/* * This file is part of LibCSS. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2016 John-Mark Bell */ /* https://drafts.csswg.org/mediaqueries/ */ #include #include #include "stylesheet.h" #include "bytecode/bytecode.h" #include "parse/mq.h" #include "parse/properties/utils.h" #include "utils/utils.h" static void css_mq_feature_destroy(css_mq_feature *feature) { if (feature != NULL) { lwc_string_unref(feature->name); free(feature); } } static void css__mq_cond_or_feature_destroy( css_mq_cond_or_feature *cond_or_feature); static void css__mq_cond_parts_destroy(css_mq_cond_parts *cond_parts) { if (cond_parts != NULL) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cond_parts->nparts; i++) { css__mq_cond_or_feature_destroy(cond_parts->parts[i]); } free(cond_parts); } } static void css__mq_cond_destroy(css_mq_cond *cond) { if (cond != NULL) { css__mq_cond_parts_destroy(cond->parts); free(cond); } } static void css__mq_cond_or_feature_destroy( css_mq_cond_or_feature *cond_or_feature) { if (cond_or_feature != NULL) { switch (cond_or_feature->type) { case CSS_MQ_FEATURE: css_mq_feature_destroy(cond_or_feature->data.feat); break; case CSS_MQ_COND: css__mq_cond_destroy(cond_or_feature->data.cond); break; } free(cond_or_feature); } } void css__mq_query_destroy(css_mq_query *media) { while (media != NULL) { css_mq_query *next = media->next; css__mq_cond_destroy(media->cond); free(media); media = next; } } static css_error mq_parse_condition(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, bool permit_or, css_mq_cond **cond); static css_error mq_parse_ratio( const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, const css_token *numerator, css_fixed *ratio) { const css_token *token; css_fixed num, den; size_t num_len, den_len; /* NUMBER ws* '/' ws* NUMBER */ /* numerator, ws* already consumed */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || tokenIsChar(token, '/') == false) { return CSS_INVALID; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER) { return CSS_INVALID; } num = css__number_from_lwc_string(numerator->idata, true, &num_len); den = css__number_from_lwc_string(token->idata, true, &den_len); *ratio = css_divide_fixed(num, den); return CSS_OK; } static css_error mq_create_feature( lwc_string *name, css_mq_feature **feature) { css_mq_feature *f; f = malloc(sizeof(*f)); if (f == NULL) { return CSS_NOMEM; } memset(f, 0, sizeof(*f)); f->name = lwc_string_ref(name); *feature = f; return CSS_OK; } static css_error mq_populate_value(css_mq_value *value, const css_token *token) { if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER) { size_t num_len; value->type = CSS_MQ_VALUE_TYPE_NUM; value->data.num_or_ratio = css__number_from_lwc_string( token->idata, false, &num_len); } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION) { size_t len = lwc_string_length(token->idata); const char *data = lwc_string_data(token->idata); uint32_t unit = UNIT_PX; size_t consumed; css_error error; value->type = CSS_MQ_VALUE_TYPE_DIM; value->data.dim.len = css__number_from_lwc_string( token->idata, false, &consumed); error = css__parse_unit_keyword(data + consumed, len - consumed, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } value->data.dim.unit = unit; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { value->type = CSS_MQ_VALUE_TYPE_IDENT; value->data.ident = lwc_string_ref(token->idata); } return CSS_OK; } static css_error mq_parse_op(const css_token *token, css_mq_feature_op *op) { size_t len; const char *data; if (token == NULL || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_CHAR) return CSS_INVALID; len = lwc_string_length(token->idata); data = lwc_string_data(token->idata); if (len == 2) { if (strncasecmp(data, "<=", 2) == 0) *op = CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_LTE; else if (strncasecmp(data, ">=", 2) == 0) *op = CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_GTE; else return CSS_INVALID; } else if (len == 1) { if (*data == '<') *op = CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_LT; else if (*data == '=') *op = CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_EQ; else if (*data == '>') *op = CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_GT; else return CSS_INVALID; } else { return CSS_INVALID; } return CSS_OK; } static css_error mq_parse_range(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, const css_token *name_or_value, css_mq_feature **feature) { const css_token *token, *value_or_name, *name = NULL, *value2 = NULL; css_mq_feature *result; css_mq_feature_op op, op2; css_fixed ratio, ratio2; bool name_first = false, value_is_ratio = false, value2_is_ratio = false, match; css_error error; /* = [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? * | [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? * | '<' '='? '<' '='? * | '>' '='? '>' '='? */ if (name_or_value == NULL || (name_or_value->type != CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER && name_or_value->type != CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION && name_or_value->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT)) { return CSS_INVALID; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); /* Name-or-value */ if (name_or_value->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER && tokenIsChar(parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx), '/')) { /* ratio */ error = mq_parse_ratio(vector, ctx, token, &ratio); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); value_is_ratio = true; } else if (name_or_value->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && lwc_string_caseless_isequal(name_or_value->idata, c->strings[INFINITE], &match) == lwc_error_ok && match == false) { /* The only ident permitted for mf-value is 'infinite', thus must have name */ name = name_or_value; name_first = true; } /* Op */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); error = mq_parse_op(token, &op); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); /* Value-or-name */ value_or_name = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (value_or_name == NULL || (value_or_name->type != CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER && value_or_name->type != CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION && value_or_name->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT)) { return CSS_INVALID; } if (name == NULL) { if (value_or_name->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { return CSS_INVALID; } else { name = value_or_name; } } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); if (value_or_name->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER && tokenIsChar(parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx), '/')) { /* ratio */ error = mq_parse_ratio(vector, ctx, token, &ratio); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); value_is_ratio = true; } token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (name_first == false && token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, ')') == false) { /* Op2 */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); error = mq_parse_op(token, &op2); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); /* Validate operators: must both be LT(E) or GT(E) */ if (op == CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_LT || op == CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_LTE) { if (op2 != CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_LT && op2 != CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_LTE) { return CSS_INVALID; } } else if (op == CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_GT || op == CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_GTE) { if (op2 != CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_GT && op2 != CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_GTE) { return CSS_INVALID; } } else { return CSS_INVALID; } /* Value2 */ value2 = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (value2 == NULL || (value2->type != CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER && value2->type != CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION && value2->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT)) { return CSS_INVALID; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); if (value_or_name->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER && tokenIsChar(parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx), '/')) { /* ratio */ error = mq_parse_ratio(vector, ctx, token, &ratio2); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); value2_is_ratio = true; } } error = mq_create_feature(name->idata, &result); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } if (name_first) { /* Invert operator */ if (op == CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_LT) { op = CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_GTE; } else if (op == CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_LTE) { op = CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_GT; } else if (op == CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_GT) { op = CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_LTE; } else if (op == CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_GTE) { op = CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_LT; } } result->op = op; if (value_is_ratio) { result->value.type = CSS_MQ_VALUE_TYPE_RATIO; result->value.data.num_or_ratio = ratio; } else { /* num/dim/ident */ error = mq_populate_value(&result->value, token); if (error != CSS_OK) { free(result); return error; } } if (value2 != NULL) { result->op2 = op2; if (value2_is_ratio) { result->value2.type = CSS_MQ_VALUE_TYPE_RATIO; result->value2.data.num_or_ratio = ratio; } else { /* num/dim/ident */ error = mq_populate_value(&result->value2, token); if (error != CSS_OK) { css_mq_feature_destroy(result); return error; } } } *feature = result; return CSS_OK; } static css_error mq_parse_media_feature(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_mq_feature **feature) { const css_token *name_or_value, *token; css_mq_feature *result; css_error error; /* = ( [ | | ] ) * = : * = * = * = | | | */ /* ( already consumed */ consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); name_or_value = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (name_or_value == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (name_or_value->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (tokenIsChar(token, ')')) { /* mf-boolean */ error = mq_create_feature(name_or_value->idata, &result); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } result->op = CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_BOOL; } else if (tokenIsChar(token, ':')) { /* mf-plain */ parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT)) { return CSS_INVALID; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); error = mq_create_feature(name_or_value->idata, &result); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } result->op = CSS_MQ_FEATURE_OP_EQ; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER && tokenIsChar(parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx), '/')) { /* ratio */ css_fixed ratio; error = mq_parse_ratio(vector, ctx, token, &ratio); if (error != CSS_OK) { free(result); return error; } result->value.type = CSS_MQ_VALUE_TYPE_RATIO; result->value.data.num_or_ratio = ratio; } else { /* num/dim/ident */ error = mq_populate_value(&result->value, token); if (error != CSS_OK) { free(result); return error; } } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); } else { /* mf-range */ error = mq_parse_range(c, vector, ctx, name_or_value, &result); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); } } else { /* mf-range */ error = mq_parse_range(c, vector, ctx, name_or_value, &result); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); } token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (tokenIsChar(token, ')') == false) { css_mq_feature_destroy(result); return CSS_INVALID; } *feature = result; return CSS_OK; } /* * Consume any value * * CSS Syntax Module Level 3: 8.2 */ static css_error mq_parse_consume_any_value(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, bool until, const char until_char) { const css_token *token; css_error error; while (true) { consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL) { return CSS_INVALID; } switch (token->type) { case CSS_TOKEN_INVALID_STRING: return CSS_INVALID; case CSS_TOKEN_CHAR: if (until && tokenIsChar(token, until_char)) { /* Found matching close bracket */ return CSS_OK; } else if (tokenIsChar(token, ')') || tokenIsChar(token, ']') || tokenIsChar(token, '}')) { /* Non-matching close bracket */ return CSS_INVALID; } if (tokenIsChar(token, '(')) { /* Need to consume until matching bracket. */ error = mq_parse_consume_any_value( c, vector, ctx, true, ')'); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } } else if (tokenIsChar(token, '[')) { /* Need to consume until matching bracket. */ error = mq_parse_consume_any_value( c, vector, ctx, true, ']'); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } } else if (tokenIsChar(token, '{')) { /* Need to consume until matching bracket. */ error = mq_parse_consume_any_value( c, vector, ctx, true, '}'); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } } break; default: break; } } return CSS_OK; } static css_error mq_parse_general_enclosed(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx) { const css_token *token; css_error error; /* = [ ) ] * | ( ) */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL) { return CSS_INVALID; } switch (token->type) { case CSS_TOKEN_FUNCTION: error = mq_parse_consume_any_value(c, vector, ctx, true, ')'); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (!tokenIsChar(token, ')')) { return CSS_INVALID; } break; case CSS_TOKEN_IDENT: error = mq_parse_consume_any_value(c, vector, ctx, false, '\0'); if (error != CSS_OK) { return error; } break; default: return CSS_INVALID; } return CSS_OK; } static css_error mq_parse_media_in_parens(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_mq_cond_or_feature **cond_or_feature) { const css_token *token; bool match; int old_ctx; css_mq_cond_or_feature *result = NULL; css_error error = CSS_OK; /* = ( ) | | */ //LPAREN -> condition-or-feature // "not" or LPAREN -> condition // IDENT | NUMBER | DIMENSION | RATIO -> feature token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || tokenIsChar(token, '(') == false) { return CSS_INVALID; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) { return CSS_INVALID; } old_ctx = *ctx; if (tokenIsChar(token, '(') || (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata, c->strings[NOT], &match) == lwc_error_ok && match)) { css_mq_cond *cond; error = mq_parse_condition(c, vector, ctx, true, &cond); if (error == CSS_OK) { token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (tokenIsChar(token, ')') == false) { return CSS_INVALID; } result = malloc(sizeof(*result)); if (result == NULL) { css__mq_cond_destroy(cond); return CSS_NOMEM; } memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result)); result->type = CSS_MQ_COND; result->data.cond = cond; *cond_or_feature = result; return CSS_OK; } } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT || token->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER || token->type == CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION) { css_mq_feature *feature; error = mq_parse_media_feature(c, vector, ctx, &feature); if (error == CSS_OK) { result = malloc(sizeof(*result)); if (result == NULL) { css_mq_feature_destroy(feature); return CSS_NOMEM; } memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result)); result->type = CSS_MQ_FEATURE; result->data.feat = feature; *cond_or_feature = result; return CSS_OK; } } *ctx = old_ctx; error = mq_parse_general_enclosed(c, vector, ctx); return error; } static css_error mq_parse_condition(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, bool permit_or, css_mq_cond **cond) { const css_token *token; bool match; int op = 0; /* Will be AND | OR once we've had one */ css_mq_cond_or_feature *cond_or_feature, **parts; css_mq_cond *result; css_error error; /* = | [ * | * ] * = | * * = not * = and * = or */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL || tokenIsChar(token, '(') == false || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT || lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata, c->strings[NOT], &match) != lwc_error_ok || match == false) { return CSS_INVALID; } result = malloc(sizeof(*result)); if (result == NULL) { return CSS_NOMEM; } memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result)); result->parts = malloc(sizeof(*result->parts)); if (result->parts == NULL) { free(result); return CSS_NOMEM; } memset(result->parts, 0, sizeof(*result->parts)); if (tokenIsChar(token, '(') == false) { /* Must be "not" */ parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); error = mq_parse_media_in_parens(c, vector, ctx, &cond_or_feature); if (error != CSS_OK) { css__mq_cond_destroy(result); return CSS_INVALID; } result->negate = 1; result->parts->nparts = 1; result->parts->parts = malloc(sizeof(*result->parts->parts)); if (result->parts->parts == NULL) { css__mq_cond_or_feature_destroy(cond_or_feature); css__mq_cond_destroy(result); return CSS_NOMEM; } result->parts->parts[0] = cond_or_feature; *cond = result; return CSS_OK; } /* FOLLOW(media-condition) := RPAREN | COMMA | EOF */ while (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, ')') == false && tokenIsChar(token, ',') == false) { error = mq_parse_media_in_parens(c, vector, ctx, &cond_or_feature); if (error != CSS_OK) { css__mq_cond_destroy(result); return CSS_INVALID; } parts = realloc(result->parts->parts, (result->parts->nparts+1)*sizeof(*result->parts->parts)); if (parts == NULL) { css__mq_cond_or_feature_destroy(cond_or_feature); css__mq_cond_destroy(result); return CSS_NOMEM; } parts[result->parts->nparts] = cond_or_feature; result->parts->parts = parts; result->parts->nparts++; consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, ')') == false && tokenIsChar(token, ',') == false) { if (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { css__mq_cond_destroy(result); return CSS_INVALID; } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata, c->strings[AND], &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) { if (op != 0 && op != AND) { css__mq_cond_destroy(result); return CSS_INVALID; } op = AND; } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata, c->strings[OR], &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) { if (permit_or == false || (op != 0 && op != OR)) { css__mq_cond_destroy(result); return CSS_INVALID; } op = OR; } else { /* Neither AND nor OR */ css__mq_cond_destroy(result); return CSS_INVALID; } parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); } } if (op == OR) { result->op = 1; } *cond = result; return CSS_OK; } static css_error mq_parse_media_query(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_mq_query **query) { const css_token *token; bool match, is_condition = false; css_mq_query *result; css_error error; /* = * | [ not | only ]? [ and ]? * = (except "not", "and", "or", "only") */ // LPAREN -> media-condition // not LPAREN -> media-condition consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (tokenIsChar(token, '(')) { is_condition = true; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata, c->strings[NOT], &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) { int old_ctx = *ctx; parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (tokenIsChar(token, '(')) { is_condition = true; } *ctx = old_ctx; } result = malloc(sizeof(*result)); if (result == NULL) { return CSS_NOMEM; } memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result)); if (is_condition) { /* media-condition */ error = mq_parse_condition(c, vector, ctx, true, &result->cond); if (error != CSS_OK) { free(result); return error; } *query = result; return CSS_OK; } token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { free(result); return CSS_INVALID; } if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata, c->strings[NOT], &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) { result->negate_type = 1; consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); } else if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata, c->strings[ONLY], &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) { consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); } if (token == NULL || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { free(result); return CSS_INVALID; } result->type = lwc_string_ref(token->idata); consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token != NULL) { if (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT || lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata, c->strings[AND], &match) != lwc_error_ok || match == false) { lwc_string_unref(result->type); free(result); return CSS_INVALID; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); error = mq_parse_condition(c, vector, ctx, false, &result->cond); if (error != CSS_OK) { lwc_string_unref(result->type); free(result); return error; } } *query = result; return CSS_OK; } css_error css__mq_parse_media_list(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_mq_query **media) { css_mq_query *result = NULL, *last = NULL; const css_token *token; css_error error; /* = [ COMMA ]* */ /* if {[(, push }]) to stack * if func, push ) to stack * on error, scan forward until stack is empty (or EOF), popping matching tokens off stack * if stack is empty, the next input token must be comma or EOF * if comma, consume, and start again from the next input token */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); while (token != NULL) { css_mq_query *query; error = mq_parse_media_query(c, vector, ctx, &query); if (error != CSS_OK) { /* TODO: error recovery (see above) */ css__mq_query_destroy(result); return error; } else { if (result == NULL) { result = last = query; } else { assert(last != NULL); last->next = query; last = query; } } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, ',') == false) { /* Give up */ break; } } *media = result; return CSS_OK; }