/* * This file is part of Hubbub. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2008 John-Mark Bell */ #ifndef hubbub_treebuilder_internal_h_ #define hubbub_treebuilder_internal_h_ #include "treebuilder/treebuilder.h" typedef enum { INITIAL, BEFORE_HTML, BEFORE_HEAD, IN_HEAD, IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT, AFTER_HEAD, IN_BODY, IN_TABLE, IN_CAPTION, IN_COLUMN_GROUP, IN_TABLE_BODY, IN_ROW, IN_CELL, IN_SELECT, IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE, AFTER_BODY, IN_FRAMESET, AFTER_FRAMESET, AFTER_AFTER_BODY, AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET, GENERIC_RCDATA, SCRIPT_COLLECT_CHARACTERS, } insertion_mode; typedef enum { /* Special */ ADDRESS, AREA, BASE, BASEFONT, BGSOUND, BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, BR, CENTER, COL, COLGROUP, DD, DIR, DIV, DL, DT, EMBED, FIELDSET, FORM, FRAME, FRAMESET, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, HEAD, HR, IFRAME, IMAGE, IMG, INPUT, ISINDEX, LI, LINK, LISTING, MENU, META, NOEMBED, NOFRAMES, NOSCRIPT, OL, OPTGROUP, OPTION, P, PARAM, PLAINTEXT, PRE, SCRIPT, SELECT, SPACER, STYLE, TBODY, TEXTAREA, TFOOT, THEAD, TITLE, TR, UL, WBR, /* Scoping */ APPLET, BUTTON, CAPTION, HTML, MARQUEE, OBJECT, TABLE, TD, TH, /* Formatting */ A, B, BIG, EM, FONT, I, NOBR, S, SMALL, STRIKE, STRONG, TT, U, /* Phrasing */ /**< \todo Enumerate phrasing elements */ XMP, LABEL, UNKNOWN, } element_type; typedef struct element_context { element_type type; void *node; } element_context; typedef struct formatting_list_entry { element_context details; /**< Entry details */ uint32_t stack_index; /**< Index into element stack */ struct formatting_list_entry *prev; /**< Previous in list */ struct formatting_list_entry *next; /**< Next in list */ } formatting_list_entry; typedef struct hubbub_treebuilder_context { insertion_mode mode; /**< The current insertion mode */ #define ELEMENT_STACK_CHUNK 128 element_context *element_stack; /**< Stack of open elements */ uint32_t stack_alloc; /**< Number of stack slots allocated */ uint32_t current_node; /**< Index of current node in stack */ uint32_t current_table; /**< Index of current table in stack */ formatting_list_entry *formatting_list; /**< List of active formatting * elements */ formatting_list_entry *formatting_list_end; /**< End of active * formatting list */ void *head_element; /**< Pointer to HEAD element */ void *form_element; /**< Pointer to most recently * opened FORM element */ void *document; /**< Pointer to the document node */ struct { insertion_mode mode; /**< Insertion mode to return to */ void *node; /**< Node to attach Text child to */ element_type type; /**< Type of node */ hubbub_string string; /**< Text data */ } collect; /**< Context for character collecting */ bool strip_leading_lr; /**< Whether to strip a LR from the * start of the next character sequence * received */ } hubbub_treebuilder_context; struct hubbub_treebuilder { hubbub_tokeniser *tokeniser; /**< Underlying tokeniser */ const uint8_t *input_buffer; /**< Start of tokeniser's buffer */ size_t input_buffer_len; /**< Length of input buffer */ hubbub_treebuilder_context context; hubbub_tree_handler *tree_handler; hubbub_buffer_handler buffer_handler; void *buffer_pw; hubbub_error_handler error_handler; void *error_pw; hubbub_alloc alloc; /**< Memory (de)allocation function */ void *alloc_pw; /**< Client private data */ }; bool process_characters_expect_whitespace( hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, const hubbub_token *token, bool insert_into_current_node); void process_comment_append(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, const hubbub_token *token, void *parent); void parse_generic_rcdata(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, const hubbub_token *token, bool rcdata); void process_base_link_meta_in_head(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, const hubbub_token *token, element_type type); void process_script_in_head(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, const hubbub_token *token); uint32_t element_in_scope(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, element_type type, bool in_table); void reconstruct_active_formatting_list(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder); void clear_active_formatting_list_to_marker( hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder); void insert_element(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, const hubbub_tag *tag_name); void insert_element_no_push(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, const hubbub_tag *tag_name); void close_implied_end_tags(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, element_type except); void reset_insertion_mode(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder); void append_text(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, const hubbub_string *string); element_type element_type_from_name(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, const hubbub_string *tag_name); bool is_special_element(element_type type); bool is_scoping_element(element_type type); bool is_formatting_element(element_type type); bool is_phrasing_element(element_type type); bool element_stack_push(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, element_type type, void *node); bool element_stack_pop(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, element_type *type, void **node); bool formatting_list_append(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, element_type type, void *node, uint32_t stack_index); bool formatting_list_insert(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, formatting_list_entry *prev, formatting_list_entry *next, element_type type, void *node, uint32_t stack_index); bool formatting_list_remove(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, formatting_list_entry *entry, element_type *type, void **node, uint32_t *stack_index); bool formatting_list_replace(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, formatting_list_entry *entry, element_type type, void *node, uint32_t stack_index, element_type *otype, void **onode, uint32_t *ostack_index); #ifndef NDEBUG #include void element_stack_dump(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, FILE *fp); void formatting_list_dump(hubbub_treebuilder *treebuilder, FILE *fp); #endif #endif