word *limit, Info **fshorts, Info **flongs,
+ SqueezeHeader *h)
+ * Returns pointer to byte after the encoded data.
+ */
+{ word *code;
+ word w;
+ int idx, nib0, nib1;
+ char *buf, *p;
+ buf = xalloc(ENCSIZE, "encodebuf"); p = buf;
+ h->decodedsize = ((char *)limit - (char *)base);
+ for (code = base; code < limit; code += 2) {
+ w = code[1]; ENCODEVALUE(w, nib1, p);
+ w = code[0]; ENCODEVALUE(w, nib0, p);
+ *p++ = (nib0 | (nib1 << 4));
+ if (buf != NULL) {
+ idx = ((int)code - (int)base - 12 - (p - buf));
+ if (idx > 0) { h->bytestomove = (p - buf); }
+ if ((idx > 256) || (p - buf > ENCSIZE - 16)) {
+ /*
+ * Swap from encoding into buf to encoding on top of old stuff
+ * once we get 256 bytes clear, or run out of buf space.
+ */
+ memcpy(base+1, buf, p-buf); p = (p-buf) + (char *)(base+1);
+ xfree(buf); buf = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (p >= (char *)(code-2))
+ err_fail("pathological file - can't cope");
+ }
+ }
+ h->encodedsize = p - (char *)(base+1);
+ return(p);
+static char *encodetable(VTable *tab, int threebytes, char *out)
+ * Encode the table of 3 or 4 byte values, starting at address p,
+ * return pointer to first free byte after table.
+ */
+{ word *p, *limit;
+ word prev, w;
+ int delta, ones;
+ ones = 0; prev = (word)(-1);
+ p = tab->els; limit = p + tab->size;
+ while (p < limit) {
+ w = *p++; delta = (w - prev); prev = w;
+ if (delta == 1) ++ones;
+ if ((ones > 0) && ((delta != 1) || (ones >= 9))) {
+ *out++ = ones; ones = 0;
+ }
+ if (delta < 2) { /* dealt with above: no zeros, ones are peepholed */ }
+ else if (delta <= 91-10) { *out++ = delta+10; }
+ else if (delta < 82*256) {
+ *out++ = (delta>>8)+92; *out++ = LOWBYTE(delta);
+ }
+ else if (delta < 82*256*256) {
+ *out++ = (delta>>16)+174;
+ *out++ = LOWBYTE(delta); delta >>= 8;
+ *out++ = LOWBYTE(delta);
+ }
+ else {
+ *out++ = 0;
+ *out++ = LOWBYTE(delta); delta >>= 8;
+ *out++ = LOWBYTE(delta); delta >>= 8;
+ *out++ = LOWBYTE(delta);
+ if (!threebytes) { delta >>= 8; *out++ = delta; }
+ }
+ } /* end loop over values in table */
+ if (ones > 0) *out++ = ones;
+ return(out);
+static char *writeunsqueeze(char *out, int execoffset)
+{ int base, limit;
+ word *p;
+ int n, rotr, op;
+ /* UnSqueeze_FindUnSqueezeCode(&base, &limit); */
+ base = (int)&UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeBase;
+ limit = (int)&UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeLimit;
+ n = limit - base;
+ memcpy(out, (void *)base, n); out += n;
+ /*
+ * Now construct ARM code to jump to exec address, starting with
+ * load address in R8.
+ */
+ op = ADD_R8_R8_0;
+ if (execoffset < 0) { op = SUB_R8_R8_0; execoffset = -execoffset; }
+ rotr = 32; p = (word *)out;
+ while (execoffset > 0) {
+ /* Generate ADD/SUB R8, R8, #thing */
+ n = LOWBYTE(execoffset); execoffset >>= 8;
+ if (n != 0) {
+ *p++ = op + (0x100 * ((rotr % 32) / 2)) + n;
+ }
+ rotr -= 8;
+ }
+ *p++ = SUB_R1_R8_IMM4;
+ *p++ = SWI_XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas;
+ *p++ = MOV_PC_R8;
+ return((char *)p);
+static char *compresscode(word *code, int size, int execoffset)
+ * Returns NULL if no compression, else pointer to top of compressed thing.
+ */
+{ Freqs freqs;
+ word *limit;
+ VTable *shorts, *longs;
+ Info **fshorts, **flongs;
+ int nwords, guess, nliterals;
+ SqueezeHeader header;
+ char *pos, *tabstart;
+ size += 7; size &= ~7; /* round up to an even number of words */
+ limit = (word *)((char *)code + size);
+ countwords(code, limit, &freqs);
+ if (verbose > 1) printf("-- counted %d bytes in %d csec\n", size, ticks());
+ /*
+ * Allocate the VTables here to avoid nasty storage interactions, which
+ * can lose us some chunks if we're not careful.
+ */
+ shorts = xalloc(sizeof(VTable), "shorts");
+ longs = xalloc(sizeof(VTable), "longs");
+ maketable(&freqs, NSHORTS*256, 1, shorts);
+ masklowbyte(shorts->misses, &freqs);
+ if (verbose > 1) printf("-- masklowbyte took %d csec\n", ticks());
+ maketable(&freqs, NLONGS*256, 0, longs);
+ freechunks();
+ /*
+ * Now guess what the size of the compressed thing would be.
+ * The estimates of size of encoded data are exact, but the
+ * estimates of encoded table size are a guess, so we over-estimate
+ * the size of the decompression code to be on the safe side.
+ */
+ nwords = (size / sizeof(word));
+ nliterals = nwords - freqs.nzeros - shorts->nhits - longs->nhits;
+ guess = (nwords / 2) /* 0.5 bytes per word of original */
+ + (1 * shorts->nhits) /* 1 more byte for each short */
+ + (2 * longs->nhits) /* 2 for each long */
+ + (4 * nliterals) /* 4 for each literal */
+ + (2 * shorts->size) /* rough size of shorts table */
+ + (2 * longs->size) /* rough size of longs table */
+ + 1024; /* decompression code + safety margin */
+ if (verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, "-- encoding stats (0,1,2,4) %d%% %d%% %d%% %d%%\n",
+ (freqs.nzeros * 100) / nwords,
+ (shorts->nhits * 100) / nwords,
+ (longs->nhits * 100) / nwords,
+ (nliterals * 100) / nwords);
+ if (guess > (9*size)/10) { /* not much squeeze to be had */
+ if ((!force) || (guess > size)) return(NULL);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now can actually start encoding stuff.
+ */
+ fshorts = fasttab(shorts);
+ flongs = fasttab(longs);
+ if (verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "-- built speedup tables in %d csec\n", ticks());
+ pos = encode(code, limit, fshorts, flongs, &header);
+ xfree(flongs);
+ xfree(fshorts);
+ freechunks();
+ if (verbose > 1)
+ fprintf(stderr, "-- encode gives %d in %d csec\n", header.encodedsize, ticks());
+ tabstart = pos;
+ pos = encodetable(shorts, 0, pos);
+ pos = encodetable(longs, 1, pos);
+ header.nshorts = shorts->size;
+ xfree(shorts);
+ header.nlongs = longs->size;
+ xfree(longs);
+ /* now word-align before the header words */
+ while (((int)pos & 3) != 0) *pos++ = 0;
+ header.encodedtabs = (pos - tabstart);
+ if (verbose > 1)
+ fprintf(stderr, "-- decode tables occupy %d bytes\n", header.encodedtabs);
+ memcpy(pos, &header, sizeof(SqueezeHeader)); pos += sizeof(SqueezeHeader);
+ /*
+ * Now the branch instruction to be put at the start: this has a word
+ * offset, with suitable allowance for ARM prefetch.
+ * In fact we want to skip the first 3 instructions of decompression
+ * code, as these are executed only for an AIF image.
+ */
+ *code = B + ((word *)pos - code) + AIFPRELUDE - PREFETCH;
+ pos = writeunsqueeze(pos, execoffset);
+ pos += sprintf(pos, "rcc %s\n", Module_MajorVersion);
+ /* Pad size to be 15 mod 16 */
+ while ((((int)pos - (int)code) & 0xf) != 0xf) *pos++ = ' ';
+ return(pos);
+static char *compress(word *code, int size, int execoffset)
+ * This handles the AIF-specific stuff.
+ * Returns NULL if no compression, else pointer to top of compressed thing.
+ */
+{ char *top;
+ if (code[0] != BL+NV && code [0] != MOV_R0_R0)
+ { /* not BLNV $+0, not NOOP => not an AIF image */
+ return compresscode(code, size, execoffset);
+ }
+ top = compresscode(code+AIFWORDS, size-AIFBYTES, execoffset-AIFBYTES+4);
+ /*
+ * Now first word of the stuff we have just compressed is
+ * B UnsqueezeADFSImage. We want the first word of the header to
+ * be BL UnsqueezeAIFImage, i.e. destination AIFPRELUDE words earlier.
+ */
+ code[0] = BL + (code[32] & 0x00ffffff) + AIFWORDS - AIFPRELUDE;
+ return(top);
+#ifdef __riscos
+static void arthurise(_kernel_osfile_block *info, int type)
+{ int data[2];
+ if ((info->load == info->exec) && (info->load == 0x8000)) {
+ /* can we use Arthur 'FF8' filetype ? */
+ if (_kernel_hostos() == _kernel_ARTHUR) {
+ /* This is Arthur - get time of day */
+ if (verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "-- getting timestamp from Arthur\n");
+ data[0] = 3;
+ (void) _kernel_osword(14, data);
+ info->exec = data[0];
+ info->load = 0xfffff800 + (data[1] & 0xff);
+ if (type)
+ info->load = type + (data[1] & 0xff);
+ }
+ }
+static int squeeze(char *in, char *out)
+{ _kernel_osfile_block info;
+ int rc, size, t, squeezed, isdata;
+ void *load;
+ datahdr *d;
+ word *code;
+ char *top, *p;
+ int type = 0;
+ if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "-- squeezing '%s' to '%s'\n", in, out);
+ squeezed = 0; isdata = 0;
+ if (fileinfo(&info, in) == -1) err_fail("'%s' does not exist", in);
+ size = info.start;
+ if ((!force) && (strcmp(in, out) == 0)) {
+ /* Check quickly to see if worth loading */
+ if (size < 2048) {
+ err_report("'%s' is too small to squeeze", in);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ if ((size & 0xf) == 0xf) {
+ err_report("'%s' is already squeezed", in);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((info.load & 0xffffff00) == 0xfffffa00) { /* Module */
+ int header_size;
+ header_size = (int)&unsqueeze_limit - (int)&unsqueeze_base;
+ unsqueeze_end = size;
+ size += header_size;
+ code = xalloc(size+DATABYTES+8, "code");
+ d = (datahdr *)code; code += DATAWORDS;
+ top = ((char *)code) + size+8;
+ for (p = top-8; p < top; *p++ = 0); /* Clear the padding space */
+ memcpy(code, &unsqueeze_base, header_size);
+ load = code + header_size;
+ } else {
+ code = xalloc(size+DATABYTES+8, "code"); /* Pad to even no of words */
+ d = (datahdr *)code; code += DATAWORDS; /* Space for data header */
+ top = ((char *)code) + size+8;
+ for (p = top-8; p < top; *p++ = 0); /* Clear the padding space */
+ load = code;
+ }
+ if (wf_load(in, load, info.start) == -1)
+ err_fail("can't load '%s'", in);
+ if ((info.load & 0xfff00000) == 0xfff00000) {
+ type = (info.load & ~0xff);
+ if (type == 0xfffffa00)
+ type = 0xfffff800;
+ info.load = 0x8000;
+ info.exec = 0x8000;
+ } else {
+ if (info.load & 0xfc000000) {
+ isdata = 1; d->datamagic = DATAMAGIC;
+ d->load = info.load; d->exec = info.exec; d->size = size;
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "-- loaded %d bytes in %d csec\n", size, ticks());
+ t = clock();
+ if (isdata) top = compresscode(code, size, -DATABYTES + 4);
+ else top = compress(code, size, info.exec - info.load);
+ if (top != NULL) {
+ t = clock() - t;
+ if (isdata) {
+ d->bl_decompress = code[0] + DATAWORDS; /* dirty... */
+ code -= DATAWORDS;
+ info.load = SQUEEZED | (info.load & 0xff);
+ } else
+ info.exec = info.load;
+ rc = (top - (char *)code);
+ if (verbose) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "-- compressed size %d is %d%% of %d\n", rc, (rc*100)/size, size);
+ fprintf(stderr, "-- compression took %d csec, %d bytes/cpusec\n", t, (size*100)/(t?t:1));
+ }
+ squeezed = 1;
+ } else {
+ top = (char *)code + size;
+ if (verbose) err_report("can't compress '%s', will copy", in);
+ }
+ if (squeezed || (strcmp(in, out) != 0)) { /* Write it out */
+#ifdef __riscos
+ arthurise(&info, type);
+ if (wf_save(out, code, top - (char *)code) == -1)
+ err_fail("failed to write '%s'", out);
+#ifdef __riscos
+ _swix(OS_File, _INR(0,2), 18, out, (info.load << 12) >> 20);
+ }
+ xfree(d);
+ if (debug) {
+ printf("-- heaphwm = &%x = &8000+%d\n",(int)heaphwm,(int)heaphwm-0x8000);
+ printf("-- heaplwm = &%x, range = %d\n", (int)heaplwm, heaphwm - heaplwm);
+ }
+ return(0);
+static void help(void)
+{ char ch = host_dir_sep_char();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n%s vsn %s [%s] - %s\n", SELF, VSN, DATE, BRIEF);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n%s [options] unsqueezed-file [squeezed-file]\n", SELF);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nOptions:-\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "-f try harder to squeeze unpleasant things\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "-v output messages and compression statistics\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nExamples:-\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " %s myprog %s -v myprog squozen%cmyprog\n", SELF, SELF, ch);
+static void handle_escape(int signo)
+ signal(signo, handle_escape);
+static void initialise(void)
+ signal(SIGINT, handle_escape);
+ host_init();
+ err_init(SELF);
+ debug = 0; force = 0; verbose = 0;
+ curchunk = NULL;
+ ticks();
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+{ int j;
+ char *arg;
+ char *a = NULL;
+ char *b = NULL;
+ initialise();
+ /* parse help or identify args */
+ for (j = 1; j < argc; ++j) {
+ arg = argv[j];
+ if (hash_cistrcmp("-help", arg) == 0 || hash_cistrcmp("-h", arg) == 0) {
+ help();
+ }
+ }
+ /* parse args */
+ for (j = 1; j < argc; ++j) {
+ arg = argv[j];
+ if (arg[0] == '-') {
+ int i = 1;
+ while (arg[i]) {
+ switch (arg[i]) {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F': ++force; break;
+ case 'v':
+ case 'V': ++verbose; break;
+ case 'z':
+ case 'Z': ++debug; break;
+ case 'o':
+ ++j;
+ if (argv[j])
+ b = argv[j];
+ else
+ err_fail("no filename on -o flag\n");
+ break;
+ default : err_fail("flag '%c' not recognised", arg[i]);
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ } else { /* a filename */
+ if (a == NULL) a = arg;
+ else if (b == NULL) b = arg;
+ else err_fail("too many filename arguments '%s'\n", arg);
+ }
+ }
+ if (a == NULL) err_fail("missing filename");
+ if (b == NULL) b = a; /* squeeze it to itself */
+ if (debug) { heaplwm = (char *)0x03ffffff; heaphwm = NULL; }
+ return(squeeze(a, b));