path: root/frontends/gtk/completion.c
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* GTK: fix missing includesJohn-Mark Bell2019-12-211-0/+2
* allow menu activation to use the toolbar button implementationsVincent Sanders2019-09-211-0/+1
* fix url enttry completionVincent Sanders2019-09-211-12/+37
* fixup usage of gvalue init macroVincent Sanders2018-08-261-3/+2
* msplit public url database API out for frontendsVincent Sanders2016-06-131-2/+3
* move desktop window header into public APIVincent Sanders2016-05-301-1/+1
* rationalise use of gtk scaffolding headerVincent Sanders2016-05-211-0/+1
* move frontends into sub directoryVincent Sanders2016-05-151-0/+157