path: root/src/select/computed.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/select/computed.h')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/src/select/computed.h b/src/select/computed.h
index a8934b1..d59fbe3 100644
--- a/src/select/computed.h
+++ b/src/select/computed.h
@@ -10,343 +10,7 @@
#include <libcss/computed.h>
#include <libcss/hint.h>
-struct css_computed_uncommon_i {
- * border_spacing 1 + 2(4) 2(4)
- * break_before 4 0
- * break_after 4 0
- * break_inside 4 0
- * clip 2 + 4(4) + 4 4(4)
- * column_count 2 4
- * column_fill 2 0
- * column_gap 2 + 4 4
- * column_rule_color 2 4
- * column_rule_style 4 0
- * column_rule_width 3 + 4 4
- * column_span 2 0
- * column_width 2 + 4 4
- * letter_spacing 2 + 4 4
- * outline_color 2 4
- * outline_width 3 + 4 4
- * word_spacing 2 + 4 4
- * --- ---
- * 95 bits 60 bytes
- *
- * Encode counter_increment and _reset as an array of name, value pairs,
- * terminated with a blank entry.
- *
- * counter_increment 1 sizeof(ptr)
- * counter_reset 1 sizeof(ptr)
- * --- ---
- * 2 bits 2sizeof(ptr) bytes
- *
- * Encode cursor uri(s) as an array of string objects, terminated with a
- * blank entry.
- *
- * cursor 5 sizeof(ptr)
- * --- ---
- * 5 bits sizeof(ptr) bytes
- *
- * Encode content as an array of content items, terminated with a blank entry.
- *
- * content 2 sizeof(ptr)
- * --- ---
- * 2 bits sizeof(ptr)
- *
- * ___ ___
- * 108 bits 62 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes
- *
- * 14 bytes 62 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes
- * ===================
- * 74 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes
- *
- * Bit allocations:
- *
- * 76543210
- * 1 llllllcc letter-spacing | outline-color
- * 2 ooooooob outline-width | border-spacing
- * 3 bbbbbbbb border-spacing
- * 4 wwwwwwir word-spacing | counter-increment | counter-reset
- * 5 uuuuumm. cursor | writing-mode | <unused>
- * 6 cccccccc clip
- * 7 cccccccc clip
- * 8 ccccccoo clip | content
- * 9 ccffssss column_count | column-fill | column-rule-style
- * 10 ggggggcc column-gap | column-rule-color
- * 11 wwwwwww. column-rule-width | <unused>
- * 12 sswwwwww column-span | column_width
- * 13 bbbbaaaa break-before | break-after
- * 14 iiii.... break-inside | <unused>
- */
- uint8_t bits[14];
- css_fixed border_spacing[2];
- css_fixed clip[4];
- css_fixed letter_spacing;
- css_color outline_color;
- css_fixed outline_width;
- css_fixed word_spacing;
- int32_t column_count;
- css_fixed column_gap;
- css_color column_rule_color;
- css_fixed column_rule_width;
- css_fixed column_width;
-typedef struct css_computed_uncommon {
- struct css_computed_uncommon_i i;
- css_computed_counter *counter_increment;
- css_computed_counter *counter_reset;
- css_computed_content_item *content;
- lwc_string **cursor;
- struct css_computed_uncommon *next;
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t bin;
-} css_computed_uncommon;
-typedef struct css_computed_page {
- * Bit allocations:
- *
- * 76543210
- * 1 aaabbbii page_break_after | page_break_before | page_break_inside
- * 2 ......wo widows | orphans
- */
- uint8_t bits[2];
- int32_t widows;
- int32_t orphans;
-} css_computed_page;
-struct css_computed_style_i {
- * background_attachment 2
- * background_repeat 3
- * border_collapse 2
- * border_top_style 4
- * border_right_style 4
- * border_bottom_style 4
- * border_left_style 4
- * caption_side 2
- * clear 3
- * direction 2
- * display 5
- * empty_cells 2
- * float 2
- * font_style 2
- * font_variant 2
- * font_weight 4
- * list_style_position 2
- * list_style_type 4
- * overflow 3
- * outline_style 4
- * position 3
- * table_layout 2
- * text_align 4
- * text_decoration 5
- * text_transform 3
- * unicode_bidi 2
- * visibility 2
- * white_space 3
- * box_sizing 2
- * align_content 3
- * align_items 3
- * align_self 3
- * flex_direction 3
- * flex_wrap 2
- * justify_content 3
- * ---
- * 103 bits
- *
- * Colours are 32bits of AARRGGBB
- * Dimensions are encoded as a fixed point value + 4 bits of unit data
- *
- * background_color 2 4
- * background_image 1 sizeof(ptr)
- * background_position 1 + 2(4) 2(4)
- * border_top_color 2 4
- * border_right_color 2 4
- * border_bottom_color 2 4
- * border_left_color 2 4
- * border_top_width 3 + 4 4
- * border_right_width 3 + 4 4
- * border_bottom_width 3 + 4 4
- * border_left_width 3 + 4 4
- * top 2 + 4 4
- * right 2 + 4 4
- * bottom 2 + 4 4
- * left 2 + 4 4
- * color 1 4
- * font_size 4 + 4 4
- * height 2 + 4 4
- * line_height 2 + 4 4
- * list_style_image 1 sizeof(ptr)
- * margin_top 2 + 4 4
- * margin_right 2 + 4 4
- * margin_bottom 2 + 4 4
- * margin_left 2 + 4 4
- * max_height 2 + 4 4
- * max_width 2 + 4 4
- * min_height 2 + 4 4
- * min_width 2 + 4 4
- * padding_top 1 + 4 4
- * padding_right 1 + 4 4
- * padding_bottom 1 + 4 4
- * padding_left 1 + 4 4
- * text_indent 1 + 4 4
- * vertical_align 4 + 4 4
- * width 2 + 4 4
- * z_index 2 4
- * flex_basis 2 + 4 4
- * flex_grow 1 4
- * flex_shrink 1 4
- * order 1 4
- * --- ---
- * 196 bits 156 + 2sizeof(ptr) bytes
- *
- * Encode font family as an array of string objects, terminated with a
- * blank entry.
- *
- * font_family 3 sizeof(ptr)
- * --- ---
- * 3 bits sizeof(ptr)
- *
- * Encode quotes as an array of string objects, terminated with a blank entry.
- *
- * quotes 1 sizeof(ptr)
- * --- ---
- * 1 bit sizeof(ptr) bytes
- *
- * ___ ___
- * 303 bits 156 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes
- *
- * 38 bytes 156 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes
- * ===================
- * 194 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes
- *
- * Bit allocations:
- *
- * 76543210
- * 1 vvvvvvvv vertical-align
- * 2 ffffffff font-size
- * 3 ttttttti border-top-width | background-image
- * 4 rrrrrrrc border-right-width | color
- * 5 bbbbbbbl border-bottom-width | list-style-image
- * 6 lllllllq border-left-width | quotes
- * 7 ttttttcc top | border-top-color
- * 8 rrrrrrcc right | border-right-color
- * 9 bbbbbbcc bottom | border-bottom-color
- * 10 llllllcc left | border-left-color
- * 11 hhhhhhbb height | background-color
- * 12 llllllzz line-height | z-index
- * 13 ttttttbb margin-top | background-attachment
- * 14 rrrrrrbb margin-right | border-collapse
- * 15 bbbbbbcc margin-bottom | caption-side
- * 16 lllllldd margin-left | direction
- * 17 mmmmmmee max-height | empty-cells
- * 18 mmmmmmff max-width | float
- * 19 wwwwwwff width | font-style
- * 20 mmmmmmff min-height | flex-wrap
- * 21 mmmmmmsg min-width | flex-shrink | flex_grow
- * 22 tttttxxx padding-top | overflow-x
- * 23 rrrrrppp padding-right | position
- * 24 bbbbboss padding-bottom | opacity | box-sizing
- * 25 lllllttt padding-left | text-transform
- * 26 tttttwww text-indent | white-space
- * 27 bbbbbbbb background-position
- * 28 bdddddff background-position | display | font-variant
- * 29 tttttfff text-decoration | font-family
- * 30 ttttrrrr border-top-style | border-right-style
- * 31 bbbbllll border-bottom-style | border-left-style
- * 32 ffffllll font-weight | list-style-type
- * 33 oooottuu outline-style | table-layout | unicode-bidi
- * 34 vvlltttt visibility | list-style-position | text-align
- * 35 yyybbbaa overflow-y | background-repeat | align-content1
- * 36 bbbbbbaj flex-basis | align-content2 | justify_content1
- * 37 fffcccjj flex-direction | clear | justify_content2
- * 38 iiissso. align-items | align-self | order
- */
- uint8_t bits[38];
- uint8_t unused[1];
- css_color background_color;
- lwc_string *background_image;
- css_fixed background_position[2];
- css_color border_color[4];
- css_fixed border_width[4];
- css_fixed top;
- css_fixed right;
- css_fixed bottom;
- css_fixed left;
- css_color color;
- css_fixed font_size;
- css_fixed height;
- css_fixed line_height;
- lwc_string *list_style_image;
- css_fixed margin[4];
- css_fixed max_height;
- css_fixed max_width;
- css_fixed min_height;
- css_fixed min_width;
- css_fixed opacity;
- css_fixed padding[4];
- css_fixed text_indent;
- css_fixed vertical_align;
- css_fixed width;
- int32_t z_index;
- css_fixed flex_basis;
- css_fixed flex_grow;
- css_fixed flex_shrink;
- int32_t order;
- css_computed_uncommon *uncommon;/**< Uncommon properties */
- void *aural; /**< Aural properties */
-struct css_computed_style {
- struct css_computed_style_i i;
- lwc_string **font_family;
- lwc_string **quotes;
- css_computed_page *page; /**< Page properties */
- struct css_computed_style *next;
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t bin;
+#include "autogenerated_computed.h"
* Take a new reference to a computed style