; This source code in this file is licensed to You by Castle Technology ; Limited ("Castle") and its licensors on contractual terms and conditions ; ("Licence") which entitle you freely to modify and/or to distribute this ; source code subject to Your compliance with the terms of the Licence. ; ; This source code has been made available to You without any warranties ; whatsoever. Consequently, Your use, modification and distribution of this ; source code is entirely at Your own risk and neither Castle, its licensors ; nor any other person who has contributed to this source code shall be ; liable to You for any loss or damage which You may suffer as a result of ; Your use, modification or distribution of this source code. ; ; Full details of Your rights and obligations are set out in the Licence. ; You should have received a copy of the Licence with this source code file. ; If You have not received a copy, the text of the Licence is available ; online at www.castle-technology.co.uk/riscosbaselicence.htm ; ; ; s.UnSqueeze by RCC 25-Aug-87 ; This is a bit of code to be included in self-decompressing images to ; expand the image in place. See elsewhere for details of the compression ; algorithm. ; ; *********************************** ; *** C h a n g e L i s t *** ; *********************************** ; Date Name Description ; ---- ---- ----------- ; 13-Feb-90 TDobson Minor optimisation which saves 1 instruction for ; every output word that isn't a "short" or a "long". AREA |M2$$Data|, DATA ; EXPORT |UnSqueeze_C$| ; EXPORT |UnSqueeze_CS$| EXPORT |UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeBase| EXPORT |UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeLimit| ; EXPORT |UnSqueeze_D$| ; EXPORT |UnSqueeze_FindUnSqueezeCode| ; IMPORT |SYSTEM.STKOVF| ; IMPORT |SYSTEM.RAISE| |UnSqueeze_D$| % 4 AREA |M2$$Code|, CODE, READONLY R0 RN 0 R1 RN 1 R2 RN 2 R3 RN 3 R4 RN 4 R5 RN 5 R6 RN 6 R7 RN 7 R8 RN 8 R9 RN 9 R10 RN 10 R11 RN 11 R12 RN 12 R13 RN 13 LR RN 14 PC RN 15 |UnSqueeze_CS$| EQU 40 |UnSqueeze_C$| StackSize * 64 decodedSize * 0 encodedSize * 4 tableSize * 8 nShorts * 12 nLongs * 16 sizeToMove * 20 GBLL expand_memcheck expand_memcheck SETL {TRUE} [ expand_memcheck ; GET hdr:ListOpts ; GET hdr:Macros ; GET hdr:System ; GET hdr:MsgTrans OS_GetEnv EQU &10 OS_GenerateError EQU &2b XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas EQU &2006e XMessageTrans_ErrorLookup EQU &61506 ] ; Constants defining partition of nibble value space: these must match ; corresponding values in mod.squeeze. NibsLong * 7 NibsShort * (14-NibsLong) MinShort * (2+NibsLong) MinLong * 2 ; Code between UnSqueezeBase and UnSqueezeLimit will be copied into ; the start of a squeezed image, and when the image is loaded it will ; jump to the start. ; Before start of unsqueeze code there will be 6 words to tell ; it where the data is, how big it is etc. |UnsqueezeDataBlock| NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP |UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeBase| |UnsqueezeAIFImage| ; If it was an AIF image, we enter here and overwrite the BL decompress ; xpand relies on the first instruction here being MOV r0, # MOV R0, #&E1000000 ; hex for instruction MOV r0, r0 ORR R0, R0, #&00A00000 SUB R1, LR, PC ; mode independent status bit removal ADD R1, PC, R1 ; R1 = LR (- any PSR bits if there) + 4 STR R0, [R1, #-8]! ; overwrite the instruction we just BL'ed from |UnsqueezeADFSImage| [ UnsqueezeADFSImage - UnsqueezeAIFImage <> 5*4 ! 1, "Change AIFPRELUDE in squeeze.h" ] ; We arrive here knowing very little about anything. ; First find out where we are, and where the tables start. ADR R0, |UnsqueezeDataBlock| ; R0 points to data (PC-relative) LDMIA R0, {R8-R13} ; load all the data ; R13 := sizeToMove ; R12 := nLongs ; R11 := nShorts SUB R10, R0, R10 ; R10 := base of encoded tables SUB R9, R10, R9 ; R9 := base of encoded data ADD R8, R9, R8 ; R8 := top of decoded image ; We only need nLongs and nShorts while we are decoding the tables. ; Afterwards we will re-use the registers for pointers to start ; of tables. ; SWI &10 ; GetEnv - returns RAM limit in R1 ; SUB R6, R1, #&4000 ; grab 16K workspace, remember table base ADR R6, |UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeLimit|+24 ; top of squeezed image CMP R6, R8 ; find highest of top of squeezed and unsqueezed image MOVLO R6, R8 ; use SWI if you prefer... (UNIX ?) ; Allocate space for tables ADD R1, R11, R12 ; nLongs + nShorts ADD R7, R6, R1, LSL #2 ; curFree += (nLongs + nShorts) * 4; [ expand_memcheck SWI OS_GetEnv ; returns RAM limit in R1 ; R7 points to end of tables; add space required for copied-up ; decode routine. ADD R2,R7, #|UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeLimit| + 24 - decodeImage ; if PC < the RAM limit, and R2 > the RAM limit, we're in trouble ; (if PC > the RAM limit, we assume we're not in the application slot) CMP PC,R1 CMPLO R1,R2 BLO expand_would_overwrite ] MOV R5, R10 ; R5 is ptr into encoded tables MOV R4, #0 ; this is the first table el decodeTab ; Require: R11 -- no of els left to decode ; R6 -- ptr into decoded table ; R5 -- ptr into encoding ; R4 -- = 0 iff this is the shorts table (i.e. 4-byte vals) ; I believe this loop could be made good deal smaller and possibly ; faster, but it's only a couple of hundred bytes and it works. MOV R2, R6 ; stash away base of first table MOV R3, #-1 ; start as if previous entry was -1 decodeEntry SUBS R11, R11, #1 ; while (--nEntries >= 0) { BLT decodedTab ; assert: previous word is in R3 LDRB R1, [R5], #1 ; byte = *p++ SUBS R0, R1, #10 BGE greaterThan9 literalOrOnes CMPS R1, #0 BNE ones literal LDRB R0, [R5], #1 LDRB R1, [R5], #1 ORR R0, R0, R1, LSL #8 LDRB R1, [R5], #1 ORR R0, R0, R1, LSL #16 CMPS R4, #0 ; in the 4-byte (short encodings) table? LDREQB R1, [R5], #1 ; yes, so include the 4th byte ORREQ R0, R0, R1, LSL #24 ; in the resultant word ADD R3, R3, R0 STR R3, [R6], #4 B decodeEntry ones SUB R11, R11, R1 ADD R11, R11, #1 anotherOne ; Have number of increment-by-ones in R1 ADD R3, R3, #1 STR R3, [R6], #4 SUBS R1, R1, #1 BGT anotherOne B decodeEntry greaterThan9 CMPS R1, #92 ADDLT R3, R3, R0 STRLT R3, [R6], #4 BLT decodeEntry greaterThan91 SUBS R0, R1, #174 BLT oneMore twoMore LDRB R1, [R5], #1 ORR R0, R1, R0, LSL #16 LDRB R1, [R5], #1 ORR R0, R0, R1, LSL #8 ADD R3, R3, R0 STR R3, [R6], #4 B decodeEntry oneMore SUBS R0, R1, #92 LDRB R1, [R5], #1 ORR R0, R1, R0, LSL #8 ADD R3, R3, R0 STR R3, [R6], #4 B decodeEntry ; } /* end while (--nEntries >= 0) { */ decodedTab CMPS R4, #0 ; if isShorts then BNE finishLongs ; else finishLongs finishShorts MOV R11, R12 ; no of els to decode = nLongs MOV R12, R2 ; R12 = &shorts[0] MOV R2, R6 ; stash away start of longs table MOV R4, #1 ; next table is longs B decodeTab [ {TRUE} ; ROL has adopted a policy in their fork of the OS of not allowing ; compressed binaries to run unless their version of UnsqueezeAIF ; recognises characteristic instruction sequences within the ; application's unsqueeze code, which it knows how to patch up and ; run during Service_UKCompression 0. The justification for this is ; apparently that they didn't like the fact that the binary is ; still compressed during Service_UKCompression 1 if UnsqueezeAIF ; drops back to letting the application unsqueeze code run itself ; when normal execution at &8000 starts. So, basically they're ; saying: if this is an application which UnsqueezeAIF doesn't ; currently know for a fact to handle its own cache coherency, then ; on the off-chance that one day in the future it might be ; desirable to be able to patch the application using AppPatcher - ; and yet it would for some reason be impractical to update ; UnsqueezeAIF at *that* point to recognise these cases (!?!) - ; then the OS should already refuse to run the application! ; ; On the other hand, there is a real downside, in that this policy ; hinders the development of alternative compression schemes, or as ; happened in squeeze 5.09, the fixing of certain bugs that have ; a demonstrable effect on real hardware. ; ; Since ROL has failed for nearly 7 years now to adapt their OS ; to cope with squeeze 5.09, we don't have much option but to try ; to work around it. By inserting a pre-StrongARM code sequence ; here (where it will never be executed, but after the start of ; the unsqueeze code where UnsqueezeAIF starts looking for it), we ; can trick UnsqueezeAIF into thinking it recognises us and trusts ; us to be run. FakeUnsqSignature LDMIA R5!,{R0-R3} STMIA R7!,{R0-R3} CMP R5,R6 BLT FakeUnsqSignature MOV PC,R4 ] finishLongs MOV R11, R2 ; R11 = &longs[0] decodedBothTabs ; Now have: R13 = sizeToMove ; R12 = &shorts[0] ; R11 = &longs[0] ; R10 = top of encoded data ; R9 = base of encoded data ; R8 = top of decoded data ; R7 = curFree - base of unused memory ; R0..R6 unused moveRestOfCode ; Decompression is going to scribble on us here, so copy the ; rest of the code up into free space. ADR R5, decodeImage ADR R6, |UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeLimit|+24 ; allow for branch to exec addr MOV R4, R7 ; we will jump to R4 ; The following code is what is recognised by UnSqzAIF to interfere ; in the decompression (to do OS_SynchroniseCodeAreas). Changing it ; will stop it interfering. moveCode LDMIA R5!, {R0-R3} STMIA R7!, {R0-R3} ; NB this updates free space pointer as we go CMPS R5, R6 BLT moveCode MOV R1, R4 ; this instruction causes a non-match in UnSqzAIF ADD R2, R1, #|UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeLimit|+28-decodeImage MOV R0, #1 SWI XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas ; we've written some code. MOV PC, R4 ; jump to the new copy of the rest of the code [ expand_memcheck ; If we were to let the expansion occur, either a data abort would ; occur, or we would overwrite our parent application. expand_would_overwrite ADR R0, error_block - 6 * 4 LDMIB R0!, {R1,R2,R4-R7} SWI XMessageTrans_ErrorLookup LDR R1,[R0] TEQ R1, #0 ADRNE R0, error_block_failed SWI OS_GenerateError DCD 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 error_block DCD 0 DCB "NoMem", 0 ALIGN error_block_failed DCD 0 DCB "Not enough memory", 0 ALIGN ] decodeImage ; The code from here on gets executed only after it is copied ; elsewhere. This is confusing, but necessary. ; Most of the data gets decoded in place, but we have to go round twice ; just in case we have to copy some data elsewhere, so first ; time round we use a higher R9 (bottom of encoded data). ADD R9, R9, R13 ; base = base + sizeToMove ; top of encoded data in R10 ; base of encoded data in R9 ; top of decoded data in R8 ; ptr to shorts in R12 ; ptr to longs in R11 ; R0..R6 are free for workspace ; For the moment, we want to overwrite the first word of the image, ; I think this is just a kludge... SUB R8, R8, #4 decodePair CMPS R10, R9 ; Have we reached the base ? BLE doneDecode LDRB R6, [R10, #-1]! ; byte value ; The words will be put in R4 and R5, to be STMDB'd AND R3, R6, #15 ; first nibble SUBS R0, R3, #MinShort ; idx = (val - 8) BLT notshort0 short0 LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ORR R0, R1, R0, LSL #8 LDR R4, [R12, R0, LSL #2] ; w = shorts[(nibble-8)<<8 | *p--] B gotFirst notshort0 SUBS R0, R3, #MinLong ; idx = (val - 2) BLT notlong0 long0 LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ORR R0, R1, R0, LSL #8 LDR R0, [R11, R0, LSL #2] ; w = longs[(nibble-2)<<8 | *p--] LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ORR R4, R1, R0, LSL #8 B gotFirst notlong0 MOVS R4, R3 ; TMD 13-Feb-90: combine 2 instructions here ; used to be CMPS R3,#0; MOVEQ R4,R3 BEQ gotFirst literal0 LDRB R0, [R10, #-1]! LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ORR R0, R0, R1, LSL #8 LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ORR R0, R0, R1, LSL #16 LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ORR R4, R0, R1, LSL #24 gotFirst ; Phew! We have the first word of the pair (in R4), now we have ; to do (almost) the same again, result in R5, and STMDB. MOV R3, R6, LSR #4 ; second nibble SUBS R0, R3, #MinShort ; idx = (val - 8) BLT notshort1 short1 LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ORR R0, R1, R0, LSL #8 LDR R5, [R12, R0, LSL #2] ; w = shorts[(nibble-8)<<8 | *p--] STMDB R8!, {R4,R5} B decodePair notshort1 SUBS R0, R3, #MinLong ; idx = (val - 2) BLT notlong1 long1 LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ORR R0, R1, R0, LSL #8 LDR R0, [R11, R0, LSL #2] ; w = longs[(nibble-2)<<8 | *p--] LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ORR R5, R1, R0, LSL #8 STMDB R8!, {R4,R5} B decodePair notlong1 MOVS R5, R3 ; TMD 13-Feb-90: combine 2 instructions here ; used to be CMPS R3,#0; MOVEQ R5,R3 ; This doesn't pay off much STMEQDB R8!, {R4,R5} ; might be better to swap round BEQ decodePair ; literal and zero, to save 3S on literal1 ; the longer path ? LDRB R0, [R10, #-1]! LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ; If I had the right byte-sex and ORR R0, R0, R1, LSL #8 ; a couple of registers to spare, LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ; could do this in 15S instead of 22S ORR R0, R0, R1, LSL #16 ; using the load non-aligned word code LDRB R1, [R10, #-1]! ; given in ARM CPU Manual. ORR R5, R0, R1, LSL #24 STMDB R8!, {R4,R5} B decodePair doneDecode CMPS R13, #0 ; Any data need to be copied elsewhere ? BLE runImage ; No -- just run the image SUB R6, R9, R13 ; R6 points to base of encoded data MOV R9, R7 ; R9 points to base of copied data ADD R10, R9, R13 ; R10 is current pointer into copied data moveEncoded LDMIA R6!, {R0-R3} STMIA R7!, {R0-R3} SUBS R13, R13, #16 BGT moveEncoded B decodePair ; Carry on decoding ; Now R8 should be a pointer to the first word of the decoded image, ; so lets cross our fingers and jump to it... runImage ADR r2, decodeImage-4 MOV R0, #1 ; [up to 3 SUB instructions here] R8 adjusted to point back to AIF header ; SUB R1, R8, #4 ; SWI XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas ; MOV PC, R8 |UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeLimit| ; Now the bit of code that actually runs in the image compression program: ; this just tells it where the decompression code lives. Are you confused ? ; Entry point to PROCEDURE FindUnSqueezeCode ; Parameters: base: [FP,#-20]/R0 limit: [FP,#-16]/R1 |UnSqueeze_FindUnSqueezeCode| ADR R2, |UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeBase| STR R2, [R0] ADR R2, |UnSqueeze_UnSqueezeLimit| STR R2, [R1] MOV PC, LR END