/* libnsfb ploygon plotter test program */ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199506L #include #include #include #include #include "libnsfb.h" #include "libnsfb_plot.h" #include "libnsfb_event.h" #include // Sleep milliseconds static void sleepMilli(long ms) { const struct timespec ts = {ms / 1000, ms % 1000 * 1000000}; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } #define UNUSED(x) ((x) = (x)) int main(int argc, char **argv) { nsfb_t *nsfb; nsfb_event_t event; nsfb_bbox_t box; uint8_t *fbptr; int fbstride; int sides; int radius; nsfb_point_t *points; int loop; nsfb_plot_pen_t pen; double rotate; UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv); nsfb = nsfb_init(NSFB_FRONTEND_SDL); if (nsfb == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialise nsfb with SDL frontend\n"); return 1; } if (nsfb_init_frontend(nsfb) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialise nsfb frontend\n"); return 2; } /* get the geometry of the whole screen */ box.x0 = box.y0 = 0; nsfb_get_geometry(nsfb, &box.x1, &box.y1, NULL); nsfb_get_framebuffer(nsfb, &fbptr, &fbstride); pen.stroke_colour = 0xff000000; pen.stroke_type = NFSB_PLOT_OPTYPE_SOLID; for (rotate =0; rotate < (2 * M_PI); rotate += (M_PI / 8)) { /* claim the whole screen for update */ nsfb_claim(nsfb, &box); nsfb_plot_clg(nsfb, 0xffffffff); radius = (box.y1 / 2); for (sides = 10; sides >=9; sides-=2) { points = malloc(sizeof(nsfb_point_t) * sides); for (loop = 0; loop < sides;loop+=2) { points[loop].x = (box.x1 / 2) + (radius * cos((loop * 2 * M_PI / sides) + rotate)); points[loop].y = (box.y1 / 2) + (radius * sin((loop * 2 * M_PI / sides) + rotate)); points[loop+1].x = (box.x1 / 2) + ((radius / 3) * cos(((loop+1) * 2 * M_PI / sides) + rotate)); points[loop+1].y = (box.y1 / 2) + ((radius / 3) * sin(((loop+1) * 2 * M_PI / sides) + rotate)); } nsfb_plot_polygon(nsfb, (const int *)points, sides, 0xff000000 | (0xffffff / (sides * 2))); nsfb_plot_polylines(nsfb, sides, points, &pen); free(points); radius -= 40; } nsfb_update(nsfb, &box); sleepMilli(100); } while (event.type != NSFB_EVENT_CONTROL) nsfb_event(nsfb, &event, -1); return 0; }