#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/utils.h" #include "dump_computed.h" #include "testutils.h" typedef struct attribute { lwc_string *name; lwc_string *value; } attribute; typedef struct node { lwc_string *name; uint32_t n_attrs; attribute *attrs; struct node *parent; struct node *next; struct node *prev; struct node *children; struct node *last_child; } node; typedef struct line_ctx { size_t explen; size_t expused; char *exp; bool intree; bool insheet; bool inerrors; bool inexp; node *tree; node *current; uint32_t depth; uint32_t n_sheets; css_stylesheet **sheets; uint64_t media; uint32_t pseudo_element; node *target; lwc_context *dict; lwc_string *attr_class; lwc_string *attr_id; } line_ctx; static bool handle_line(const char *data, size_t datalen, void *pw); static void parse_tree(line_ctx *ctx, const char *data, size_t len); static void parse_tree_data(line_ctx *ctx, const char *data, size_t len); static void parse_sheet(line_ctx *ctx, const char *data, size_t len); static void parse_media_list(const char **data, size_t *len, uint64_t *media); static void parse_pseudo_list(const char **data, size_t *len, uint32_t *element); static void parse_expected(line_ctx *ctx, const char *data, size_t len); static void run_test(line_ctx *ctx, const char *exp, size_t explen); static void destroy_tree(node *root); static css_error node_name(void *pw, void *node, lwc_context *ctx, lwc_string **name); static css_error named_ancestor_node(void *pw, void *node, lwc_string *name, void **ancestor); static css_error named_parent_node(void *pw, void *node, lwc_string *name, void **parent); static css_error named_sibling_node(void *pw, void *node, lwc_string *name, void **sibling); static css_error parent_node(void *pw, void *node, void **parent); static css_error sibling_node(void *pw, void *node, void **sibling); static css_error node_has_name(void *pw, void *node, lwc_string *name, bool *match); static css_error node_has_class(void *pw, void *node, lwc_string *name, bool *match); static css_error node_has_id(void *pw, void *node, lwc_string *name, bool *match); static css_error node_has_attribute(void *pw, void *node, lwc_string *name, bool *match); static css_error node_has_attribute_equal(void *pw, void *node, lwc_string *name, lwc_string *value, bool *match); static css_error node_has_attribute_dashmatch(void *pw, void *node, lwc_string *name, lwc_string *value, bool *match); static css_error node_has_attribute_includes(void *pw, void *node, lwc_string *name, lwc_string *value, bool *match); static css_error node_is_first_child(void *pw, void *node, bool *match); static css_error node_is_link(void *pw, void *node, bool *match); static css_error node_is_visited(void *pw, void *node, bool *match); static css_error node_is_hover(void *pw, void *node, bool *match); static css_error node_is_active(void *pw, void *node, bool *match); static css_error node_is_focus(void *pw, void *node, bool *match); static css_error node_is_lang(void *pw, void *node, lwc_string *lang, bool *match); static css_error node_presentational_hint(void *pw, void *node, uint32_t property, css_hint *hint); static css_error ua_default_for_property(void *pw, uint32_t property, css_hint *hint); static css_error compute_font_size(void *pw, const css_hint *parent, css_hint *size); static css_select_handler select_handler = { node_name, named_ancestor_node, named_parent_node, named_sibling_node, parent_node, sibling_node, node_has_name, node_has_class, node_has_id, node_has_attribute, node_has_attribute_equal, node_has_attribute_dashmatch, node_has_attribute_includes, node_is_first_child, node_is_link, node_is_visited, node_is_hover, node_is_active, node_is_focus, node_is_lang, node_presentational_hint, ua_default_for_property, compute_font_size }; static void *myrealloc(void *data, size_t len, void *pw) { UNUSED(pw); return realloc(data, len); } static css_error resolve_url(void *pw, lwc_context *dict, const char *base, lwc_string *rel, lwc_string **abs) { UNUSED(pw); UNUSED(base); /* About as useless as possible */ *abs = lwc_context_string_ref(dict, rel); return CSS_OK; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { line_ctx ctx; if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } printf("css_hint: %u\n", (int) sizeof(css_hint)); printf("computed: %u\n", (int) sizeof(css_computed_style)); assert(css_initialise(argv[1], myrealloc, NULL) == CSS_OK); memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); assert(lwc_create_context(myrealloc, NULL, &ctx.dict) == lwc_error_ok); lwc_context_ref(ctx.dict); lwc_context_intern(ctx.dict, "class", SLEN("class"), &ctx.attr_class); lwc_context_intern(ctx.dict, "id", SLEN("id"), &ctx.attr_id); assert(parse_testfile(argv[2], handle_line, &ctx) == true); /* and run final test */ if (ctx.tree != NULL) run_test(&ctx, ctx.exp, ctx.expused); free(ctx.exp); assert(css_finalise(myrealloc, NULL) == CSS_OK); lwc_context_unref(ctx.dict); printf("PASS\n"); return 0; } bool handle_line(const char *data, size_t datalen, void *pw) { line_ctx *ctx = (line_ctx *) pw; css_error error; if (data[0] == '#') { if (ctx->intree) { if (strncasecmp(data+1, "errors", 6) == 0) { ctx->intree = false; ctx->insheet = false; ctx->inerrors = true; ctx->inexp = false; } else { /* Assume start of stylesheet */ parse_sheet(ctx, data + 1, datalen - 1); ctx->intree = false; ctx->insheet = true; ctx->inerrors = false; ctx->inexp = false; } } else if (ctx->insheet) { if (strncasecmp(data+1, "errors", 6) == 0) { assert(css_stylesheet_data_done( ctx->sheets[ctx->n_sheets - 1]) == CSS_OK); ctx->intree = false; ctx->insheet = false; ctx->inerrors = true; ctx->inexp = false; } else if (strncasecmp(data+1, "ua", 2) == 0 || strncasecmp(data+1, "user", 4) == 0 || strncasecmp(data+1, "author", 6) == 0) { assert(css_stylesheet_data_done( ctx->sheets[ctx->n_sheets - 1]) == CSS_OK); parse_sheet(ctx, data + 1, datalen - 1); } else { error = css_stylesheet_append_data( ctx->sheets[ctx->n_sheets - 1], (const uint8_t *) data, datalen); assert(error == CSS_OK || error == CSS_NEEDDATA); } } else if (ctx->inerrors) { ctx->intree = false; ctx->insheet = false; ctx->inerrors = false; ctx->inexp = true; } else if (ctx->inexp) { /* This marks end of testcase, so run it */ run_test(ctx, ctx->exp, ctx->expused); ctx->expused = 0; ctx->intree = false; ctx->insheet = false; ctx->inerrors = false; ctx->inexp = false; } else { /* Start state */ if (strncasecmp(data+1, "tree", 4) == 0) { parse_tree(ctx, data + 5, datalen - 5); ctx->intree = true; ctx->insheet = false; ctx->inerrors = false; ctx->inexp = false; } } } else { if (ctx->intree) { /* Not interested in the '|' */ parse_tree_data(ctx, data + 1, datalen - 1); } else if (ctx->insheet) { error = css_stylesheet_append_data( ctx->sheets[ctx->n_sheets - 1], (const uint8_t *) data, datalen); assert(error == CSS_OK || error == CSS_NEEDDATA); } else if (ctx->inexp) { parse_expected(ctx, data, datalen); } } return true; } void parse_tree(line_ctx *ctx, const char *data, size_t len) { const char *p = data; const char *end = data + len; size_t left; /* [ ? ] ? */ ctx->media = CSS_MEDIA_ALL; ctx->pseudo_element = CSS_PSEUDO_ELEMENT_NONE; /* Consume any leading whitespace */ while (p < end && isspace(*p)) p++; if (p < end) { left = end - p; parse_media_list(&p, &left, &ctx->media); end = p + left; } if (p < end) { left = end - p; parse_pseudo_list(&p, &left, &ctx->pseudo_element); } } void parse_tree_data(line_ctx *ctx, const char *data, size_t len) { const char *p = data; const char *end = data + len; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; size_t namelen = 0; size_t valuelen = 0; uint32_t depth = 0; bool target = false; /* ' '{depth+1} [ '*'? | ] * * ::= [^=*[:space:]]+ * ::= [^=*[:space:]]+ '=' [^[:space:]]* */ while (p < end && isspace(*p)) { depth++; p++; } depth--; /* Get element/attribute name */ name = p; while (p < end && *p != '=' && *p != '*' && isspace(*p) == false) { namelen++; p++; } /* Skip whitespace */ while (p < end && isspace(*p)) p++; if (p < end && *p == '=') { /* Attribute value */ p++; value = p; while (p < end && isspace(*p) == false) { valuelen++; p++; } } else if (p < end && *p == '*') { /* Element is target node */ target = true; } if (value == NULL) { /* We have an element, so create it */ node *n = malloc(sizeof(node)); assert(n != NULL); memset(n, 0, sizeof(node)); lwc_context_intern(ctx->dict, name, namelen, &n->name); /* Insert it into tree */ if (ctx->tree == NULL) { ctx->tree = n; } else { assert(depth > 0); assert(depth <= ctx->depth + 1); /* Find node to insert into */ while (depth <= ctx->depth) { ctx->depth--; ctx->current = ctx->current->parent; } /* Insert into current node */ if (ctx->current->children == NULL) { ctx->current->children = n; ctx->current->last_child = n; } else { ctx->current->last_child->next = n; n->prev = ctx->current->last_child; ctx->current->last_child = n; } n->parent = ctx->current; } ctx->current = n; ctx->depth = depth; /* Mark the target, if it's us */ if (target) ctx->target = n; } else { /* New attribute */ attribute *attr; attribute *temp = realloc(ctx->current->attrs, (ctx->current->n_attrs + 1) * sizeof(attribute)); assert(temp != NULL); ctx->current->attrs = temp; attr = &ctx->current->attrs[ctx->current->n_attrs]; lwc_context_intern(ctx->dict, name, namelen, &attr->name); lwc_context_intern(ctx->dict, value, valuelen, &attr->value); ctx->current->n_attrs++; } } void parse_sheet(line_ctx *ctx, const char *data, size_t len) { const char *p; const char *end = data + len; css_origin origin = CSS_ORIGIN_AUTHOR; uint64_t media = CSS_MEDIA_ALL; css_stylesheet *sheet; css_stylesheet **temp; /* ? */ /* Find end of origin */ for (p = data; p < end; p++) { if (isspace(*p)) break; } if (p - data == 6 && strncasecmp(data, "author", 6) == 0) origin = CSS_ORIGIN_AUTHOR; else if (p - data == 4 && strncasecmp(data, "user", 4) == 0) origin = CSS_ORIGIN_USER; else if (p - data == 2 && strncasecmp(data, "ua", 2) == 0) origin = CSS_ORIGIN_UA; else assert(0 && "Unknown stylesheet origin"); /* Skip any whitespace */ while (p < end && isspace(*p)) p++; if (p < end) { size_t ignored = end - p; parse_media_list(&p, &ignored, &media); } /** \todo How are we going to handle @import? */ assert(css_stylesheet_create(CSS_LEVEL_21, "UTF-8", "foo", "foo", origin, media, false, false, ctx->dict, myrealloc, NULL, resolve_url, NULL, &sheet) == CSS_OK); /* Extend array of sheets and append new sheet to it */ temp = realloc(ctx->sheets, (ctx->n_sheets + 1) * sizeof(css_stylesheet *)); assert(temp != NULL); ctx->sheets = temp; ctx->sheets[ctx->n_sheets] = sheet; ctx->n_sheets++; } void parse_media_list(const char **data, size_t *len, uint64_t *media) { const char *p = *data; const char *end = p + *len; uint64_t result = 0; /* [ ',' ]* */ while (p < end) { const char *start = p; /* consume a medium */ while (isspace(*p) == false && *p != ',') p++; if (p - start == 10 && strncasecmp(start, "projection", 10) == 0) result |= CSS_MEDIA_PROJECTION; else if (p - start == 8 && strncasecmp(start, "handheld", 8) == 0) result |= CSS_MEDIA_HANDHELD; else if (p - start == 8 && strncasecmp(start, "embossed", 8) == 0) result |= CSS_MEDIA_EMBOSSED; else if (p - start == 7 && strncasecmp(start, "braille", 7) == 0) result |= CSS_MEDIA_BRAILLE; else if (p - start == 6 && strncasecmp(start, "speech", 6) == 0) result |= CSS_MEDIA_SPEECH; else if (p - start == 6 && strncasecmp(start, "screen", 6) == 0) result |= CSS_MEDIA_SCREEN; else if (p - start == 5 && strncasecmp(start, "print", 5) == 0) result |= CSS_MEDIA_PRINT; else if (p - start == 5 && strncasecmp(start, "aural", 5) == 0) result |= CSS_MEDIA_AURAL; else if (p - start == 3 && strncasecmp(start, "tty", 3) == 0) result |= CSS_MEDIA_TTY; else if (p - start == 3 && strncasecmp(start, "all", 3) == 0) result |= CSS_MEDIA_ALL; else if (p - start == 2 && strncasecmp(start, "tv", 2) == 0) result |= CSS_MEDIA_TV; else assert(0 && "Unknown media type"); /* Consume whitespace */ while (p < end && isspace(*p)) p++; /* Stop if we've reached the end */ if (p == end || *p != ',') break; /* Consume comma */ p++; /* Consume whitespace */ while (p < end && isspace(*p)) p++; } *media = result; *data = p; *len = end - p; } void parse_pseudo_list(const char **data, size_t *len, uint32_t *element) { const char *p = *data; const char *end = p + *len; /* [ ',' ]* */ *element = CSS_PSEUDO_ELEMENT_NONE; while (p < end) { const char *start = p; /* consume a pseudo */ while (isspace(*p) == false && *p != ',') p++; /* Pseudo elements */ if (p - start == 12 && strncasecmp(start, "first-letter", 12) == 0) *element = CSS_PSEUDO_ELEMENT_FIRST_LETTER; else if (p - start == 10 && strncasecmp(start, "first-line", 10) == 0) *element = CSS_PSEUDO_ELEMENT_FIRST_LINE; else if (p - start == 6 && strncasecmp(start, "before", 6) == 0) *element = CSS_PSEUDO_ELEMENT_BEFORE; else if (p - start == 5 && strncasecmp(start, "after", 5) == 0) *element = CSS_PSEUDO_ELEMENT_AFTER; else assert(0 && "Unknown pseudo"); /* Consume whitespace */ while (p < end && isspace(*p)) p++; /* Stop if we've reached the end */ if (p == end || *p != ',') break; /* Consume comma */ p++; /* Consume whitespace */ while (p < end && isspace(*p)) p++; } *data = p; *len = end - p; } void parse_expected(line_ctx *ctx, const char *data, size_t len) { while (ctx->expused + len >= ctx->explen) { size_t required = ctx->explen == 0 ? 64 : ctx->explen * 2; char *temp = realloc(ctx->exp, required); if (temp == NULL) { assert(0 && "No memory for expected output"); } ctx->exp = temp; ctx->explen = required; } memcpy(ctx->exp + ctx->expused, data, len); ctx->expused += len; } void run_test(line_ctx *ctx, const char *exp, size_t explen) { css_select_ctx *select; css_computed_style *computed; uint32_t i; char *buf; size_t buflen; static int testnum; UNUSED(exp); buf = malloc(8192); if (buf == NULL) { assert(0 && "No memory for result data"); } buflen = 8192; assert(css_select_ctx_create(myrealloc, NULL, &select) == CSS_OK); for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_sheets; i++) { assert(css_select_ctx_append_sheet(select, ctx->sheets[i]) == CSS_OK); } assert(css_computed_style_create(myrealloc, NULL, &computed) == CSS_OK); testnum++; assert(css_select_style(select, ctx->target, ctx->pseudo_element, ctx->media, NULL, computed, &select_handler, ctx) == CSS_OK); dump_computed_style(computed, buf, &buflen); if (8192 - buflen != explen || memcmp(buf, exp, explen) != 0) { printf("Expected (%u):\n%.*s\n", (int) explen, (int) explen, exp); printf("Result (%u):\n%.*s\n", (int) (8192 - buflen), (int) (8192 - buflen), buf); assert(0 && "Result doesn't match expected"); } /* Clean up */ css_computed_style_destroy(computed); css_select_ctx_destroy(select); destroy_tree(ctx->tree); for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_sheets; i++) { css_stylesheet_destroy(ctx->sheets[i]); } ctx->tree = NULL; ctx->current = NULL; ctx->depth = 0; ctx->n_sheets = 0; free(ctx->sheets); ctx->sheets = NULL; ctx->target = NULL; free(buf); printf("Test %d: PASS\n", testnum); } void destroy_tree(node *root) { node *n, *p; for (n = root->children; n != NULL; n = p) { p = n->next; destroy_tree(n); } free(root->attrs); free(root); } css_error node_name(void *pw, void *n, lwc_context *ctx, lwc_string **name) { node *node = n; UNUSED(pw); *name = lwc_context_string_ref(ctx, node->name); return CSS_OK; } css_error named_ancestor_node(void *pw, void *n, lwc_string *name, void **ancestor) { node *node = n; line_ctx *ctx = pw; for (node = node->parent; node != NULL; node = node->parent) { bool match; assert(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx->dict, name, node->name, &match) == lwc_error_ok); if (match == true) break; } *ancestor = (void *) node; return CSS_OK; } css_error named_parent_node(void *pw, void *n, lwc_string *name, void **parent) { node *node = n; line_ctx *ctx = pw; *parent = NULL; if (node->parent != NULL) { bool match; assert(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx->dict, name, node->parent->name, &match) == lwc_error_ok); if (match == true) *parent = (void *) node->parent; } return CSS_OK; } css_error named_sibling_node(void *pw, void *n, lwc_string *name, void **sibling) { node *node = n; line_ctx *ctx = pw; *sibling = NULL; if (node->prev != NULL) { bool match; assert(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx->dict, name, node->prev->name, &match) == lwc_error_ok); if (match == true) *sibling = (void *) node->prev; } return CSS_OK; } css_error parent_node(void *pw, void *n, void **parent) { node *node = n; UNUSED(pw); *parent = (void *) node->parent; return CSS_OK; } css_error sibling_node(void *pw, void *n, void **sibling) { node *node = n; UNUSED(pw); *sibling = (void *) node->prev; return CSS_OK; } css_error node_has_name(void *pw, void *n, lwc_string *name, bool *match) { node *node = n; line_ctx *ctx = pw; assert(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx->dict, node->name, name, match) == lwc_error_ok); return CSS_OK; } css_error node_has_class(void *pw, void *n, lwc_string *name, bool *match) { node *node = n; uint32_t i; line_ctx *ctx = pw; for (i = 0; i < node->n_attrs; i++) { bool amatch; assert(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx->dict, node->attrs[i].name, ctx->attr_class, &amatch) == lwc_error_ok); if (amatch == true) break; } /* Classes are case-sensitive in HTML */ if (i != node->n_attrs && name == node->attrs[i].value) *match = true; else *match = false; return CSS_OK; } css_error node_has_id(void *pw, void *n, lwc_string *name, bool *match) { node *node = n; uint32_t i; line_ctx *ctx = pw; for (i = 0; i < node->n_attrs; i++) { bool amatch; assert(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx->dict, node->attrs[i].name, ctx->attr_id, &amatch) == lwc_error_ok); if (amatch == true) break; } /* IDs are case-sensitive in HTML */ if (i != node->n_attrs && name == node->attrs[i].value) *match = true; else *match = false; return CSS_OK; } css_error node_has_attribute(void *pw, void *n, lwc_string *name, bool *match) { node *node = n; uint32_t i; line_ctx *ctx = pw; *match = false; for (i = 0; i < node->n_attrs; i++) { assert(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx->dict, node->attrs[i].name, name, match) == lwc_error_ok); if (*match == true) break; } return CSS_OK; } css_error node_has_attribute_equal(void *pw, void *n, lwc_string *name, lwc_string *value, bool *match) { node *node = n; uint32_t i; line_ctx *ctx = pw; *match = false; for (i = 0; i < node->n_attrs; i++) { assert(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx->dict, node->attrs[i].name, name, match) == lwc_error_ok); if (*match == true) break; } if (*match == true) { assert(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx->dict, node->attrs[i].name, value, match) == lwc_error_ok); } return CSS_OK; } css_error node_has_attribute_includes(void *pw, void *n, lwc_string *name, lwc_string *value, bool *match) { node *node = n; uint32_t i; line_ctx *ctx = pw; size_t vlen = lwc_string_length(value); *match = false; for (i = 0; i < node->n_attrs; i++) { assert(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx->dict, node->attrs[i].name, name, match) == lwc_error_ok); if (*match == true) break; } if (*match == true) { const char *p; const char *start = lwc_string_data(node->attrs[i].value); const char *end = start + lwc_string_length(node->attrs[i].value); *match = false; for (p = start; p < end; p++) { if (*p == ' ') { if ((size_t) (p - start) == vlen && strncasecmp(start, lwc_string_data(value), vlen) == 0) { *match = true; break; } start = p + 1; } } } return CSS_OK; } css_error node_has_attribute_dashmatch(void *pw, void *n, lwc_string *name, lwc_string *value, bool *match) { node *node = n; uint32_t i; line_ctx *ctx = pw; size_t vlen = lwc_string_length(value); *match = false; for (i = 0; i < node->n_attrs; i++) { assert(lwc_context_string_caseless_isequal(ctx->dict, node->attrs[i].name, name, match) == lwc_error_ok); if (*match == true) break; } if (*match == true) { const char *p; const char *start = lwc_string_data(node->attrs[i].value); const char *end = start + lwc_string_length(node->attrs[i].value); *match = false; for (p = start; p < end; p++) { if (*p == '-') { if ((size_t) (p - start) == vlen && strncasecmp(start, lwc_string_data(value), vlen) == 0) { *match = true; break; } start = p + 1; } } } return CSS_OK; } css_error node_is_first_child(void *pw, void *n, bool *match) { node *node = n; UNUSED(pw); *match = (node->parent != NULL && node->parent->children == node); return CSS_OK; } css_error node_is_link(void *pw, void *n, bool *match) { node *node = n; UNUSED(pw); UNUSED(node); *match = false; return CSS_OK; } css_error node_is_visited(void *pw, void *n, bool *match) { node *node = n; UNUSED(pw); UNUSED(node); *match = false; return CSS_OK; } css_error node_is_hover(void *pw, void *n, bool *match) { node *node = n; UNUSED(pw); UNUSED(node); *match = false; return CSS_OK; } css_error node_is_active(void *pw, void *n, bool *match) { node *node = n; UNUSED(pw); UNUSED(node); *match = false; return CSS_OK; } css_error node_is_focus(void *pw, void *n, bool *match) { node *node = n; UNUSED(pw); UNUSED(node); *match = false; return CSS_OK; } css_error node_is_lang(void *pw, void *n, lwc_string *lang, bool *match) { node *node = n; UNUSED(pw); UNUSED(node); UNUSED(lang); *match = false; return CSS_OK; } css_error node_presentational_hint(void *pw, void *node, uint32_t property, css_hint *hint) { UNUSED(pw); UNUSED(node); UNUSED(property); UNUSED(hint); return CSS_PROPERTY_NOT_SET; } css_error ua_default_for_property(void *pw, uint32_t property, css_hint *hint) { UNUSED(pw); if (property == CSS_PROP_COLOR) { hint->data.color = 0x00000000; hint->status = CSS_COLOR_COLOR; } else if (property == CSS_PROP_FONT_FAMILY) { hint->data.strings = NULL; hint->status = CSS_FONT_FAMILY_SANS_SERIF; } else if (property == CSS_PROP_QUOTES) { /* Not exactly useful :) */ hint->data.strings = NULL; hint->status = CSS_QUOTES_NONE; } else if (property == CSS_PROP_VOICE_FAMILY) { /** \todo Fix this when we have voice-family done */ hint->data.strings = NULL; hint->status = 0; } else { return CSS_INVALID; } return CSS_OK; } css_error compute_font_size(void *pw, const css_hint *parent, css_hint *size) { static css_hint_length sizes[] = { { FLTTOFIX(6.75), CSS_UNIT_PT }, { FLTTOFIX(7.50), CSS_UNIT_PT }, { FLTTOFIX(9.75), CSS_UNIT_PT }, { FLTTOFIX(12.0), CSS_UNIT_PT }, { FLTTOFIX(13.5), CSS_UNIT_PT }, { FLTTOFIX(18.0), CSS_UNIT_PT }, { FLTTOFIX(24.0), CSS_UNIT_PT } }; const css_hint_length *parent_size; UNUSED(pw); /* Grab parent size, defaulting to medium if none */ if (parent == NULL) { parent_size = &sizes[CSS_FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM - 1]; } else { assert(parent->status == CSS_FONT_SIZE_DIMENSION); assert(parent->data.length.unit != CSS_UNIT_EM); assert(parent->data.length.unit != CSS_UNIT_EX); parent_size = &parent->data.length; } assert(size->status != CSS_FONT_SIZE_INHERIT); if (size->status < CSS_FONT_SIZE_LARGER) { /* Keyword -- simple */ size->data.length = sizes[size->status - 1]; } else if (size->status == CSS_FONT_SIZE_LARGER) { /** \todo Step within table, if appropriate */ size->data.length.value = FMUL(parent_size->value, FLTTOFIX(1.2)); size->data.length.unit = parent_size->unit; } else if (size->status == CSS_FONT_SIZE_SMALLER) { /** \todo Step within table, if appropriate */ size->data.length.value = FMUL(parent_size->value, FLTTOFIX(1.2)); size->data.length.unit = parent_size->unit; } else if (size->data.length.unit == CSS_UNIT_EM || size->data.length.unit == CSS_UNIT_EX) { size->data.length.value = FMUL(size->data.length.value, parent_size->value); if (size->data.length.unit == CSS_UNIT_EX) { size->data.length.value = FMUL(size->data.length.value, FLTTOFIX(0.6)); } size->data.length.unit = parent_size->unit; } else if (size->data.length.unit == CSS_UNIT_PCT) { size->data.length.value = FDIV(FMUL(size->data.length.value, parent_size->value), FLTTOFIX(100)); size->data.length.unit = parent_size->unit; } size->status = CSS_FONT_SIZE_DIMENSION; return CSS_OK; }