#ifndef ROSPRITE_H #define ROSPRITE_H #include #include #include typedef enum { ROSPRITE_OK, ROSPRITE_NOMEM, ROSPRITE_EOF, ROSPRITE_BADMODE } rosprite_error; typedef enum { rosprite_rgb, rosprite_cmyk } rosprite_color_model; typedef int (*reader)(uint8_t* buf, size_t count, void* ctx); struct rosprite_file_context; struct rosprite_area { uint32_t extension_size; /* size of extension_words in bytes */ uint8_t* extension_words; uint32_t sprite_count; struct rosprite** sprites; /* array of length sprite_count */ }; struct rosprite_mode { uint32_t colorbpp; /* maskbpp denotes the amount of alpha bpp used * while mask_width is the bits used to store the mask. * Old modes have the same mask_width as their colorbpp, but the value * is always all-zeroes or all-ones. * New modes can have 1bpp or 8bpp masks */ uint32_t maskbpp; uint32_t mask_width; /* in pixels */ uint32_t xdpi; uint32_t ydpi; rosprite_color_model color_model; }; struct rosprite_palette { uint32_t size; /* in number of entries (each entry is a word) */ uint32_t* palette; }; struct rosprite { unsigned char name[13]; /* last byte for 0 terminator */ struct rosprite_mode mode; bool has_mask; bool has_palette; uint32_t palettesize; /* in number of entries (each entry is a word) */ uint32_t* palette; uint32_t width; /* width in pixels */ uint32_t height; /* height in pixels */ uint32_t* image; /* image data in 0xRRGGBBAA words */ }; struct rosprite_file_context; rosprite_error rosprite_create_file_context(FILE* f, struct rosprite_file_context** ctx); void rosprite_destroy_file_context(struct rosprite_file_context* ctx); int rosprite_file_reader(uint8_t* buf, size_t count, void* ctx); struct rosprite_mem_context; rosprite_error rosprite_create_mem_context(uint8_t* p, unsigned long total_size, struct rosprite_mem_context** result); void rosprite_destroy_mem_context(struct rosprite_mem_context* ctx); int rosprite_mem_reader(uint8_t* buf, size_t count, void* ctx); rosprite_error rosprite_load(reader reader, void* ctx, struct rosprite_area** result); void rosprite_destroy_sprite_area(struct rosprite_area *); rosprite_error rosprite_load_palette(reader reader, void* ctx, struct rosprite_palette** result); void rosprite_destroy_palette(struct rosprite_palette *); #endif