/* * Copyright 2004 Richard Wilson * Copyright 2008 Sean Fox * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "libnsgif.h" #include "utils/log.h" /* READING GIF FILES ================= The functions provided by this file allow for efficient progressive GIF decoding. Whilst the initialisation does not ensure that there is sufficient image data to complete the entire frame, it does ensure that the information provided is valid. Any subsequent attempts to decode an initialised GIF are guaranteed to succeed, and any bytes of the image not present are assumed to be totally transparent. To begin decoding a GIF, the 'gif' structure must be initialised with the 'gif_data' and 'buffer_size' set to their initial values. The 'buffer_position' should initially be 0, and will be internally updated as the decoding commences. The caller should then repeatedly call gif_initialise() with the structure until the function returns 1, or no more data is avaliable. Once the initialisation has begun, the decoder completes the variables 'frame_count' and 'frame_count_partial'. The former being the total number of frames that have been successfully initialised, and the latter being the number of frames that a partial amount of data is available for. This assists the caller in managing the animation whilst decoding is continuing. To decode a frame, the caller must use gif_decode_frame() which updates the current 'frame_image' to reflect the desired frame. The required 'background_action' is also updated to reflect how the frame should be plotted. The caller must not assume that the current 'frame_image' will be valid between calls if initialisation is still occuring, and should either always request that the frame is decoded (no processing will occur if the 'decoded_frame' has not been invalidated by initialisation) or perform the check itself. It should be noted that gif_finalise() should always be called, even if no frames were initialised. [rjw] - Fri 2nd April 2004 */ /* Internal GIF routines */ static gif_result gif_initialise_sprite(struct gif_animation *gif, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, gif_bitmap_callback_vt *bitmap_callbacks); static gif_result gif_initialise_frame(struct gif_animation *gif, gif_bitmap_callback_vt *bitmap_callbacks); static unsigned int gif_interlaced_line(int height, int y); /* Internal LZW routines */ static void gif_init_LZW(struct gif_animation *gif); static bool gif_next_LZW(struct gif_animation *gif); static int gif_next_code(struct gif_animation *gif, int code_size); /* General LZW values. They are shared for all GIFs being decoded, and thus we can't handle progressive decoding efficiently without having the data for each image which would use an extra 10Kb or so per GIF. */ static unsigned char buf[4]; static unsigned char *direct; static int maskTbl[16] = {0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000f, 0x001f, 0x003f, 0x007f, 0x00ff, 0x01ff, 0x03ff, 0x07ff, 0x0fff, 0x1fff, 0x3fff, 0x7fff}; static int table[2][(1 << GIF_MAX_LZW)]; static unsigned char stack[(1 << GIF_MAX_LZW) * 2]; static unsigned char *stack_pointer; static int code_size, set_code_size; static int max_code, max_code_size; static int clear_code, end_code; static int curbit, lastbit, last_byte; static int firstcode, oldcode; static bool zero_data_block = false; static bool get_done; /* Whether to clear the decoded image rather than plot */ static bool clear_image = false; /** Initialises any workspace held by the animation and attempts to decode any information that hasn't already been decoded. If an error occurs, all previously decoded frames are retained. @return GIF_FRAME_DATA_ERROR for GIF frame data error GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA for insufficient data to process any more frames GIF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY for memory error GIF_DATA_ERROR for GIF error GIF_INSUFFICIENT_DATA for insufficient data to do anything GIF_OK for successful decoding GIF_WORKING for successful decoding if more frames are expected */ gif_result gif_initialise(struct gif_animation *gif, gif_bitmap_callback_vt *bitmap_callbacks) { unsigned char *gif_data; unsigned int index; int return_value; /* the gif format is thoroughly documented; a full description * can be found at http://www.w3.org/Graphics/GIF/spec-gif89a.txt */ /* Check for sufficient data to be a GIF (6-byte header + 7-byte logical screen descriptor) */ if (gif->buffer_size < 13) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_DATA; /* Get our current processing position */ gif_data = gif->gif_data + gif->buffer_position; /* See if we should initialise the GIF */ if (gif->buffer_position == 0) { /* We want everything to be NULL before we start so we've no chance of freeing bad pointers (paranoia) */ gif->frame_image = NULL; gif->frames = NULL; gif->local_colour_table = NULL; gif->global_colour_table = NULL; /* The caller may have been lazy and not reset any values */ gif->frame_count = 0; gif->frame_count_partial = 0; gif->decoded_frame = -1; /* 6-byte GIF file header is: * * +0 CHAR[2] Signature ('GIF') * +3 CHAR[2] Version ('87a' or '89a') */ if (strncmp((const char *) gif_data, "GIF", 3) != 0) return GIF_DATA_ERROR; gif_data += 3; /* Ensure GIF reports version 87a or 89a */ /* if ((strncmp(gif_data, "87a", 3) != 0) && (strncmp(gif_data, "89a", 3) != 0)) LOG(("Unknown GIF format - proceeding anyway")); */ gif_data += 3; /* 7-byte Logical Screen Descriptor is: * * +6 SHORT Logical Screen Width * +8 SHORT Logical Screen Height * +10 CHAR __Packed Fields__ * 1BIT Global Color Table Flag * 3BITS Color Resolution * 1BIT Sort Flag * 3BITS Size of Global Color Table * +11 CHAR Background Color Index * +12 CHAR Pixel Aspect Ratio */ gif->width = gif_data[0] | (gif_data[1] << 8); gif->height = gif_data[2] | (gif_data[3] << 8); gif->global_colours = (gif_data[4] & 0x80); gif->colour_table_size = (2 << (gif_data[4] & 0x07)); gif->background_colour = gif_data[5]; gif->aspect_ratio = gif_data[6]; gif->dirty_frame = -1; gif->loop_count = 1; gif_data += 7; /* Some broken GIFs report the size as the screen size they were created in. As such, we detect for the common cases and set the sizes as 0 if they are found which results in the GIF being the maximum size of the frames. */ if (((gif->width == 640) && (gif->height == 480)) || ((gif->width == 640) && (gif->height == 512)) || ((gif->width == 800) && (gif->height == 600)) || ((gif->width == 1024) && (gif->height == 768)) || ((gif->width == 1280) && (gif->height == 1024)) || ((gif->width == 1600) && (gif->height == 1200)) || ((gif->width == 0) || (gif->height == 0)) || ((gif->width > 2048) || (gif->height > 2048))) { gif->width = 1; gif->height = 1; } /* Allocate some data irrespective of whether we've got any colour tables. We always get the maximum size in case a GIF is lying to us. It's far better to give the wrong colours than to trample over some memory somewhere. */ gif->global_colour_table = (unsigned int *)calloc(GIF_MAX_COLOURS, sizeof(int)); gif->local_colour_table = (unsigned int *)calloc(GIF_MAX_COLOURS, sizeof(int)); if ((gif->global_colour_table == NULL) || (gif->local_colour_table == NULL)) { gif_finalise(gif, bitmap_callbacks); return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; } /* Set the first colour to a value that will never occur in reality so we know if we've processed it */ gif->global_colour_table[0] = 0xaa000000; /* Check if the GIF has no frame data (13-byte header + 1-byte termination block) * Although generally useless, the GIF specification does not expressly prohibit this */ if (gif->buffer_size == 14) { if (gif_data[0] == GIF_TRAILER) return GIF_OK; else return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_DATA; } /* Initialise enough workspace for 4 frames initially */ if ((gif->frames = (gif_frame *)malloc(sizeof(gif_frame))) == NULL) { gif_finalise(gif, bitmap_callbacks); return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; } gif->frame_holders = 1; /* Initialise the sprite header */ if ((gif->frame_image = bitmap_callbacks->bitmap_create(gif->width, gif->height)) == NULL) { gif_finalise(gif, bitmap_callbacks); return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; } /* Remember we've done this now */ gif->buffer_position = gif_data - gif->gif_data; } /* Do the colour map if we haven't already. As the top byte is always 0xff or 0x00 depending on the transparency we know if it's been filled in. */ if (gif->global_colour_table[0] == 0xaa000000) { /* Check for a global colour map signified by bit 7 */ if (gif->global_colours) { if (gif->buffer_size < (gif->colour_table_size * 3 + 12)) { return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_DATA; } for (index = 0; index < gif->colour_table_size; index++) { char colour[] = {gif_data[0], gif_data[1], gif_data[2], (char)0xff}; gif->global_colour_table[index] = *((int *) colour); gif_data += 3; } gif->buffer_position = (gif_data - gif->gif_data); } else { /* Create a default colour table with the first two colours as black and white */ gif->global_colour_table[0] = 0xff000000; gif->global_colour_table[1] = 0xffffffff; } } /* Repeatedly try to initialise frames */ while ((return_value = gif_initialise_frame(gif, bitmap_callbacks)) == GIF_WORKING); /* If there was a memory error tell the caller */ if ((return_value == GIF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) || (return_value == GIF_DATA_ERROR)) return return_value; /* If we didn't have some frames then a GIF_INSUFFICIENT_DATA becomes a GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA */ if ((return_value == GIF_INSUFFICIENT_DATA) && (gif->frame_count_partial > 0)) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; /* Return how many we got */ return return_value; } /** Updates the sprite memory size @return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY for a memory error GIF_OK for success */ static gif_result gif_initialise_sprite(struct gif_animation *gif, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, gif_bitmap_callback_vt *bitmap_callbacks) { unsigned int max_width; unsigned int max_height; struct bitmap *buffer; /* Check if we've changed */ if ((width <= gif->width) && (height <= gif->height)) return GIF_OK; /* Get our maximum values */ max_width = (width > gif->width) ? width : gif->width; max_height = (height > gif->height) ? height : gif->height; /* Allocate some more memory */ if ((buffer = bitmap_callbacks->bitmap_create(max_width, max_height)) == NULL) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; bitmap_callbacks->bitmap_destroy(gif->frame_image); gif->frame_image = buffer; gif->width = max_width; gif->height = max_height; /* Invalidate our currently decoded image */ gif->decoded_frame = -1; return GIF_OK; } /** Attempts to initialise the next frame @return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_DATA for insufficient data to do anything GIF_FRAME_DATA_ERROR for GIF frame data error GIF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY for insufficient memory to process GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA for insufficient data to complete the frame GIF_DATA_ERROR for GIF error (invalid frame header) GIF_OK for successful decoding GIF_WORKING for successful decoding if more frames are expected */ gif_result gif_initialise_frame(struct gif_animation *gif, gif_bitmap_callback_vt *bitmap_callbacks) { int frame; gif_frame *temp_buf; unsigned char *gif_data, *gif_end; int gif_bytes; unsigned int flags = 0; unsigned int background_action; unsigned int width, height, offset_x, offset_y; unsigned int extension_size, colour_table_size; unsigned int block_size; bool more_images = true; bool first_image = true; /* Get the frame to decode and our data position */ frame = gif->frame_count; /* Get our buffer position etc. */ gif_data = (unsigned char *)(gif->gif_data + gif->buffer_position); gif_end = (unsigned char *)(gif->gif_data + gif->buffer_size); gif_bytes = (gif_end - gif_data); /* Check if we've finished */ if ((gif_bytes > 0) && (gif_data[0] == GIF_TRAILER)) return GIF_OK; /* Check if we have enough data * The shortest block of data is a 4-byte comment extension + 1-byte block terminator + 1-byte gif trailer */ if (gif_bytes < 6) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_DATA; /* We could theoretically get some junk data that gives us millions of frames, so we ensure that we don't have a silly number */ if (frame > 4096) return GIF_FRAME_DATA_ERROR; /* Get some memory to store our pointers in etc. */ if ((int)gif->frame_holders <= frame) { /* Allocate more memory */ if ((temp_buf = (gif_frame *)realloc(gif->frames, (frame + 1) * sizeof(gif_frame))) == NULL) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; gif->frames = temp_buf; gif->frame_holders = frame + 1; } /* Store our frame pointer. We would do it when allocating except we start off with one frame allocated so we can always use realloc. */ gif->frames[frame].frame_pointer = gif->buffer_position; gif->frames[frame].display = false; gif->frames[frame].virgin = true; gif->frames[frame].frame_delay = 100; gif->frames[frame].redraw_required = false; /* Invalidate any previous decoding we have of this frame */ if (gif->decoded_frame == frame) gif->decoded_frame = -1; /* We pretend to initialise the frames, but really we just skip over all the data contained within. This is all basically a cut down version of gif_decode_frame that doesn't have any of the LZW bits in it. */ while (more_images) { /* Decode the extensions */ background_action = 0; while (gif_data[0] == 0x21) { /* Get the extension size */ extension_size = gif_data[2]; /* Graphic control extension - store the frame delay. */ if (gif_data[1] == 0xf9) { gif->frames[frame].frame_delay = gif_data[4] | (gif_data[5] << 8); background_action = ((gif_data[3] & 0x1c) >> 2); more_images = false; /* Application extension - handle NETSCAPE2.0 looping */ } else if (gif_data[1] == 0xff) { if (gif_bytes < 18) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; if ((gif_data[2] == 0x0b) && (strncmp((const char *) gif_data + 3, "NETSCAPE2.0", 11) == 0) && (gif_data[14] == 0x03) && (gif_data[15] == 0x01)) gif->loop_count = gif_data[16] | (gif_data[17] << 8); } /* Move to the first sub-block * Skip 3 bytes for extension introducer, label, and extension size fields * Skip the extension size itself * The special case here is the comment extension (0xfe) because it has no * size field and therefore extension size is not skipped either */ if (gif_data[1] == 0xfe) gif_data += 2; else gif_data += (3 + extension_size); /* Repeatedly skip blocks until we get a zero block or run out of data * This library does not process this data */ block_size = 0; while (block_size != 1) { block_size = gif_data[0] + 1; if ((gif_bytes -= block_size) < 0) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; gif_data += block_size; } } /* Check if we've finished */ if ((gif_bytes = (gif_end - gif_data)) < 1) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; else if (gif_data[0] == GIF_TRAILER) { gif->buffer_position = gif_data - gif->gif_data; gif->frame_count = frame + 1; return GIF_OK; } /* If we're not done, there should be an image descriptor */ if (gif_data[0] != 0x2c) return GIF_FRAME_DATA_ERROR; /* Do some simple boundary checking */ offset_x = gif_data[1] | (gif_data[2] << 8); offset_y = gif_data[3] | (gif_data[4] << 8); width = gif_data[5] | (gif_data[6] << 8); height = gif_data[7] | (gif_data[8] << 8); /* Set up the redraw characteristics. We have to check for extending the area due to multi-image frames. */ if (!first_image) { if (gif->frames[frame].redraw_x > offset_x) { gif->frames[frame].redraw_width += (gif->frames[frame].redraw_x - offset_x); gif->frames[frame].redraw_x = offset_x; } if (gif->frames[frame].redraw_y > offset_y) { gif->frames[frame].redraw_height += (gif->frames[frame].redraw_y - offset_y); gif->frames[frame].redraw_y = offset_y; } if ((offset_x + width) > (gif->frames[frame].redraw_x + gif->frames[frame].redraw_width)) gif->frames[frame].redraw_width = (offset_x + width) - gif->frames[frame].redraw_x; if ((offset_y + height) > (gif->frames[frame].redraw_y + gif->frames[frame].redraw_height)) gif->frames[frame].redraw_height = (offset_y + height) - gif->frames[frame].redraw_y; } else { first_image = false; gif->frames[frame].redraw_x = offset_x; gif->frames[frame].redraw_y = offset_y; gif->frames[frame].redraw_width = width; gif->frames[frame].redraw_height = height; } /* if we are clearing the background then we need to redraw enough to cover the previous frame too */ gif->frames[frame].redraw_required = ((background_action == 2) || (background_action == 3)); /* Boundary checking - shouldn't ever happen except with junk data */ if (gif_initialise_sprite(gif, (offset_x + width), (offset_y + height), bitmap_callbacks)) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; /* Decode the flags */ flags = gif_data[9]; colour_table_size = 2 << (flags & 0x07); /* Move our data onwards and remember we've got a bit of this frame */ gif_data += 10; gif_bytes = (gif_end - gif_data); gif->frame_count_partial = frame + 1; /* Skip the local colour table */ if (flags & 0x80) { gif_data += 3 * colour_table_size; if ((gif_bytes = (gif_end - gif_data)) < 0) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; } /* Ensure we have a correct code size */ if (gif_data[0] > GIF_MAX_LZW) return GIF_DATA_ERROR; /* Move our pointer to the actual image data */ gif_data++; if (--gif_bytes < 0) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; /* Repeatedly skip blocks until we get a zero block or run out of data * These blocks of image data are processed later by gif_decode_frame() */ block_size = 0; while (block_size != 1) { block_size = gif_data[0] + 1; if ((gif_bytes -= block_size) < 0) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; gif_data += block_size; } /* Check for end of data */ gif->buffer_position = gif_data - gif->gif_data; gif->frame_count = frame + 1; gif->frames[frame].display = true; more_images &= !((gif_bytes < 1) || (gif_data[0] == GIF_TRAILER)); } /* Check if we've finished */ if (gif_bytes < 1) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; else if (gif_data[0] == GIF_TRAILER) return GIF_OK; return GIF_WORKING; } /** Decodes a GIF frame. @return GIF_FRAME_DATA_ERROR for GIF frame data error GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA for insufficient data to complete the frame GIF_DATA_ERROR for GIF error (invalid frame header) GIF_INSUFFICIENT_DATA for insufficient data to do anything GIF_OK for successful decoding If a frame does not contain any image data, GIF_OK is returned and gif->current_error is set to GIF_FRAME_NO_DISPLAY */ gif_result gif_decode_frame(struct gif_animation *gif, unsigned int frame, gif_bitmap_callback_vt *bitmap_callbacks) { unsigned int index = 0; unsigned char *gif_data; unsigned char *gif_end; int gif_bytes; unsigned int width, height, offset_x, offset_y; unsigned int flags, colour_table_size, interlace; unsigned int *colour_table; unsigned int *frame_data = 0; // Set to 0 for no warnings unsigned int *frame_scanline; unsigned int extension_size; unsigned int background_action; int transparency_index = -1; unsigned int save_buffer_position; unsigned int return_value = 0; unsigned int x, y, decode_y, burst_bytes; unsigned int block_size; register int colour; bool more_images = true; /* Ensure this frame is supposed to be decoded */ gif->current_error = 0; if (gif->frames[frame].display == false) { gif->current_error = GIF_FRAME_NO_DISPLAY; return GIF_OK; } /* Ensure we have a frame to decode */ if (frame > gif->frame_count_partial) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_DATA; if ((!clear_image) && ((int)frame == gif->decoded_frame)) return GIF_OK; /* If the previous frame was dirty, remove it */ if (!clear_image) { if (frame == 0) gif->dirty_frame = -1; if (gif->decoded_frame == gif->dirty_frame) { clear_image = true; if (frame != 0) gif_decode_frame(gif, gif->dirty_frame, bitmap_callbacks); clear_image = false; } gif->dirty_frame = -1; } /* Get the start of our frame data and the end of the GIF data */ gif_data = gif->gif_data + gif->frames[frame].frame_pointer; gif_end = gif->gif_data + gif->buffer_size; gif_bytes = (gif_end - gif_data); /* Check if we have enough data * The shortest block of data is a 10-byte image descriptor + 1-byte gif trailer */ if (gif_bytes < 12) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; /* Clear the previous frame totally. We can't just pretend we've got a smaller sprite and clear what we need as some frames have multiple images which would produce errors. */ frame_data = (unsigned int *)bitmap_callbacks->bitmap_get_buffer(gif->frame_image); if (!frame_data) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; if (!clear_image) { if ((frame == 0) || (gif->decoded_frame == -1)) memset((char*)frame_data, 0x00, gif->width * gif->height * sizeof(int)); gif->decoded_frame = frame; } /* Save the buffer position */ save_buffer_position = gif->buffer_position; gif->buffer_position = gif_data - gif->gif_data; gif_data = gif->gif_data + gif->buffer_position; /* We've got to do this more than one time if we've got multiple images */ while (more_images) { background_action = 0; /* Decode the extensions */ while (gif_data[0] == 0x21) { /* Get the extension size */ extension_size = gif_data[2]; /* Graphic control extension - store the frame delay. */ if (gif_data[1] == 0xf9) { if (gif_bytes < 7) { return_value = GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; break; } flags = gif_data[3]; if (flags & 0x01) transparency_index = gif_data[6]; background_action = ((flags & 0x1c) >> 2); more_images = false; } /* Move to the first sub-block * Skip 3 bytes for extension introducer, label, and extension size fields * Skip the extension size itself * The special case here is the comment extension (0xfe) because it has no * size field and therefore extension size is not skipped either */ if (gif_data[1] == 0xfe) gif_data += 2; else gif_data += (3 + extension_size); /* Repeatedly skip blocks until we get a zero block or run out of data * This library does not process this data */ block_size = 0; while (block_size != 1) { block_size = gif_data[0] + 1; if ((gif_bytes -= block_size) < 0) { return_value = GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; goto gif_decode_frame_exit; } gif_data += block_size; } } /* Ensure we have enough data for the 10-byte image descriptor + 1-byte gif trailer */ if (gif_bytes < 12) { return_value = GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; break; } /* 10-byte Image Descriptor is: * * +0 CHAR Image Separator (0x2c) * +1 SHORT Image Left Position * +3 SHORT Image Top Position * +5 SHORT Width * +7 SHORT Height * +9 CHAR __Packed Fields__ * 1BIT Local Color Table Flag * 1BIT Interlace Flag * 1BIT Sort Flag * 2BITS Reserved * 3BITS Size of Local Color Table */ if (gif_data[0] != 0x2c) { return_value = GIF_DATA_ERROR; break; } offset_x = gif_data[1] | (gif_data[2] << 8); offset_y = gif_data[3] | (gif_data[4] << 8); width = gif_data[5] | (gif_data[6] << 8); height = gif_data[7] | (gif_data[8] << 8); /* Boundary checking - shouldn't ever happen except unless the data has been modified since initialisation. */ if ((offset_x + width > gif->width) || (offset_y + height > gif->height)) { return_value = GIF_DATA_ERROR; break; } /* Decode the flags */ flags = gif_data[9]; colour_table_size = 2 << (flags & 0x07); interlace = flags & 0x40; /* Move our pointer to the colour table or image data (if no colour table is given) */ gif_data += 10; gif_bytes = (gif_end - gif_data); /* Set up the colour table */ if (flags & 0x80) { if (gif_bytes < (int)(3 * colour_table_size)) { return_value = GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; break; } colour_table = gif->local_colour_table; if (!clear_image) { for (index = 0; index < colour_table_size; index++) { char colour[] = {gif_data[0], gif_data[1], gif_data[2], (char)0xff}; colour_table[index] = *((int *) colour); gif_data += 3; } } else { gif_data += 3 * colour_table_size; } gif_bytes = (gif_end - gif_data); } else { colour_table = gif->global_colour_table; } /* Check if we've finished */ if (gif_bytes < 1) { return_value = GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; break; } else if (gif_data[0] == GIF_TRAILER) { return_value = GIF_OK; break; } /* If we are clearing the image we just clear, if not decode */ if (!clear_image) { /* Ensure we have enough data for the 1-byte LZW code size + 1-byte gif trailer */ if (gif_bytes < 2) { return_value = GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; break; /* If we only have the 1-byte LZW code size + 1-byte gif trailer, we're finished */ } else if ((gif_bytes = 2) && (gif_data[1] == GIF_TRAILER)) { return_value = GIF_OK; break; } /* Set our dirty status */ if ((background_action == 2) || (background_action == 3)) gif->dirty_frame = frame; /* Initialise the LZW decoding */ set_code_size = gif_data[0]; gif->buffer_position = (gif_data - gif->gif_data) + 1; /* Set our code variables */ code_size = set_code_size + 1; clear_code = (1 << set_code_size); end_code = clear_code + 1; max_code_size = clear_code << 1; max_code = clear_code + 2; curbit = lastbit = 0; last_byte = 2; get_done = false; direct = buf; gif_init_LZW(gif); /* Decompress the data */ for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (interlace) decode_y = gif_interlaced_line(height, y) + offset_y; else decode_y = y + offset_y; frame_scanline = frame_data + offset_x + (decode_y * gif->width); /* Rather than decoding pixel by pixel, we try to burst out streams of data to remove the need for end-of data checks every pixel. */ x = width; while (x > 0) { burst_bytes = (stack_pointer - stack); if (burst_bytes > 0) { if (burst_bytes > x) burst_bytes = x; x -= burst_bytes; while (burst_bytes-- > 0) { if ((colour = *--stack_pointer) != transparency_index) *frame_scanline = colour_table[colour]; frame_scanline++; } } else { if (!gif_next_LZW(gif)) { return_value = gif->current_error; goto gif_decode_frame_exit; } } } } } else { /* Clear our frame */ if ((background_action == 2) || (background_action == 3)) { for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { frame_scanline = frame_data + offset_x + ((offset_y + y) * gif->width); memset(frame_scanline, 0x00, width * 4); } } /* Repeatedly skip blocks until we get a zero block or run out of data */ gif_bytes = gif->buffer_size - gif->buffer_position; gif_data = gif->gif_data + gif->buffer_size; block_size = 0; while (block_size != 1) { block_size = gif_data[0] + 1; if ((gif_bytes -= block_size) < 0) { return_value = GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; goto gif_decode_frame_exit; } gif_data += block_size; } } gif_decode_frame_exit: /* Check for end of data */ gif->buffer_position++; gif_bytes = gif->buffer_size - gif->buffer_position; gif_data = gif->gif_data + gif->buffer_position; more_images &= !((gif_bytes < 1) || (gif_data[0] == GIF_TRAILER)); } /* Check if we should test for optimisation */ if (gif->frames[frame].virgin) { gif->frames[frame].opaque = bitmap_callbacks->bitmap_test_opaque(gif->frame_image); gif->frames[frame].virgin = false; } bitmap_callbacks->bitmap_set_opaque(gif->frame_image, gif->frames[frame].opaque); bitmap_callbacks->bitmap_modified(gif->frame_image); /* Restore the buffer position */ gif->buffer_position = save_buffer_position; /* Success! */ return return_value; } static unsigned int gif_interlaced_line(int height, int y) { if ((y << 3) < height) return (y << 3); y -= ((height + 7) >> 3); if ((y << 3) < (height - 4)) return (y << 3) + 4; y -= ((height + 3) >> 3); if ((y << 2) < (height - 2)) return (y << 2) + 2; y -= ((height + 1) >> 2); return (y << 1) + 1; } /* Releases any workspace held by the animation */ void gif_finalise(struct gif_animation *gif, gif_bitmap_callback_vt *bitmap_callbacks) { /* Release all our memory blocks */ if (gif->frame_image) bitmap_callbacks->bitmap_destroy(gif->frame_image); gif->frame_image = NULL; free(gif->frames); gif->frames = NULL; free(gif->local_colour_table); gif->local_colour_table = NULL; free(gif->global_colour_table); gif->global_colour_table = NULL; } /** * Initialise LZW decoding */ void gif_init_LZW(struct gif_animation *gif) { int i; gif->current_error = 0; if (clear_code >= (1 << GIF_MAX_LZW)) { stack_pointer = stack; gif->current_error = GIF_FRAME_DATA_ERROR; return; } /* initialise our table */ memset(table, 0x00, (1 << GIF_MAX_LZW) * 8); for (i = 0; i < clear_code; ++i) table[1][i] = i; /* update our LZW parameters */ code_size = set_code_size + 1; max_code_size = clear_code << 1; max_code = clear_code + 2; stack_pointer = stack; do { firstcode = oldcode = gif_next_code(gif, code_size); } while (firstcode == clear_code); *stack_pointer++ =firstcode; } static bool gif_next_LZW(struct gif_animation *gif) { int code, incode; int block_size; int new_code; code = gif_next_code(gif, code_size); if (code < 0) { gif->current_error = code; return false; } else if (code == clear_code) { gif_init_LZW(gif); return true; } else if (code == end_code) { /* skip to the end of our data so multi-image GIFs work */ if (zero_data_block) { gif->current_error = GIF_FRAME_DATA_ERROR; return false; } block_size = 0; while (block_size != 1) { block_size = gif->gif_data[gif->buffer_position] + 1; gif->buffer_position += block_size; } gif->current_error = GIF_FRAME_DATA_ERROR; return false; } incode = code; if (code >= max_code) { *stack_pointer++ = firstcode; code = oldcode; } /* The following loop is the most important in the GIF decoding cycle as every * single pixel passes through it. * * Note: our stack is always big enough to hold a complete decompressed chunk. */ while (code >= clear_code) { *stack_pointer++ = table[1][code]; new_code = table[0][code]; if (new_code < clear_code) { code = new_code; break; } *stack_pointer++ = table[1][new_code]; code = table[0][new_code]; if (code == new_code) { gif->current_error = GIF_FRAME_DATA_ERROR; return false; } } *stack_pointer++ = firstcode = table[1][code]; if ((code = max_code) < (1 << GIF_MAX_LZW)) { table[0][code] = oldcode; table[1][code] = firstcode; ++max_code; if ((max_code >= max_code_size) && (max_code_size < (1 << GIF_MAX_LZW))) { max_code_size = max_code_size << 1; ++code_size; } } oldcode = incode; return true; } static int gif_next_code(struct gif_animation *gif, int code_size) { int i, j, end, count, ret; unsigned char *b; end = curbit + code_size; if (end >= lastbit) { if (get_done) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; buf[0] = direct[last_byte - 2]; buf[1] = direct[last_byte - 1]; /* get the next block */ direct = gif->gif_data + gif->buffer_position; zero_data_block = ((count = direct[0]) == 0); if ((gif->buffer_position + count) >= gif->buffer_size) return GIF_INSUFFICIENT_FRAME_DATA; if (count == 0) get_done = true; else { direct -= 1; buf[2] = direct[2]; buf[3] = direct[3]; } gif->buffer_position += count + 1; /* update our variables */ last_byte = 2 + count; curbit = (curbit - lastbit) + 16; lastbit = (2 + count) << 3; end = curbit + code_size; } i = curbit >> 3; if (i < 2) b = buf; else b = direct; ret = b[i]; j = (end >> 3) - 1; if (i <= j) { ret |= (b[i + 1] << 8); if (i < j) ret |= (b[i + 2] << 16); } ret = (ret >> (curbit % 8)) & maskTbl[code_size]; curbit += code_size; return ret; }