/* * This file is part of LibCSS * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2009 John-Mark Bell */ #ifndef libcss_computed_h_ #define libcss_computed_h_ #include #include #include #include #include struct css_hint; struct css_select_handler; enum css_computed_content_type { CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_NONE = 0, CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_STRING = 1, CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_URI = 2, CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_COUNTER = 3, CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_COUNTERS = 4, CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_ATTR = 5, CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_OPEN_QUOTE = 6, CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_CLOSE_QUOTE = 7, CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_NO_OPEN_QUOTE = 8, CSS_COMPUTED_CONTENT_NO_CLOSE_QUOTE = 9 }; typedef struct css_computed_content_item { uint8_t type; union { lwc_string *string; lwc_string *uri; lwc_string *attr; struct { lwc_string *name; uint8_t style; } counter; struct { lwc_string *name; lwc_string *sep; uint8_t style; } counters; } data; } css_computed_content_item; typedef struct css_computed_counter { lwc_string *name; css_fixed value; } css_computed_counter; typedef struct css_computed_clip_rect { css_fixed top; css_fixed right; css_fixed bottom; css_fixed left; css_unit tunit; css_unit runit; css_unit bunit; css_unit lunit; bool top_auto; bool right_auto; bool bottom_auto; bool left_auto; } css_computed_clip_rect; typedef struct css_computed_uncommon { /* * border_spacing 1 + 2(4) 2(4) * clip 2 + 4(4) + 4 4(4) * letter_spacing 2 + 4 4 * outline_color 2 4 * outline_width 3 + 4 4 * word_spacing 2 + 4 4 * --- --- * 52 bits 40 bytes * * Encode counter_increment and _reset as an array of name, value pairs, * terminated with a blank entry. * * counter_increment 1 sizeof(ptr) * counter_reset 1 sizeof(ptr) * --- --- * 2 bits 2sizeof(ptr) bytes * * Encode cursor uri(s) as an array of string objects, terminated with a * blank entry. * * cursor 5 sizeof(ptr) * --- --- * 5 bits sizeof(ptr) bytes * * Encode content as an array of content items, terminated with a blank entry. * * content 2 sizeof(ptr) * --- --- * 2 bits sizeof(ptr) * * ___ ___ * 61 bits 40 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes * * 8 bytes 40 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes * =================== * 48 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes * * Bit allocations: * * 76543210 * 1 llllllcc letter-spacing | outline-color * 2 ooooooob outline-width | border-spacing * 3 bbbbbbbb border-spacing * 4 wwwwwwir word-spacing | counter-increment | counter-reset * 5 uuuuu... cursor | * 6 cccccccc clip * 7 cccccccc clip * 8 ccccccoo clip | content */ uint8_t bits[8]; css_fixed border_spacing[2]; css_fixed clip[4]; css_fixed letter_spacing; css_color outline_color; css_fixed outline_width; css_fixed word_spacing; css_computed_counter *counter_increment; css_computed_counter *counter_reset; lwc_string **cursor; css_computed_content_item *content; } css_computed_uncommon; struct css_computed_style { /* * background_attachment 2 * background_repeat 3 * border_collapse 2 * border_top_style 4 * border_right_style 4 * border_bottom_style 4 * border_left_style 4 * caption_side 2 * clear 3 * direction 2 * display 5 * empty_cells 2 * float 2 * font_style 2 * font_variant 2 * font_weight 4 * list_style_position 2 * list_style_type 4 * overflow 3 * outline_style 4 * position 3 * table_layout 2 * text_align 4 * text_decoration 5 * text_transform 3 * unicode_bidi 2 * visibility 2 * white_space 3 * --- * 84 bits * * Colours are 32bits of RRGGBBAA * Dimensions are encoded as a fixed point value + 4 bits of unit data * * background_color 2 4 * background_image 1 sizeof(ptr) * background_position 1 + 2(4) 2(4) * border_top_color 2 4 * border_right_color 2 4 * border_bottom_color 2 4 * border_left_color 2 4 * border_top_width 3 + 4 4 * border_right_width 3 + 4 4 * border_bottom_width 3 + 4 4 * border_left_width 3 + 4 4 * top 2 + 4 4 * right 2 + 4 4 * bottom 2 + 4 4 * left 2 + 4 4 * color 1 4 * font_size 4 + 4 4 * height 2 + 4 4 * line_height 2 + 4 4 * list_style_image 1 sizeof(ptr) * margin_top 2 + 4 4 * margin_right 2 + 4 4 * margin_bottom 2 + 4 4 * margin_left 2 + 4 4 * max_height 2 + 4 4 * max_width 2 + 4 4 * min_height 1 + 4 4 * min_width 1 + 4 4 * padding_top 1 + 4 4 * padding_right 1 + 4 4 * padding_bottom 1 + 4 4 * padding_left 1 + 4 4 * text_indent 1 + 4 4 * vertical_align 4 + 4 4 * width 2 + 4 4 * z_index 2 4 * --- --- * 181 bits 140 + 2sizeof(ptr) bytes * * Encode font family as an array of string objects, terminated with a * blank entry. * * font_family 3 sizeof(ptr) * --- --- * 3 bits sizeof(ptr) * * Encode quotes as an array of string objects, terminated with a blank entry. * * quotes 1 sizeof(ptr) * --- --- * 1 bit sizeof(ptr) bytes * * ___ ___ * 269 bits 140 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes * * 34 bytes 140 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes * =================== * 174 + 4sizeof(ptr) bytes * * Bit allocations: * * 76543210 * 1 vvvvvvvv vertical-align * 2 ffffffff font-size * 3 ttttttti border-top-width | background-image * 4 rrrrrrrc border-right-width | color * 5 bbbbbbbl border-bottom-width | list-style-image * 6 lllllllq border-left-width | quotes * 7 ttttttcc top | border-top-color * 8 rrrrrrcc right | border-right-color * 9 bbbbbbcc bottom | border-bottom-color * 10 llllllcc left | border-left-color * 11 hhhhhhbb height | background-color * 12 llllllzz line-height | z-index * 13 ttttttbb margin-top | background-attachment * 14 rrrrrrbb margin-right | border-collapse * 15 bbbbbbcc margin-bottom | caption-side * 16 lllllldd margin-left | direction * 17 mmmmmmee max-height | empty-cells * 18 mmmmmmff max-width | float * 19 wwwwwwff width | font-style * 20 mmmmmbbb min-height | background-repeat * 21 mmmmmccc min-width | clear * 22 tttttooo padding-top | overflow * 23 rrrrrppp padding-right | position * 24 bbbbb... padding-bottom | * 25 lllllttt padding-left | text-transform * 26 tttttwww text-indent | white-space * 27 bbbbbbbb background-position * 28 bdddddff background-position | display | font-variant * 29 tttttfff text-decoration | font-family * 30 ttttrrrr border-top-style | border-right-style * 31 bbbbllll border-bottom-style | border-left-style * 32 ffffllll font-weight | list-style-type * 33 oooottuu outline-style | table-layout | unicode-bidi * 34 vvlltttt visibility | list-style-position | text-align */ uint8_t bits[34]; uint8_t unused[2]; css_color background_color; lwc_string *background_image; css_fixed background_position[2]; css_color border_color[4]; css_fixed border_width[4]; css_fixed top; css_fixed right; css_fixed bottom; css_fixed left; css_color color; css_fixed font_size; css_fixed height; css_fixed line_height; lwc_string *list_style_image; css_fixed margin[4]; css_fixed max_height; css_fixed max_width; css_fixed min_height; css_fixed min_width; css_fixed padding[4]; css_fixed text_indent; css_fixed vertical_align; css_fixed width; int32_t z_index; lwc_string **font_family; lwc_string **quotes; css_computed_uncommon *uncommon;/**< Uncommon properties */ void *aural; /**< Aural properties */ void *page; /**< Page properties */ css_allocator_fn alloc; void *pw; }; css_error css_computed_style_create(css_allocator_fn alloc, void *pw, css_computed_style **result); css_error css_computed_style_destroy(css_computed_style *style); css_error css_computed_style_initialise(css_computed_style *style, struct css_select_handler *handler, void *pw); css_error css_computed_style_compose(const css_computed_style *parent, const css_computed_style *child, css_error (*compute_font_size)(void *pw, const struct css_hint *parent, struct css_hint *size), void *pw, css_computed_style *result); /****************************************************************************** * Property accessors below here * ******************************************************************************/ static inline uint8_t css_computed_font_size(const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit); static inline uint8_t css_computed_line_height(const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit); static inline uint8_t css_computed_position(const css_computed_style *style); #define LETTER_SPACING_INDEX 0 #define LETTER_SPACING_SHIFT 2 #define LETTER_SPACING_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_letter_spacing( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { if (style->uncommon != NULL) { uint8_t bits = style->uncommon->bits[LETTER_SPACING_INDEX]; bits &= LETTER_SPACING_MASK; bits >>= LETTER_SPACING_SHIFT; /* 6bits: uuuutt : unit | type */ if ((bits & 3) == CSS_LETTER_SPACING_SET) { *length = style->uncommon->letter_spacing; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } return (bits & 3); } return CSS_LETTER_SPACING_NORMAL; } #undef LETTER_SPACING_MASK #undef LETTER_SPACING_SHIFT #undef LETTER_SPACING_INDEX #define OUTLINE_COLOR_INDEX 0 #define OUTLINE_COLOR_SHIFT 0 #define OUTLINE_COLOR_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_outline_color( const css_computed_style *style, css_color *color) { if (style->uncommon != NULL) { uint8_t bits = style->uncommon->bits[OUTLINE_COLOR_INDEX]; bits &= OUTLINE_COLOR_MASK; bits >>= OUTLINE_COLOR_SHIFT; /* 2bits: tt : type */ if ((bits & 3) == CSS_OUTLINE_COLOR_COLOR) { *color = style->uncommon->outline_color; } return (bits & 3); } return CSS_OUTLINE_COLOR_INVERT; } #undef OUTLINE_COLOR_MASK #undef OUTLINE_COLOR_SHIFT #undef OUTLINE_COLOR_INDEX #define OUTLINE_WIDTH_INDEX 1 #define OUTLINE_WIDTH_SHIFT 1 #define OUTLINE_WIDTH_MASK 0xfe static inline uint8_t css_computed_outline_width( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { if (style->uncommon != NULL) { uint8_t bits = style->uncommon->bits[OUTLINE_WIDTH_INDEX]; bits &= OUTLINE_WIDTH_MASK; bits >>= OUTLINE_WIDTH_SHIFT; /* 7bits: uuuuttt : unit | type */ if ((bits & 7) == CSS_OUTLINE_WIDTH_WIDTH) { *length = style->uncommon->outline_width; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 3); } return (bits & 7); } *length = INTTOFIX(2); *unit = CSS_UNIT_PX; return CSS_OUTLINE_WIDTH_WIDTH; } #undef OUTLINE_WIDTH_MASK #undef OUTLINE_WIDTH_SHIFT #undef OUTLINE_WIDTH_INDEX #define BORDER_SPACING_INDEX 1 #define BORDER_SPACING_SHIFT 0 #define BORDER_SPACING_MASK 0x1 #define BORDER_SPACING_INDEX1 2 #define BORDER_SPACING_SHIFT1 0 #define BORDER_SPACING_MASK1 0xff static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_spacing( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *hlength, css_unit *hunit, css_fixed *vlength, css_unit *vunit) { if (style->uncommon != NULL) { uint8_t bits = style->uncommon->bits[BORDER_SPACING_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_SPACING_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_SPACING_SHIFT; /* 1 bit: type */ if (bits == CSS_BORDER_SPACING_SET) { uint8_t bits1 = style->uncommon->bits[BORDER_SPACING_INDEX1]; bits1 &= BORDER_SPACING_MASK1; bits1 >>= BORDER_SPACING_SHIFT1; /* 8bits: hhhhvvvv : hunit | vunit */ *hlength = style->uncommon->border_spacing[0]; *hunit = (css_unit) (bits1 >> 4); *vlength = style->uncommon->border_spacing[1]; *vunit = (css_unit) (bits1 & 0xf); } return bits; } else { *hlength = *vlength = 0; *hunit = *vunit = CSS_UNIT_PX; } return CSS_BORDER_SPACING_SET; } #undef BORDER_SPACING_MASK1 #undef BORDER_SPACING_SHIFT1 #undef BORDER_SPACING_INDEX1 #undef BORDER_SPACING_MASK #undef BORDER_SPACING_SHIFT #undef BORDER_SPACING_INDEX #define WORD_SPACING_INDEX 3 #define WORD_SPACING_SHIFT 2 #define WORD_SPACING_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_word_spacing( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { if (style->uncommon != NULL) { uint8_t bits = style->uncommon->bits[WORD_SPACING_INDEX]; bits &= WORD_SPACING_MASK; bits >>= WORD_SPACING_SHIFT; /* 6bits: uuuutt : unit | type */ if ((bits & 3) == CSS_WORD_SPACING_SET) { *length = style->uncommon->word_spacing; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } return (bits & 3); } return CSS_WORD_SPACING_NORMAL; } #undef WORD_SPACING_MASK #undef WORD_SPACING_SHIFT #undef WORD_SPACING_INDEX #define COUNTER_INCREMENT_INDEX 3 #define COUNTER_INCREMENT_SHIFT 1 #define COUNTER_INCREMENT_MASK 0x2 static inline uint8_t css_computed_counter_increment( const css_computed_style *style, const css_computed_counter **counters) { if (style->uncommon != NULL) { uint8_t bits = style->uncommon->bits[COUNTER_INCREMENT_INDEX]; bits &= COUNTER_INCREMENT_MASK; bits >>= COUNTER_INCREMENT_SHIFT; /* 1bit: type */ *counters = style->uncommon->counter_increment; return bits; } return CSS_COUNTER_INCREMENT_NONE; } #undef COUNTER_INCREMENT_MASK #undef COUNTER_INCREMENT_SHIFT #undef COUNTER_INCREMENT_INDEX #define COUNTER_RESET_INDEX 3 #define COUNTER_RESET_SHIFT 0 #define COUNTER_RESET_MASK 0x1 static inline uint8_t css_computed_counter_reset( const css_computed_style *style, const css_computed_counter **counters) { if (style->uncommon != NULL) { uint8_t bits = style->uncommon->bits[COUNTER_RESET_INDEX]; bits &= COUNTER_RESET_MASK; bits >>= COUNTER_RESET_SHIFT; /* 1bit: type */ *counters = style->uncommon->counter_reset; return bits; } return CSS_COUNTER_RESET_NONE; } #undef COUNTER_RESET_MASK #undef COUNTER_RESET_SHIFT #undef COUNTER_RESET_INDEX #define CURSOR_INDEX 4 #define CURSOR_SHIFT 3 #define CURSOR_MASK 0xf8 static inline uint8_t css_computed_cursor( const css_computed_style *style, lwc_string ***urls) { if (style->uncommon != NULL) { uint8_t bits = style->uncommon->bits[CURSOR_INDEX]; bits &= CURSOR_MASK; bits >>= CURSOR_SHIFT; /* 5bits: type */ *urls = style->uncommon->cursor; return bits; } return CSS_CURSOR_AUTO; } #undef CURSOR_MASK #undef CURSOR_SHIFT #undef CURSOR_INDEX #define CLIP_INDEX 7 #define CLIP_SHIFT 2 #define CLIP_MASK 0xfc #define CLIP_INDEX1 5 #define CLIP_SHIFT1 0 #define CLIP_MASK1 0xff #define CLIP_INDEX2 6 #define CLIP_SHIFT2 0 #define CLIP_MASK2 0xff static inline uint8_t css_computed_clip( const css_computed_style *style, css_computed_clip_rect *rect) { if (style->uncommon != NULL) { uint8_t bits = style->uncommon->bits[CLIP_INDEX]; bits &= CLIP_MASK; bits >>= CLIP_SHIFT; /* 6bits: trblyy : top | right | bottom | left | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_CLIP_RECT) { uint8_t bits1; rect->left_auto = (bits & 0x4); rect->bottom_auto = (bits & 0x8); rect->right_auto = (bits & 0x10); rect->top_auto = (bits & 0x20); if (rect->top_auto == false || rect->right_auto == false) { /* 8bits: ttttrrrr : top | right */ bits1 = style->uncommon->bits[CLIP_INDEX1]; bits1 &= CLIP_MASK1; bits1 >>= CLIP_SHIFT1; } else { bits1 = 0; } rect->top = style->uncommon->clip[0]; rect->tunit = (css_unit) (bits1 >> 4); rect->right = style->uncommon->clip[1]; rect->runit = (css_unit) (bits1 & 0xf); if (rect->bottom_auto == false || rect->left_auto == false) { /* 8bits: bbbbllll : bottom | left */ bits1 = style->uncommon->bits[CLIP_INDEX2]; bits1 &= CLIP_MASK2; bits1 >>= CLIP_SHIFT2; } else { bits1 = 0; } rect->bottom = style->uncommon->clip[2]; rect->bunit = (css_unit) (bits1 >> 4); rect->left = style->uncommon->clip[3]; rect->lunit = (css_unit) (bits1 & 0xf); } return (bits & 0x3); } return CSS_CLIP_AUTO; } #undef CLIP_MASK2 #undef CLIP_SHIFT2 #undef CLIP_INDEX2 #undef CLIP_MASK1 #undef CLIP_SHIFT1 #undef CLIP_INDEX1 #undef CLIP_MASK #undef CLIP_SHIFT #undef CLIP_INDEX #define CONTENT_INDEX 7 #define CONTENT_SHIFT 0 #define CONTENT_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_content( const css_computed_style *style, const css_computed_content_item **content) { if (style->uncommon != NULL) { uint8_t bits = style->uncommon->bits[CONTENT_INDEX]; bits &= CONTENT_MASK; bits >>= CONTENT_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ *content = style->uncommon->content; return bits; } return CSS_CONTENT_NORMAL; } #undef CONTENT_MASK #undef CONTENT_SHIFT #undef CONTENT_INDEX #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_INDEX 0 #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_SHIFT 0 #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_MASK 0xff static inline uint8_t css_computed_vertical_align( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[VERTICAL_ALIGN_INDEX]; bits &= VERTICAL_ALIGN_MASK; bits >>= VERTICAL_ALIGN_SHIFT; /* 8bits: uuuutttt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0xf) == CSS_VERTICAL_ALIGN_SET) { *length = style->vertical_align; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 4); } return (bits & 0xf); } #undef VERTICAL_ALIGN_MASK #undef VERTICAL_ALIGN_SHIFT #undef VERTICAL_ALIGN_INDEX #define FONT_SIZE_INDEX 1 #define FONT_SIZE_SHIFT 0 #define FONT_SIZE_MASK 0xff static inline uint8_t css_computed_font_size( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[FONT_SIZE_INDEX]; bits &= FONT_SIZE_MASK; bits >>= FONT_SIZE_SHIFT; /* 8bits: uuuutttt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0xf) == CSS_FONT_SIZE_DIMENSION) { *length = style->font_size; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 4); } return (bits & 0xf); } #undef FONT_SIZE_MASK #undef FONT_SIZE_SHIFT #undef FONT_SIZE_INDEX #define BORDER_TOP_WIDTH_INDEX 2 #define BORDER_TOP_WIDTH_SHIFT 1 #define BORDER_TOP_WIDTH_MASK 0xfe static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_top_width( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_TOP_WIDTH_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_TOP_WIDTH_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_TOP_WIDTH_SHIFT; /* 7bits: uuuuttt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x7) == CSS_BORDER_WIDTH_WIDTH) { *length = style->border_width[0]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 3); } return (bits & 0x7); } #undef BORDER_TOP_WIDTH_MASK #undef BORDER_TOP_WIDTH_SHIFT #undef BORDER_TOP_WIDTH_INDEX #define BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH_INDEX 3 #define BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH_SHIFT 1 #define BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH_MASK 0xfe static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_right_width( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH_SHIFT; /* 7bits: uuuuttt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x7) == CSS_BORDER_WIDTH_WIDTH) { *length = style->border_width[1]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 3); } return (bits & 0x7); } #undef BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH_MASK #undef BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH_SHIFT #undef BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH_INDEX #define BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH_INDEX 4 #define BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH_SHIFT 1 #define BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH_MASK 0xfe static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_bottom_width( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH_SHIFT; /* 7bits: uuuuttt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x7) == CSS_BORDER_WIDTH_WIDTH) { *length = style->border_width[2]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 3); } return (bits & 0x7); } #undef BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH_MASK #undef BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH_SHIFT #undef BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH_INDEX #define BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH_INDEX 5 #define BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH_SHIFT 1 #define BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH_MASK 0xfe static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_left_width( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH_SHIFT; /* 7bits: uuuuttt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x7) == CSS_BORDER_WIDTH_WIDTH) { *length = style->border_width[3]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 3); } return (bits & 0x7); } #undef BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH_MASK #undef BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH_SHIFT #undef BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH_INDEX #define BACKGROUND_IMAGE_INDEX 2 #define BACKGROUND_IMAGE_SHIFT 0 #define BACKGROUND_IMAGE_MASK 0x1 static inline uint8_t css_computed_background_image( const css_computed_style *style, lwc_string **url) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BACKGROUND_IMAGE_INDEX]; bits &= BACKGROUND_IMAGE_MASK; bits >>= BACKGROUND_IMAGE_SHIFT; /* 1bit: type */ *url = style->background_image; return bits; } #undef BACKGROUND_IMAGE_MASK #undef BACKGROUND_IMAGE_SHIFT #undef BACKGROUND_IMAGE_INDEX #define COLOR_INDEX 3 #define COLOR_SHIFT 0 #define COLOR_MASK 0x1 static inline uint8_t css_computed_color( const css_computed_style *style, css_color *color) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[COLOR_INDEX]; bits &= COLOR_MASK; bits >>= COLOR_SHIFT; /* 1bit: type */ *color = style->color; return bits; } #undef COLOR_MASK #undef COLOR_SHIFT #undef COLOR_INDEX #define LIST_STYLE_IMAGE_INDEX 4 #define LIST_STYLE_IMAGE_SHIFT 0 #define LIST_STYLE_IMAGE_MASK 0x1 static inline uint8_t css_computed_list_style_image( const css_computed_style *style, lwc_string **url) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[LIST_STYLE_IMAGE_INDEX]; bits &= LIST_STYLE_IMAGE_MASK; bits >>= LIST_STYLE_IMAGE_SHIFT; /* 1bit: type */ *url = style->list_style_image; return bits; } #undef LIST_STYLE_IMAGE_MASK #undef LIST_STYLE_IMAGE_SHIFT #undef LIST_STYLE_IMAGE_INDEX #define QUOTES_INDEX 5 #define QUOTES_SHIFT 0 #define QUOTES_MASK 0x1 static inline uint8_t css_computed_quotes( const css_computed_style *style, lwc_string ***quotes) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[QUOTES_INDEX]; bits &= QUOTES_MASK; bits >>= QUOTES_SHIFT; /* 1bit: type */ *quotes = style->quotes; return bits; } #undef QUOTES_MASK #undef QUOTES_SHIFT #undef QUOTES_INDEX #define TOP_INDEX 6 #define TOP_SHIFT 2 #define TOP_MASK 0xfc #define RIGHT_INDEX 7 #define RIGHT_SHIFT 2 #define RIGHT_MASK 0xfc #define BOTTOM_INDEX 8 #define BOTTOM_SHIFT 2 #define BOTTOM_MASK 0xfc #define LEFT_INDEX 9 #define LEFT_SHIFT 2 #define LEFT_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_top( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[TOP_INDEX]; bits &= TOP_MASK; bits >>= TOP_SHIFT; /* Fix up, based on computed position */ if (css_computed_position(style) == CSS_POSITION_STATIC) { /* Static -> auto */ bits = CSS_TOP_AUTO; } else if (css_computed_position(style) == CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE) { /* Relative -> follow $9.4.3 */ uint8_t bottom = style->bits[BOTTOM_INDEX]; bottom &= BOTTOM_MASK; bottom >>= BOTTOM_SHIFT; if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_TOP_AUTO && (bottom & 0x3) == CSS_BOTTOM_AUTO) { /* Both auto => 0px */ *length = 0; *unit = CSS_UNIT_PX; } else if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_TOP_AUTO) { /* Top is auto => -bottom */ *length = -style->bottom; *unit = (css_unit) (bottom >> 2); } else { *length = style->top; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } bits = CSS_TOP_SET; } else if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_TOP_SET) { *length = style->top; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ return (bits & 0x3); } static inline uint8_t css_computed_right( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[RIGHT_INDEX]; bits &= RIGHT_MASK; bits >>= RIGHT_SHIFT; /* Fix up, based on computed position */ if (css_computed_position(style) == CSS_POSITION_STATIC) { /* Static -> auto */ bits = CSS_RIGHT_AUTO; } else if (css_computed_position(style) == CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE) { /* Relative -> follow $9.4.3 */ uint8_t left = style->bits[LEFT_INDEX]; left &= LEFT_MASK; left >>= LEFT_SHIFT; if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_RIGHT_AUTO && (left & 0x3) == CSS_LEFT_AUTO) { /* Both auto => 0px */ *length = 0; *unit = CSS_UNIT_PX; } else if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_RIGHT_AUTO) { /* Right is auto => -left */ *length = -style->left; *unit = (css_unit) (left >> 2); } else { /** \todo Consider containing block's direction * if overconstrained */ *length = style->right; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } bits = CSS_RIGHT_SET; } else if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_RIGHT_SET) { *length = style->right; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ return (bits & 0x3); } static inline uint8_t css_computed_bottom( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BOTTOM_INDEX]; bits &= BOTTOM_MASK; bits >>= BOTTOM_SHIFT; /* Fix up, based on computed position */ if (css_computed_position(style) == CSS_POSITION_STATIC) { /* Static -> auto */ bits = CSS_BOTTOM_AUTO; } else if (css_computed_position(style) == CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE) { /* Relative -> follow $9.4.3 */ uint8_t top = style->bits[TOP_INDEX]; top &= TOP_MASK; top >>= TOP_SHIFT; if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_BOTTOM_AUTO && (top & 0x3) == CSS_TOP_AUTO) { /* Both auto => 0px */ *length = 0; *unit = CSS_UNIT_PX; } else if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_BOTTOM_AUTO || (top & 0x3) != CSS_TOP_AUTO) { /* Bottom is auto or top is not auto => -top */ *length = -style->top; *unit = (css_unit) (top >> 2); } else { *length = style->bottom; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } bits = CSS_BOTTOM_SET; } else if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_BOTTOM_SET) { *length = style->bottom; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ return (bits & 0x3); } static inline uint8_t css_computed_left( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[LEFT_INDEX]; bits &= LEFT_MASK; bits >>= LEFT_SHIFT; /* Fix up, based on computed position */ if (css_computed_position(style) == CSS_POSITION_STATIC) { /* Static -> auto */ bits = CSS_LEFT_AUTO; } else if (css_computed_position(style) == CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE) { /* Relative -> follow $9.4.3 */ uint8_t right = style->bits[RIGHT_INDEX]; right &= RIGHT_MASK; right >>= RIGHT_SHIFT; if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_LEFT_AUTO && (right & 0x3) == CSS_RIGHT_AUTO) { /* Both auto => 0px */ *length = 0; *unit = CSS_UNIT_PX; } else if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_LEFT_AUTO) { /* Left is auto => -right */ *length = -style->right; *unit = (css_unit) (right >> 2); } else { /** \todo Consider containing block's direction * if overconstrained */ *length = style->left; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } bits = CSS_LEFT_SET; } else if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_LEFT_SET) { *length = style->left; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ return (bits & 0x3); } #undef LEFT_MASK #undef LEFT_SHIFT #undef LEFT_INDEX #undef BOTTOM_MASK #undef BOTTOM_SHIFT #undef BOTTOM_INDEX #undef RIGHT_MASK #undef RIGHT_SHIFT #undef RIGHT_INDEX #undef TOP_MASK #undef TOP_SHIFT #undef TOP_INDEX #define BORDER_TOP_COLOR_INDEX 6 #define BORDER_TOP_COLOR_SHIFT 0 #define BORDER_TOP_COLOR_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_top_color( const css_computed_style *style, css_color *color) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_TOP_COLOR_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_TOP_COLOR_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_TOP_COLOR_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ *color = style->border_color[0]; return bits; } #undef BORDER_TOP_COLOR_MASK #undef BORDER_TOP_COLOR_SHIFT #undef BORDER_TOP_COLOR_INDEX #define BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR_INDEX 7 #define BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR_SHIFT 0 #define BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_right_color( const css_computed_style *style, css_color *color) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ *color = style->border_color[1]; return bits; } #undef BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR_MASK #undef BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR_SHIFT #undef BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR_INDEX #define BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR_INDEX 8 #define BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR_SHIFT 0 #define BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_bottom_color( const css_computed_style *style, css_color *color) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ *color = style->border_color[2]; return bits; } #undef BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR_MASK #undef BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR_SHIFT #undef BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR_INDEX #define BORDER_LEFT_COLOR_INDEX 9 #define BORDER_LEFT_COLOR_SHIFT 0 #define BORDER_LEFT_COLOR_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_left_color( const css_computed_style *style, css_color *color) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_LEFT_COLOR_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_LEFT_COLOR_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_LEFT_COLOR_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ *color = style->border_color[3]; return bits; } #undef BORDER_LEFT_COLOR_MASK #undef BORDER_LEFT_COLOR_SHIFT #undef BORDER_LEFT_COLOR_INDEX #define HEIGHT_INDEX 10 #define HEIGHT_SHIFT 2 #define HEIGHT_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_height( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[HEIGHT_INDEX]; bits &= HEIGHT_MASK; bits >>= HEIGHT_SHIFT; /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_HEIGHT_SET) { *length = style->height; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } return (bits & 0x3); } #undef HEIGHT_MASK #undef HEIGHT_SHIFT #undef HEIGHT_INDEX #define LINE_HEIGHT_INDEX 11 #define LINE_HEIGHT_SHIFT 2 #define LINE_HEIGHT_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_line_height( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[LINE_HEIGHT_INDEX]; bits &= LINE_HEIGHT_MASK; bits >>= LINE_HEIGHT_SHIFT; /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_NUMBER || (bits & 0x3) == CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION) { *length = style->line_height; } if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION) { *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } return (bits & 0x3); } #undef LINE_HEIGHT_MASK #undef LINE_HEIGHT_SHIFT #undef LINE_HEIGHT_INDEX #define BACKGROUND_COLOR_INDEX 10 #define BACKGROUND_COLOR_SHIFT 0 #define BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_background_color( const css_computed_style *style, css_color *color) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BACKGROUND_COLOR_INDEX]; bits &= BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK; bits >>= BACKGROUND_COLOR_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ *color = style->background_color; return bits; } #undef BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK #undef BACKGROUND_COLOR_SHIFT #undef BACKGROUND_COLOR_INDEX #define Z_INDEX_INDEX 11 #define Z_INDEX_SHIFT 0 #define Z_INDEX_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_z_index( const css_computed_style *style, int32_t *z_index) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[Z_INDEX_INDEX]; bits &= Z_INDEX_MASK; bits >>= Z_INDEX_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ *z_index = style->z_index; return bits; } #undef Z_INDEX_MASK #undef Z_INDEX_SHIFT #undef Z_INDEX_INDEX #define MARGIN_TOP_INDEX 12 #define MARGIN_TOP_SHIFT 2 #define MARGIN_TOP_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_margin_top( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[MARGIN_TOP_INDEX]; bits &= MARGIN_TOP_MASK; bits >>= MARGIN_TOP_SHIFT; /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_MARGIN_SET) { *length = style->margin[0]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } return (bits & 0x3); } #undef MARGIN_TOP_MASK #undef MARGIN_TOP_SHIFT #undef MARGIN_TOP_INDEX #define MARGIN_RIGHT_INDEX 13 #define MARGIN_RIGHT_SHIFT 2 #define MARGIN_RIGHT_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_margin_right( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[MARGIN_RIGHT_INDEX]; bits &= MARGIN_RIGHT_MASK; bits >>= MARGIN_RIGHT_SHIFT; /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_MARGIN_SET) { *length = style->margin[1]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } return (bits & 0x3); } #undef MARGIN_RIGHT_MASK #undef MARGIN_RIGHT_SHIFT #undef MARGIN_RIGHT_INDEX #define MARGIN_BOTTOM_INDEX 14 #define MARGIN_BOTTOM_SHIFT 2 #define MARGIN_BOTTOM_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_margin_bottom( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[MARGIN_BOTTOM_INDEX]; bits &= MARGIN_BOTTOM_MASK; bits >>= MARGIN_BOTTOM_SHIFT; /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_MARGIN_SET) { *length = style->margin[2]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } return (bits & 0x3); } #undef MARGIN_BOTTOM_MASK #undef MARGIN_BOTTOM_SHIFT #undef MARGIN_BOTTOM_INDEX #define MARGIN_LEFT_INDEX 15 #define MARGIN_LEFT_SHIFT 2 #define MARGIN_LEFT_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_margin_left( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[MARGIN_LEFT_INDEX]; bits &= MARGIN_LEFT_MASK; bits >>= MARGIN_LEFT_SHIFT; /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_MARGIN_SET) { *length = style->margin[3]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } return (bits & 0x3); } #undef MARGIN_LEFT_MASK #undef MARGIN_LEFT_SHIFT #undef MARGIN_LEFT_INDEX #define BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_INDEX 12 #define BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_SHIFT 0 #define BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_background_attachment( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_INDEX]; bits &= BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_MASK; bits >>= BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_MASK #undef BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_SHIFT #undef BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_INDEX #define BORDER_COLLAPSE_INDEX 13 #define BORDER_COLLAPSE_SHIFT 0 #define BORDER_COLLAPSE_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_collapse( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_COLLAPSE_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_COLLAPSE_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_COLLAPSE_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef BORDER_COLLAPSE_MASK #undef BORDER_COLLAPSE_SHIFT #undef BORDER_COLLAPSE_INDEX #define CAPTION_SIDE_INDEX 14 #define CAPTION_SIDE_SHIFT 0 #define CAPTION_SIDE_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_caption_side( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[CAPTION_SIDE_INDEX]; bits &= CAPTION_SIDE_MASK; bits >>= CAPTION_SIDE_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef CAPTION_SIDE_MASK #undef CAPTION_SIDE_SHIFT #undef CAPTION_SIDE_INDEX #define DIRECTION_INDEX 15 #define DIRECTION_SHIFT 0 #define DIRECTION_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_direction( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[DIRECTION_INDEX]; bits &= DIRECTION_MASK; bits >>= DIRECTION_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef DIRECTION_MASK #undef DIRECTION_SHIFT #undef DIRECTION_INDEX #define MAX_HEIGHT_INDEX 16 #define MAX_HEIGHT_SHIFT 2 #define MAX_HEIGHT_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_max_height( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[MAX_HEIGHT_INDEX]; bits &= MAX_HEIGHT_MASK; bits >>= MAX_HEIGHT_SHIFT; /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_MAX_HEIGHT_SET) { *length = style->max_height; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } return (bits & 0x3); } #undef MAX_HEIGHT_MASK #undef MAX_HEIGHT_SHIFT #undef MAX_HEIGHT_INDEX #define MAX_WIDTH_INDEX 17 #define MAX_WIDTH_SHIFT 2 #define MAX_WIDTH_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_max_width( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[MAX_WIDTH_INDEX]; bits &= MAX_WIDTH_MASK; bits >>= MAX_WIDTH_SHIFT; /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_MAX_WIDTH_SET) { *length = style->max_width; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } return (bits & 0x3); } #undef MAX_WIDTH_MASK #undef MAX_WIDTH_SHIFT #undef MAX_WIDTH_INDEX #define WIDTH_INDEX 18 #define WIDTH_SHIFT 2 #define WIDTH_MASK 0xfc static inline uint8_t css_computed_width( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[WIDTH_INDEX]; bits &= WIDTH_MASK; bits >>= WIDTH_SHIFT; /* 6bits: uuuutt : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x3) == CSS_WIDTH_SET) { *length = style->width; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 2); } return (bits & 0x3); } #undef WIDTH_MASK #undef WIDTH_SHIFT #undef WIDTH_INDEX #define EMPTY_CELLS_INDEX 16 #define EMPTY_CELLS_SHIFT 0 #define EMPTY_CELLS_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_empty_cells( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[EMPTY_CELLS_INDEX]; bits &= EMPTY_CELLS_MASK; bits >>= EMPTY_CELLS_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef EMPTY_CELLS_MASK #undef EMPTY_CELLS_SHIFT #undef EMPTY_CELLS_INDEX #define FLOAT_INDEX 17 #define FLOAT_SHIFT 0 #define FLOAT_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_float( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[FLOAT_INDEX]; bits &= FLOAT_MASK; bits >>= FLOAT_SHIFT; /* Fix up as per $9.7:2 */ if (css_computed_position(style) == CSS_POSITION_ABSOLUTE || css_computed_position(style) == CSS_POSITION_FIXED) return CSS_FLOAT_NONE; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef FLOAT_MASK #undef FLOAT_SHIFT #undef FLOAT_INDEX #define FONT_STYLE_INDEX 18 #define FONT_STYLE_SHIFT 0 #define FONT_STYLE_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_font_style( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[FONT_STYLE_INDEX]; bits &= FONT_STYLE_MASK; bits >>= FONT_STYLE_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef FONT_STYLE_MASK #undef FONT_STYLE_SHIFT #undef FONT_STYLE_INDEX #define MIN_HEIGHT_INDEX 19 #define MIN_HEIGHT_SHIFT 3 #define MIN_HEIGHT_MASK 0xf8 static inline uint8_t css_computed_min_height( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[MIN_HEIGHT_INDEX]; bits &= MIN_HEIGHT_MASK; bits >>= MIN_HEIGHT_SHIFT; /* 5bits: uuuut : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x1) == CSS_MIN_HEIGHT_SET) { *length = style->min_height; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 1); } return (bits & 0x1); } #undef MIN_HEIGHT_MASK #undef MIN_HEIGHT_SHIFT #undef MIN_HEIGHT_INDEX #define MIN_WIDTH_INDEX 20 #define MIN_WIDTH_SHIFT 3 #define MIN_WIDTH_MASK 0xf8 static inline uint8_t css_computed_min_width( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[MIN_WIDTH_INDEX]; bits &= MIN_WIDTH_MASK; bits >>= MIN_WIDTH_SHIFT; /* 5bits: uuuut : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x1) == CSS_MIN_WIDTH_SET) { *length = style->min_width; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 1); } return (bits & 0x1); } #undef MIN_WIDTH_MASK #undef MIN_WIDTH_SHIFT #undef MIN_WIDTH_INDEX #define BACKGROUND_REPEAT_INDEX 19 #define BACKGROUND_REPEAT_SHIFT 0 #define BACKGROUND_REPEAT_MASK 0x7 static inline uint8_t css_computed_background_repeat( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BACKGROUND_REPEAT_INDEX]; bits &= BACKGROUND_REPEAT_MASK; bits >>= BACKGROUND_REPEAT_SHIFT; /* 3bits: type */ return bits; } #undef BACKGROUND_REPEAT_MASK #undef BACKGROUND_REPEAT_SHIFT #undef BACKGROUND_REPEAT_INDEX #define CLEAR_INDEX 20 #define CLEAR_SHIFT 0 #define CLEAR_MASK 0x7 static inline uint8_t css_computed_clear( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[CLEAR_INDEX]; bits &= CLEAR_MASK; bits >>= CLEAR_SHIFT; /* 3bits: type */ return bits; } #undef CLEAR_MASK #undef CLEAR_SHIFT #undef CLEAR_INDEX #define PADDING_TOP_INDEX 21 #define PADDING_TOP_SHIFT 3 #define PADDING_TOP_MASK 0xf8 static inline uint8_t css_computed_padding_top( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[PADDING_TOP_INDEX]; bits &= PADDING_TOP_MASK; bits >>= PADDING_TOP_SHIFT; /* 5bits: uuuut : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x1) == CSS_PADDING_SET) { *length = style->padding[0]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 1); } return (bits & 0x1); } #undef PADDING_TOP_MASK #undef PADDING_TOP_SHIFT #undef PADDING_TOP_INDEX #define PADDING_RIGHT_INDEX 22 #define PADDING_RIGHT_SHIFT 3 #define PADDING_RIGHT_MASK 0xf8 static inline uint8_t css_computed_padding_right( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[PADDING_RIGHT_INDEX]; bits &= PADDING_RIGHT_MASK; bits >>= PADDING_RIGHT_SHIFT; /* 5bits: uuuut : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x1) == CSS_PADDING_SET) { *length = style->padding[1]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 1); } return (bits & 0x1); } #undef PADDING_RIGHT_MASK #undef PADDING_RIGHT_SHIFT #undef PADDING_RIGHT_INDEX #define PADDING_BOTTOM_INDEX 23 #define PADDING_BOTTOM_SHIFT 3 #define PADDING_BOTTOM_MASK 0xf8 static inline uint8_t css_computed_padding_bottom( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[PADDING_BOTTOM_INDEX]; bits &= PADDING_BOTTOM_MASK; bits >>= PADDING_BOTTOM_SHIFT; /* 5bits: uuuut : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x1) == CSS_PADDING_SET) { *length = style->padding[2]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 1); } return (bits & 0x1); } #undef PADDING_BOTTOM_MASK #undef PADDING_BOTTOM_SHIFT #undef PADDING_BOTTOM_INDEX #define PADDING_LEFT_INDEX 24 #define PADDING_LEFT_SHIFT 3 #define PADDING_LEFT_MASK 0xf8 static inline uint8_t css_computed_padding_left( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[PADDING_LEFT_INDEX]; bits &= PADDING_LEFT_MASK; bits >>= PADDING_LEFT_SHIFT; /* 5bits: uuuut : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x1) == CSS_PADDING_SET) { *length = style->padding[3]; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 1); } return (bits & 0x1); } #undef PADDING_LEFT_MASK #undef PADDING_LEFT_SHIFT #undef PADDING_LEFT_INDEX #define OVERFLOW_INDEX 21 #define OVERFLOW_SHIFT 0 #define OVERFLOW_MASK 0x7 static inline uint8_t css_computed_overflow( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[OVERFLOW_INDEX]; bits &= OVERFLOW_MASK; bits >>= OVERFLOW_SHIFT; /* 3bits: type */ return bits; } #undef OVERFLOW_MASK #undef OVERFLOW_SHIFT #undef OVERFLOW_INDEX #define POSITION_INDEX 22 #define POSITION_SHIFT 0 #define POSITION_MASK 0x7 static inline uint8_t css_computed_position( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[POSITION_INDEX]; bits &= POSITION_MASK; bits >>= POSITION_SHIFT; /* 3bits: type */ return bits; } #undef POSITION_MASK #undef POSITION_SHIFT #undef POSITION_INDEX #define TEXT_TRANSFORM_INDEX 24 #define TEXT_TRANSFORM_SHIFT 0 #define TEXT_TRANSFORM_MASK 0x7 static inline uint8_t css_computed_text_transform( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[TEXT_TRANSFORM_INDEX]; bits &= TEXT_TRANSFORM_MASK; bits >>= TEXT_TRANSFORM_SHIFT; /* 3bits: type */ return bits; } #undef TEXT_TRANSFORM_MASK #undef TEXT_TRANSFORM_SHIFT #undef TEXT_TRANSFORM_INDEX #define TEXT_INDENT_INDEX 25 #define TEXT_INDENT_SHIFT 3 #define TEXT_INDENT_MASK 0xf8 static inline uint8_t css_computed_text_indent( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *length, css_unit *unit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[TEXT_INDENT_INDEX]; bits &= TEXT_INDENT_MASK; bits >>= TEXT_INDENT_SHIFT; /* 5bits: uuuut : units | type */ if ((bits & 0x1) == CSS_TEXT_INDENT_SET) { *length = style->text_indent; *unit = (css_unit) (bits >> 1); } return (bits & 0x1); } #undef TEXT_INDENT_MASK #undef TEXT_INDENT_SHIFT #undef TEXT_INDENT_INDEX #define WHITE_SPACE_INDEX 25 #define WHITE_SPACE_SHIFT 0 #define WHITE_SPACE_MASK 0x7 static inline uint8_t css_computed_white_space( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[WHITE_SPACE_INDEX]; bits &= WHITE_SPACE_MASK; bits >>= WHITE_SPACE_SHIFT; /* 3bits: type */ return bits; } #undef WHITE_SPACE_MASK #undef WHITE_SPACE_SHIFT #undef WHITE_SPACE_INDEX #define BACKGROUND_POSITION_INDEX 27 #define BACKGROUND_POSITION_SHIFT 7 #define BACKGROUND_POSITION_MASK 0x80 #define BACKGROUND_POSITION_INDEX1 26 #define BACKGROUND_POSITION_SHIFT1 0 #define BACKGROUND_POSITION_MASK1 0xff static inline uint8_t css_computed_background_position( const css_computed_style *style, css_fixed *hlength, css_unit *hunit, css_fixed *vlength, css_unit *vunit) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BACKGROUND_POSITION_INDEX]; bits &= BACKGROUND_POSITION_MASK; bits >>= BACKGROUND_POSITION_SHIFT; /* 1bit: type */ if (bits == CSS_BACKGROUND_POSITION_SET) { uint8_t bits1 = style->bits[BACKGROUND_POSITION_INDEX1]; bits1 &= BACKGROUND_POSITION_MASK1; bits1 >>= BACKGROUND_POSITION_SHIFT1; /* 8bits: hhhhvvvv : hunit | vunit */ *hlength = style->background_position[0]; *hunit = (css_unit) (bits1 >> 4); *vlength = style->background_position[1]; *vunit = (css_unit) (bits1 & 0xf); } return bits; } #undef BACKGROUND_POSITION_MASK1 #undef BACKGROUND_POSITION_SHIFT1 #undef BACKGROUND_POSITION_INDEX1 #undef BACKGROUND_POSITION_MASK #undef BACKGROUND_POSITION_SHIFT #undef BACKGROUND_POSITION_INDEX #define DISPLAY_INDEX 27 #define DISPLAY_SHIFT 2 #define DISPLAY_MASK 0x7c static inline uint8_t css_computed_display( const css_computed_style *style, bool root) { uint8_t position; uint8_t bits = style->bits[DISPLAY_INDEX]; bits &= DISPLAY_MASK; bits >>= DISPLAY_SHIFT; /* Return computed display as per $9.7 */ position = css_computed_position(style); /* 5bits: type */ if (bits == CSS_DISPLAY_NONE) return bits; /* 1. */ if ((position == CSS_POSITION_ABSOLUTE || position == CSS_POSITION_FIXED) /* 2. */ || css_computed_float(style) != CSS_FLOAT_NONE /* 3. */ || root /* 4. */) { if (bits == CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE_TABLE) { return CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE; } else if (bits == CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE || bits == CSS_DISPLAY_RUN_IN || bits == CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP || bits == CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN || bits == CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP || bits == CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_HEADER_GROUP || bits == CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP || bits == CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW || bits == CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL || bits == CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_CAPTION || bits == CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE_BLOCK) { return CSS_DISPLAY_BLOCK; } } /* 5. */ return bits; } static inline uint8_t css_computed_display_static( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[DISPLAY_INDEX]; bits &= DISPLAY_MASK; bits >>= DISPLAY_SHIFT; /* 5bits: type */ return bits; } #undef DISPLAY_MASK #undef DISPLAY_SHIFT #undef DISPLAY_INDEX #define FONT_VARIANT_INDEX 27 #define FONT_VARIANT_SHIFT 0 #define FONT_VARIANT_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_font_variant( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[FONT_VARIANT_INDEX]; bits &= FONT_VARIANT_MASK; bits >>= FONT_VARIANT_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef FONT_VARIANT_MASK #undef FONT_VARIANT_SHIFT #undef FONT_VARIANT_INDEX #define TEXT_DECORATION_INDEX 28 #define TEXT_DECORATION_SHIFT 3 #define TEXT_DECORATION_MASK 0xf8 static inline uint8_t css_computed_text_decoration( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[TEXT_DECORATION_INDEX]; bits &= TEXT_DECORATION_MASK; bits >>= TEXT_DECORATION_SHIFT; /* 5bits: type */ return bits; } #undef TEXT_DECORATION_MASK #undef TEXT_DECORATION_SHIFT #undef TEXT_DECORATION_INDEX #define FONT_FAMILY_INDEX 28 #define FONT_FAMILY_SHIFT 0 #define FONT_FAMILY_MASK 0x7 static inline uint8_t css_computed_font_family( const css_computed_style *style, lwc_string ***names) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[FONT_FAMILY_INDEX]; bits &= FONT_FAMILY_MASK; bits >>= FONT_FAMILY_SHIFT; /* 3bits: type */ *names = style->font_family; return bits; } #undef FONT_FAMILY_MASK #undef FONT_FAMILY_SHIFT #undef FONT_FAMILY_INDEX #define BORDER_TOP_STYLE_INDEX 29 #define BORDER_TOP_STYLE_SHIFT 4 #define BORDER_TOP_STYLE_MASK 0xf0 static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_top_style( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_TOP_STYLE_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_TOP_STYLE_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_TOP_STYLE_SHIFT; /* 4bits: type */ return bits; } #undef BORDER_TOP_STYLE_MASK #undef BORDER_TOP_STYLE_SHIFT #undef BORDER_TOP_STYLE_INDEX #define BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE_INDEX 29 #define BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE_SHIFT 0 #define BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE_MASK 0xf static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_right_style( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE_SHIFT; /* 4bits: type */ return bits; } #undef BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE_MASK #undef BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE_SHIFT #undef BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE_INDEX #define BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE_INDEX 30 #define BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE_SHIFT 4 #define BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE_MASK 0xf0 static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_bottom_style( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE_SHIFT; /* 4bits: type */ return bits; } #undef BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE_MASK #undef BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE_SHIFT #undef BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE_INDEX #define BORDER_LEFT_STYLE_INDEX 30 #define BORDER_LEFT_STYLE_SHIFT 0 #define BORDER_LEFT_STYLE_MASK 0xf static inline uint8_t css_computed_border_left_style( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[BORDER_LEFT_STYLE_INDEX]; bits &= BORDER_LEFT_STYLE_MASK; bits >>= BORDER_LEFT_STYLE_SHIFT; /* 4bits: type */ return bits; } #undef BORDER_LEFT_STYLE_MASK #undef BORDER_LEFT_STYLE_SHIFT #undef BORDER_LEFT_STYLE_INDEX #define FONT_WEIGHT_INDEX 31 #define FONT_WEIGHT_SHIFT 4 #define FONT_WEIGHT_MASK 0xf0 static inline uint8_t css_computed_font_weight( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[FONT_WEIGHT_INDEX]; bits &= FONT_WEIGHT_MASK; bits >>= FONT_WEIGHT_SHIFT; /* 4bits: type */ return bits; } #undef FONT_WEIGHT_MASK #undef FONT_WEIGHT_SHIFT #undef FONT_WEIGHT_INDEX #define LIST_STYLE_TYPE_INDEX 31 #define LIST_STYLE_TYPE_SHIFT 0 #define LIST_STYLE_TYPE_MASK 0xf static inline uint8_t css_computed_list_style_type( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[LIST_STYLE_TYPE_INDEX]; bits &= LIST_STYLE_TYPE_MASK; bits >>= LIST_STYLE_TYPE_SHIFT; /* 4bits: type */ return bits; } #undef LIST_STYLE_TYPE_MASK #undef LIST_STYLE_TYPE_SHIFT #undef LIST_STYLE_TYPE_INDEX #define OUTLINE_STYLE_INDEX 32 #define OUTLINE_STYLE_SHIFT 4 #define OUTLINE_STYLE_MASK 0xf0 static inline uint8_t css_computed_outline_style( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[OUTLINE_STYLE_INDEX]; bits &= OUTLINE_STYLE_MASK; bits >>= OUTLINE_STYLE_SHIFT; /* 4bits: type */ return bits; } #undef OUTLINE_STYLE_MASK #undef OUTLINE_STYLE_SHIFT #undef OUTLINE_STYLE_INDEX #define TABLE_LAYOUT_INDEX 32 #define TABLE_LAYOUT_SHIFT 2 #define TABLE_LAYOUT_MASK 0xc static inline uint8_t css_computed_table_layout( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[TABLE_LAYOUT_INDEX]; bits &= TABLE_LAYOUT_MASK; bits >>= TABLE_LAYOUT_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef TABLE_LAYOUT_MASK #undef TABLE_LAYOUT_SHIFT #undef TABLE_LAYOUT_INDEX #define UNICODE_BIDI_INDEX 32 #define UNICODE_BIDI_SHIFT 0 #define UNICODE_BIDI_MASK 0x3 static inline uint8_t css_computed_unicode_bidi( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[UNICODE_BIDI_INDEX]; bits &= UNICODE_BIDI_MASK; bits >>= UNICODE_BIDI_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef UNICODE_BIDI_MASK #undef UNICODE_BIDI_SHIFT #undef UNICODE_BIDI_INDEX #define VISIBILITY_INDEX 33 #define VISIBILITY_SHIFT 6 #define VISIBILITY_MASK 0xc0 static inline uint8_t css_computed_visibility( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[VISIBILITY_INDEX]; bits &= VISIBILITY_MASK; bits >>= VISIBILITY_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef VISIBILITY_MASK #undef VISIBILITY_SHIFT #undef VISIBILITY_INDEX #define LIST_STYLE_POSITION_INDEX 33 #define LIST_STYLE_POSITION_SHIFT 4 #define LIST_STYLE_POSITION_MASK 0x30 static inline uint8_t css_computed_list_style_position( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[LIST_STYLE_POSITION_INDEX]; bits &= LIST_STYLE_POSITION_MASK; bits >>= LIST_STYLE_POSITION_SHIFT; /* 2bits: type */ return bits; } #undef LIST_STYLE_POSITION_MASK #undef LIST_STYLE_POSITION_SHIFT #undef LIST_STYLE_POSITION_INDEX #define TEXT_ALIGN_INDEX 33 #define TEXT_ALIGN_SHIFT 0 #define TEXT_ALIGN_MASK 0xf static inline uint8_t css_computed_text_align( const css_computed_style *style) { uint8_t bits = style->bits[TEXT_ALIGN_INDEX]; bits &= TEXT_ALIGN_MASK; bits >>= TEXT_ALIGN_SHIFT; /* 4bits: type */ return bits; } #undef TEXT_ALIGN_MASK #undef TEXT_ALIGN_SHIFT #undef TEXT_ALIGN_INDEX #endif