#!/bin/make # # Makefile for NetSurf buildsystem # # Copyright 2009-1013 John-Mark Bell # Component settings COMPONENT := buildsystem COMPONENT_VERSION := 1.0 all: usage usage: @echo "make install PREFIX=/somewhere" @echo "" @echo "Will install the makefiles, and test tools into \$$PREFIX/share/netsurf-buildsystem" @echo "" @echo "Which is where the libraries etc look for it." PREFIX?=/opt/netsurf BASE=$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/netsurf-buildsystem MAKEFILES := $(patsubst %,Makefile.%, \ top tools subdir pkgconfig \ clang gcc norcroft open64 \ ) TESTTOOLS := testrunner.pl install: mkdir -p $(BASE)/makefiles $(BASE)/testtools for M in $(MAKEFILES); do \ cp makefiles/$$M $(BASE)/makefiles/; \ done for T in $(TESTTOOLS); do \ cp testtools/$$T $(BASE)/testtools/; \ done # Distribution # This constructs a distribution tar from the last git tag. It ensures # the Makefile component version matches the git tag version and the # tar is apropriately named for the component being generated dist: $(eval GIT_TAG := $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 --match "v*")) $(eval GIT_VER := $(shell x="$(GIT_TAG)"; echo "$${x#v}")) $(if $(subst $(GIT_VER),,$(COMPONENT_VERSION)), $(error Component Version "$(COMPONENT_VERSION)" and GIT tag version "$(GIT_VER)" do not match)) $(eval DIST_FILE := $(COMPONENT)-${GIT_VER}) $(Q)git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=$(DIST_FILE)/ -o $(DIST_FILE).tar.gz $(GIT_TAG)