/* * Copyright 2008 Vincent Sanders * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "libnsfb.h" #include "nsfb.h" #include "nsfb_plot.h" #include "plotters.h" #include "plot_util.h" /* global plot context */ extern nsfb_t *_plot_nsfb; static inline uint32_t * get_xy_loc(nsfb_t *nsfb, int x, int y) { return (uint32_t *)(nsfb->ptr + (y * nsfb->linelen) + (x << 2)); } #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN static inline nsfb_colour_t pixel_to_colour(uint32_t pixel) { return (pixel >> 8) & ~0xFF000000U; } /* convert a colour value to a 32bpp pixel value ready for screen output */ static inline uint32_t colour_to_pixel(nsfb_colour_t c) { return (c << 8); } #else /* __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN */ static inline nsfb_colour_t pixel_to_colour(uint32_t pixel) { return ((pixel & 0xFF) << 16) | ((pixel & 0xFF00)) | ((pixel & 0xFF0000) >> 16); } /* convert a colour value to a 32bpp pixel value ready for screen output */ static inline uint32_t colour_to_pixel(nsfb_colour_t c) { return ((c & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (c & 0xff00) | ((c & 0xff) << 16); } #endif #define SIGN(x) ((x<0) ? -1 : ((x>0) ? 1 : 0)) static bool line(nsfb_t *nsfb, nsfb_bbox_t *line, int line_width, nsfb_colour_t c, bool dotted, bool dashed) { int w; uint32_t ent; uint32_t *pvideo; int x, y, i; int dx, dy, sdy; int dxabs, dyabs; line_width = line_width; dotted = dotted; dashed = dashed; ent = colour_to_pixel(c); if (line->y0 == line->y1) { /* horizontal line special cased */ if (!nsfb_plot_clip_ctx(nsfb, line)) return true; /* line outside clipping */ pvideo = get_xy_loc(nsfb, line->x0, line->y0); w = line->x1 - line->x0; while (w-- > 0) *(pvideo + w) = ent; return true; } else { /* standard bresenham line */ if (!nsfb_plot_clip_line_ctx(nsfb, line)) return true; /* line outside clipping */ /* the horizontal distance of the line */ dx = line->x1 - line->x0; dxabs = abs (dx); /* the vertical distance of the line */ dy = line->y1 - line->y0; dyabs = abs (dy); sdy = dx ? SIGN(dy) * SIGN(dx) : SIGN(dy); if (dx >= 0) pvideo = get_xy_loc(nsfb, line->x0, line->y0); else pvideo = get_xy_loc(nsfb, line->x1, line->y1); x = dyabs >> 1; y = dxabs >> 1; if (dxabs >= dyabs) { /* the line is more horizontal than vertical */ for (i = 0; i < dxabs; i++) { *pvideo = ent; pvideo++; y += dyabs; if (y >= dxabs) { y -= dxabs; pvideo += sdy * (nsfb->linelen>>2); } } } else { /* the line is more vertical than horizontal */ for (i = 0; i < dyabs; i++) { *pvideo = ent; pvideo += sdy * (nsfb->linelen >> 2); x += dxabs; if (x >= dyabs) { x -= dyabs; pvideo++; } } } } return true; } static bool fill(nsfb_t *nsfb, nsfb_bbox_t *rect, nsfb_colour_t c) { int w; uint32_t *pvid; uint32_t ent; uint32_t llen; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; if (!nsfb_plot_clip_ctx(nsfb, rect)) return true; /* fill lies outside current clipping region */ ent = colour_to_pixel(c); width = rect->x1 - rect->x0; height = rect->y1 - rect->y0; llen = (nsfb->linelen >> 2) - width; pvid = get_xy_loc(nsfb, rect->x0, rect->y0); while (height-- > 0) { w = width; while (w >= 16) { *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; w-=16; } while (w >= 4) { *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; *pvid++ = ent; w-=4; } while (w > 0) { *pvid++ = ent; w--; } pvid += llen; } return true; } static bool point(nsfb_t *nsfb, int x, int y, nsfb_colour_t c) { uint32_t *pvideo; /* check point lies within clipping region */ if ((x < nsfb->clip.x0) || (x >= nsfb->clip.x1) || (y < nsfb->clip.y0) || (y >= nsfb->clip.y1)) return true; pvideo = get_xy_loc(nsfb, x, y); if ((c & 0xFF000000) != 0) { if ((c & 0xFF000000) != 0xFF000000) { c = nsfb_plot_ablend(c, pixel_to_colour(*pvideo)); } *pvideo = colour_to_pixel(c); } return true; } static bool bitmap(nsfb_t *nsfb, nsfb_bbox_t *loc, nsfb_colour_t *pixel, int bmp_width, int bmp_height, int bmp_stride, bool alpha) { uint32_t *pvideo; nsfb_colour_t abpixel = 0; /* alphablended pixel */ int xloop, yloop; int xoff, yoff; /* x and y offset into image */ int x = loc->x0; int y = loc->y0; int width = loc->x1 - loc->x0; int height = loc->y1 - loc->y0; nsfb_bbox_t clipped; /* clipped display */ /* TODO here we should scale the image from bmp_width to width, for * now simply crop. */ if (width > bmp_width) width = bmp_width; if (height > bmp_height) height = bmp_height; /* The part of the scaled image actually displayed is cropped to the * current context. */ clipped.x0 = x; clipped.y0 = y; clipped.x1 = x + width; clipped.y1 = y + height; if (!nsfb_plot_clip_ctx(nsfb, &clipped)) return true; if (height > (clipped.y1 - clipped.y0)) height = (clipped.y1 - clipped.y0); if (width > (clipped.x1 - clipped.x0)) width = (clipped.x1 - clipped.x0); xoff = clipped.x0 - x; yoff = (clipped.y0 - y) * bmp_width; height = height * bmp_stride + yoff; /* plot the image */ pvideo = get_xy_loc(nsfb, clipped.x0, clipped.y0); if (alpha) { for (yloop = yoff; yloop < height; yloop += bmp_stride) { for (xloop = 0; xloop < width; xloop++) { abpixel = pixel[yloop + xloop + xoff]; if ((abpixel & 0xFF000000) != 0) { if ((abpixel & 0xFF000000) != 0xFF000000) { abpixel = nsfb_plot_ablend(abpixel, pixel_to_colour(*(pvideo + xloop))); } *(pvideo + xloop) = colour_to_pixel(abpixel); } } pvideo += (nsfb->linelen >> 2); } } else { for (yloop = yoff; yloop < height; yloop += bmp_stride) { for (xloop = 0; xloop < width; xloop++) { abpixel = pixel[yloop + xloop + xoff]; *(pvideo + xloop) = colour_to_pixel(abpixel); } pvideo += (nsfb->linelen >> 2); } } return true; } const nsfb_plotter_fns_t _nsfb_32bpp_plotters = { .line = line, .fill = fill, .point = point, .bitmap = bitmap, }; /* * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset:8 * End: */