/* * This file is part of libdom. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2009 Bo Yang */ #include "events/mouse_wheel_event.h" #include "events/keyboard_event.h" #include "core/document.h" #include "utils/utils.h" static void _virtual_dom_mouse_wheel_event_destroy(struct dom_event *evt); static struct dom_event_private_vtable _event_vtable = { _virtual_dom_mouse_wheel_event_destroy }; /* Constructor */ dom_exception _dom_mouse_wheel_event_create(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_mouse_wheel_event **evt) { *evt = _dom_document_alloc(doc, NULL, sizeof(dom_mouse_wheel_event)); if (*evt == NULL) return DOM_NO_MEM_ERR; ((struct dom_event *) *evt)->vtable = &_event_vtable; return _dom_mouse_wheel_event_initialise(doc, (dom_mouse_wheel_event *) *evt); } /* Destructor */ void _dom_mouse_wheel_event_destroy(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_mouse_wheel_event *evt) { _dom_mouse_wheel_event_finalise(doc, (dom_ui_event *) evt); _dom_document_alloc(doc, evt, 0); } /* Initialise function */ dom_exception _dom_mouse_wheel_event_initialise(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_mouse_wheel_event *evt) { return _dom_mouse_event_initialise(doc, (dom_mouse_event *) evt); } /* The virtual destroy function */ void _virtual_dom_mouse_wheel_event_destroy(struct dom_event *evt) { _dom_mouse_wheel_event_destroy(evt->doc, (dom_mouse_wheel_event *) evt); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The public API */ /** * Get wheelDelta * * \param evt The Event object * \param d The wheelDelta * \return DOM_NO_ERR. */ dom_exception _dom_mouse_wheel_event_get_wheel_delta( dom_mouse_wheel_event *evt, long *d) { *d = evt->delta; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Intialise this event with namespace * * \param evt The Event object * \param namespace The namespace of this event * \param type The event's type * \param bubble Whether this is a bubbling event * \param cancelable Whether this is a cancelable event * \param view The AbstractView associated with this event * \param detail The detail information of this mouse event * \param screen_x The x position of the mouse pointer in screen * \param screen_y The y position of the mouse pointer in screen * \param client_x The x position of the mouse pointer in client window * \param client_y The y position of the mouse pointer in client window * \param button The mouse button pressed * \param et The related target of this event, may be NULL * \param modifier_list The string contains the modifier identifier strings * \param wheel_delta The wheelDelta * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception _dom_mouse_wheel_event_init_ns( dom_mouse_wheel_event *evt, dom_string *namespace, dom_string *type, bool bubble, bool cancelable, struct dom_abstract_view *view, long detail, long screen_x, long screen_y, long client_x, long client_y, unsigned short button, dom_event_target *et, dom_string *modifier_list, long wheel_delta) { dom_exception err; evt->delta = wheel_delta; dom_mouse_event *e = (dom_mouse_event *) evt; err = _dom_parse_modifier_list(modifier_list, &e->modifier_state); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; return _dom_mouse_event_init_ns(&evt->base, namespace, type, bubble, cancelable, view, detail ,screen_x, screen_y, client_x, client_y, false, false, false, false, button, et); }