#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/utils.h" #include "tokeniser/tokeniser.h" #include "testutils.h" typedef struct context { const uint8_t *pbuffer; const uint8_t *input; size_t input_len; struct array_list *output; int output_index; size_t char_off; const char *last_start_tag; struct array_list *content_model; bool process_cdata; } context; static void run_test(context *ctx); static hubbub_error token_handler(const hubbub_token *token, void *pw); int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct json_object *json; struct array_list *tests; struct lh_entry *entry; char *key; struct json_object *val; int i; context ctx; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } json = json_object_from_file(argv[1]); assert(!is_error(json)); assert(strcmp((char *) ((json_object_get_object(json)->head)->k), "tests") == 0); /* Get array of tests */ tests = json_object_get_array((struct json_object *) (json_object_get_object(json)->head)->v); for (i = 0; i < array_list_length(tests); i++) { /* Get test */ struct json_object *test = (struct json_object *) array_list_get_idx(tests, i); ctx.last_start_tag = NULL; ctx.content_model = NULL; ctx.process_cdata = false; /* Extract settings */ for (entry = json_object_get_object(test)->head; entry; entry = entry->next) { key = (char *) entry->k; val = (struct json_object *) entry->v; if (strcmp(key, "description") == 0) { printf("Test: %s\n", json_object_get_string(val)); } else if (strcmp(key, "input") == 0) { ctx.input = (const uint8_t *) json_object_get_string(val); ctx.input_len = json_object_get_string_len(val); } else if (strcmp(key, "output") == 0) { ctx.output = json_object_get_array(val); ctx.output_index = 0; ctx.char_off = 0; } else if (strcmp(key, "lastStartTag") == 0) { ctx.last_start_tag = (const char *) json_object_get_string(val); } else if (strcmp(key, "contentModelFlags") == 0) { ctx.content_model = json_object_get_array(val); } else if (strcmp(key, "processCDATA") == 0) { ctx.process_cdata = json_object_get_boolean(val); } } /* And run the test */ run_test(&ctx); } json_object_put(json); printf("PASS\n"); return 0; } void run_test(context *ctx) { parserutils_inputstream *stream; hubbub_tokeniser *tok; hubbub_tokeniser_optparams params; int i, max_i; struct array_list *outputsave = ctx->output; if (ctx->content_model == NULL) { max_i = 1; } else { max_i = array_list_length(ctx->content_model); } /* We test for each of the content models specified */ for (i = 0; i < max_i; i++) { /* Reset expected output */ ctx->output = outputsave; ctx->output_index = 0; ctx->char_off = 0; assert(parserutils_inputstream_create("UTF-8", 0, NULL, &stream) == PARSERUTILS_OK); assert(hubbub_tokeniser_create(stream, &tok) == HUBBUB_OK); if (ctx->last_start_tag != NULL) { /* Fake up a start tag, in PCDATA state */ size_t len = LEN(ctx->last_start_tag) + 3; uint8_t *buf = malloc(len); snprintf((char *) buf, len, "<%s>", ctx->last_start_tag); assert(parserutils_inputstream_append(stream, buf, len - 1) == PARSERUTILS_OK); assert(hubbub_tokeniser_run(tok) == HUBBUB_OK); free(buf); } if (ctx->process_cdata) { params.process_cdata = ctx->process_cdata; assert(hubbub_tokeniser_setopt(tok, HUBBUB_TOKENISER_PROCESS_CDATA, ¶ms) == HUBBUB_OK); } params.token_handler.handler = token_handler; params.token_handler.pw = ctx; assert(hubbub_tokeniser_setopt(tok, HUBBUB_TOKENISER_TOKEN_HANDLER, ¶ms) == HUBBUB_OK); if (ctx->content_model == NULL) { params.content_model.model = HUBBUB_CONTENT_MODEL_PCDATA; } else { const char *cm = json_object_get_string( (struct json_object *) array_list_get_idx(ctx->content_model, i)); if (strcmp(cm, "PCDATA") == 0) { params.content_model.model = HUBBUB_CONTENT_MODEL_PCDATA; } else if (strcmp(cm, "RCDATA") == 0) { params.content_model.model = HUBBUB_CONTENT_MODEL_RCDATA; } else if (strcmp(cm, "CDATA") == 0) { params.content_model.model = HUBBUB_CONTENT_MODEL_CDATA; } else { params.content_model.model = HUBBUB_CONTENT_MODEL_PLAINTEXT; } } assert(hubbub_tokeniser_setopt(tok, HUBBUB_TOKENISER_CONTENT_MODEL, ¶ms) == HUBBUB_OK); assert(parserutils_inputstream_append(stream, ctx->input, ctx->input_len) == PARSERUTILS_OK); assert(parserutils_inputstream_append(stream, NULL, 0) == PARSERUTILS_OK); printf("Input: '%.*s' (%d)\n", (int) ctx->input_len, (const char *) ctx->input, (int) ctx->input_len); assert(hubbub_tokeniser_run(tok) == HUBBUB_OK); hubbub_tokeniser_destroy(tok); parserutils_inputstream_destroy(stream); } } hubbub_error token_handler(const hubbub_token *token, void *pw) { static const char *token_names[] = { "DOCTYPE", "StartTag", "EndTag", "Comment", "Character", "EOF" }; size_t i; context *ctx = (context *) pw; struct json_object *obj = NULL; struct array_list *items; for (; ctx->output_index < array_list_length(ctx->output); ctx->output_index++) { /* Get object for index */ obj = (struct json_object *) array_list_get_idx(ctx->output, ctx->output_index); /* If it's not a string, we've found the expected output */ if (json_object_get_type(obj) != json_type_string) break; /* Otherwise, it must be a parse error */ assert(strcmp(json_object_get_string(obj), "ParseError") == 0); } /* If we've run off the end, this is an error -- the tokeniser has * produced more tokens than expected. We allow for the generation * of a terminating EOF token, however. */ assert("too many tokens" && (ctx->output_index < array_list_length(ctx->output) || token->type == HUBBUB_TOKEN_EOF)); /* Got a terminating EOF -- no error */ if (ctx->output_index >= array_list_length(ctx->output)) return HUBBUB_OK; /* Now increment the output index so we don't re-expect this token */ ctx->output_index++; /* Expected output must be an array */ assert(json_object_get_type(obj) == json_type_array); items = json_object_get_array(obj); printf("got %s: expected %s\n", token_names[token->type], json_object_get_string((struct json_object *) array_list_get_idx(items, 0))); /* Make sure we got the token we expected */ assert(strcmp(token_names[token->type], json_object_get_string((struct json_object *) array_list_get_idx(items, 0))) == 0); switch (token->type) { case HUBBUB_TOKEN_DOCTYPE: { const char *expname = json_object_get_string( array_list_get_idx(items, 1)); const char *exppub = json_object_get_string( array_list_get_idx(items, 2)); const char *expsys = json_object_get_string( array_list_get_idx(items, 3)); bool expquirks = !json_object_get_boolean( array_list_get_idx(items, 4)); const char *gotname = (const char *)token->data.doctype.name.ptr; const char *gotpub, *gotsys; printf("'%.*s' %sids:\n", (int) token->data.doctype.name.len, gotname, token->data.doctype.force_quirks ? "(force-quirks) " : ""); if (token->data.doctype.public_missing) { gotpub = NULL; printf("\tpublic: missing\n"); } else { gotpub = (const char *) token->data.doctype.public_id.ptr; printf("\tpublic: '%.*s' (%d)\n", (int) token->data.doctype.public_id.len, gotpub, (int) token->data.doctype.public_id.len); } if (token->data.doctype.system_missing) { gotsys = NULL; printf("\tsystem: missing\n"); } else { gotsys = (const char *) token->data.doctype.system_id.ptr; printf("\tsystem: '%.*s' (%d)\n", (int) token->data.doctype.system_id.len, gotsys, (int) token->data.doctype.system_id.len); } assert(token->data.doctype.name.len == LEN(expname)); assert(strncmp(gotname, expname, LEN(expname)) == 0); assert((exppub == NULL) == (token->data.doctype.public_missing == true)); if (exppub) { assert(token->data.doctype.public_id.len == LEN(exppub)); assert(strncmp(gotpub, exppub, LEN(exppub)) == 0); } assert((expsys == NULL) == (token->data.doctype.system_missing == true)); if (gotsys) { assert(token->data.doctype.system_id.len == LEN(expsys)); assert(strncmp(gotsys, expsys, LEN(expsys)) == 0); } assert(expquirks == token->data.doctype.force_quirks); } break; case HUBBUB_TOKEN_START_TAG: { const char *expname = json_object_get_string( array_list_get_idx(items, 1)); struct lh_entry *expattrs = json_object_get_object( array_list_get_idx(items, 2))->head; bool self_closing = json_object_get_boolean( array_list_get_idx(items, 3)); const char *tagname = (const char *) token->data.tag.name.ptr; printf("expected: '%s' %s\n", expname, (self_closing) ? "(self-closing) " : ""); printf(" got: '%.*s' %s\n", (int) token->data.tag.name.len, tagname, (token->data.tag.self_closing) ? "(self-closing) " : ""); if (token->data.tag.n_attributes > 0) { printf("attributes:\n"); } assert(token->data.tag.name.len == LEN(expname)); assert(strncmp(tagname, expname, LEN(expname)) == 0); assert((token->data.tag.n_attributes == 0) == (expattrs == NULL)); assert(self_closing == token->data.tag.self_closing); for (i = 0; i < token->data.tag.n_attributes; i++) { char *expname = (char *) expattrs->k; const char *expval = json_object_get_string( (struct json_object *) expattrs->v); const char *gotname = (const char *) token->data.tag.attributes[i].name.ptr; size_t namelen = token->data.tag.attributes[i].name.len; const char *gotval = (const char *) token->data.tag.attributes[i].value.ptr; size_t vallen = token->data.tag.attributes[i].value.len; printf("\t'%.*s' = '%.*s'\n", (int) namelen, gotname, (int) vallen, gotval); assert(namelen == LEN(expname)); assert(strncmp(gotname, expname, strlen(expname)) == 0); assert(vallen == LEN(expval)); assert(strncmp(gotval, expval, LEN(expval)) == 0); expattrs = expattrs->next; } assert(expattrs == NULL); } break; case HUBBUB_TOKEN_END_TAG: { const char *expname = json_object_get_string( array_list_get_idx(items, 1)); const char *tagname = (const char *) token->data.tag.name.ptr; printf("'%.*s' %s\n", (int) token->data.tag.name.len, tagname, (token->data.tag.n_attributes > 0) ? "attributes:" : ""); assert(token->data.tag.name.len == LEN(expname)); assert(strncmp(tagname, expname, LEN(expname)) == 0); } break; case HUBBUB_TOKEN_COMMENT: { const char *expstr = json_object_get_string( array_list_get_idx(items, 1)); const char *gotstr = (const char *) token->data.comment.ptr; printf("expected: '%s'\n", expstr); printf(" got: '%.*s'\n", (int) token->data.comment.len, gotstr); assert(token->data.comment.len == LEN(expstr)); assert(strncmp(gotstr, expstr, LEN(expstr)) == 0); } break; case HUBBUB_TOKEN_CHARACTER: { int expstrlen = json_object_get_string_len( array_list_get_idx(items, 1)); const char *expstr =json_object_get_string( array_list_get_idx(items, 1)); const char *gotstr = (const char *) token->data.character.ptr; size_t len = min(token->data.character.len, expstrlen - ctx->char_off); printf("expected: '%.*s'\n", (int) len, expstr + ctx->char_off); printf(" got: '%.*s'\n", (int) token->data.character.len, gotstr); assert(memcmp(gotstr, expstr + ctx->char_off, len) == 0); if (len < token->data.character.len) { /* Expected token only contained part of the data * Calculate how much is left, then try again with * the next expected token */ hubbub_token t; t.type = HUBBUB_TOKEN_CHARACTER; t.data.character.ptr += len; t.data.character.len -= len; ctx->char_off = 0; token_handler(&t, pw); } else if (strlen(expstr + ctx->char_off) > token->data.character.len) { /* Tokeniser output only contained part of the data * in the expected token; calculate the offset into * the token and process the remainder next time */ ctx->char_off += len; ctx->output_index--; } else { /* Exact match - clear offset */ ctx->char_off = 0; } } break; case HUBBUB_TOKEN_EOF: printf("\n"); break; } return HUBBUB_OK; }