/* * This file is part of LibParserUtils. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2008 John-Mark Bell */ #include #include #include "utils/chunkarray.h" #include "utils/utils.h" typedef struct chunk chunk; struct chunk { #define CHUNK_SIZE (4096) chunk *next; uint32_t used; uint8_t data[CHUNK_SIZE]; }; struct parserutils_chunkarray { chunk *used_chunks; chunk *free_chunks; parserutils_alloc alloc; void *pw; }; /** * Create a chunked array * * \param alloc Memory (de)allocation function * \param pw Pointer to client-specific private data * \param array Pointer to location to receive array instance * \return PARSERUTILS_OK on success, appropriate error otherwise */ parserutils_error parserutils_chunkarray_create(parserutils_alloc alloc, void *pw, parserutils_chunkarray **array) { parserutils_chunkarray *c; if (alloc == NULL || array == NULL) return PARSERUTILS_BADPARM; c = alloc(0, sizeof(parserutils_chunkarray), pw); if (c == NULL) return PARSERUTILS_NOMEM; c->used_chunks = NULL; c->free_chunks = NULL; c->alloc = alloc; c->pw = pw; *array = c; return PARSERUTILS_OK; } /** * Destroy a chunked array * * \param array The array to destroy * \return PARSERUTILS_OK on success, appropriate error otherwise */ parserutils_error parserutils_chunkarray_destroy(parserutils_chunkarray *array) { chunk *c, *d; if (array == NULL) return PARSERUTILS_BADPARM; for (c = array->used_chunks; c != NULL; c = d) { d = c->next; array->alloc(c, 0, array->pw); } for (c = array->free_chunks; c != NULL; c = d) { d = c->next; array->alloc(c, 0, array->pw); } array->alloc(array, 0, array->pw); return PARSERUTILS_OK; } /** * Insert an item into an array * * \param array The array to insert into * \param data Pointer to data to insert * \param len Length, in bytes, of data * \param inserted Pointer to location to receive pointer to inserted data * \return PARSERUTILS_OK on success, appropriate error otherwise */ parserutils_error parserutils_chunkarray_insert(parserutils_chunkarray *array, const void *data, uint16_t len, const parserutils_chunkarray_entry **inserted) { parserutils_chunkarray_entry *entry; size_t required_length; if (array == NULL || data == NULL || inserted == NULL) return PARSERUTILS_BADPARM; /* Calculate the required length. * We require that each entry be an exact multiple of 4. */ required_length = ALIGN(sizeof(parserutils_chunkarray_entry) + len); /* If we're trying to insert data larger than CHUNK_SIZE, then it * gets its own chunk. */ if (required_length > CHUNK_SIZE) { chunk *c = array->alloc(0, sizeof(chunk) + required_length - CHUNK_SIZE, array->pw); if (c == NULL) return PARSERUTILS_NOMEM; /* Populate chunk */ entry = (parserutils_chunkarray_entry *) (void *) c->data; memcpy(entry->data, data, len); entry->length = len; c->used = required_length; /* And put it into the used list */ c->next = array->used_chunks; array->used_chunks = c; } else { /* Scan the free list until we find a chunk with enough space */ chunk *c, *prev; for (prev = NULL, c = array->free_chunks; c != NULL; prev = c, c = c->next) { if (CHUNK_SIZE - c->used >= required_length) break; } if (c == NULL) { /* None big enough, create a new one */ c = array->alloc(0, sizeof(chunk), array->pw); if (c == NULL) return PARSERUTILS_NOMEM; c->used = 0; /* Insert it at the head of the free list */ c->next = array->free_chunks; array->free_chunks = c; /* And ensure that prev is kept in sync */ prev = NULL; } /* Populate chunk */ entry = (parserutils_chunkarray_entry *) (void *) (c->data + c->used); memcpy(entry->data, data, len); entry->length = len; c->used += required_length; /* If we've now filled the chunk, move it to the used list */ if (c->used == CHUNK_SIZE) { if (prev != NULL) prev->next = c->next; else array->free_chunks = c->next; c->next = array->used_chunks; array->used_chunks = c; } } (*inserted) = entry; return PARSERUTILS_OK; } /****************************************************************************** * Private functions * ******************************************************************************/ extern void parserutils_chunkarray_dump(parserutils_chunkarray *array); /** * Dump details of a chunked array to stdout * * \param array The array to dump */ void parserutils_chunkarray_dump(parserutils_chunkarray *array) { uint32_t n = 0; size_t count = 0; size_t total = sizeof(parserutils_chunkarray); chunk *c; for (c = array->used_chunks; c != NULL; c = c->next) { n++; count += c->used; if (c->used == CHUNK_SIZE) total += sizeof(chunk); else total += sizeof(chunk) + c->used - CHUNK_SIZE; } printf("%u full blocks: %zu bytes\n", n, count); n = 0; count = 0; for (c = array->free_chunks; c != NULL; c = c->next) { n++; count += c->used; total += sizeof(chunk); } printf("%u partial blocks: %zu bytes (of %u => %f%%)\n", n, count, n * CHUNK_SIZE, (count * 100) / ((float) n * CHUNK_SIZE)); printf("Total: %zu (%u) (%u)\n", total, (unsigned int) sizeof(chunk), (unsigned int) sizeof(parserutils_chunkarray)); }