diff options
authorJohn Mark Bell <>2009-03-24 17:48:46 +0000
committerJohn Mark Bell <>2009-03-24 17:48:46 +0000
commit2c56a79c6b9a65bf3a624b35604fb8a11de5a7ef (patch)
parentac294568caf6b7c4572a62809be531a117108e8b (diff)
Port to new buildsystem
svn path=/trunk/libparserutils/; revision=6854
-rw-r--r--Makefile.config (renamed from build/Makefile.config)0
12 files changed, 43 insertions, 692 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index aef1980..670ffb9 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,46 +1,34 @@
-# Toolchain definitions for building on the destination platform
-CC := gcc
-AR := ar
-LD := gcc
-CP := cp
-RM := rm
-MKDIR := mkdir
-MV := mv
-ECHO := echo
-MAKE := make
-PERL := perl
-PKGCONFIG := pkg-config
-INSTALL := install
-SED := sed
-TOUCH := touch
-LCOV := lcov
-GENHTML := genhtml
-DOXYGEN := doxygen
+# Component settings
+COMPONENT := parserutils
+# Default to a static library
+COMPONENT_TYPE ?= lib-static
+# Setup the tooling
+include build/makefiles/
+TESTRUNNER := $(PERL) build/testtools/
# Toolchain flags
WARNFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align \
-Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes \
-Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -Werror -pedantic
-CFLAGS = -std=c99 -D_BSD_SOURCE -I$(TOP)/include/ $(WARNFLAGS)
-ARFLAGS := -cru
+CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -std=c99 -D_BSD_SOURCE -I$(CURDIR)/include/ \
+include build/makefiles/
-RMFLAGS := -f
+# Extra installation rules
+I := include/parserutils
+INSTALL_ITEMS := $(INSTALL_ITEMS) /$(I):$(I)/errors.h;$(I)/functypes.h;$(I)/parserutils.h;$(I)/types.h
+I := include/parserutils/charset
+INSTALL_ITEMS := $(INSTALL_ITEMS) /$(I):$(I)/codec.h;$(I)/mibenum.h;$(I)utf16.h;$(I)/utf8.h
-# Default installation prefix
-PREFIX ?= /usr/local
+I := include/parserutils/inputstream
+INSTALL_ITEMS := $(INSTALL_ITEMS) /$(I):$(I)/inputstream.h
+I := include/parserutils/utils
+INSTALL_ITEMS := $(INSTALL_ITEMS) /$(I):$(I)/buffer.h;$(I)/stack.h;$(I)/vector.h
-include build/Makefile.common
diff --git a/Makefile-riscos b/Makefile-riscos
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f05f28..0000000
--- a/Makefile-riscos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Toolchain definitions for building for RISC OS using the GCCSDK cross-compiler
-GCCSDK_INSTALL_CROSSBIN ?= /home/riscos/cross/bin
-GCCSDK_INSTALL_ENV ?= /home/riscos/env
-CC := $(wildcard $(GCCSDK_INSTALL_CROSSBIN)/*gcc)
-AR := $(wildcard $(GCCSDK_INSTALL_CROSSBIN)/*ar)
-LD := $(CC)
-CP := cp
-RM := rm
-MKDIR := mkdir
-MV := mv
-ECHO := echo
-MAKE := make
-PERL := perl
-INSTALL := install
-SED := sed
-TOUCH := touch
-LCOV := echo
-GENHTML := echo
-DOXYGEN := doxygen
-# Toolchain flags
-WARNFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align \
- -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes \
- -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -Werror -pedantic
-CFLAGS = -std=c99 -D_BSD_SOURCE -I$(TOP)/include/ $(WARNFLAGS) \
- -mpoke-function-name
-ARFLAGS := -cru
-RMFLAGS := -f
-ifneq (,$(findstring arm-unknown-riscos-gcc,$(CC)))
- EXEEXT := ,e1f
- EXEEXT := ,ff8
-# Default installation prefix
-include build/Makefile.common
diff --git a/Makefile-ronative b/Makefile-ronative
deleted file mode 100644
index cf38a3e..0000000
--- a/Makefile-ronative
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Toolchain definitions for building on RISC OS
-CC := gcc
-AR := ar
-LD := gcc
-CP := cp
-RM := rm
-MKDIR := mkdir
-MV := mv
-ECHO := echo
-MAKE := make
-PERL := perl
-PKGCONFIG := echo
-INSTALL := echo
-SED := sed
-TOUCH := touch
-LCOV := echo
-GENHTML := echo
-DOXYGEN := doxygen
-# Toolchain flags
-WARNFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align \
- -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes \
- -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -Werror -pedantic
-CFLAGS = -std=c99 -D_BSD_SOURCE -I$(TOP)/include/ $(WARNFLAGS) \
- -mpoke-function-name
-ARFLAGS := -cru
-RMFLAGS := -f
-# Default installation prefix
-# This is nasty, but needed because $(CURDIR) will
-# contain colons, and thus confuse make mightily
-$(shell SetMacro Alias$$LPUpwd Set %0 <FileSwitch$$CurrentFilingSystem>:|<FileSwitch$$<FileSwitch$$CurrentFilingSystem>$$CSD>|mUnset Alias$$LPUpwd)
-$(shell LPUpwd LibParserUtils$$Dir)
-TOP := <LibParserUtils$$Dir>
-# Tell everyone that we're building on RISC OS, so they can work around things.
-HOST := riscos
-include build/Makefile.common
diff --git a/build/Makefile.config b/Makefile.config
index 5bedbd3..5bedbd3 100644
--- a/build/Makefile.config
+++ b/Makefile.config
diff --git a/build/Makefile.common b/build/Makefile.common
deleted file mode 100644
index f1e2f93..0000000
--- a/build/Makefile.common
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# Top-level Makefile fragment
-# Default target
-all: release
-# Name of component
-COMPONENT := libparserutils
-# Environment
-EXPORT := $(TOP)/dist
-RELEASEDIR := build/Release
-DEBUGDIR := build/Debug
-COVERAGEDIR := build/coverage
-DOCDIR := build/docs
-# List of items to delete on clean
-# List of items to delete on distclean
-# List of targets to run for testing
-# Source files
-# Include configuration Makefile fragment
-include build/Makefile.config
-# Include Makefile fragments in subdirectories
-define do_include
-DIR := $$(dir $(1))
-include $(1)
-MAKE_INCLUDES := $(wildcard */Makefile)
-$(eval $(foreach INC, $(MAKE_INCLUDES), $(call do_include,$(INC))))
-# Calculate objects to build
-OBJECTS := $(subst /,_,$(subst .c,.o,$(SOURCES)))
-.PHONY: release debug test coverage profile docs \
- clean distclean setup export install uninstall
-# Rules
-release: setup $(addprefix $(RELEASEDIR)/,$(OBJECTS))
- @$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(COMPONENT).a $(addprefix $(RELEASEDIR)/,$(OBJECTS))
-debug: setup $(addprefix $(DEBUGDIR)/,$(OBJECTS))
- @$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(COMPONENT)-debug.a \
- $(addprefix $(DEBUGDIR)/,$(OBJECTS))
-test: debug $(TARGET_TESTS)
-coverage: clean
- @$(LCOV) --directory . --zerocounters
- @$(MAKE) test CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" \
- LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS) -lgcov"
- @$(LCOV) --directory $(DEBUGDIR) --base-directory $(TOP) \
- --capture --output-file $(COVERAGEDIR)/$(COMPONENT)
- @$(LCOV) --extract $(COVERAGEDIR)/$(COMPONENT) "$(TOP)/src*" \
- @$(GENHTML) -o $(COVERAGEDIR) --num-spaces 2 \
-profile: clean
- @$(MAKE) test CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -pg" LDFLAGS="-pg $(LDFLAGS)"
-docs: setup
- @$(DOXYGEN) build/Doxyfile
- -@$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) gmon.out
- -@$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) -r $(DOCDIR)
- -@$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) -r $(DEBUGDIR)
- -@$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) $(COMPONENT)-debug.a
- -@$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) $(COMPONENT).pc
-distclean: clean
- -@$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) -r $(TOP)/dist
- @$(MKDIR) $(MKDIRFLAGS) -p $(TOP)/dist
- @$(MAKE) install PREFIX="$(TOP)/dist"
-install: release
- @$(MKDIR) $(MKDIRFLAGS) -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig
- @$(MKDIR) $(MKDIRFLAGS) -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/parserutils
- @$(MKDIR) $(MKDIRFLAGS) -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/parserutils/charset
- @$(MKDIR) $(MKDIRFLAGS) -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/parserutils/input
- @$(MKDIR) $(MKDIRFLAGS) -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/parserutils/utils
- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(COMPONENT).a $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib
- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(COMPONENT).pc $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig
- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(filter %.h, $(wildcard include/parserutils/*)) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/parserutils
- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(filter %.h, $(wildcard include/parserutils/charset/*)) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/parserutils/charset
- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(filter %.h, $(wildcard include/parserutils/input/*)) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/parserutils/input
- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(filter %.h, $(wildcard include/parserutils/utils/*)) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/parserutils/utils
- $(RM) $(RMFLAGS) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig/$(COMPONENT).pc
- $(RM) $(RMFLAGS) -r $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/parserutils
- @$(TOUCH) $(TOUCHFLAGS) $(RELEASEDIR)/deps/created
- @$(TOUCH) $(TOUCHFLAGS) $(DEBUGDIR)/deps/created
-define do_dep
-DEPFILES += $(2)
-$$(RELEASEDIR)/deps/$(2): $$(RELEASEDIR)/deps/created $(1)
- @$$(ECHO) $$(ECHOFLAGS) "DEP $(1)"
- @$$(RM) $$(RMFLAGS) $$(RELEASEDIR)/deps/$(2)
- '$$(RELEASEDIR)/deps/$(2) $$(RELEASEDIR)/$(3)' \
- -MF $$(RELEASEDIR)/deps/$(2) $(1)
-$$(DEBUGDIR)/deps/$(2): $$(DEBUGDIR)/deps/created $(1)
- @$$(ECHO) $$(ECHOFLAGS) "DEP $(1)"
- @$$(RM) $$(RMFLAGS) $$(DEBUGDIR)/deps/$(2)
- @$$(CC) $$(DEBUGCFLAGS) -MM -MT \
- '$$(DEBUGDIR)/deps/$(2) $$(DEBUGDIR)/$(3)' \
- -MF $$(DEBUGDIR)/deps/$(2) $(1)
-# Finally, build rules for compilation
-define do_compile
-$$(RELEASEDIR)/$(2): $(1)
- @$$(ECHO) $$(ECHOFLAGS) "==> $(1)"
- @$$(CC) -c $$(RELEASECFLAGS) -o $$@ $(1)
-$$(DEBUGDIR)/$(2): $(1)
- @$$(ECHO) $$(ECHOFLAGS) "==> $(1)"
- @$$(CC) -c $$(DEBUGCFLAGS) -o $$@ $(1)
-$(eval $(foreach SOURCE,$(filter %.c,$(SOURCES)), \
- $(call do_dep,$(SOURCE),$(subst /,_,$(SOURCE:.c=.d)),$(subst /,_,$(SOURCE:.c=.o)))))
-ifneq ($(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),clean)
--include $(sort $(addprefix $(RELEASEDIR)/deps/,$(DEPFILES)))
--include $(sort $(addprefix $(DEBUGDIR)/deps/,$(DEPFILES)))
-$(eval $(foreach SOURCE,$(filter %.c,$(SOURCES)), \
- $(call do_compile,$(SOURCE),$(subst /,_,$(SOURCE:.c=.o)))))
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 8d037e6..334dd43 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -1,49 +1,4 @@
-# Child makefile fragment
-# Toolchain is provided by top-level makefile
-# Variables provided by top-level makefile
-# COMPONENT The name of the component
-# EXPORT The location of the export directory
-# TOP The location of the source tree root
-# RELEASEDIR The place to put release objects
-# DEBUGDIR The place to put debug objects
-# do_include Canned command sequence to include a child makefile
-# Variables provided by parent makefile:
-# DIR The name of the directory we're in, relative to $(TOP)
-# Variables we can manipulate:
-# ITEMS_CLEAN The list of items to remove for "make clean"
-# ITEMS_DISTCLEAN The list of items to remove for "make distclean"
-# TARGET_TESTS The list of target names to run for "make test"
-# SOURCES The list of sources to build for $(COMPONENT)
-# Plus anything from the toolchain
-# Push parent directory onto the directory stack
-sp := $(sp).x
-dirstack_$(sp) := $(d)
-d := $(DIR)
-# Manipulate include paths
-CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -I$(d)
# Sources
-SRCS_$(d) := parserutils.c
-# Append to sources for component
-SOURCES += $(addprefix $(d), $(SRCS_$(d)))
-# Now include any children we may have
-MAKE_INCLUDES := $(wildcard $(d)*/Makefile)
-$(eval $(foreach INC, $(MAKE_INCLUDES), $(call do_include,$(INC))))
+DIR_SOURCES := parserutils.c
-# Finally, pop off the directory stack
-d := $(dirstack_$(sp))
-sp := $(basename $(sp))
+include build/makefiles/Makefile.subdir
diff --git a/src/charset/Makefile b/src/charset/Makefile
index 1312d19..a4c8f64 100644
--- a/src/charset/Makefile
+++ b/src/charset/Makefile
@@ -1,49 +1,4 @@
-# Child makefile fragment
-# Toolchain is provided by top-level makefile
-# Variables provided by top-level makefile
-# COMPONENT The name of the component
-# EXPORT The location of the export directory
-# TOP The location of the source tree root
-# RELEASEDIR The place to put release objects
-# DEBUGDIR The place to put debug objects
-# do_include Canned command sequence to include a child makefile
-# Variables provided by parent makefile:
-# DIR The name of the directory we're in, relative to $(TOP)
-# Variables we can manipulate:
-# ITEMS_CLEAN The list of items to remove for "make clean"
-# ITEMS_DISTCLEAN The list of items to remove for "make distclean"
-# TARGET_TESTS The list of target names to run for "make test"
-# SOURCES The list of sources to build for $(COMPONENT)
-# Plus anything from the toolchain
-# Push parent directory onto the directory stack
-sp := $(sp).x
-dirstack_$(sp) := $(d)
-d := $(DIR)
-# Manipulate include paths
-CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -I$(d)
# Sources
-SRCS_$(d) := aliases.c charset.c codec.c
-# Append to sources for component
-SOURCES += $(addprefix $(d), $(SRCS_$(d)))
-# Now include any children we may have
-MAKE_INCLUDES := $(wildcard $(d)*/Makefile)
-$(eval $(foreach INC, $(MAKE_INCLUDES), $(call do_include,$(INC))))
+DIR_SOURCES := aliases.c charset.c codec.c
-# Finally, pop off the directory stack
-d := $(dirstack_$(sp))
-sp := $(basename $(sp))
+include build/makefiles/Makefile.subdir
diff --git a/src/charset/codecs/Makefile b/src/charset/codecs/Makefile
index 7286ccd..c9b920e 100644
--- a/src/charset/codecs/Makefile
+++ b/src/charset/codecs/Makefile
@@ -1,46 +1,5 @@
-# Child makefile fragment
-# Toolchain is provided by top-level makefile
-# Variables provided by top-level makefile
-# COMPONENT The name of the component
-# EXPORT The location of the export directory
-# TOP The location of the source tree root
-# RELEASEDIR The place to put release objects
-# DEBUGDIR The place to put debug objects
-# do_include Canned command sequence to include a child makefile
-# Variables provided by parent makefile:
-# DIR The name of the directory we're in, relative to $(TOP)
-# Variables we can manipulate:
-# ITEMS_CLEAN The list of items to remove for "make clean"
-# ITEMS_DISTCLEAN The list of items to remove for "make distclean"
-# TARGET_TESTS The list of target names to run for "make test"
-# SOURCES The list of sources to build for $(COMPONENT)
-# Plus anything from the toolchain
-# Push parent directory onto the directory stack
-sp := $(sp).x
-dirstack_$(sp) := $(d)
-d := $(DIR)
# Sources
-SRCS_$(d) := codec_ascii.c codec_8859.c codec_ext8.c codec_utf8.c codec_utf16.c
-# Append to sources for component
-SOURCES += $(addprefix $(d), $(SRCS_$(d)))
-# Now include any children we may have
-MAKE_INCLUDES := $(wildcard $(d)*/Makefile)
-$(eval $(foreach INC, $(MAKE_INCLUDES), $(call do_include,$(INC))))
+DIR_SOURCES := codec_ascii.c codec_8859.c codec_ext8.c \
+ codec_utf8.c codec_utf16.c
-# Finally, pop off the directory stack
-d := $(dirstack_$(sp))
-sp := $(basename $(sp))
+include build/makefiles/Makefile.subdir
diff --git a/src/charset/encodings/Makefile b/src/charset/encodings/Makefile
index 47d9210..75fbfeb 100644
--- a/src/charset/encodings/Makefile
+++ b/src/charset/encodings/Makefile
@@ -1,46 +1,4 @@
-# Child makefile fragment
-# Toolchain is provided by top-level makefile
-# Variables provided by top-level makefile
-# COMPONENT The name of the component
-# EXPORT The location of the export directory
-# TOP The location of the source tree root
-# RELEASEDIR The place to put release objects
-# DEBUGDIR The place to put debug objects
-# do_include Canned command sequence to include a child makefile
-# Variables provided by parent makefile:
-# DIR The name of the directory we're in, relative to $(TOP)
-# Variables we can manipulate:
-# ITEMS_CLEAN The list of items to remove for "make clean"
-# ITEMS_DISTCLEAN The list of items to remove for "make distclean"
-# TARGET_TESTS The list of target names to run for "make test"
-# SOURCES The list of sources to build for $(COMPONENT)
-# Plus anything from the toolchain
-# Push parent directory onto the directory stack
-sp := $(sp).x
-dirstack_$(sp) := $(d)
-d := $(DIR)
# Sources
-SRCS_$(d) := utf8.c utf16.c
-# Append to sources for component
-SOURCES += $(addprefix $(d), $(SRCS_$(d)))
-# Now include any children we may have
-MAKE_INCLUDES := $(wildcard $(d)*/Makefile)
-$(eval $(foreach INC, $(MAKE_INCLUDES), $(call do_include,$(INC))))
+DIR_SOURCES := utf8.c utf16.c
-# Finally, pop off the directory stack
-d := $(dirstack_$(sp))
-sp := $(basename $(sp))
+include build/makefiles/Makefile.subdir
diff --git a/src/input/Makefile b/src/input/Makefile
index d62740e..fc7a7ff 100644
--- a/src/input/Makefile
+++ b/src/input/Makefile
@@ -1,46 +1,4 @@
-# Child makefile fragment
-# Toolchain is provided by top-level makefile
-# Variables provided by top-level makefile
-# COMPONENT The name of the component
-# EXPORT The location of the export directory
-# TOP The location of the source tree root
-# RELEASEDIR The place to put release objects
-# DEBUGDIR The place to put debug objects
-# do_include Canned command sequence to include a child makefile
-# Variables provided by parent makefile:
-# DIR The name of the directory we're in, relative to $(TOP)
-# Variables we can manipulate:
-# ITEMS_CLEAN The list of items to remove for "make clean"
-# ITEMS_DISTCLEAN The list of items to remove for "make distclean"
-# TARGET_TESTS The list of target names to run for "make test"
-# SOURCES The list of sources to build for $(COMPONENT)
-# Plus anything from the toolchain
-# Push parent directory onto the directory stack
-sp := $(sp).x
-dirstack_$(sp) := $(d)
-d := $(DIR)
# Sources
-SRCS_$(d) := filter.c inputstream.c
-# Append to sources for component
-SOURCES += $(addprefix $(d), $(SRCS_$(d)))
-# Now include any children we may have
-MAKE_INCLUDES := $(wildcard $(d)*/Makefile)
-$(eval $(foreach INC, $(MAKE_INCLUDES), $(call do_include,$(INC))))
+DIR_SOURCES := filter.c inputstream.c
-# Finally, pop off the directory stack
-d := $(dirstack_$(sp))
-sp := $(basename $(sp))
+include build/makefiles/Makefile.subdir
diff --git a/src/utils/Makefile b/src/utils/Makefile
index ba978be..ad78422 100644
--- a/src/utils/Makefile
+++ b/src/utils/Makefile
@@ -1,49 +1,4 @@
-# Child makefile fragment
-# Toolchain is provided by top-level makefile
-# Variables provided by top-level makefile
-# COMPONENT The name of the component
-# EXPORT The location of the export directory
-# TOP The location of the source tree root
-# RELEASEDIR The place to put release objects
-# DEBUGDIR The place to put debug objects
-# do_include Canned command sequence to include a child makefile
-# Variables provided by parent makefile:
-# DIR The name of the directory we're in, relative to $(TOP)
-# Variables we can manipulate:
-# ITEMS_CLEAN The list of items to remove for "make clean"
-# ITEMS_DISTCLEAN The list of items to remove for "make distclean"
-# TARGET_TESTS The list of target names to run for "make test"
-# SOURCES The list of sources to build for $(COMPONENT)
-# Plus anything from the toolchain
-# Push parent directory onto the directory stack
-sp := $(sp).x
-dirstack_$(sp) := $(d)
-d := $(DIR)
-# Manipulate include paths
-CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -I$(d)
# Sources
-SRCS_$(d) := chunkarray.c buffer.c errors.c stack.c vector.c
-# Append to sources for component
-SOURCES += $(addprefix $(d), $(SRCS_$(d)))
-# Now include any children we may have
-MAKE_INCLUDES := $(wildcard $(d)*/Makefile)
-$(eval $(foreach INC, $(MAKE_INCLUDES), $(call do_include,$(INC))))
+DIR_SOURCES := chunkarray.c buffer.c errors.c stack.c vector.c
-# Finally, pop off the directory stack
-d := $(dirstack_$(sp))
-sp := $(basename $(sp))
+include build/makefiles/Makefile.subdir
diff --git a/test/Makefile b/test/Makefile
index e864cb3..48ba2e7 100644
--- a/test/Makefile
+++ b/test/Makefile
@@ -1,105 +1,8 @@
-# Child makefile fragment
-# Toolchain is provided by top-level makefile
-# Variables provided by top-level makefile
-# COMPONENT The name of the component
-# EXPORT The location of the export directory
-# TOP The location of the source tree root
-# RELEASEDIR The place to put release objects
-# DEBUGDIR The place to put debug objects
-# do_include Canned command sequence to include a child makefile
-# Variables provided by parent makefile:
-# DIR The name of the directory we're in, relative to $(TOP)
-# Variables we can manipulate:
-# ITEMS_CLEAN The list of items to remove for "make clean"
-# ITEMS_DISTCLEAN The list of items to remove for "make distclean"
-# TARGET_TESTS The list of target names to run for "make test"
-# SOURCES The list of sources to build for $(COMPONENT)
-# Plus anything from the toolchain
-# Push parent directory onto the directory stack
-sp := $(sp).x
-dirstack_$(sp) := $(d)
-d := $(DIR)
-# Extend toolchain settings
-CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -I$(TOP)/src/ -I$(d)
# Tests
-TESTS_$(d) := aliases cscodec-8859 cscodec-ext8 cscodec-utf8 cscodec-utf16 \
- charset filter inputstream parserutils
-TESTS_$(d) := $(TESTS_$(d)) regression/cscodec-segv regression/filter-segv \
- regression/stream-nomem regression/filter-badenc-segv
-# Items for top-level makefile to use
- $(addprefix $(d), $(addsuffix $(EXEEXT), $(TESTS_$(d)))) \
- $(addprefix $(d), $(addsuffix .gcda, $(TESTS_$(d)))) \
- $(addprefix $(d), $(addsuffix .gcno, $(TESTS_$(d)))) \
- $(addprefix $(d), $(addsuffix .d, $(TESTS_$(d))))
-# Targets for top-level makefile to run
-# Now we get to hack around so that we know what directory we're in.
-# $(d) no longer exists when running the commands for a target, so we can't
-# simply use it verbatim. Assigning to a variable doesn't really help, as
-# there's no guarantee that someone else hasn't overridden that variable.
-# So, what we do is make the target depend on $(d), then pick it out of the
-# dependency list when running commands. This isn't pretty, but is effective.
-test_$(d): $(d) $(addprefix $(d), $(TESTS_$(d)))
- @$(PERL) $(TOP)/$< $(TOP)/$< $(EXEEXT)
-DEP_$(d) :=
-define dep_test
-DEP_$(d) += $(2)
-$(2): $(1)
- @$$(RM) $$(RMFLAGS) $(2)
- @$$(CC) $$(DEBUGCFLAGS) -MM -MT '$(2) $(3)' -MF $(2) $(1)
-# Build rules for each test binary -- they all depend on the debug library
-# Except when building on RISC OS, of course because then make utterly fails to
-# detect that the debug library exists.
-define compile_test
-ifeq ($(HOST),riscos)
-$(2): $(1)
-$(2): $$(TOP)/$$(COMPONENT)-debug.a $(1)
- @$$(ECHO) $$(ECHOFLAGS) "==> $(1)"
- @$$(CC) -c -g $$(DEBUGCFLAGS) -o $$@.o $(1)
- @$$(LD) -g -o $$@ $$@.o $$(LDFLAGS) -lparserutils-debug
- @$$(RM) $$(RMFLAGS) $$@.o
-$(eval $(foreach TEST,$(addprefix $(d), $(TESTS_$(d))), \
- $(call dep_test,$(addsuffix .c, $(TEST)),$(addsuffix .d, $(TEST)),$(TEST))))
-ifneq ($(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),clean)
--include $(sort $(DEP_$(d)))
-$(eval $(foreach TEST,$(addprefix $(d), $(TESTS_$(d))), \
- $(call compile_test,$(addsuffix .c, $(TEST)),$(TEST))))
-# Now include any children we may have
-MAKE_INCLUDES := $(wildcard $(d)*/Makefile)
-$(eval $(foreach INC, $(MAKE_INCLUDES), $(call do_include,$(INC))))
+DIR_TEST_SOURCES := aliases cscodec-8859 cscodec-ext8 cscodec-utf8 \
+ cscodec-utf16 charset filter inputstream parserutils
+DIR_TEST_SOURCES := $(DIR_TEST_SOURCES) regression/cscodec-segv \
+ regression/filter-segv regression/stream-nomem \
+ regression/filter-badenc-segv
-# Finally, pop off the directory stack
-d := $(dirstack_$(sp))
-sp := $(basename $(sp))
+include build/makefiles/Makefile.subdir