/* * This file is part of libdom. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2007 John-Mark Bell */ #ifndef dom_core_node_h_ #define dom_core_node_h_ #include #include #include struct dom_document; struct dom_nodelist; struct dom_namednodemap; struct dom_string; struct dom_node; /** * Bits defining position of a node in a document relative to some other node */ typedef enum { DOM_DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED = 0x01, DOM_DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING = 0x02, DOM_DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING = 0x04, DOM_DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08, DOM_DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY = 0x10, DOM_DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC = 0x20 } dom_document_position; /** * Type of node operation being notified to user_data_handler */ typedef enum { DOM_NODE_CLONED = 1, DOM_NODE_IMPORTED = 2, DOM_NODE_DELETED = 3, DOM_NODE_RENAMED = 4, DOM_NODE_ADOPTED = 5 } dom_node_operation; /** * Type of handler function for user data registered on a DOM node */ typedef void (*dom_user_data_handler)(dom_node_operation operation, struct dom_string *key, void *data, struct dom_node *src, struct dom_node *dst); /** * Type of a DOM node */ typedef enum { DOM_ELEMENT_NODE = 1, DOM_ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2, DOM_TEXT_NODE = 3, DOM_CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4, DOM_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5, DOM_ENTITY_NODE = 6, DOM_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7, DOM_COMMENT_NODE = 8, DOM_DOCUMENT_NODE = 9, DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10, DOM_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11, DOM_NOTATION_NODE = 12, /* And a count of the number of node types */ DOM_NODE_TYPE_COUNT = DOM_NOTATION_NODE } dom_node_type; typedef struct dom_node_internal dom_node_internal; /** * DOM node type */ typedef struct dom_node { void *vtable; } dom_node; /* DOM node vtable */ typedef struct dom_node_vtable { /* The DOM level 3 node's oprations */ dom_exception (*dom_node_get_node_name)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_node_value)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_set_node_value)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string *value); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_node_type)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_type *result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_parent_node)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_child_nodes)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_nodelist **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_first_child)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_last_child)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_previous_sibling)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_next_sibling)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_attributes)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_namednodemap **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_owner_document)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_document **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_insert_before)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal *new_child, dom_node_internal *ref_child, dom_node_internal **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_replace_child)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal *new_child, dom_node_internal *old_child, dom_node_internal **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_remove_child)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal *old_child, dom_node_internal **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_append_child)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal *new_child, dom_node_internal **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_has_child_nodes)(dom_node_internal *node, bool *result); dom_exception (*dom_node_clone_node)(dom_node_internal *node, bool deep, dom_node_internal **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_normalize)(dom_node_internal *node); dom_exception (*dom_node_is_supported)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string *feature, dom_node_internal *version, bool *result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_namespace)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_prefix)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_set_prefix)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string *prefix); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_local_name)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_has_attributes)(dom_node_internal *node, bool *result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_base)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_compare_document_position)( dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal *other, uint16_t *result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_text_content)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_set_text_content)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string *content); dom_exception (*dom_node_is_same)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal *other, bool *result); dom_exception (*dom_node_lookup_prefix)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string *namespace, struct dom_string **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_is_default_namespace)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string *namespace, bool *result); dom_exception (*dom_node_lookup_namespace)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string *prefix, struct dom_string **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_is_equal)(dom_node_internal *node, dom_node_internal *other, bool *result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_feature)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string *feature, struct dom_string *version, void **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_set_user_data)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string *key, void *data, dom_user_data_handler handler, void **result); dom_exception (*dom_node_get_user_data)(dom_node_internal *node, struct dom_string *key, void **result); } dom_node_vtable; /* The ref/unref methods define */ void _dom_node_ref(dom_node_internal *node); #define dom_node_ref(n) _dom_node_ref((dom_node_internal *) (n)) void _dom_node_unref(dom_node_internal *node); #define dom_node_unref(n) _dom_node_unref((dom_node_internal *) (n)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_node_name(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_node_name( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_get_node_name(n, r) dom_node_get_node_name((dom_node *) (n), \ (struct dom_string **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_node_value(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_node_value( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_get_node_value(n, r) dom_node_get_node_value( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_string **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_set_node_value(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string *value) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_set_node_value( (dom_node_internal *) node, value); } #define dom_node_set_node_value(n, v) dom_node_set_node_value( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_string *) (v)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_node_type(struct dom_node *node, dom_node_type *result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_node_type( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_get_node_type(n, r) dom_node_get_node_type( \ (dom_node *) (n), (dom_node_type *) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_parent_node(struct dom_node *node, dom_node **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_parent_node( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal **) result); } #define dom_node_get_parent_node(n, r) dom_node_get_parent_node( \ (dom_node *) (n), (dom_node **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_child_nodes(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_nodelist **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_child_nodes( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_get_child_nodes(n, r) dom_node_get_child_nodes( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_nodelist **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_first_child(struct dom_node *node, dom_node **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_first_child( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal **) result); } #define dom_node_get_first_child(n, r) dom_node_get_first_child( \ (dom_node *) (n), (dom_node **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_last_child(struct dom_node *node, dom_node **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_last_child( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal **) result); } #define dom_node_get_last_child(n, r) dom_node_get_last_child( \ (dom_node *) (n), (dom_node **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_previous_sibling(struct dom_node *node, dom_node **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_previous_sibling( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal **) result); } #define dom_node_get_previous_sibling(n, r) dom_node_get_previous_sibling( \ (dom_node *) (n), (dom_node **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_next_sibling(struct dom_node *node, dom_node **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_next_sibling( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal **) result); } #define dom_node_get_next_sibling(n, r) dom_node_get_next_sibling( \ (dom_node *) (n), (dom_node **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_attributes(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_namednodemap **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_attributes( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_get_attributes(n, r) dom_node_get_attributes( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_namednodemap **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_owner_document(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_document **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_owner_document( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_get_owner_document(n, r) dom_node_get_owner_document( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_document **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_insert_before(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_node *new_child, struct dom_node *ref_child, struct dom_node **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_insert_before( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal *) new_child, (dom_node_internal *) ref_child, (dom_node_internal **) result); } #define dom_node_insert_before(n, nn, ref, ret) dom_node_insert_before( \ (dom_node *) (n), (dom_node *) (nn), (dom_node *) (ref),\ (dom_node **) (ret)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_replace_child(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_node *new_child, struct dom_node *old_child, struct dom_node **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_replace_child( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal *) new_child, (dom_node_internal *) old_child, (dom_node_internal **) result); } #define dom_node_replace_child(n, nn, old, ret) dom_node_replace_child( \ (dom_node *) (n), (dom_node *) (nn), (dom_node *) (old),\ (dom_node **) (ret)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_remove_child(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_node *old_child, struct dom_node **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_remove_child( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal *) old_child, (dom_node_internal **) result); } #define dom_node_remove_child(n, old, ret) dom_node_remove_child( \ (dom_node *) (n), (dom_node *) (old), (dom_node **) (ret)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_append_child(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_node *new_child, struct dom_node **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_append_child( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal *) new_child, (dom_node_internal **) result); } #define dom_node_append_child(n, nn, ret) dom_node_append_child( \ (dom_node *) (n), (dom_node *) (nn), (dom_node **) (ret)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_has_child_nodes(struct dom_node *node, bool *result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_has_child_nodes( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_has_child_nodes(n, r) dom_node_has_child_nodes( \ (dom_node *) (n), (bool *) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_clone_node(struct dom_node *node, bool deep, struct dom_node **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_clone_node( (dom_node_internal *) node, deep, (dom_node_internal **) result); } #define dom_node_clone_node(n, d, r) dom_node_clone_node((dom_node *) (n), \ (bool) (d), (dom_node **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_normalize(struct dom_node *node) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_normalize( (dom_node_internal *) node); } #define dom_node_normalize(n) dom_node_normalize((dom_node *) (n)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_is_supported(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string *feature, struct dom_node *version, bool *result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_is_supported( (dom_node_internal *) node, feature, (dom_node_internal *) version, result); } #define dom_node_is_supported(n, f, v, r) dom_node_is_supported( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_string *) (f), (dom_node *) (v),\ (bool *) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_namespace(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_namespace( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_get_namespace(n, r) dom_node_get_namespace((dom_node *) (n), \ (struct dom_string *) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_prefix(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_prefix( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_get_prefix(n, r) dom_node_get_prefix((dom_node *) (n), \ (struct dom_string *) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_set_prefix(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string *prefix) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_set_prefix( (dom_node_internal *) node, prefix); } #define dom_node_set_prefix(n, p) dom_node_set_prefix((dom_node *) (n), \ (struct dom_string *) (p)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_local_name(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_local_name( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_get_local_name(n, r) dom_node_get_local_name((dom_node *) (n),\ (struct dom_string *) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_has_attributes(struct dom_node *node, bool *result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_has_attributes( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_has_attributes(n, r) dom_node_has_attributes( \ (dom_node *) (n), (bool *) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_base(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_base( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_get_base(n, r) dom_node_get_base((dom_node *) (n), \ (struct dom_string **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_compare_document_position( struct dom_node *node, struct dom_node *other, uint16_t *result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_compare_document_position( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal *) other, result); } #define dom_node_compare_document_position(n, o, r) \ dom_node_compare_document_position((dom_node *) (n), \ (dom_node *) (o), (uint16_t *) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_text_content(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_text_content( (dom_node_internal *) node, result); } #define dom_node_get_text_content(n, r) dom_node_get_text_content( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_string **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_set_text_content(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string *content) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_set_text_content( (dom_node_internal *) node, content); } #define dom_node_set_text_content(n, c) dom_node_get_text_content( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_string *) (c)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_is_same(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_node *other, bool *result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_is_same( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal *) other, result); } #define dom_node_is_same(n, o, r) dom_node_is_same((dom_node *) (n), \ (dom_node *) (o), (bool *) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_lookup_prefix(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string *namespace, struct dom_string **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_lookup_prefix( (dom_node_internal *) node, namespace, result); } #define dom_node_lookup_prefix(n, ns, r) dom_node_lookup_prefix( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_string *) (ns), \ (struct dom_string **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_is_default_namespace(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string *namespace, bool *result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_is_default_namespace( (dom_node_internal *) node, namespace, result); } #define dom_node_is_default_namesapce(n, ns, r) dom_node_is_default_namespace(\ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_string *) (ns), (bool *) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_lookup_namespace(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string *prefix, struct dom_string **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_lookup_namespace( (dom_node_internal *) node, prefix, result); } #define dom_node_lookup_namespace(n, p, r) dom_node_lookup_namespace( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_string *) (p), \ (struct dom_string **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_is_equal(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_node *other, bool *result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_is_equal( (dom_node_internal *) node, (dom_node_internal *) other, result); } #define dom_node_is_equal(n, o, r) dom_node_is_equal((dom_node *) (n), \ (dom_node *) (o), (bool *) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_feature(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string *feature, struct dom_string *version, void **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_feature( (dom_node_internal *) node, feature, version, result); } #define dom_node_get_feature(n, f, v, r) dom_node_get_feature( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_string *) (f), \ (struct dom_string *) (v), (void **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_set_user_data(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string *key, void *data, dom_user_data_handler handler, void **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_set_user_data( (dom_node_internal *) node, key, data, handler, result); } #define dom_node_set_user_data(n, k, d, h, r) dom_node_set_user_data( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_string *) (k), (void *) (d), \ (dom_user_data_handler) h, (void **) (r)) static inline dom_exception dom_node_get_user_data(struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string *key, void **result) { return ((dom_node_vtable *) node->vtable)->dom_node_get_user_data( (dom_node_internal *) node, key, result); } #define dom_node_get_user_data(n, k, r) dom_node_get_user_data( \ (dom_node *) (n), (struct dom_string *) (k), (void **) (r)) #endif