/* * This file is part of LibCSS * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2017 The NetSurf Project */ struct css_computed_style_i { /* * Property Size (bits) Size (bytes) * --- --- --- * align_content 3 * align_items 3 * align_self 3 * background_attachment 2 * background_color 2 4 * background_image 1 sizeof(ptr) * background_position 1 + 10 8 * background_repeat 3 * border_bottom_color 2 4 * border_bottom_style 4 * border_bottom_width 3 + 5 4 * border_collapse 2 * border_left_color 2 4 * border_left_style 4 * border_left_width 3 + 5 4 * border_right_color 2 4 * border_right_style 4 * border_right_width 3 + 5 4 * border_spacing 1 + 10 8 * border_top_color 2 4 * border_top_style 4 * border_top_width 3 + 5 4 * bottom 2 + 5 4 * box_sizing 2 * break_after 4 * break_before 4 * break_inside 4 * caption_side 2 * clear 3 * clip 6 + 20 16 * color 1 4 * column_count 2 4 * column_fill 2 * column_gap 2 + 5 4 * column_rule_color 2 4 * column_rule_style 4 * column_rule_width 3 + 5 4 * column_span 2 * column_width 2 + 5 4 * direction 2 * display 5 * empty_cells 2 * flex_basis 2 + 5 4 * flex_direction 3 * flex_grow 1 4 * flex_shrink 1 4 * flex_wrap 2 * float 2 * font_size 4 + 5 4 * font_style 2 * font_variant 2 * font_weight 4 * height 2 + 5 4 * justify_content 3 * left 2 + 5 4 * letter_spacing 2 + 5 4 * line_height 2 + 5 4 * list_style_image 1 sizeof(ptr) * list_style_position 2 * list_style_type 4 * margin_bottom 2 + 5 4 * margin_left 2 + 5 4 * margin_right 2 + 5 4 * margin_top 2 + 5 4 * max_height 2 + 5 4 * max_width 2 + 5 4 * min_height 2 + 5 4 * min_width 2 + 5 4 * opacity 1 4 * order 1 4 * orphans 1 4 * outline_color 2 4 * outline_style 4 * outline_width 3 + 5 4 * overflow_x 3 * overflow_y 3 * padding_bottom 1 + 5 4 * padding_left 1 + 5 4 * padding_right 1 + 5 4 * padding_top 1 + 5 4 * page_break_after 3 * page_break_before 3 * page_break_inside 2 * position 3 * right 2 + 5 4 * table_layout 2 * text_align 4 * text_decoration 5 * text_indent 1 + 5 4 * text_transform 3 * top 2 + 5 4 * unicode_bidi 2 * vertical_align 4 + 5 4 * visibility 2 * white_space 3 * widows 1 4 * width 2 + 5 4 * word_spacing 2 + 5 4 * writing_mode 2 * z_index 2 4 * * Encode content as an array of content items, terminated with a blank entry. * * content 2 sizeof(ptr) * * Encode counter_increment as an array of name, value pairs, terminated with a * blank entry. * * counter_increment 1 sizeof(ptr) * * Encode counter_reset as an array of name, value pairs, terminated with a * blank entry. * * counter_reset 1 sizeof(ptr) * * Encode cursor uri(s) as an array of string objects, terminated with a blank * entry * * cursor 5 sizeof(ptr) * * Encode font family as an array of string objects, terminated with a blank * entry. * * font_family 3 sizeof(ptr) * * Encode quotes as an array of string objects, terminated with a blank entry. * * quotes 1 sizeof(ptr) * * --- --- --- * 460 bits 228 + 8sizeof(ptr) bytes * =================== * 286 + 8sizeof(ptr) bytes * * Bit allocations: * * 0 ccccccccoooooooobbbbbbbbrrrrrrrr * column_rule_width; outline_width; border_left_width; border_bottom_width * * 1 vvvvvvvvvbbbbbbbboooooooolllllll * vertical_align; border_top_width; border_right_width; letter_spacing * * 2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccpppppp * clip; padding_top * * 3 mmmmmmmaaaaaaarrrrrrrttttttddddd * max_width; margin_bottom; margin_left; text_indent; display * * 4 wwwwwwwfffffffcccccccllllllloooo * word_spacing; flex_basis; column_gap; left; font_weight * * 5 wwwwwwwhhhhhhhlllllllcccccccoooo * width; height; line_height; column_width; outline_style * * 6 tttttttmmmmmmmiiiiiiiaaaaaaabbbb * top; max_height; min_width; margin_right; border_top_style * * 7 rrrrrrrbbbbbbbmmmmmmmaaaaaaacccc * right; bottom; min_height; margin_top; column_rule_style * * 8 ppppppaaaaaaddddddtttttcccccbbbb * padding_left; padding_right; padding_bottom; text_decoration; cursor; * border_right_style * * 9 aaafffpppllliiiooovvvttteeeggguu * align_items; font_family; page_break_before; align_self; align_content; * overflow_x; overflow_y; text_transform; flex_direction; page_break_after; * unicode_bidi * * 10 jjjpppcccwwwbbddeeffooaallggkkrr * justify_content; position; clear; white_space; box_sizing; direction; * empty_cells; flex_wrap; column_rule_color; background_attachment; * column_span; page_break_inside; background_color; border_left_color * * 11 ffbbooccnnllwwrrvvuummddaattzzee * font_style; border_bottom_color; border_top_color; caption_side; * font_variant; column_count; writing_mode; border_collapse; visibility; * outline_color; column_fill; border_right_color; float; table_layout; * z_index; content * * 12 bbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaafffffffffc * border_spacing; background_position; font_size; color * * 13 bbbbrrrrllllttttooooddddeeeeaaai * break_after; break_before; list_style_type; text_align; border_left_style; * border_bottom_style; break_inside; background_repeat; list_style_image * * 14 llcbqopwfrue.................... * list_style_position; counter_increment; background_image; quotes; order; * opacity; widows; flex_grow; orphans; counter_reset; flex_shrink */ uint32_t bits[15]; css_color background_color; lwc_string *background_image; css_fixed background_position_a; css_fixed background_position_b; css_color border_bottom_color; css_fixed border_bottom_width; css_color border_left_color; css_fixed border_left_width; css_color border_right_color; css_fixed border_right_width; css_fixed border_spacing_a; css_fixed border_spacing_b; css_color border_top_color; css_fixed border_top_width; css_fixed bottom; css_fixed clip_a; css_fixed clip_b; css_fixed clip_c; css_fixed clip_d; css_color color; int32_t column_count; css_fixed column_gap; css_color column_rule_color; css_fixed column_rule_width; css_fixed column_width; css_fixed flex_basis; css_fixed flex_grow; css_fixed flex_shrink; css_fixed font_size; css_fixed height; css_fixed left; css_fixed letter_spacing; css_fixed line_height; lwc_string *list_style_image; css_fixed margin_bottom; css_fixed margin_left; css_fixed margin_right; css_fixed margin_top; css_fixed max_height; css_fixed max_width; css_fixed min_height; css_fixed min_width; css_fixed opacity; int32_t order; int32_t orphans; css_color outline_color; css_fixed outline_width; css_fixed padding_bottom; css_fixed padding_left; css_fixed padding_right; css_fixed padding_top; css_fixed right; css_fixed text_indent; css_fixed top; css_fixed vertical_align; int32_t widows; css_fixed width; css_fixed word_spacing; int32_t z_index; }; struct css_computed_style { struct css_computed_style_i i; css_computed_content_item *content; css_computed_counter *counter_increment; css_computed_counter *counter_reset; lwc_string **cursor; lwc_string **font_family; lwc_string **quotes; struct css_computed_style *next; uint32_t count; uint32_t bin; };