path: root/src/
diff options
authorVincent Sanders <>2016-09-23 23:40:30 +0100
committerVincent Sanders <>2016-09-23 23:40:30 +0100
commit503c59aed669ebed4b8a38a4594815a730e5b59a (patch)
tree3bf4f5e1c06551a367c43e603242bd21944bec12 /src/
parent3b12cf2109b43ccc825ab2498128a7c6e4c9a5d0 (diff)
huffman encode string table
By huffman encoding the string table we can save 20% (15KB) size
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 47b50ba..30b6689 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
# There is a single exported function
# const char *getpublicsuffix(const char *hostname)
# This returns the public suffix of the passed hostname or NULL if
# there was an error processing the hostname. The returned pointer is
# within the passed hostname so if the returned pointer is the same as
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ sub treesubdom
my $isexception = 0;
tie my %node, 'Tie::IxHash'; # this nodes hash
- # deal with explicit domain exceptions
+ # deal with explicit domain exceptions
$isexception = ($domelem =~ s/\A!//);
if ($isexception != 0) {
$node{"!"} = {};
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ sub treesubdom
# update the character count index
$$stridx_ref += length($domelem_puny);
# link new node list into tree
@@ -100,37 +100,185 @@ sub treesubdom
-# output an array of bytes in hex
-sub phexstr
+# output an array of bytes in binary
+sub phexbits
use bytes;
+ my %btoh = (
+ "0000" => "0",
+ "1000" => "1",
+ "0100" => "2",
+ "1100" => "3",
+ "0010" => "4",
+ "1010" => "5",
+ "0110" => "6",
+ "1110" => "7",
+ "0001" => "8",
+ "1001" => "9",
+ "0101" => "A",
+ "1101" => "B",
+ "0011" => "C",
+ "1011" => "D",
+ "0111" => "E",
+ "1111" => "F",
+ );
my ($str) = @_;
- my $ret;
- my @bytes = unpack('C*', $str);
+ my @nyb = unpack "a4" x ((length($str)/4)-1) . "a*", $str;
+ my $ret = "";
my $count = 0;
- my $txt = "";
- foreach (@bytes) {
- $ret = $ret . sprintf("0x%02x, ", $_);
- $txt = $txt . sprintf("%c", $_);
+ do {
+ my $lo = shift @nyb;
+ my $hi = shift @nyb;
+ $ret = $ret . "0x" . $btoh{$hi} . $btoh{$lo} . ",";
$count += 1;
- if ($count == 8) {
- $ret = $ret . " /* " . $txt . " */\n ";
+ if ($count == 16) {
+ $ret = $ret . "\n";
$count = 0;
- $txt="";
- }
+ } while (@nyb > 0);
if ($count != 0) {
- $ret = $ret . " /* " . $txt . " */\n";
+ $ret = $ret . "\n";
return $ret;
+# produce encode and decode dictionary from a tree
+sub walk_huffman_tree {
+ my ($node, $code, $h, $rev_h) = @_;
+ my $c = $node->[0];
+ if (ref $c) {
+ walk_huffman_tree($c->[$_], $code.$_, $h, $rev_h) for 0,1;
+ } else {
+ $h->{$c} = $code; $rev_h->{$code} = $c;
+ }
+ $h, $rev_h;
+# use huffman encoding to generate a dictionary from a string
+# returns a pair of hashes for encode and decode
+sub mk_huffman_tree {
+ my ($domelem_array_ref) = @_;
+ # generate string table to get source of huffman frequencies
+ my $stringtable = "*!"; # table being generated
+ for my $domelem (@$domelem_array_ref) {
+ my $substridx = index($stringtable, $domelem);
+ if ($substridx == -1) {
+ # no existing string match to put complete label into table
+ #use bytes;
+ $stringtable .= $domelem;
+ }
+ }
+ my (%freq, @nodes);
+ for my $c (split //, $stringtable) {
+ $freq{$c}++;
+ }
+ @nodes = map([$_, $freq{$_}], keys %freq);
+ # build priority queue
+ do {
+ @nodes = sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} @nodes;
+ my ($x, $y) = splice @nodes, 0, 2;
+ push @nodes, [[$x, $y], $x->[1] + $y->[1]]
+ } while (@nodes > 1);
+ return @nodes;
+sub encode {
+ my ($str, $dict) = @_;
+ join '', map $dict->{$_}//die("bad char $_"), split '', $str
+# recursively walk the tree and generate nodes
+# each huffman graph element is made up from three nodes
+# [
+# [
+# [ l ],
+# [ r ]
+# ],
+# count
+# ]
+# the l and r nodes may either be additional graph elements or terminal elements
+sub generate_huffman_node
+ my ($dict, $node, $htableidx) = @_;
+ if (! ref $node->[0]) {
+ die("bad huffman tree");
+ }
+ my $htable = "";
+ my $l = $node->[0]->[0];
+ my $r = $node->[0]->[1];
+ my $lhtable = "";
+ my $rhtable = "";
+ my $lhtableidx = 0;
+ my $rhtableidx = 0;
+ $htableidx += 2;
+ if (ref $l->[0]) {
+ ($lhtable, $lhtableidx) = generate_huffman_node($dict, $l, $htableidx);
+ $htable .= " { 0, " . $htableidx. " },\n";
+ } else {
+ $htable .= " { 1, '" . $l->[0] . "' }, /* '" . $l->[0] . "': " . $dict->{$l->[0]} . " */\n";
+ $lhtableidx = $htableidx;
+ }
+ if (ref $r->[0]) {
+ ($rhtable, $rhtableidx) = generate_huffman_node($dict, $r, $lhtableidx);
+ $htable .= " { 0, " . $lhtableidx . " },\n" . $lhtable . $rhtable;
+ } else {
+ $htable .= " { 1, '" . $r->[0] . "' }, /* '" . $r->[0] . "': " . $dict->{$r->[0]} . " */\n" . $lhtable;
+ $rhtableidx = $lhtableidx;
+ }
+ $htable, $rhtableidx;
+# generate c code to represent encoding used
+sub generate_huffman_table
+ my ($hnodes_ref, $dict) = @_;
+ my ($htable, $htablesize) = generate_huffman_node($dict, $hnodes_ref->[0], 0);
+ my $ret;
+ $ret .= "/**\n";
+ $ret .= " * Huffman coding node\n";
+ $ret .= " */\n";
+ $ret .= "struct hnode {\n";
+ $ret .= " unsigned int term:1; /**< non zero if the node terminates a code */\n";
+ $ret .= " unsigned int value:7; /**< value in node */\n";
+ $ret .= "};\n\n";
+ $ret .= "/**\n";
+ $ret .= " * Huffman decoding table\n";
+ $ret .= " *\n";
+ $ret .= " * nodes are in pairs even nodes are for 0bit odd for 1\n";
+ $ret .= " */\n";
+ $ret .= "static const struct hnode htable[" . $htablesize . "] = {\n";
+ $ret .= $htable;
+ $ret .= "};\n\n";
+ return $ret;
# output string table
# array of characters the node table below directly indexes entries.
@@ -150,30 +298,57 @@ sub generate_string_table
my @domelem_array = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } @tmp_array;
- my $stringtable = "*!"; # table being generated
- my $stringtablesize = 2;
+ # build huffman tree
+ my @hnodes = mk_huffman_tree(\@domelem_array);
+ # generate huffman encoding dictionary
+ my ($h, $rev_h) = walk_huffman_tree($hnodes[0], '', {}, {});
+ # generate bit table using huffman encoding
+ my $bittable = encode("*", $h); # table being generated
+ my $exceptidx = length($bittable);
+ $bittable .= encode("!", $h);
+ my $bittablesize = length($bittable);
my $labfullcount = 2; # labels inserted into the table in full
for my $domelem (@domelem_array) {
- my $substridx = index($stringtable, $domelem);
+ my $domelembits = encode($domelem, $h);
+ my $substridx = index($bittable, $domelembits);
if ($substridx != -1) {
# found existing string match so use it
$strtab_ref->{$domelem} = $substridx;
} else {
# no existing string match to put complete label into table
use bytes;
- $strtab_ref->{$domelem} = $stringtablesize;
- $stringtable .= $domelem;
- $stringtablesize += length($domelem);
+ $strtab_ref->{$domelem} = $bittablesize;
+ $bittable .= $domelembits;
+ $bittablesize += length($domelembits);
$labfullcount += 1;
+ my $srounding = $bittablesize % 8;
+ if ($srounding > 0) {
+ # ensure bittable is a multiple of 8 bits long for byte array generation
+ $bittable .= '0' x (8 - $srounding);
+ $bittablesize += (8 - $srounding);
+ }
+ print "enum stab_entities {\n";
+ print " STAB_WILDCARD = 0,\n";
+ print " STAB_EXCEPTION = " . $exceptidx . "\n";
+ print "};\n\n";
+ # output the node table to allow decoding
+ print generate_huffman_table(\@hnodes, $h);
print "/**\n";
- print " * Domain label string table.\n";
- print " * " . $labcount . " labels(" . $labsize . " bytes) reduced to " . $labfullcount . " labels(" . $stringtablesize . " bytes)\n";
+ print " * Domain label string table huffman encoded.\n";
+ print " * " . $labcount . " labels(" . $labsize * 8 . " bits) reduced to " . $labfullcount . " labels(" . $bittablesize . " bits)\n";
print " */\n";
- print "static const char stab[" . $stringtablesize . "] = {\n";
- print " " . phexstr($stringtable);
+ print "static const uint8_t stab[" . ($bittablesize / 8) . "] = {\n";
+ print phexbits($bittable);
print "};\n\n";
@@ -194,7 +369,7 @@ sub pstr_len
# generate all the children of a parent node and recurse into each of
# those updating optidx to point to the next free node
-sub calc_pnode
+sub calc_pnode
my ($parent_ref, $strtab_ref, $opidx_ref, $nodecount_ref) = @_;
my $our_dat;
@@ -214,7 +389,7 @@ sub calc_pnode
- # entry block
+ # entry block
if ($startidx == ($$opidx_ref - 1)) {
$our_dat = "\n /* entry " . $startidx . " */\n";
} else {
@@ -227,17 +402,17 @@ sub calc_pnode
$$nodecount_ref += 1; # keep count of number of nodes in tree
- $our_dat .= " { ";
- $our_dat .= ".label = {" . $strtab_ref->{$cdom} . ", ". pstr_len($cdom) ;
+ $our_dat .= " { .label = {" . sprintf("% 7d", $strtab_ref->{$cdom}) . ",". sprintf("% 3d", pstr_len($cdom));
if ($child_count == 0) {
# complete label for no children
- $our_dat .= ", 0 } },\n";
+ $our_dat .= ", 0 } },";
} else {
# complete label with children
$our_dat .= ", 1 } }, ";
- $our_dat .= "{ .child = { " . $$opidx_ref . ", " . $child_count . " } },\n";
+ $our_dat .= "{ .child = { " . $$opidx_ref . ", " . $child_count . " } },";
$child_dat .= calc_pnode($cref, $strtab_ref, $opidx_ref, $nodecount_ref);
+ $our_dat .= " /* " . $cdom . " */\n";
return $our_dat . $child_dat;
@@ -292,19 +467,14 @@ print " * From file " . basename($filename) . "\n";
print " * Converted on " . localtime() . "\n";
print " */\n\n";
-print "enum stab_entities {\n";
-print " STAB_WILDCARD = 0,\n";
-print " STAB_EXCEPTION = 1\n";
-print "};\n\n";
print "/**\n";
-print " * Prefix suffix list graph node\n";
+print " * Public suffix list graph node\n";
print " */\n";
print "union pnode {\n";
print " struct {\n";
-print " uint16_t idx; /**< index of domain element in string table */\n";
-print " uint8_t len; /**< length of domain element in string table */\n";
-print " uint8_t children; /**< has children */\n";
+print " unsigned int idx:24; /**< index of domain element in string table */\n";
+print " unsigned int len:6; /**< length of domain element in string table */\n";
+print " unsigned int children:1; /**< has children */\n";
print " } label;\n";
print " struct {\n";
print " uint16_t index; /**< index of first child node */\n";