/* * Tree construction tester. * Leaks a fair bit of memory, because it doesn't make use of reference * counting. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/utils.h" #include "testutils.h" typedef struct attr_t attr_t; typedef struct node_t node_t; typedef struct buf_t buf_t; struct attr_t { hubbub_ns ns; char *name; char *value; }; struct node_t { enum { DOCTYPE, COMMENT, ELEMENT, CHARACTER } type; union { struct { char *name; char *public_id; char *system_id; } doctype; struct { hubbub_ns ns; char *name; attr_t *attrs; size_t n_attrs; } element; char *content; /**< For comments, characters **/ } data; node_t *next; node_t *prev; node_t *child; node_t *parent; }; struct buf_t { char *buf; size_t len; size_t pos; }; #define NUM_NAMESPACES 7 const char const *ns_names[NUM_NAMESPACES] = { NULL, NULL /*html*/, "math", "svg", "xlink", "xml", "xmlns" }; node_t *Document; static void node_print(buf_t *buf, node_t *node, unsigned depth); static const uint8_t *pbuffer; static void buffer_handler(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t len, void *pw); static int create_comment(void *ctx, const hubbub_string *data, void **result); static int create_doctype(void *ctx, const hubbub_string *qname, const hubbub_string *public_id, const hubbub_string *system_id, void **result); static int create_element(void *ctx, const hubbub_tag *tag, void **result); static int create_text(void *ctx, const hubbub_string *data, void **result); static int ref_node(void *ctx, void *node); static int unref_node(void *ctx, void *node); static int append_child(void *ctx, void *parent, void *child, void **result); static int insert_before(void *ctx, void *parent, void *child, void *ref_child, void **result); static int remove_child(void *ctx, void *parent, void *child, void **result); static int clone_node(void *ctx, void *node, bool deep, void **result); static int reparent_children(void *ctx, void *node, void *new_parent); static int get_parent(void *ctx, void *node, bool element_only, void **result); static int has_children(void *ctx, void *node, bool *result); static int form_associate(void *ctx, void *form, void *node); static int add_attributes(void *ctx, void *node, const hubbub_attribute *attributes, uint32_t n_attributes); static int set_quirks_mode(void *ctx, hubbub_quirks_mode mode); static hubbub_tree_handler tree_handler = { create_comment, create_doctype, create_element, create_text, ref_node, unref_node, append_child, insert_before, remove_child, clone_node, reparent_children, get_parent, has_children, form_associate, add_attributes, set_quirks_mode, NULL }; static void *myrealloc(void *ptr, size_t len, void *pw) { UNUSED(pw); return realloc(ptr, len); } static const uint8_t *ptr_from_hubbub_string(const hubbub_string *string) { const uint8_t *data; switch (string->type) { case HUBBUB_STRING_OFF: data = pbuffer + string->data.off; break; case HUBBUB_STRING_PTR: data = string->data.ptr; break; } return data; } /* * Create, initialise, and return, a parser instance. */ static hubbub_parser *setup_parser(void) { hubbub_parser *parser; hubbub_parser_optparams params; parser = hubbub_parser_create("UTF-8", "UTF-8", myrealloc, NULL); assert(parser != NULL); params.buffer_handler.handler = buffer_handler; params.buffer_handler.pw = NULL; assert(hubbub_parser_setopt(parser, HUBBUB_PARSER_BUFFER_HANDLER, ¶ms) == HUBBUB_OK); params.tree_handler = &tree_handler; assert(hubbub_parser_setopt(parser, HUBBUB_PARSER_TREE_HANDLER, ¶ms) == HUBBUB_OK); params.document_node = (void *)1; assert(hubbub_parser_setopt(parser, HUBBUB_PARSER_DOCUMENT_NODE, ¶ms) == HUBBUB_OK); return parser; } void buffer_handler(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t len, void *pw) { UNUSED(len); UNUSED(pw); pbuffer = buffer; } /*** Buffer handling bits ***/ static void buf_clear(buf_t *buf) { buf->buf[0] = '\0'; buf->pos = 0; } static void buf_add(buf_t *buf, const char *str) { size_t len = strlen(str) + 1; if (!buf) { printf("%s", str); return; } if (buf->buf == NULL) { buf->len = ((len + 1024) / 1024) * 1024; buf->buf = calloc(1, buf->len); } while (buf->pos + len > buf->len) { buf->len *= 2; buf->buf = realloc(buf->buf, buf->len); } strcat(buf->buf, str); buf->pos += len; } /* States for reading in data from the tree construction file */ enum reading_state { EXPECT_DATA, READING_DATA, READING_ERRORS, READING_TREE, }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fp; char line[1024]; bool passed = true; hubbub_parser *parser; enum reading_state state = EXPECT_DATA; buf_t expected = { NULL, 0, 0 }; buf_t got = { NULL, 0, 0 }; if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* Initialise library */ assert(hubbub_initialise(argv[1], myrealloc, NULL) == HUBBUB_OK); fp = fopen(argv[2], "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Failed opening %s\n", argv[2]); return 1; } /* We rely on lines not being anywhere near 1024 characters... */ while (passed && fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) == line) { switch (state) { case EXPECT_DATA: if (strcmp(line, "#data\n") == 0) { parser = setup_parser(); state = READING_DATA; } break; case READING_DATA: if (strcmp(line, "#errors\n") == 0) { assert(hubbub_parser_completed(parser) == HUBBUB_OK); state = READING_ERRORS; } else { size_t len = strlen(line); printf(": %s", line); assert(hubbub_parser_parse_chunk(parser, (uint8_t *)line, len - 1) == HUBBUB_OK); } break; case READING_ERRORS: if (strcmp(line, "#document-fragment\n") == 0) { hubbub_parser_destroy(parser); state = EXPECT_DATA; } if (strcmp(line, "#document\n") == 0) state = READING_TREE; else { } break; case READING_TREE: if (line[0] == '|' && line[1] == ' ') { buf_add(&expected, line); } else { node_print(&got, Document, 0); passed = !strcmp(got.buf, expected.buf); if (!passed) { printf("expected:\n"); printf("%s", expected.buf); printf("got:\n"); printf("%s", got.buf); } buf_clear(&got); buf_clear(&expected); hubbub_parser_destroy(parser); Document = NULL; state = EXPECT_DATA; } break; } } printf("%s\n", passed ? "PASS" : "FAIL"); assert(hubbub_finalise(myrealloc, NULL) == HUBBUB_OK); return 0; } /*** Tree construction functions ***/ int create_comment(void *ctx, const hubbub_string *data, void **result) { node_t *node = calloc(1, sizeof *node); node->type = COMMENT; node->data.content = strndup((char *)ptr_from_hubbub_string(data), data->len); *result = node; return 0; } int create_doctype(void *ctx, const hubbub_string *qname, const hubbub_string *public_id, const hubbub_string *system_id, void **result) { node_t *node = calloc(1, sizeof *node); node->type = DOCTYPE; node->data.doctype.name = strndup((char *)ptr_from_hubbub_string(qname), qname->len); node->data.doctype.public_id = strndup((char *)ptr_from_hubbub_string(public_id), public_id->len); node->data.doctype.system_id = strndup( (char *)ptr_from_hubbub_string(system_id), system_id->len); *result = node; return 0; } int create_element(void *ctx, const hubbub_tag *tag, void **result) { node_t *node = calloc(1, sizeof *node); assert(tag->ns < NUM_NAMESPACES); node->type = ELEMENT; node->data.element.ns = tag->ns; node->data.element.name = strndup( (char *)ptr_from_hubbub_string(&tag->name), tag->name.len); node->data.element.n_attrs = tag->n_attributes; node->data.element.attrs = calloc(node->data.element.n_attrs, sizeof *node->data.element.attrs); for (size_t i = 0; i < tag->n_attributes; i++) { attr_t *attr = &node->data.element.attrs[i]; assert(tag->attributes[i].ns < NUM_NAMESPACES); attr->ns = tag->attributes[i].ns; attr->name = strndup((char *)ptr_from_hubbub_string( &tag->attributes[i].name), tag->attributes[i].name.len); attr->value = strndup((char *)ptr_from_hubbub_string( &tag->attributes[i].value), tag->attributes[i].value.len); } *result = node; return 0; } int create_text(void *ctx, const hubbub_string *data, void **result) { node_t *node = calloc(1, sizeof *node); node->type = CHARACTER; node->data.content = strndup((char *)ptr_from_hubbub_string(data), data->len); *result = node; return 0; } int ref_node(void *ctx, void *node) { return 0; } int unref_node(void *ctx, void *node) { return 0; } int append_child(void *ctx, void *parent, void *child, void **result) { node_t *tparent = parent; node_t *tchild = child; node_t *insert = NULL; tchild->parent = tparent; tchild->next = tchild->prev = NULL; #ifndef NDEBUG printf("appending (%x):\n", (unsigned)tchild); node_print(NULL, tchild, 0); printf("to:\n"); if (parent != (void *)1) node_print(NULL, tparent, 0); #endif if (parent == (void *)1) { if (Document) { insert = Document; } else { Document = tchild; } } else { if (tparent->child == NULL) { tparent->child = tchild; } else { insert = tparent->child; } } if (insert) { while (insert->next != NULL) { insert = insert->next; } insert->next = tchild; tchild->prev = insert; } *result = child; return 0; } /* insert 'child' before 'ref_child', under 'parent' */ int insert_before(void *ctx, void *parent, void *child, void *ref_child, void **result) { node_t *tparent = parent; node_t *tchild = child; node_t *tref = ref_child; tchild->parent = parent; tchild->prev = tref->prev; tchild->next = tref; tref->prev = tchild; if (tref->prev) tref->prev->next = tchild; else tparent->child = tchild; return 0; } int remove_child(void *ctx, void *parent, void *child, void **result) { node_t *tparent = parent; node_t *tchild = child; assert(tparent->child); assert(tchild->parent == tparent); if (tchild->parent->child == tchild) { tchild->parent->child = tchild->next; } if (tchild->prev) tchild->prev->next = tchild->next; if (tchild->next) tchild->next->prev = tchild->prev; /* now reset all the child's pointers */ tchild->next = tchild->prev = tchild->parent = NULL; *result = child; return 0; } int clone_node(void *ctx, void *node, bool deep, void **result) { node_t *old_node = node; node_t *new_node = calloc(1, sizeof *new_node); *new_node = *old_node; *result = new_node; new_node->child = new_node->parent = new_node->next = new_node->prev = NULL; if (deep == false) return 0; if (old_node->next) { void *n; clone_node(ctx, old_node->next, true, &n); new_node->next = n; new_node->next->prev = new_node; } if (old_node->child) { void *n; clone_node(ctx, old_node->child, true, &n); new_node->child = n; new_node->child->parent = new_node; } return 0; } /* Take all of the child nodes of "node" and append them to "new_parent" */ int reparent_children(void *ctx, void *node, void *new_parent) { node_t *parent = new_parent; node_t *old_parent = node; node_t *insert; node_t *kids; kids = old_parent->child; if (!kids) return 0; old_parent->child = NULL; insert = parent->child; if (!insert) { parent->child = kids; } else { while (insert->next != NULL) { insert = insert->next; } insert->next = kids; kids->prev = insert; } while (kids) { kids->parent = parent; kids = kids->next; } return 0; } int get_parent(void *ctx, void *node, bool element_only, void **result) { *result = ((node_t *)node)->parent; return 0; } int has_children(void *ctx, void *node, bool *result) { *result = ((node_t *)node)->child ? true : false; return 0; } int form_associate(void *ctx, void *form, void *node) { return 0; } int add_attributes(void *ctx, void *node, const hubbub_attribute *attributes, uint32_t n_attributes) { /* not yet implemented */ return 0; } int set_quirks_mode(void *ctx, hubbub_quirks_mode mode) { return 0; } /*** Serialising bits ***/ static int compare_attrs(const void *a, const void *b) { const attr_t *first = a; const attr_t *second = b; return strcmp(first->name, second->name); } static void indent(buf_t *buf, unsigned depth) { buf_add(buf, "| "); for (unsigned i = 0; i < depth; i++) { buf_add(buf, " "); } } static void print_ns(buf_t *buf, hubbub_ns ns) { if (ns_names[ns] != NULL) { buf_add(buf, ns_names[ns]); buf_add(buf, " "); } } static void node_print(buf_t *buf, node_t *node, unsigned depth) { if (!node) return; indent(buf, depth); switch (node->type) { case DOCTYPE: buf_add(buf, "data.element.ns); buf_add(buf, node->data.element.name); buf_add(buf, ">\n"); qsort(node->data.element.attrs, node->data.element.n_attrs, sizeof *node->data.element.attrs, compare_attrs); for (size_t i = 0; i < node->data.element.n_attrs; i++) { indent(buf, depth + 1); print_ns(buf, node->data.element.attrs[i].ns); buf_add(buf, node->data.element.attrs[i].name); buf_add(buf, "="); buf_add(buf, "\""); buf_add(buf, node->data.element.attrs[i].value); buf_add(buf, "\"\n"); } break; case CHARACTER: buf_add(buf, "\""); buf_add(buf, node->data.content); buf_add(buf, "\"\n"); break; case COMMENT: buf_add(buf, "\n"); break; } if (node->child) { node_print(buf, node->child, depth + 1); } if (node->next) { node_print(buf, node->next, depth); } }