/* * This file is part of libdom. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2007 John-Mark Bell * Copyright 2009 Bo Yang */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/string.h" #include "core/attr.h" #include "core/cdatasection.h" #include "core/comment.h" #include "core/document.h" #include "core/doc_fragment.h" #include "core/element.h" #include "core/entity_ref.h" #include "core/namednodemap.h" #include "core/nodelist.h" #include "core/pi.h" #include "core/text.h" #include "utils/validate.h" #include "utils/namespace.h" #include "utils/utils.h" /** * Item in list of active nodelists */ struct dom_doc_nl { struct dom_nodelist *list; /**< Nodelist */ struct dom_doc_nl *next; /**< Next item */ struct dom_doc_nl *prev; /**< Previous item */ }; /* The virtual functions of this dom_document */ static struct dom_document_vtable document_vtable = { { DOM_NODE_VTABLE }, DOM_DOCUMENT_VTABLE }; static struct dom_node_protect_vtable document_protect_vtable = { DOM_DOCUMENT_PROTECT_VTABLE }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Internally used helper functions */ static dom_exception dom_document_dup_node(dom_document *doc, struct dom_node *node, bool deep, struct dom_node **result, dom_node_operation opt); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The constructors and destructors */ /** * Create a Document * * \param impl The DOM implementation owning the document * \param alloc Memory (de)allocation function * \param pw Pointer to client-specific private data * \param doc Pointer to location to receive created document * \param daf The default action fetcher * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, DOM_NO_MEM_ERR on memory exhaustion. * * ::impl will have its reference count increased. * * The returned document will already be referenced. */ dom_exception dom_document_create(struct dom_implementation *impl, dom_alloc alloc, void *pw, dom_events_default_action_fetcher daf, struct dom_document **doc) { struct dom_document *d; dom_exception err; /* Create document */ d = alloc(NULL, sizeof(struct dom_document), pw); if (d == NULL) return DOM_NO_MEM_ERR; /* Initialise the virtual table */ d->base.base.vtable = &document_vtable; d->base.vtable = &document_protect_vtable; /* Initialise base class -- the Document has no parent, so * destruction will be attempted as soon as its reference count * reaches zero. Documents own themselves (this simplifies the * rest of the code, as it doesn't need to special case Documents) */ err = _dom_document_initialise(d, impl, alloc, pw, daf); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { /* Clean up document */ alloc(d, 0, pw); return err; } *doc = d; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /* Initialise the document */ dom_exception _dom_document_initialise(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_implementation *impl, dom_alloc alloc, void *pw, dom_events_default_action_fetcher daf) { assert(alloc != NULL); assert(impl != NULL); dom_exception err; lwc_string *name; lwc_error lerr; lerr = lwc_intern_string("#document", SLEN("#document"), &name); if (lerr != lwc_error_ok) return _dom_exception_from_lwc_error(lerr); dom_implementation_ref(impl); doc->impl = impl; doc->nodelists = NULL; /* Set up document allocation context - must be first */ doc->alloc = alloc; doc->pw = pw; err = _dom_node_initialise(&doc->base, doc, DOM_DOCUMENT_NODE, name, NULL, NULL, NULL); lwc_string_unref(name); list_init(&doc->pending_nodes); doc->id_name = NULL; /* We should not pass a NULL when all things hook up */ return _dom_document_event_internal_initialise(doc, &doc->dei, daf); } /* Finalise the document */ bool _dom_document_finalise(struct dom_document *doc) { /* Finalise base class, delete the tree in force */ _dom_node_finalise(doc, &doc->base); /* Now, the first_child and last_child should be null */ doc->base.first_child = NULL; doc->base.last_child = NULL; /* Ensure list of nodes pending deletion is empty. If not, * then we can't yet destroy the document (its destruction will * have to wait until the pending nodes are destroyed) */ if (doc->pending_nodes.next != &doc->pending_nodes) return false; /* Ok, the document tree is empty, as is the list of nodes pending * deletion. Therefore, it is safe to destroy the document. */ if (doc->impl != NULL) dom_implementation_unref(doc->impl); doc->impl = NULL; /* This is paranoia -- if there are any remaining nodelists, * then the document's reference count will be * non-zero as these data structures reference the document because * they are held by the client. */ doc->nodelists = NULL; if (doc->id_name != NULL) lwc_string_unref(doc->id_name); _dom_document_event_internal_finalise(doc, &doc->dei); return true; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Public virtual functions */ /** * Retrieve the doctype of a document * * \param doc The document to retrieve the doctype from * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_doctype(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_document_type **result) { struct dom_node_internal *c; for (c = doc->base.first_child; c != NULL; c = c->next) { if (c->type == DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) break; } if (c != NULL) dom_node_ref(c); *result = (struct dom_document_type *) c; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Retrieve the DOM implementation that handles this document * * \param doc The document to retrieve the implementation from * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR. * * The returned implementation will have its reference count increased. * It is the responsibility of the caller to unref the implementation once * it has finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_implementation(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_implementation **result) { if (doc->impl != NULL) dom_implementation_ref(doc->impl); *result = doc->impl; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Retrieve the document element of a document * * \param doc The document to retrieve the document element from * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_document_element(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_element **result) { struct dom_node_internal *root; /* Find the first element node in child list */ for (root = doc->base.first_child; root != NULL; root = root->next) { if (root->type == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE) break; } if (root != NULL) dom_node_ref(root); *result = (struct dom_element *) root; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Create an element * * \param doc The document owning the element * \param tag_name The name of the element * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if ::tag_name is invalid. * * ::doc and ::tag_name will have their reference counts increased. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_element(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *tag_name, struct dom_element **result) { lwc_string *name; dom_exception err; if (_dom_validate_name(tag_name) == false) return DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR; err = _dom_string_intern(tag_name, &name); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; err = _dom_element_create(doc, name, NULL, NULL, result); lwc_string_unref(name); return err; } /** * Create a document fragment * * \param doc The document owning the fragment * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_document_fragment(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_document_fragment **result) { lwc_string *name; dom_exception err; lwc_error lerr; lerr = lwc_intern_string("#document-fragment", SLEN("#document-fragment"), &name); if (lerr != lwc_error_ok) return _dom_exception_from_lwc_error(lerr); err = _dom_document_fragment_create(doc, name, NULL, result); lwc_string_unref(name); return err; } /** * Create a text node * * \param doc The document owning the node * \param data The data for the node * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_text_node(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *data, struct dom_text **result) { lwc_string *name; dom_exception err; lwc_error lerr; lerr = lwc_intern_string("#text", SLEN("#text"), &name); if (lerr != lwc_error_ok) return _dom_exception_from_lwc_error(lerr); err = _dom_text_create(doc, name, data, result); lwc_string_unref(name); return err; } /** * Create a comment node * * \param doc The document owning the node * \param data The data for the node * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_comment(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *data, struct dom_comment **result) { lwc_string *name; dom_exception err; lwc_error lerr; lerr = lwc_intern_string("#comment", SLEN("#comment"), &name); if (lerr != lwc_error_ok) return _dom_exception_from_lwc_error(lerr); err = _dom_comment_create(doc, name, data, result); lwc_string_unref(name); return err; } /** * Create a CDATA section * * \param doc The document owning the section * \param data The data for the section contents * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if this is an HTML document. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_cdata_section(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *data, struct dom_cdata_section **result) { lwc_string *name; dom_exception err; lwc_error lerr; lerr = lwc_intern_string("#cdata-section", SLEN("#cdata-section"), &name); if (lerr != lwc_error_ok) return _dom_exception_from_lwc_error(lerr); err = _dom_cdata_section_create(doc, name, data, result); lwc_string_unref(name); return err; } /** * Create a processing instruction * * \param doc The document owning the instruction * \param target The instruction target * \param data The data for the node * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if ::target is invalid, * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if this is an HTML document. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_processing_instruction( struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *target, struct dom_string *data, struct dom_processing_instruction **result) { lwc_string *name; dom_exception err; if (_dom_validate_name(target) == false) return DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR; err = _dom_string_intern(target, &name); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; err = _dom_processing_instruction_create(doc, name, data, result); lwc_string_unref(name); return err; } /** * Create an attribute * * \param doc The document owning the attribute * \param name The name of the attribute * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if ::name is invalid. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_attribute(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *name, struct dom_attr **result) { lwc_string *n; dom_exception err; if (_dom_validate_name(name) == false) return DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR; err = _dom_string_intern(name, &n); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; err = _dom_attr_create(doc, n, NULL, NULL, true, result); lwc_string_unref(n); return err; } /** * Create an entity reference * * \param doc The document owning the reference * \param name The name of the entity to reference * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if ::name is invalid, * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if this is an HTML document. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_entity_reference(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *name, struct dom_entity_reference **result) { lwc_string *n; dom_exception err; if (_dom_validate_name(name) == false) return DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR; err = _dom_string_intern(name, &n); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; err = _dom_entity_reference_create(doc, n, NULL, result); lwc_string_unref(n); return err; } /** * Retrieve a list of all elements with a given tag name * * \param doc The document to search in * \param tagname The tag name to search for ("*" for all) * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR. * * The returned list will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the list once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_elements_by_tag_name(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *tagname, struct dom_nodelist **result) { lwc_string *name; dom_exception err; err = _dom_string_intern(tagname, &name); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; err = _dom_document_get_nodelist(doc, DOM_NODELIST_BY_NAME, (struct dom_node_internal *) doc, name, NULL, NULL, result); lwc_string_unref(name); return err; } /** * Import a node from another document into this one * * \param doc The document to import into * \param node The node to import * \param deep Whether to copy the node's subtree * \param result Pointer to location to receive imported node in this document. * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if any of the names are invalid, * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if the type of ::node is unsupported * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_import_node(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_node *node, bool deep, struct dom_node **result) { /* TODO: The DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR exception */ return dom_document_dup_node(doc, node, deep, result, DOM_NODE_IMPORTED); } /** * Create an element from the qualified name and namespace URI * * \param doc The document owning the element * \param namespace The namespace URI to use, or NULL for none * \param qname The qualified name of the element * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if ::qname is invalid, * DOM_NAMESPACE_ERR if ::qname is malformed, or it has a * prefix and ::namespace is NULL, or * ::qname has a prefix "xml" and * ::namespace is not * "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", * or ::qname has a prefix "xmlns" and * ::namespace is not * "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns", or * ::namespace is * "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns" and * ::qname is not (or is not prefixed by) * "xmlns", * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if ::doc does not support the "XML" * feature. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_element_ns(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *namespace, struct dom_string *qname, struct dom_element **result) { struct dom_string *prefix, *localname; dom_exception err; if (_dom_validate_name(qname) == false) return DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR; /* Validate qname */ err = _dom_namespace_validate_qname(qname, namespace); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { return err; } /* Divide QName into prefix/localname pair */ err = _dom_namespace_split_qname(qname, &prefix, &localname); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { return err; } /* Get the interned string from the dom_string */ lwc_string *l = NULL, *n = NULL, *p = NULL; if (localname != NULL) { err = _dom_string_intern(localname, &l); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_string_unref(localname); if (prefix != NULL) dom_string_unref(prefix); return err; } } if (namespace != NULL) { err = _dom_string_intern(namespace, &n); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { lwc_string_unref(l); dom_string_unref(localname); if (prefix != NULL) dom_string_unref(prefix); return err; } } if (prefix != NULL) { err = _dom_string_intern(prefix, &p); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { lwc_string_unref(l); lwc_string_unref(n); dom_string_unref(localname); if (prefix != NULL) dom_string_unref(prefix); return err; } } /* Attempt to create element */ err = _dom_element_create(doc, l, n, p, result); /* Tidy up */ if (localname != NULL) { dom_string_unref(localname); lwc_string_unref(l); } if (prefix != NULL) { dom_string_unref(prefix); lwc_string_unref(p); } if (namespace != NULL) { lwc_string_unref(n); } return err; } /** * Create an attribute from the qualified name and namespace URI * * \param doc The document owning the attribute * \param namespace The namespace URI to use * \param qname The qualified name of the attribute * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if ::qname is invalid, * DOM_NAMESPACE_ERR if ::qname is malformed, or it has a * prefix and ::namespace is NULL, or * ::qname has a prefix "xml" and * ::namespace is not * "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", * or ::qname has a prefix "xmlns" and * ::namespace is not * "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns", or * ::namespace is * "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns" and * ::qname is not (or is not prefixed by) * "xmlns", * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if ::doc does not support the "XML" * feature. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_attribute_ns(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *namespace, struct dom_string *qname, struct dom_attr **result) { struct dom_string *prefix, *localname; dom_exception err; if (_dom_validate_name(qname) == false) return DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR; /* Validate qname */ err = _dom_namespace_validate_qname(qname, namespace); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { return err; } /* Divide QName into prefix/localname pair */ err = _dom_namespace_split_qname(qname, &prefix, &localname); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { return err; } /* Get the interned string from the dom_string */ lwc_string *l = NULL, *n = NULL, *p = NULL; if (localname != NULL) { err = _dom_string_intern(localname, &l); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_string_unref(localname); if (prefix != NULL) dom_string_unref(prefix); return err; } } if (namespace != NULL) { err = _dom_string_intern(namespace, &n); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { lwc_string_unref(l); dom_string_unref(localname); if (prefix != NULL) dom_string_unref(prefix); return err; } } if (prefix != NULL) { err = _dom_string_intern(prefix, &p); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { lwc_string_unref(l); lwc_string_unref(n); dom_string_unref(localname); if (prefix != NULL) dom_string_unref(prefix); return err; } } /* Attempt to create attribute */ err = _dom_attr_create(doc, l, n, p, true, result); /* Tidy up */ if (localname != NULL) { dom_string_unref(localname); lwc_string_unref(l); } if (prefix != NULL) { dom_string_unref(prefix); lwc_string_unref(p); } if (namespace != NULL) { lwc_string_unref(n); } return err; } /** * Retrieve a list of all elements with a given local name and namespace URI * * \param doc The document to search in * \param namespace The namespace URI * \param localname The local name * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. * * The returned list will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the list once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_elements_by_tag_name_ns( struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *namespace, struct dom_string *localname, struct dom_nodelist **result) { dom_exception err; lwc_string *l = NULL, *n = NULL; /* Get the interned string from the dom_string */ if (localname != NULL) { err = _dom_string_intern(localname, &l); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; } if (namespace != NULL) { err = _dom_string_intern(namespace, &n); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { lwc_string_unref(l); return err; } } err = _dom_document_get_nodelist(doc, DOM_NODELIST_BY_NAMESPACE, (struct dom_node_internal *) doc, NULL, n, l, result); if (l != NULL) lwc_string_unref(l); if (n != NULL) lwc_string_unref(n); return err; } /** * Retrieve the element that matches the specified ID * * \param doc The document to search in * \param id The ID to search for * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_element_by_id(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *id, struct dom_element **result) { lwc_string *i; dom_node_internal *root; dom_exception err; *result = NULL; err = _dom_string_intern(id, &i); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; err = dom_document_get_document_element(doc, (void *) &root); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; err = _dom_find_element_by_id(root, i, result); dom_node_unref(root); return err; } /** * Retrieve the input encoding of the document * * \param doc The document to query * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, we don't support this API now. * * The returned string will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the string once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_input_encoding(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string **result) { UNUSED(doc); UNUSED(result); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /** * Retrieve the XML encoding of the document * * \param doc The document to query * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, we don't support this API now. * * The returned string will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the string once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_xml_encoding(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string **result) { UNUSED(doc); UNUSED(result); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /** * Retrieve the standalone status of the document * * \param doc The document to query * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, we don't support this API now. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_xml_standalone(struct dom_document *doc, bool *result) { UNUSED(doc); UNUSED(result); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /** * Set the standalone status of the document * * \param doc The document to query * \param standalone Standalone status to use * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if the document does not support the "XML" * feature. * * We don't support this API now, so the return value is always * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR. */ dom_exception _dom_document_set_xml_standalone(struct dom_document *doc, bool standalone) { UNUSED(doc); UNUSED(standalone); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /** * Retrieve the XML version of the document * * \param doc The document to query * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR * * The returned string will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the string once it has * finished with it. * * We don't support this API now, so the return value is always * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_xml_version(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string **result) { UNUSED(doc); UNUSED(result); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /** * Set the XML version of the document * * \param doc The document to query * \param version XML version to use * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if the document does not support the "XML" * feature. * * We don't support this API now, so the return value is always * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR. */ dom_exception _dom_document_set_xml_version(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *version) { UNUSED(doc); UNUSED(version); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /** * Retrieve the error checking mode of the document * * \param doc The document to query * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, we don't support this API now. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_strict_error_checking( struct dom_document *doc, bool *result) { UNUSED(doc); UNUSED(result); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /** * Set the error checking mode of the document * * \param doc The document to query * \param strict Whether to use strict error checking * \return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, we don't support this API now. */ dom_exception _dom_document_set_strict_error_checking( struct dom_document *doc, bool strict) { UNUSED(doc); UNUSED(strict); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /** * Retrieve the URI of the document * * \param doc The document to query * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR. * * The returned string will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the string once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_uri(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string **result) { dom_string_ref(doc->uri); *result = doc->uri; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Set the URI of the document * * \param doc The document to query * \param uri The URI to use * \return DOM_NO_ERR. * * The returned string will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the string once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_set_uri(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_string *uri) { dom_string_unref(doc->uri); dom_string_ref(uri); doc->uri = uri; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Attempt to adopt a node from another document into this document * * \param doc The document to adopt into * \param node The node to adopt * \param result Pointer to location to receive adopted node * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if ::node is readonly, * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if ::node is of type Document or * DocumentType * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. * * @note: The spec said adoptNode may be light weight than the importNode * because the former need no Node creation. But in our implementation * this can't be ensured. Both adoptNode and importNode create new * nodes using the importing/adopting document's resource manager. So, * generally, the adoptNode and importNode call the same function * dom_document_dup_node. */ dom_exception _dom_document_adopt_node(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_node *node, struct dom_node **result) { dom_exception err; dom_node_internal *n = (dom_node_internal *) node; *result = NULL; if (n->type == DOM_DOCUMENT_NODE || n->type == DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } if (n->type == DOM_ENTITY_NODE || n->type == DOM_NOTATION_NODE || n->type == DOM_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE || n->type == DOM_TEXT_NODE || n->type == DOM_CDATA_SECTION_NODE || n->type == DOM_COMMENT_NODE) { *result = NULL; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /* Support XML when necessary */ if (n->type == DOM_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) { return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } err = dom_document_dup_node(doc, node, true, result, DOM_NODE_ADOPTED); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { *result = NULL; return err; } dom_node_internal *parent = n->parent; dom_node_internal *tmp; if (parent != NULL) { err = dom_node_remove_child(parent, node, (void *) &tmp); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_node_unref(*result); *result = NULL; return err; } } dom_node_unref(tmp); return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Retrieve the DOM configuration associated with a document * * \param doc The document to query * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, we don't support this API now. * * The returned object will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the object once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_dom_config(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_configuration **result) { UNUSED(doc); UNUSED(result); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /** * Normalize a document * * \param doc The document to normalize * \return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, we don't support this API now. */ dom_exception _dom_document_normalize(struct dom_document *doc) { UNUSED(doc); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /** * Rename a node in a document * * \param doc The document containing the node * \param node The node to rename * \param namespace The new namespace for the node * \param qname The new qualified name for the node * \param result Pointer to location to receive renamed node * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if ::tag_name is invalid, * DOM_WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR if ::node was created in a different * document * DOM_NAMESPACE_ERR if ::qname is malformed, or it has a * prefix and ::namespace is NULL, or * ::qname has a prefix "xml" and * ::namespace is not * "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", * or ::qname has a prefix "xmlns" and * ::namespace is not * "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns", or * ::namespace is * "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns" and * ::qname is not (or is not prefixed by) * "xmlns", * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if ::doc does not support the "XML" * feature. * * The returned node will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the node once it has * finished with it. * * We don't support this API now, so the return value is always * DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR. */ dom_exception _dom_document_rename_node(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_node *node, struct dom_string *namespace, struct dom_string *qname, struct dom_node **result) { UNUSED(doc); UNUSED(node); UNUSED(namespace); UNUSED(qname); UNUSED(result); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Overload protectd virtual functions */ /* The virtual destroy function of this class */ void _dom_document_destroy(struct dom_node_internal *node) { struct dom_document *doc = (struct dom_document *) node; if (_dom_document_finalise(doc) == true) { doc->alloc(doc, 0, doc->pw); } } /* The memory allocation function of this class */ dom_exception __dom_document_alloc(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_node_internal *n, struct dom_node_internal **ret) { UNUSED(n); struct dom_document *a; a = _dom_document_alloc(doc, NULL, sizeof(struct dom_document)); if (a == NULL) return DOM_NO_MEM_ERR; *ret = (dom_node_internal *) a; dom_node_set_owner(*ret, doc); return DOM_NO_ERR; } /* The copy constructor function of this class */ dom_exception _dom_document_copy(struct dom_node_internal *new, struct dom_node_internal *old) { UNUSED(new); UNUSED(old); return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Helper functions */ /** * Create a DOM string, using a document's allocation context * * \param doc The document * \param data Pointer to string data * \param len Length, in bytes, of string * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, DOM_NO_MEM_ERR on memory exhaustion * * The returned string will already be referenced, so there is no need * to explicitly reference it. * * The string of characters passed in will be copied for use by the * returned DOM string. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_string(struct dom_document *doc, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, struct dom_string **result) { return dom_string_create(doc->alloc, doc->pw, data, len, result); } /** * Create a lwc_string * * \param doc The document object * \param data The raw string data * \param len The raw string length * \param result The resturned lwc_string * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_lwcstring(struct dom_document *doc, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, struct lwc_string_s **result) { lwc_error lerr; UNUSED(doc); lerr = lwc_intern_string((const char *) data, len, result); return _dom_exception_from_lwc_error(lerr); } /* Unref a lwc_string created by this document */ void _dom_document_unref_lwcstring(struct dom_document *doc, struct lwc_string_s *str) { UNUSED(doc); lwc_string_unref(str); } /* Get the resource manager from the document */ void _dom_document_get_resource_mgr( struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_resource_mgr *rm) { rm->alloc = doc->alloc; rm->pw = doc->pw; } /* Simple accessor for allocator data for this document */ void _dom_document_get_allocator(struct dom_document *doc, dom_alloc *al, void **pw) { *al = doc->alloc; *pw = doc->pw; } /* * Create a dom_string from a lwc_string. * * \param doc The document object * \param str The lwc_string object * \param result The retured dom_string * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_string_from_lwcstring( struct dom_document *doc, struct lwc_string_s *str, struct dom_string **result) { return _dom_string_create_from_lwcstring(doc->alloc, doc->pw, str, result); } /** * Create a hash_table * * \param doc The dom_document * \param chains The number of chains * \param f The hash function * \param ht The returned hash_table * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception _dom_document_create_hashtable(struct dom_document *doc, size_t chains, dom_hash_func f, struct dom_hash_table **ht) { struct dom_hash_table *ret; ret = _dom_hash_create(chains, f, doc->alloc, doc->pw); if (ret == NULL) return DOM_NO_MEM_ERR; *ht = ret; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * (De)allocate memory with a document's context * * \param doc The document context to allocate from * \param ptr Pointer to data to reallocate, or NULL to alloc new * \param size Required size of data, or 0 to free * \return Pointer to allocated data or NULL on failure * * This call (modulo ::doc) has the same semantics as realloc(). * It is a thin veneer over the client-provided allocation function. */ void *_dom_document_alloc(struct dom_document *doc, void *ptr, size_t size) { return doc->alloc(ptr, size, doc->pw); } /** * Get a nodelist, creating one if necessary * * \param doc The document to get a nodelist for * \param type The type of the NodeList * \param root Root node of subtree that list applies to * \param tagname Name of nodes in list (or NULL) * \param namespace Namespace part of nodes in list (or NULL) * \param localname Local part of nodes in list (or NULL) * \param list Pointer to location to receive list * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, DOM_NO_MEM_ERR on memory exhaustion * * The returned list will have its reference count increased. It is * the responsibility of the caller to unref the list once it has * finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_document_get_nodelist(struct dom_document *doc, nodelist_type type, struct dom_node_internal *root, struct lwc_string_s *tagname, struct lwc_string_s *namespace, struct lwc_string_s *localname, struct dom_nodelist **list) { struct dom_doc_nl *l; dom_exception err; for (l = doc->nodelists; l; l = l->next) { if (_dom_nodelist_match(l->list, type, root, tagname, namespace, localname)) break; } if (l != NULL) { /* Found an existing list, so use it */ dom_nodelist_ref(l->list); } else { /* No existing list */ /* Create active list entry */ l = doc->alloc(NULL, sizeof(struct dom_doc_nl), doc->pw); if (l == NULL) return DOM_NO_MEM_ERR; /* Create nodelist */ err = _dom_nodelist_create(doc, type, root, tagname, namespace, localname, &l->list); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { doc->alloc(l, 0, doc->pw); return err; } /* Add to document's list of active nodelists */ l->prev = NULL; l->next = doc->nodelists; if (doc->nodelists) doc->nodelists->prev = l; doc->nodelists = l; } /* Note: the document does not claim a reference on the nodelist * If it did, the nodelist's reference count would never reach zero, * and the list would remain indefinitely. This is not a problem as * the list notifies the document of its destruction via * _dom_document_remove_nodelist. */ *list = l->list; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Remove a nodelist from a document * * \param doc The document to remove the list from * \param list The list to remove */ void _dom_document_remove_nodelist(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_nodelist *list) { struct dom_doc_nl *l; for (l = doc->nodelists; l; l = l->next) { if (l->list == list) break; } if (l == NULL) { /* This should never happen; we should probably abort here */ return; } /* Remove from list */ if (l->prev != NULL) l->prev->next = l->next; else doc->nodelists = l->next; if (l->next != NULL) l->next->prev = l->prev; /* And free item */ doc->alloc(l, 0, doc->pw); } /** * Find element with certain ID in the subtree rooted at root * * \param root The root element from where we start * \param id The ID of the target element * \param result The result element * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception _dom_find_element_by_id(dom_node_internal *root, struct lwc_string_s *id, struct dom_element **result) { *result = NULL; dom_node_internal *node = root; while (node != NULL) { if (node->type == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE) { lwc_string *real_id; _dom_element_get_id((dom_element *) node, &real_id); if (real_id == id) { *result = (dom_element *) node; return DOM_NO_ERR; } } if (node->first_child != NULL) { /* Has children */ node = node->first_child; } else if (node->next != NULL) { /* No children, but has siblings */ node = node->next; } else { /* No children or siblings. * Find first unvisited relation. */ struct dom_node_internal *parent = node->parent; while (parent != root && node == parent->last_child) { node = parent; parent = parent->parent; } node = node->next; } } return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Duplicate a Node * * \param doc The documen * \param node The node to duplicate * \param deep Whether to make a deep copy * \param result The returned node * \param opt Whether this is adopt or import operation * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception dom_document_dup_node(dom_document *doc, struct dom_node *node, bool deep, struct dom_node **result, dom_node_operation opt) { dom_exception err; dom_node_internal *n = (dom_node_internal *) node; if (opt == DOM_NODE_ADOPTED && _dom_node_readonly(n)) return DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; if (n->type == DOM_DOCUMENT_NODE || n->type == DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; err = dom_node_alloc(doc, node, result); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; err = dom_node_copy(*result, node); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { _dom_document_alloc(doc, *result, 0); return err; } if (n->type == DOM_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { _dom_attr_set_specified((dom_attr *) node, true); deep = true; } if (n->type == DOM_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) { deep = false; } if (n->type == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE) { /* Specified attributes are copyied but not default attributes, * if the document object hold all the default attributes, we * have nothing to do here */ } if (opt == DOM_NODE_ADOPTED && (n->type == DOM_ENTITY_NODE || n->type == DOM_NOTATION_NODE)) { /* We did not support XML now */ return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } dom_node_internal *child, *r; if (deep == true) { child = ((dom_node_internal *) node)->first_child; while (child != NULL) { err = dom_document_import_node(doc, child, deep, (void *) &r); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { _dom_document_alloc(doc, *result, 0); return err; } err = dom_node_append_child(*result, r, (void *) &r); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { _dom_document_alloc(doc, *result, 0); dom_node_unref(r); return err; } dom_node_unref(r); child = child->next; } } /* Call the dom_user_data_handlers */ dom_user_data *ud; ud = n->user_data; while (ud != NULL) { if (ud->handler != NULL) ud->handler(opt, ud->key, ud->data, node, *result); ud = ud->next; } return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Try to destory the document. * * \param doc The instance of Document * * Delete the document if: * 1. The refcnt reach zero * 2. The pending list is empty * * else, do nothing. */ void _dom_document_try_destroy(struct dom_document *doc) { if (doc->base.refcnt != 0 || doc->base.parent != NULL) return; _dom_document_destroy((dom_node_internal *) doc); } /** * Set the ID attribute name of this document * * \param doc The document object * \param name The ID name of the elements in this document */ void _dom_document_set_id_name(dom_document *doc, struct lwc_string_s *name) { if (doc->id_name != NULL) lwc_string_unref(doc->id_name); doc->id_name = lwc_string_ref(name); }