path: root/test
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Some more test cases.Michael Drake2009-01-231-10/+228
* Fix test data -- counter-reset defaults to 0, not 1.John Mark Bell2009-01-231-4/+4
* Fix test dataJohn Mark Bell2009-01-231-1/+1
* Fix test dataJohn Mark Bell2009-01-231-0/+1
* Fix test dataJohn Mark Bell2009-01-231-1/+2
* Fix counter-increment dumpingJohn Mark Bell2009-01-231-1/+6
* More tests.Michael Drake2009-01-231-0/+486
* Use our own fixed point value printing routine rather than relying on sprintf...John Mark Bell2009-01-231-1/+56
* Test other angle unit ranges.Michael Drake2009-01-231-0/+44
* Fix test dataJohn Mark Bell2009-01-231-8/+8
* 0 is always output as 0<unit>. Fix test that thinks otherwiseJohn Mark Bell2009-01-231-1/+1
* url() isn't invalid, so fix the expected valueJohn Mark Bell2009-01-231-0/+1
* Comment out more tests that assume that named colours are actually implementedJohn Mark Bell2009-01-231-13/+13
* Clear BEHIND bit before looking at azimuth valueJohn Mark Bell2009-01-231-1/+1
* Fix azimuth dataJohn Mark Bell2009-01-231-5/+5
* More property testing.Michael Drake2009-01-231-0/+82
* More property testing.Michael Drake2009-01-231-0/+260
* Expected colours must use lowercase.John Mark Bell2009-01-221-1/+1
* Fix test data.John Mark Bell2009-01-221-25/+26
* Extra test, to ensure recovery after unterminated string.John Mark Bell2009-01-221-0/+11
* Fix test data -- unterminated strings contain everything up to the end of the...John Mark Bell2009-01-221-2/+0
* Fix test data -- EOF after a selector but before the brace results in no rule...John Mark Bell2009-01-221-2/+0
* Fix handling of EOF in property values John Mark Bell2009-01-221-1/+2
* Test data for EOF in strange places.John Mark Bell2009-01-222-0/+305
* Possibly fix test data.Michael Drake2009-01-211-0/+11
* Clear side bits from value before using it.John Mark Bell2009-01-211-1/+10
* Fix test data -- /*/*/*/*/*/ => COMMENT(/) CHAR(*) COMMENT(/)John Mark Bell2009-01-211-1/+1
* Fix speech-rate printingJohn Mark Bell2009-01-211-0/+3
* Tests for malformed declarations.Michael Drake2009-01-202-2/+109
* Test cases for illegal values.Michael Drake2009-01-201-0/+103
* Tests for CSS comments. (Some test data may be wrong here. I'm not absolutly ...Michael Drake2009-01-201-0/+60
* Tests for unknown properties.Michael Drake2009-01-201-0/+22
* Double property test.Michael Drake2009-01-201-0/+9
* Squash warningsJohn Mark Bell2009-01-202-5/+5
* I guess it helps if you add new files.John Mark Bell2009-01-201-0/+2054
* Purge stylesheet dumping code from the library.John Mark Bell2009-01-192-2036/+9
* Another test harness for parser tests. This one compares the reserialised out...John Mark Bell2009-01-196-2/+2314
* Fix test data for voice-family with ident list -- documentation was wrong.John Mark Bell2009-01-181-1/+1
* Fix text-indent test data -- missing 0John Mark Bell2009-01-181-1/+1
* Fix play-during test data -- modifiers must appear *after* the URIJohn Mark Bell2009-01-181-5/+5
* Fix test data for pause-{after,before} -- default time units are seconds, not...John Mark Bell2009-01-181-3/+3
* Fix page-break-inside test data -- documentation was wrong.John Mark Bell2009-01-181-2/+2
* Fix expected bytecode for font-family with ident list.John Mark Bell2009-01-181-16/+8
* Test cases for properties 50 to 53. (All properties now have test cases.)Michael Drake2009-01-171-0/+88
* Test cases for properties 40 to 4f.Michael Drake2009-01-171-9/+689
* Test cases for properties 30 to 3f.Michael Drake2009-01-171-0/+569
* Tes cases for properties 20 to 2f.Michael Drake2009-01-171-1/+608
* Test cases for properties 1b - 1f.Michael Drake2009-01-171-0/+340
* Use our own printing routine, rather than relying on snprintf to do the right...John Mark Bell2009-01-172-6/+72
* Make round to nearest integer, rather than truncating towards zero.John Mark Bell2009-01-172-1/+19