/* * This file is part of Hubbub. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2008 Andrew Sidwell */ #include #include #include "treebuilder/modes.h" #include "treebuilder/internal.h" #include "treebuilder/treebuilder.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "utils/string.h" /*** Attribute-correction stuff ***/ #define S(s) s, SLEN(s) typedef struct { const char *attr; size_t len; const char *proper; } case_changes; static const case_changes svg_attributes[] = { { S("attributename"), "attributeName" }, { S("attributetype"), "attributeType" }, { S("basefrequency"), "baseFrequency" }, { S("baseprofile"), "baseProfile" }, { S("calcmode"), "calcMode" }, { S("clippathunits"), "clipPathUnits" }, { S("contentscripttype"), "contentScriptType" }, { S("contentstyletype"), "contentStyleType" }, { S("diffuseconstant"), "diffuseConstant" }, { S("edgemode"), "edgeMode" }, { S("externalresourcesrequired"), "externalResourcesRequired" }, { S("filterres"), "filterRes" }, { S("filterunits"), "filterUnits" }, { S("glyphref"), "glyphRef" }, { S("gradienttransform"), "gradientTransform" }, { S("gradientunits"), "gradientUnits" }, { S("kernelmatrix"), "kernelMatrix" }, { S("kernelunitlength"), "kernelUnitLength" }, { S("keypoints"), "keyPoints" }, { S("keysplines"), "keySplines" }, { S("keytimes"), "keyTimes" }, { S("lengthadjust"), "lengthAdjust" }, { S("limitingconeangle"), "limitingConeAngle" }, { S("markerheight"), "markerHeight" }, { S("markerunits"), "markerUnits" }, { S("markerwidth"), "markerWidth" }, { S("maskcontentunits"), "maskContentUnits" }, { S("maskunits"), "maskUnits" }, { S("numoctaves"), "numOctaves" }, { S("pathlength"), "pathLength" }, { S("patterncontentunits"), "patternContentUnits" }, { S("patterntransform"), "patternTransform" }, { S("patternunits"), "patternUnits" }, { S("pointsatx"), "pointsAtX" }, { S("pointsaty"), "pointsAtY" }, { S("pointsatz"), "pointsAtZ" }, { S("preservealpha"), "preserveAlpha" }, { S("preserveaspectratio"), "preserveAspectRatio" }, { S("primitiveunits"), "primitiveUnits" }, { S("refx"), "refX" }, { S("refy"), "refY" }, { S("repeatcount"), "repeatCount" }, { S("repeatdur"), "repeatDur" }, { S("requiredextensions"), "requiredExtensions" }, { S("requiredfeatures"), "requiredFeatures" }, { S("specularconstant"), "specularConstant" }, { S("specularexponent"), "specularExponent" }, { S("spreadmethod"), "spreadMethod" }, { S("startoffset"), "startOffset" }, { S("stddeviation"), "stdDeviation" }, { S("stitchtiles"), "stitchTiles" }, { S("surfacescale"), "surfaceScale" }, { S("systemlanguage"), "systemLanguage" }, { S("tablevalues"), "tableValues" }, { S("targetx"), "targetX" }, { S("targety"), "targetY" }, { S("textlength"), "textLength" }, { S("viewbox"), "viewBox" }, { S("viewtarget"), "viewTarget" }, { S("xchannelselector"), "xChannelSelector" }, { S("ychannelselector"), "yChannelSelector" }, { S("zoomandpan"), "zoomAndPan" }, }; static const case_changes svg_tagnames[] = { { S("altglyph"), "altGlyph" }, { S("altglyphdef"), "altGlyphDef" }, { S("altglyphitem"), "altGlyphItem" }, { S("animatecolor"), "animateColor" }, { S("animatemotion"), "animateMotion" }, { S("animatetransform"), "animateTransform" }, { S("clippath"), "clipPath" }, { S("feblend"), "feBlend" }, { S("fecolormatrix"), "feColorMatrix" }, { S("fecomponenttransfer"), "feComponentTransfer" }, { S("fecomposite"), "feComposite" }, { S("feconvolvematrix"), "feConvolveMatrix" }, { S("fediffuselighting"), "feDiffuseLighting" }, { S("fedisplacementmap"), "feDisplacementMap" }, { S("fedistantlight"), "feDistantLight" }, { S("feflood"), "feFlood" }, { S("fefunca"), "feFuncA" }, { S("fefuncb"), "feFuncB" }, { S("fefuncg"), "feFuncG" }, { S("fefuncr"), "feFuncR" }, { S("fegaussianblur"), "feGaussianBlur" }, { S("feimage"), "feImage" }, { S("femerge"), "feMerge" }, { S("femergenode"), "feMergeNode" }, { S("femorphology"), "feMorphology" }, { S("feoffset"), "feOffset" }, { S("fepointlight"), "fePointLight" }, { S("fespecularlighting"), "feSpecularLighting" }, { S("fespotlight"), "feSpotLight" }, { S("fetile"), "feTile" }, { S("feturbulence"), "feTurbulence" }, { S("foreignobject"), "foreignObject" }, { S("glyphref"), "glyphRef" }, { S("lineargradient"), "linearGradient" }, { S("radialgradient"), "radialGradient" }, { S("textpath"), "textPath" }, }; #undef S /** * Adjust SVG attributes. * * \param treebuilder Treebuilder instance * \param tag Tag to adjust the attributes of */ void adjust_svg_attributes(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, hubbub_tag *tag) { UNUSED(treebuilder); for (size_t i = 0; i < tag->n_attributes; i++) { hubbub_attribute *attr = &tag->attributes[i]; const uint8_t *name = attr->name.ptr; size_t len = attr->name.len; for (size_t j = 0; j < N_ELEMENTS(svg_attributes); j++) { if (hubbub_string_match(name, len, (uint8_t *)svg_attributes[j].attr, svg_attributes[j].len)) { attr->name.ptr = (uint8_t *)svg_attributes[j].proper; } } } } /** * Adjust SVG tagnmes. * * \param treebuilder Treebuilder instance * \param tag Tag to adjust the name of */ void adjust_svg_tagname(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, hubbub_tag *tag) { const uint8_t *name = tag->name.ptr; size_t len = tag->name.len; UNUSED(treebuilder); for (size_t i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS(svg_tagnames); i++) { if (hubbub_string_match(name, len, (uint8_t *)svg_tagnames[i].attr, svg_tagnames[i].len)) { tag->name.ptr = (uint8_t *)svg_tagnames[i].proper; } } } #define S(s) (uint8_t *) s, SLEN(s) /** * Adjust foreign attributes. * * \param treebuilder Treebuilder instance * \param tag Tag to adjust the attributes of */ void adjust_foreign_attributes(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, hubbub_tag *tag) { UNUSED(treebuilder); for (size_t i = 0; i < tag->n_attributes; i++) { hubbub_attribute *attr = &tag->attributes[i]; const uint8_t *name = attr->name.ptr; /* 10 == strlen("xlink:href") */ if (attr->name.len >= 10 && strncmp((char *) name, "xlink:", SLEN("xlink:")) == 0) { size_t len = attr->name.len - 6; name += 6; if (hubbub_string_match(name, len, S("actutate")) || hubbub_string_match(name, len, S("arcrole")) || hubbub_string_match(name, len, S("href")) || hubbub_string_match(name, len, S("role")) || hubbub_string_match(name, len, S("show")) || hubbub_string_match(name, len, S("title")) || hubbub_string_match(name, len, S("type"))) { attr->ns = HUBBUB_NS_XLINK; attr->name.ptr += 6; attr->name.len -= 6; } /* 8 == strlen("xml:base") */ } else if (attr->name.len >= 8 && strncmp((char *) name, "xml:", SLEN("xml:")) == 0) { size_t len = attr->name.len - 4; name += 4; if (hubbub_string_match(name, len, S("base")) || hubbub_string_match(name, len, S("lang")) || hubbub_string_match(name, len, S("space"))) { attr->ns = HUBBUB_NS_XML; attr->name.ptr += 4; attr->name.len -= 4; } } else if (hubbub_string_match(name, attr->name.len, S("xmlns")) || hubbub_string_match(name, attr->name.len, S("xmlns:xlink"))) { attr->ns = HUBBUB_NS_XMLNS; attr->name.ptr += 6; attr->name.len -= 6; } } } #undef S /*** Foreign content insertion mode ***/ /** * Returns true iff there is an element in scope that has a namespace other * than the HTML namespace. */ static bool element_in_scope_in_non_html_ns(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder) { element_context *stack = treebuilder->context.element_stack; uint32_t node; assert((signed) treebuilder->context.current_node >= 0); for (node = treebuilder->context.current_node; node > 0; node--) { element_type node_type = stack[node].type; /* The list of element types given in the spec here are the * scoping elements excluding TABLE and HTML. TABLE is handled * in the previous conditional and HTML should only occur * as the first node in the stack, which is never processed * in this loop. */ if (node_type == TABLE || is_scoping_element(node_type)) break; if (stack[node].ns != HUBBUB_NS_HTML) return true; } return false; } /** * Process a token as if in the secondary insertion mode. */ static void process_as_in_secondary(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, const hubbub_token *token) { /* Because we don't support calling insertion modes directly, * instead we set the current mode to the secondary mode, * call the token handler, and then reset the mode afterward * as long as it's unchanged, as this has the same effect */ treebuilder->context.mode = treebuilder->context.second_mode; hubbub_treebuilder_token_handler(token, treebuilder); if (treebuilder->context.mode == treebuilder->context.second_mode) treebuilder->context.mode = IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT; if (treebuilder->context.mode == IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT && !element_in_scope_in_non_html_ns(treebuilder)) { treebuilder->context.mode = treebuilder->context.second_mode; } } /** * Break out of foreign content as a result of certain start tags or EOF. */ static void foreign_break_out(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder) { element_context *stack = treebuilder->context.element_stack; /** \todo parse error */ while (stack[treebuilder->context.current_node].ns != HUBBUB_NS_HTML) { hubbub_ns ns; element_type type; void *node; element_stack_pop(treebuilder, &ns, &type, &node); treebuilder->tree_handler->unref_node( treebuilder->tree_handler->ctx, node); } treebuilder->context.mode = treebuilder->context.second_mode; } /** * Handle tokens in "in foreign content" insertion mode * * \param treebuilder The treebuilder instance * \param token The token to process * \return True to reprocess the token, false otherwise */ hubbub_error handle_in_foreign_content(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, const hubbub_token *token) { hubbub_error err = HUBBUB_OK; switch (token->type) { case HUBBUB_TOKEN_CHARACTER: append_text(treebuilder, &token->data.character); break; case HUBBUB_TOKEN_COMMENT: process_comment_append(treebuilder, token, treebuilder->context.element_stack[ treebuilder->context.current_node].node); break; case HUBBUB_TOKEN_DOCTYPE: /** \todo parse error */ break; case HUBBUB_TOKEN_START_TAG: { hubbub_ns cur_node_ns = treebuilder->context.element_stack[ treebuilder->context.current_node].ns; element_type cur_node = current_node(treebuilder); element_type type = element_type_from_name(treebuilder, &token->data.tag.name); if (cur_node_ns == HUBBUB_NS_HTML || (cur_node_ns == HUBBUB_NS_MATHML && (type != MGLYPH && type != MALIGNMARK) && (cur_node == MI || cur_node == MO || cur_node == MN || cur_node == MS || cur_node == MTEXT)) || (type == SVG && (cur_node_ns == HUBBUB_NS_MATHML && cur_node == ANNOTATION_XML)) || (cur_node_ns == HUBBUB_NS_SVG && (cur_node == FOREIGNOBJECT || cur_node == DESC || cur_node == TITLE))) { process_as_in_secondary(treebuilder, token); } else if (type == B || type == BIG || type == BLOCKQUOTE || type == BODY || type == BR || type == CENTER || type == CODE || type == DD || type == DIV || type == DL || type == DT || type == EM || type == EMBED || type == FONT || type == H1 || type == H2 || type == H3 || type == H4 || type == H5 || type == H6 || type == HEAD || type == HR || type == I || type == IMG || type == LI || type == LISTING || type == MENU || type == META || type == NOBR || type == OL || type == P || type == PRE || type == RUBY || type == S || type == SMALL || type == SPAN || type == STRONG || type == STRIKE || type == SUB || type == SUP || type == TABLE || type == TT || type == U || type == UL || type == VAR) { foreign_break_out(treebuilder); err = HUBBUB_REPROCESS; } else { hubbub_tag tag = token->data.tag; adjust_foreign_attributes(treebuilder, &tag); if (cur_node_ns == HUBBUB_NS_SVG) { adjust_svg_tagname(treebuilder, &tag); adjust_svg_attributes(treebuilder, &tag); } /* Set to the right namespace and insert */ tag.ns = cur_node_ns; if (token->data.tag.self_closing) { insert_element_no_push(treebuilder, &tag); /** \todo ack sc flag */ } else { insert_element(treebuilder, &tag); } } } break; case HUBBUB_TOKEN_END_TAG: process_as_in_secondary(treebuilder, token); break; case HUBBUB_TOKEN_EOF: foreign_break_out(treebuilder); err = HUBBUB_REPROCESS; break; } return err; }