path: root/atari/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'atari/scripts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 591 deletions
diff --git a/atari/scripts/ b/atari/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 80c316147..000000000
--- a/atari/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
-#todo: cflib, libcurl -> ensure ssl support, force ssl support
-#example usage:
-#./ -prefix /usr -dest /media/EXT3_DATA/nslibs/m68000 -cross -nsonly -clean -src ./
-#./ -prefix /usr -dest /media/EXT3_DATA/nslibs/m68020 -cross -arch 68020 -nsonly -clean -src ./
-#./ -prefix /usr -dest /media/EXT3_DATA/nslibs/m68020-60 -cross -arch 68020-60 -nsonly -clean -src ./
-#./ -prefix /usr -dest /media/EXT3_DATA/nslibs/m5475 -cross -arch 5475 -clean
-# option description:
-#-buildroot - this option tells the script where it is located, only needen when the script isn|t located in cwd.
-#-arch - specifiy architecture type (format: 68000, 68020, 5475 etc...)
-#-src - tell the tool where the sources for the ns libs are located
-#-prefix - what prefix to use ( -prefix local )
-#-dest - where to install result files, this should NOT point to /usr or something like that!!! Its a temporary folder.
-#-with-nsfb - compile with libnsfb
-#-cross - set up some cross-compiler vars
-#-clean - clean source dirs before building
-#-nsonly - only build netsurf libs
-#-dry - only set environment variables, echo them and then exit the script
-#-release - compile from release svn tree
-cleanup="echo no cleaning"
-if [ "$CC" != "" ]
- compiler=$CC
-while [ "$1" != "" ] # When there are arguments...
-do # Process the next one
- case $1 # Look at $1
- in
- -dummy)
- dummy="1"
- shift
- ;;
- -p)
- profileflags="-pg"
- shift
- ;;
- -buildroot)
- shift
- buildroot=$1
- userfs=$buildroot"userfs"
- patchdir=$buildroot"patches/"
- builddir=$buildroot"build/"
- rpmdir=$buildroot"packages/"
- nssrctree=$buildroot"src/"
- shift
- ;;
- -arch)
- shift
- arch=$1
- shift
- ;;
- -src)
- shift
- nssrctree=$1
- shift
- ;;
- -prefix)
- shift
- prefix=$1
- shift
- ;;
- -release)
- release="1"
- shift
- ;;
- -dest)
- shift
- userfs=$1
- shift
- ;;
- -optflags)
- shift
- optflags=$1
- shift
- ;;
- -with-nsfb)
- withnsfb="1"
- shift
- ;;
- -cross )
- cross="1"
- shift
- ;;
- -nsonly )
- nsonly="1"
- shift
- ;;
- -clean )
- cleanup="make clean && make distclean"
- shift
- ;;
- -dry )
- dry="1"
- shift
- ;;
- *) echo "Option [$1] not one of [-buildroot,-arch,-src,-prefix,-dest,-optflags,-with-nsfb]";
- exit;;
- esac
-if [ -d "$buildroot" ]
- echo "Buildroot: $buildroot"
- echo "Invalid buildroot directory ("$buildroot") !"
- echo "This script must know where it is located!"
- echo "Either use buildroot option or start from directory where the script is located."
- exit 0
-if [ "$release" = "0" ]
-if [ "$nssrctree" = "./" ]
- nssrctree=`pwd`
-if [ "$arch" = "68000" ]
- archok=1
-if [ "$arch" = "68020" ]
- archok=1
-if [ "$arch" = "68020-60" ]
- archok=1
- openssltarget="m680x0-mint"
-if [ "$arch" = "5475" ]
- archok=1
- openssltarget="cf-mint"
-if [ "$archok" = "0" ]
- echo "Invalid arch:"$arch" valid: 68000,68020,68020-69,5475"
- exit 0
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
- echo "enabling cross compiler mode"
- export CC="m68k-atari-mint-gcc"
- export LD="m68k-atari-mint-ld"
- export AR="m68k-atari-mint-ar"
- export RANLIB="m68k-atari-mint-ranlib"
- export CPP="m68k-atari-mint-cpp"
- compiler="m68k-atari-mint-gcc"
-# handle arch specific settings here.
-if [ "$arch" = "68000" ]
- archlibdir=$userfs$prefix"/lib"
- archdir=""
- archlibdir=$userfs$prefix"/lib/m"$arch
- archdir="m"$arch
-if [ "$arch" = "5475" ]
- machineflag="cpu="$arch
- machineflag=$arch
-echo "machine: " $machineflag
-CFLAGS_ORG="-m$machineflag $optflags $profileflags $incdir"
-LDLAGS_ORG="-m$machineflag $profileflags"
-export CFLAGS_ORG
-export LDLAGS_ORG
-export CFLAGS
-export LDFLAGS
-echo "Build root: "$buildroot
-echo "Netsurf sources: "$nssrctree
-echo "Build directory: "$builddir
-echo "Patches: "$patchdir
-echo "Libdir: "$archlibdir
-echo "Dest: "$userfs
-echo "Prefix: "$prefix
-echo "Compiler: "$compiler
-echo "PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$archlibdir/pkgconfig"
-echo "PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=$archlibdir/pkgconfig"
-echo "PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR=$userfs"
-echo "Dry: " $dry
-#echo "Installing RPMs:"
-#rpm -i $rpmdir""$opensslpkg
-#cd $buildroot
-#exit 0
-# configure flags for curl, this actually saves 30kb in the lib and about 100k in the final executable
-#./configure --disable-debug --enable-optimize --disable-ldap --disable-ldaps --disable-rtsp --disable-telnet --disable-tftp --disable-pop3 --disable-imap --disable-smtp --disable-manual -- disable-sspi --target="m"$arch
-# freetype configured for winfnt, truetype, raster (not smooth)
-# saves around 160kb in the lib.
-if [ "$dry" = "1" ]
-echo "export CFLAGS=$CFLAGS"
-echo "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$archlibdir/pkgconfig"
-echo "export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=$archlibdir/pkgconfig"
-echo "export PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR=$userfs"
-exit 0
-echo "creating staging directory"
-mkdir "$userfs"
-mkdir "$userfs$prefix"
-mkdir "$userfs$prefix/include"
-mkdir "$archlibdir"
-mkdir "$archlibdir/pkgconfig"
-export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$archlibdir/pkgconfig"
-export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$archlibdir/pkgconfig"
-export PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR="$userfs"
-echo "Building Libraries..."
-cd $nssrctree
-#start test
-if [ "$nsonly" = "0" ]
-echo "compiling Hermes..."
-cd $libhermespkg
-./configure --disable-x86asm --disable-debug --host="m68k-atari-mint" --prefix="$userfs$prefix"
-make install
-cd ..
-echo "compiling iconv..."
-cd $libiconvpkg
-./configure --enable-static \
- --host="m68k-atari-mint"\
- --prefix="$prefix"\
- --exec-prefix="$prefix"\
- --enable-extra-encodings\
- lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=65536
-make install DESTDIR=$destdir PREFIX=$prefix
-cd ..
-cd $libzlibpkg
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
- ./configure --prefix=$prefix --static
- ./configure --prefix=$prefix --static
-# there is an error within make instal, copy headers manually.
-install -m644 zlib.h "$userfs$prefix/include/zlib.h"
-install -m644 zconf.h "$userfs$prefix/include/zconf.h"
-install -m644 zutil.h "$userfs$prefix/include/zutil.h"
-make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX="$prefix"
-cd ..
-cd $libfreetypepkg
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
-./configure --prefix="$prefix" \
- --host="m68k-atari-mint" \
-make install DESTDIR=$userfs
-./configure --prefix="$userfs$prefix" --host="m68k-atari-mint" --target="m$arch" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS_ORG"
-make install DESTDIR=$userfs
-cd ..
-cd $libopensslpkg
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
-./Configure $openssltarget --prefix="$prefix" --install-prefix="$userfs"
-./Configure $openssltarget --prefix="$prefix" --install-prefix="$userfs"
-make rehash
-make install
-cd ..
-# FIXME: build c-ares here, if you want to
-cd $libcurlpkg
- --prefix="$prefix" \
- --libdir=$prefix"/lib/$archdir"\
- --host="m68k-atari-mint"\
- --program-suffix=".ttp"\
- --with-random="/dev/urandom"\
- --enable-static\
- --enable-optimize\
- --enable-warnings\
- --enable-http\
- --enable-gopher\
- --enable-nonblocking\
- --enable-cookies\
- --disable-libtool-lock\
- --disable-verbose\
- --disable-shared\
- --disable-dependency-tracking\
- --disable-manual\
- --disable-curldebug\
- --disable-debug\
- --disable-ipv6\
- --disable-largefile\
- --disable-thread\
- --disable-threaded-resolver\
- --disable-telnet\
- --disable-tftp\
- --disable-dict\
- --disable-pop3\
- --disable-imap\
- --disable-smtp\
- --disable-ldaps\
- --disable-ldap\
- --disable-rtsp\
- --disable-sspi\
- --disable-rtsp\
- --without-polarssl\
- --without-cyassl\
- --without-nss\
- --without-libssh2\
- --without-librtmp\
- --without-libidn\
- --without-gnutls
-# --with-ares="/usr/m68k-atari-mint/lib/"$archdir\
-# --enable-ares
-make install DESTDIR="$userfs"
-cd ..
-cd $libjpegpkg
-./configure --enable-static --prefix="$userfs$prefix" --host="m68k-atari-mint"
-make install
-cd ..
-cd $libpngpkg
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
- ./configure --prefix=$prefix --host=m68k-atari-mint
- ./configure --prefix=$prefix
-make install DESTDIR="$userfs"
-cd ..
-# we only need header files of ldg...
-#cd $libldgpkg
-#cp ./include/ldg.h "$userfs$prefix/include"
-#cd ..
-cd windom
-cd src
-rm ../lib/gcc/libwindom.a
-echo "dest:" $userfs$prefix
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
-make cross
-cp ../lib/gcc/libwindom.a "$userfs$prefix/lib"
-cp ../include/* "$userfs$prefix/include/" -R
-make -f gcc.mak
-cp ./lib/gcc/libwindom.a "$userfs$prefix/lib"
-cp ./include/* "$userfs$prefix/include/" -R
-cd ../..
-# set TARGET, so that make clean and build use the same directory.
-export TARGET="freemint"
-echo "compiling libparserutils..."
-cd libparserutils/$libparserutils_version
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
- make TARGET="freemint"
- make install DESTDIR="$userfs" PREFIX="$prefix" TARGET="freemint"
-# make install DESTDIR="$userfs" PREFIX="$prefix"
- make install DESTDIR="$archlibdir" PREFIX="$prefix"
-cd $nssrctree
-echo "compiling libwapcaplet..."
-cd libwapcaplet/$libwapcaplet_version || exit 1
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix TARGET="freemint"
- #make install DESTDIR="$userfs/$archdir" TARGET="freemint"
- #PREFIX=$prefix TARGET="freemint"
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix
- #make install DESTDIR="$archlibdir" PREFIX=$prefix
-cd $nssrctree
-cd libcss/$libcss_version
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix TARGET="freemint"
-# make install DESTDIR="$archlibdir" TARGET="freemint"
-#PREFIX=$prefix TARGET="freemint"
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix
-# make install DESTDIR="$archlibdir" PREFIX=$prefix
-cd $nssrctree
-echo "compiling hubbub..."
-cd hubbub/$hubbub_version || exit 1
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix TARGET="freemint"
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix
-cd $nssrctree
-echo "compiling libnsgif..."
-cd libnsgif/$libnsgif_version || exit 1
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix TARGET="freemint"
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix
-cd $nssrctree
-echo "compiling libnsbmp..."
-cd libnsbmp/$libnsbmp_version || exit 1
-if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix TARGET="freemint"
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix
-cd $nssrctree
-if [ "$withnsfb" = "1" ]
- echo "compiling libnsfb..."
- cd libnsfb/$libnsfb_version || exit 1
- $cleanup
- if [ "$cross" = "1" ]
- then
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix TARGET="freemint"
- else
- make install DESTDIR=$userfs PREFIX=$prefix
- fi
- cd $nssrctree
- echo "libnsfb skipped"
-if [ "$arch" = "68000" ]
- echo "No library relocation needed!"
- echo "Relocation Libraries to :"
- echo $archlibdir
- srclibdir=$userfs$prefix"/lib/"
- srcpkgdir=$userfs$prefix"/lib/pkgconfig"
- mkdir $archlibdir
- rm $archlib/*.a
- mv $srclibdir*.a $archlibdir/ -v
- mv $srcpkgdir $archlibdir -v
-echo "please add symlink to freetype2/freetype within /usr/m68k-atari-mint/include"
-exit 0