[[!meta title="Release Process"]] [[!meta author="DanielSilverstone"]] [[!meta date="2016-11-19T12:05:07Z"]] [[!toc]] Releasing a new version of NetSurf and libraries ================================================ firstly the libraries and tool sources must be created (only if they need an update) and then the browser itself. Process for projects using buildsystem -------------------------------------- We perform all releases from git simply by pushing a release/>version number< tag Before creating the tag you should do some basic checks check the COMPONENT\_VERSION in the root Makefile matches the version number you are releasing, if not change it and commit it so it does. Any files that should not be put in the distribution archive must be placed in the .gitattributes file, as a minimum it should contain attributes for the .gitignore and gitattributes files e.g. .gitignore export-ignore .gitattributes export-ignore in your clone do git branch -vv ensure the top commit looks right and is what you want to tag, for extra paranoia check the .git/config to ensure the origin is the correct server. You do **not** have to tag from master, for example if this is a maintenance release of an old edition and you are tagging from a branch etc. just **ensure** you are where you want the release to be. Create the tag with git tag -s -m 'Official Release' release/>version number< Ensure the version number in the tag matches the component version. Now run make dist if you get Makefile:45: \*\*\* Component Version "1.0" and GIT tag version "1.1" do not match. Stop. you did not get the tag and version numbers lined up, go back, remove your local tag with git tag -d release/<bad version> and try again when you get a buildsystem-1.0.tar.gz (with appropriate version number) well done Check the contents of the tar are what you intended to release and adjust if not (obviously you will need to remove your local tag and start over with fresh commits. Next do a dry run push git push -n --tags ensure this shown the correct repo and the release tag something like [gitano] Welcome to the NetSurf Gitano instance. Counting objects: 1, done. Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 800 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) To ssh://nsgit@git.netsurf-browser.org/libutf8proc.git * [new tag] release/1.3.1-3 -> release/1.3.1-3 If that verifies as correct git push --tags git push and the release tag is pushed, too late now so be careful and check! Release the buildsystem ----------------------- The buildsystem must be released first. The buildsystem follows exactly the same process as releasing any other component except there is an additional step Because this is the buildsystem and provides the makefiles for all the other source builds you must go to the CI server and ensure the source-buildsystem job has successfully run and produced output in Release libnspsl ---------------- The public suffix list library should be updated for each release after the buildsystem.. Delete the public_suffix_list.dat file and run make, this will cause a fresh copy to be downloaded and converted. You will need the correct perl modules installed for this step. Release libutf8proc ------------------- May have to update to upstream unless upstream have added a pkg-config file Other core buildsystem based libraries -------------------------------------- libraries using the core buildsystem in order - libwapcaplet - libnslog - libnsutils - libparserutils - libcss - libhubbub - libdom - libnsbmp - libnsgif - librosprite - libsvgtiny - nsgenbind - libnsfb - libpencil - librufl Releasing NetSurf ----------------- ensure you are at the commit from which you want to create the release git branch -vv Remember that if you are releasing X.Y then amiga calls that X.Y+1 so don't be confused and do update amiga stuff. check the resources for the frontends you are releasing are up to date - Fatmessages copyright year resources/FatMessages - credits file copyright years (at a minimum) resources/en/credits.html resources/it/credits.html resources/nl/credits.html - licence file copyright years (at a minimum) resources/en/licence.html resources/it/licence.html resources/nl/licence.html - amiga readme copyright files frontends/amiga/pkg/netsurf.readme frontends/amiga/pkg/netsurf\_os3.readme - windows frontend installer windows/res/installer.nsi Ensure the ca-bundle is updated https://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html create a branch releasing/ and switch to it git branch releasing/3.8 git checkout releasing/3.8 update desktop/version.c to something like #include "testament.h" const char * const netsurf_version = "3.8 (25th April 2016)"; const int netsurf_version_major = 3; const int netsurf_version_minor = 8; update frontends/amiga/version.c along the same lines commit to the branch git commit -m 'Update version files for release' once you are sure everything is correct and committed tag the branch for release git tag -s -m 'Official Release' release/ Next do a dry run push git push -n --tags ensure this shown the correct repo and the release tag something like [gitano] Welcome to the NetSurf Gitano instance. To ssh://nsgit@git.netsurf-browser.org/netsurf.git * [new tag] release/3.7 -> release/3.7 Next the branch must be merged back to master. git checkout master git merge -s ours heads/releasing/3.7 Then edit desktop/version.c and frontends/amiga/version.c ready for the next release cycle git add desktop/version.c frontends/amiga/version.c git commit -m 'Update version for next development cycle' Remove releasing branch git branch -d releasing/3.8 Deleted branch releasing/3.8 (was 66fe825c8). finally push master git push origin master If that verifies as correct git push --tags and the release tag is pushed, too late now so be careful and check! Please do ensure you *thoroughly* check your work at each step as mistakes are hard to fix once pushed. Releasing the all source ------------------------ clone the all repo git clone ssh://nsgit@git.netsurf-browser.org/netsurf-all.git ensure ther submodules are initialised git submodule init output will be something like Submodule 'buildsystem' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/buildsystem.git) registered for path 'buildsystem' Submodule 'libcss' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/libcss.git) registered for path 'libcss' Submodule 'libdom' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/libdom.git) registered for path 'libdom' Submodule 'libhubbub' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/libhubbub.git) registered for path 'libhubbub' Submodule 'libnsbmp' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/libnsbmp.git) registered for path 'libnsbmp' Submodule 'libnsfb' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/libnsfb.git) registered for path 'libnsfb' Submodule 'libnsgif' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/libnsgif.git) registered for path 'libnsgif' Submodule 'libnspsl' (http://git.netsurf-browser.org/libnspsl.git) registered for path 'libnspsl' Submodule 'libnsutils' (http://git.netsurf-browser.org/libnsutils.git/) registered for path 'libnsutils' Submodule 'libparserutils' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/libparserutils.git) registered for path 'libparserutils' Submodule 'libpencil' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/libpencil.git) registered for path 'libpencil' Submodule 'librosprite' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/librosprite.git) registered for path 'librosprite' Submodule 'librufl' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/librufl.git) registered for path 'librufl' Submodule 'libsvgtiny' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/libsvgtiny.git) registered for path 'libsvgtiny' Submodule 'libutf8proc' (http://git.netsurf-browser.org/libutf8proc.git/) registered for path 'libutf8proc' Submodule 'libwapcaplet' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/libwapcaplet.git) registered for path 'libwapcaplet' Submodule 'netsurf' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/netsurf.git) registered for path 'netsurf' Submodule 'nsgenbind' (git://git.netsurf-browser.org/nsgenbind.git) registered for path 'nsgenbind' ensure the submodules are updated git submodule update If a new submodule is required (e.g. new library) it must be added and then the .gitmodules file checked for correctnes. Once happy commit the changes. Note use the git uri for the submodules not http git submodule add git://git.netsurf-browser.org/libnslog.git vi .gitmodules git commit -a -m 'Add libnslog submodule' if adding a submodule the Makefile may require editing to build the library or utility for each submodule listed above the correct revision must be set. A utility target is provided in the makefile make checkout-release This obtains the most recent release tag for each submodule and checks it out, equivalent to: cd buildsystem git checkout origin/HEAD git checkout $(git describe --abbrev=0 --match="release/*" ) cd .. once each submodule has been updated in the top level netsurf-all directory. The modified submodules should then be added ready for commit git add buildsystem libcss libdom libhubbub libnsbmp libnsfb libnsgif libparserutils librosprite libsvgtiny libwapcaplet netsurf nsgenbind git commit -m 'Update submodules for 3.7 release' ensure the component version in the Makefile has been updated finally tag the branch for release git tag -s -m 'Official Release' release/ make the distribution tarball and check its contents make dist The git-archive-all module is needed for the dist step from https://github.com/Kentzo/git-archive-all Next do a dry run push git push -n --tags ensure this shown the correct repo and the release tag something like [gitano] Welcome to the NetSurf Gitano instance. To ssh://nsgit@git.netsurf-browser.org/netsurf-all.git * [new tag] release/3.7 -> release/3.7 If that verifies as correct git push && git push --tags and the release tag is pushed, too late now so be careful and check! Bugtracker ---------- The netsurf release version must be marked as released in mantis and the next development version added if its not already present