/* * Copyright 2008, 2011 Chris Young * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "amiga/filetype.h" #include "amiga/object.h" #include "content/fetch.h" #include "content/content.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include /** * filetype -- determine the MIME type of a local file */ struct MinList *ami_mime_list; struct ami_mime_entry { lwc_string *mimetype; lwc_string *datatype; lwc_string *filetype; lwc_string *plugincmd; }; enum { AMI_MIME_MIMETYPE, AMI_MIME_DATATYPE, AMI_MIME_FILETYPE, AMI_MIME_PLUGINCMD }; const char *fetch_filetype(const char *unix_path) { static char mimetype[50]; STRPTR ttype = NULL; struct DiskObject *dobj = NULL; BPTR lock = 0; struct DataType *dtn; BOOL found = FALSE; lwc_string *lwc_mimetype; /* First, check if we appear to have an icon. We'll just do a filename check here for quickness, although the first word ought to be checked against WB_DISKMAGIC really. */ if(strncmp(unix_path + strlen(unix_path) - 5, ".info", 5) == 0) { strcpy(mimetype,"image/x-amiga-icon"); found = TRUE; } /* Secondly try getting a tooltype "MIMETYPE" and use that as the MIME type. Will fail over to default icons if the file doesn't have a real icon. */ if(!found) { if(dobj = GetIconTags(unix_path,ICONGETA_FailIfUnavailable,FALSE, TAG_DONE)) { ttype = FindToolType(dobj->do_ToolTypes, "MIMETYPE"); if(ttype) { strcpy(mimetype,ttype); found = TRUE; } FreeDiskObject(dobj); } } /* If that didn't work, use the MIME file and DataTypes */ if(!found) { if (lock = Lock (unix_path, ACCESS_READ)) { if (dtn = ObtainDataTypeA (DTST_FILE, (APTR)lock, NULL)) { if(ami_mime_from_datatype(dtn, &lwc_mimetype, NULL)) { strcpy(mimetype, lwc_string_data(lwc_mimetype)); found = TRUE; ReleaseDataType(dtn); } } UnLock(lock); } } /* Have a quick check for file extensions (inc RISC OS filetype). * Makes detection a little more robust, and some of the redirects * caused by links in the SVN tree prevent NetSurf from reading the * MIME type from the icon (step two, above). */ if((!found) || (strcmp("text/plain", mimetype) == 0)) { if((strncmp(unix_path + strlen(unix_path) - 4, ".css", 4) == 0) || (strncmp(unix_path + strlen(unix_path) - 4, ",f79", 4) == 0)) { strcpy(mimetype,"text/css"); found = TRUE; } if((strncmp(unix_path + strlen(unix_path) - 4, ".htm", 4) == 0) || (strncmp(unix_path + strlen(unix_path) - 5, ".html", 5) == 0) || (strncmp(unix_path + strlen(unix_path) - 4, ",faf", 4) == 0)) { strcpy(mimetype,"text/html"); found = TRUE; } } if(!found) strcpy(mimetype,"text/plain"); /* If all else fails */ return mimetype; } char *fetch_mimetype(const char *ro_path) { return strdup(fetch_filetype(ro_path)); } const char *ami_content_type_to_file_type(content_type type) { /* TODO: Can we pass MIME types to this function instead? */ switch(type) { case CONTENT_HTML: return "html"; break; case CONTENT_TEXTPLAIN: return "ascii"; break; case CONTENT_CSS: return "css"; break; default: return "project"; break; } } nserror ami_mime_init(const char *mimefile) { lwc_string *type; lwc_error lerror; nserror error; char buffer[256]; BPTR fh = 0; struct RDArgs *rargs = NULL; STRPTR template = "MIMETYPE/A,DT=DATATYPE/K,TYPE=DEFICON/K,CMD=PLUGINCMD/K"; long rarray[] = {0,0,0,0}; struct nsObject *node; struct ami_mime_entry *mimeentry; ami_mime_list = NewObjList(); rargs = AllocDosObjectTags(DOS_RDARGS,TAG_DONE); if(fh = FOpen(mimefile, MODE_OLDFILE, 0)) { while(FGets(fh, (UBYTE *)&buffer, 256) != 0) { rargs->RDA_Source.CS_Buffer = (char *)&buffer; rargs->RDA_Source.CS_Length = 256; rargs->RDA_Source.CS_CurChr = 0; rargs->RDA_DAList = NULL; rargs->RDA_Buffer = NULL; rargs->RDA_BufSiz = 0; rargs->RDA_ExtHelp = NULL; rargs->RDA_Flags = 0; rarray[AMI_MIME_MIMETYPE] = 0; rarray[AMI_MIME_DATATYPE] = 0; rarray[AMI_MIME_FILETYPE] = 0; rarray[AMI_MIME_PLUGINCMD] = 0; if(ReadArgs(template, rarray, rargs)) { node = AddObject(ami_mime_list, AMINS_MIME); mimeentry = AllocVec(sizeof(struct ami_mime_entry), MEMF_PRIVATE | MEMF_CLEAR); node->objstruct = mimeentry; if(rarray[AMI_MIME_MIMETYPE]) { lerror = lwc_intern_string((char *)rarray[AMI_MIME_MIMETYPE], strlen((char *)rarray[AMI_MIME_MIMETYPE]), &mimeentry->mimetype); if (lerror != lwc_error_ok) return NSERROR_NOMEM; } if(rarray[AMI_MIME_DATATYPE]) { lerror = lwc_intern_string((char *)rarray[AMI_MIME_DATATYPE], strlen((char *)rarray[AMI_MIME_DATATYPE]), &mimeentry->datatype); if (lerror != lwc_error_ok) return NSERROR_NOMEM; } if(rarray[AMI_MIME_FILETYPE]) { lerror = lwc_intern_string((char *)rarray[AMI_MIME_FILETYPE], strlen((char *)rarray[AMI_MIME_FILETYPE]), &mimeentry->filetype); if (lerror != lwc_error_ok) return NSERROR_NOMEM; } if(rarray[AMI_MIME_PLUGINCMD]) { lerror = lwc_intern_string((char *)rarray[AMI_MIME_PLUGINCMD], strlen((char *)rarray[AMI_MIME_PLUGINCMD]), &mimeentry->plugincmd); if (lerror != lwc_error_ok) return NSERROR_NOMEM; } } } FClose(fh); } } void ami_mime_free(void) { FreeObjList(ami_mime_list); } void ami_mime_entry_free(struct ami_mime_entry *mimeentry) { if(mimeentry->mimetype) lwc_string_unref(mimeentry->mimetype); if(mimeentry->datatype) lwc_string_unref(mimeentry->datatype); if(mimeentry->filetype) lwc_string_unref(mimeentry->filetype); if(mimeentry->plugincmd) lwc_string_unref(mimeentry->plugincmd); } /** * Return next matching MIME entry * * \param search lwc_string to search for (or NULL for all) * \param type of value being searched for (AMI_MIME_#?) * \param start_node node to continue search (updated on exit) * \return entry or NULL if no match */ struct ami_mime_entry *ami_mime_entry_locate(lwc_string *search, int type, struct Node **start_node) { struct nsObject *node; struct nsObject *nnode; struct ami_mime_entry *mimeentry; lwc_error lerror; bool ret = false; if(IsMinListEmpty(ami_mime_list)) return NULL; if(*start_node) { node = (struct nsObject *)GetSucc(*start_node); if(node == NULL) return NULL; } else { node = (struct nsObject *)GetHead((struct List *)ami_mime_list); } do { nnode=(struct nsObject *)GetSucc((struct Node *)node); mimeentry = node->objstruct; lerror = lwc_error_ok; switch(type) { case AMI_MIME_MIMETYPE: if(search != NULL) lerror = lwc_string_isequal(mimeentry->mimetype, search, &ret); else if(mimeentry->mimetype != NULL) ret = true; break; case AMI_MIME_DATATYPE: if(search != NULL) lerror = lwc_string_isequal(mimeentry->datatype, search, &ret); else if(mimeentry->datatype != NULL) ret = true; break; case AMI_MIME_FILETYPE: if(search != NULL) lerror = lwc_string_isequal(mimeentry->filetype, search, &ret); else if(mimeentry->filetype != NULL) ret = true; break; case AMI_MIME_PLUGINCMD: if(search != NULL) lerror = lwc_string_isequal(mimeentry->plugincmd, search, &ret); else if(mimeentry->plugincmd != NULL) ret = true; break; } if((lerror == lwc_error_ok) && (ret == true)) break; }while(node=nnode); *start_node = (struct Node *)node; if(ret == true) return mimeentry; else return NULL; } APTR ami_mime_guess_add_datatype(struct DataType *dt, lwc_string **lwc_mimetype) { struct nsObject *node; char mimetype[100]; char *dt_name_lwr; struct ami_mime_entry *mimeentry; lwc_error lerror; struct DataTypeHeader *dth = dt->dtn_Header; char *p; node = AddObject(ami_mime_list, AMINS_MIME); mimeentry = AllocVec(sizeof(struct ami_mime_entry), MEMF_PRIVATE | MEMF_CLEAR); node->objstruct = mimeentry; lerror = lwc_intern_string(dth->dth_Name, strlen(dth->dth_Name), &mimeentry->datatype); if (lerror != lwc_error_ok) return NULL; dt_name_lwr = strdup(dth->dth_Name); strlwr(dt_name_lwr); p = dt_name_lwr; while(*p != '\0') { if(*p == ' ') *p = '-'; p++; } switch(dth->dth_GroupID) { case GID_TEXT: case GID_DOCUMENT: if(strcmp("ascii", dt_name_lwr)==0) { strcpy(mimetype,"text/plain"); } else { sprintf(mimetype,"text/%s", dt_name_lwr); } break; case GID_SOUND: case GID_INSTRUMENT: case GID_MUSIC: sprintf(mimetype,"audio/%s", dt_name_lwr); break; case GID_PICTURE: if(strcmp("sprite", dt_name_lwr)==0) { strcpy(mimetype,"image/x-riscos-sprite"); } else { sprintf(mimetype,"image/%s", dt_name_lwr); } break; case GID_ANIMATION: case GID_MOVIE: sprintf(mimetype,"video/%s", dt_name_lwr); break; case GID_SYSTEM: default: if(strcmp("directory", dt_name_lwr)==0) { strcpy(mimetype,"application/x-netsurf-directory"); } else if(strcmp("binary", dt_name_lwr)==0) { strcpy(mimetype,"application/octet-stream"); } else sprintf(mimetype,"application/%s", dt_name_lwr); break; } lerror = lwc_intern_string(mimetype, strlen(mimetype), &mimeentry->mimetype); if (lerror != lwc_error_ok) return NULL; *lwc_mimetype = mimeentry->mimetype; lerror = lwc_intern_string(dt_name_lwr, strlen(dt_name_lwr), &mimeentry->filetype); if (lerror != lwc_error_ok) return NULL; return node; } /** * Return a MIME Type matching a DataType * * \param dt a DataType structure * \param mimetype lwc_string to hold the MIME type * \param start_node node to feed back in to continue search * \return node or NULL if no match */ struct Node *ami_mime_from_datatype(struct DataType *dt, lwc_string **mimetype, struct Node *start_node) { struct DataTypeHeader *dth; struct Node *node; struct ami_mime_entry *mimeentry; lwc_string *dt_name; lwc_error lerror; if(dt == NULL) return NULL; dth = dt->dtn_Header; lerror = lwc_intern_string(dth->dth_Name, strlen(dth->dth_Name), &dt_name); if (lerror != lwc_error_ok) return NULL; node = start_node; mimeentry = ami_mime_entry_locate(dt_name, AMI_MIME_DATATYPE, &node); lwc_string_unref(dt_name); if(mimeentry != NULL) { *mimetype = mimeentry->mimetype; return (struct Node *)node; } else { if(start_node == NULL) { /* If there are no matching entries in the file, guess */ return ami_mime_guess_add_datatype(dt, mimetype); } else { return NULL; } } } /** * Return the DefIcons type matching a MIME type * * \param mimetype lwc_string MIME type * \param filetype ptr to lwc_string to hold DefIcons type * \param start_node node to feed back in to continue search * \return node or NULL if no match */ struct Node *ami_mime_to_filetype(lwc_string *mimetype, lwc_string **filetype, struct Node *start_node) { struct Node *node; struct ami_mime_entry *mimeentry; node = start_node; mimeentry = ami_mime_entry_locate(mimetype, AMI_MIME_MIMETYPE, &node); if(mimeentry != NULL) { *filetype = mimeentry->filetype; return (struct Node *)node; } else { return NULL; } } /** * Return all MIME types containing a plugincmd * * \param mimetype ptr to lwc_string MIME type * \param start_node node to feed back in to continue search * \return node or NULL if no match */ struct Node *ami_mime_has_cmd(lwc_string **mimetype, struct Node *start_node) { struct Node *node; struct ami_mime_entry *mimeentry; node = start_node; mimeentry = ami_mime_entry_locate(NULL, AMI_MIME_PLUGINCMD, &node); if(mimeentry != NULL) { *mimetype = mimeentry->mimetype; return (struct Node *)node; } else { return NULL; } } /** * Return the plugincmd matching a MIME type * * \param mimetype lwc_string MIME type * \param plugincmd ptr to lwc_string to hold plugincmd * \param start_node node to feed back in to continue search * \return node or NULL if no match */ struct Node *ami_mime_to_plugincmd(lwc_string *mimetype, lwc_string **plugincmd, struct Node *start_node) { struct Node *node; struct ami_mime_entry *mimeentry; node = start_node; mimeentry = ami_mime_entry_locate(mimetype, AMI_MIME_MIMETYPE, &node); if(mimeentry != NULL) { *plugincmd = mimeentry->plugincmd; return (struct Node *)node; } else { return NULL; } } /** * Compare the MIME type of an hlcache_handle to a DefIcons type */ bool ami_mime_compare(struct hlcache_handle *c, const char *type) { bool ret = false; lwc_error lerror; lwc_string *filetype; lwc_string *mime_filetype; lwc_string *mime = content_get_mime_type(c); if(ami_mime_to_filetype(mime, &mime_filetype, NULL) == NULL) return false; lerror = lwc_intern_string(type, strlen(type), &filetype); if (lerror != lwc_error_ok) return false; lerror = lwc_string_isequal(filetype, mime_filetype, &ret); if (lerror != lwc_error_ok) return false; lwc_string_unref(filetype); return ret; } void ami_mime_dump(void) { struct Node *node; struct ami_mime_entry *mimeentry; while(mimeentry = ami_mime_entry_locate(NULL, AMI_MIME_MIMETYPE, &node)) { LOG(("%s DT=%s TYPE=%s CMD=%s", mimeentry->mimetype ? lwc_string_data(mimeentry->mimetype) : "", mimeentry->datatype ? lwc_string_data(mimeentry->datatype) : "", mimeentry->filetype ? lwc_string_data(mimeentry->filetype) : "", mimeentry->plugincmd ? lwc_string_data(mimeentry->plugincmd) : "")); }; }