/* * Copyright 2008-9,2013 Chris Young * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __amigaos4__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "amiga/arexx.h" #include "amiga/bitmap.h" #include "amiga/clipboard.h" #include "amiga/cookies.h" #include "amiga/file.h" #include "amiga/filetype.h" #include "amiga/gui.h" #include "amiga/gui_options.h" #include "amiga/history.h" #include "amiga/history_local.h" #include "amiga/hotlist.h" #include "amiga/menu.h" #include "utils/nsoption.h" #include "amiga/print.h" #include "amiga/search.h" #include "amiga/theme.h" #include "amiga/tree.h" #include "amiga/utf8.h" #include "desktop/tree_url_node.h" #include "desktop/hotlist_old.h" #include "desktop/browser_private.h" #include "desktop/gui.h" #include "desktop/textinput.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/schedule.h" BOOL menualreadyinit; const char * const netsurf_version; const char * const verdate; #define SUB_MENU_ARROW '\n' ULONG ami_menu_scan(struct tree *tree, struct gui_window_2 *gwin); void ami_menu_scan_2(struct tree *tree, struct node *root, WORD *gen, int *item, struct gui_window_2 *gwin); void ami_menu_arexx_scan(struct gui_window_2 *gwin); /* Functions for menu selections */ static void ami_menu_item_project_newwin(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_project_newtab(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_project_open(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_project_save(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_project_closetab(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_project_closewin(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_project_print(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_project_about(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_project_quit(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_edit_cut(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_edit_copy(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_edit_paste(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_edit_selectall(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_edit_clearsel(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_browser_find(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_browser_localhistory(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_browser_globalhistory(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_browser_cookies(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_browser_foreimg(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_browser_backimg(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_browser_enablejs(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_browser_scale_decrease(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_browser_scale_normal(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_browser_scale_increase(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_browser_redraw(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_hotlist_add(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_hotlist_show(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_hotlist_entries(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_settings_edit(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_settings_snapshot(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_settings_save(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_arexx_execute(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); static void ami_menu_item_arexx_entries(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); void ami_free_menulabs(struct gui_window_2 *gwin) { int i; for(i=0;i<=AMI_MENU_AREXX_MAX;i++) { if(gwin->menulab[i] && (gwin->menulab[i] != NM_BARLABEL)) { if(gwin->menutype[i] & MENU_IMAGE) { DisposeObject(gwin->menuobj[i]); } ami_utf8_free(gwin->menulab[i]); if(i >= AMI_MENU_AREXX) { if(gwin->menu_hook[i].h_Data) free(gwin->menu_hook[i].h_Data); } } gwin->menulab[i] = NULL; gwin->menuobj[i] = NULL; gwin->menukey[i] = 0; } FreeVec(gwin->menutype); FreeVec(gwin->menu); gwin->menutype = NULL; gwin->menu = NULL; } static void ami_menu_alloc_item(struct gui_window_2 *gwin, int num, UBYTE type, const char *label, char key, char *icon, void *func, void *hookdata) { char menu_icon[1024]; bool has_submenu = false; gwin->menutype[num] = type; if((label == NM_BARLABEL) || (strcmp(label, "--") == 0)) { gwin->menulab[num] = NM_BARLABEL; } else { if((num >= AMI_MENU_HOTLIST) && (num <= AMI_MENU_HOTLIST_MAX)) { gwin->menulab[num] = ami_utf8_easy(label); } else if((num >= AMI_MENU_AREXX) && (num <= AMI_MENU_AREXX_MAX)) { gwin->menulab[num] = strdup(label); } else { gwin->menulab[num] = ami_utf8_easy(messages_get(label)); } } gwin->menuicon[num] = NULL; if(key) gwin->menukey[num] = key; if(func) gwin->menu_hook[num].h_Entry = (HOOKFUNC)func; if(hookdata) gwin->menu_hook[num].h_Data = hookdata; if(icon) { if(ami_locate_resource(menu_icon, icon) == true) gwin->menuicon[num] = (char *)strdup(menu_icon); } } void ami_init_menulabs(struct gui_window_2 *gwin) { int i; gwin->menutype = AllocVec(AMI_MENU_AREXX_MAX + 1, MEMF_PRIVATE | MEMF_CLEAR); for(i=0;i <= AMI_MENU_AREXX_MAX;i++) { gwin->menutype[i] = NM_IGNORE; gwin->menulab[i] = NULL; gwin->menuobj[i] = NULL; } ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_PROJECT, NM_TITLE, "Project", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_NEWWIN, NM_ITEM, "NewWindowNS", 'N', NULL, ami_menu_item_project_newwin, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_NEWTAB, NM_ITEM, "NewTab", 'T', NULL, ami_menu_item_project_newtab, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_P1, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_OPEN, NM_ITEM, "OpenFile", 'O', NULL, ami_menu_item_project_open, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SAVEAS, NM_ITEM, "SaveAsNS", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SAVESRC, NM_SUB, "Source", 'S', NULL, ami_menu_item_project_save, (void *)AMINS_SAVE_SOURCE); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SAVETXT, NM_SUB, "TextNS", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_project_save, (void *)AMINS_SAVE_TEXT); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SAVECOMP, NM_SUB, "SaveCompNS", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_project_save, (void *)AMINS_SAVE_COMPLETE); #ifdef WITH_PDF_EXPORT ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SAVEPDF, NM_SUB, "PDFNS", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_project_save, (void *)AMINS_SAVE_PDF); #endif ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SAVEIFF, NM_SUB, "IFF", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_project_save, (void *)AMINS_SAVE_IFF); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_P2, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_PRINT, NM_ITEM, "PrintNS", 'P', NULL, ami_menu_item_project_print, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_P3, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_CLOSETAB, NM_ITEM, "CloseTab", 'K', NULL, ami_menu_item_project_closetab, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_CLOSEWIN, NM_ITEM, "CloseWindow", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_project_closewin, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_P4, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_ABOUT, NM_ITEM, "About", '?', NULL, ami_menu_item_project_about, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_P5, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_QUIT, NM_ITEM, "Quit", 'Q', NULL, ami_menu_item_project_quit, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_EDIT, NM_TITLE, "Edit", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_CUT, NM_ITEM, "CutNS", 'X', NULL, ami_menu_item_edit_cut, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_COPY, NM_ITEM, "CopyNS", 'C', NULL, ami_menu_item_edit_copy, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_PASTE, NM_ITEM, "PasteNS", 'V', NULL, ami_menu_item_edit_paste, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_E1, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SELALL, NM_ITEM, "SelectAllNS", 'A', NULL, ami_menu_item_edit_selectall, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_CLEAR, NM_ITEM, "ClearNS", 'Z', NULL, ami_menu_item_edit_clearsel, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BROWSER, NM_TITLE, "Browser", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_FIND, NM_ITEM, "FindTextNS", 'F', NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_find, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_B1, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_HISTLOCL, NM_ITEM, "HistLocalNS", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_localhistory, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_HISTGLBL, NM_ITEM, "HistGlobalNS", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_globalhistory, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_B2, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_COOKIES, NM_ITEM, "ShowCookiesNS", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_cookies, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_B3, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SCALE, NM_ITEM, "ScaleNS", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SCALEDEC, NM_SUB, "ScaleDec", '-', NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_scale_decrease, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SCALENRM, NM_SUB, "ScaleNorm", '=', NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_scale_normal, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SCALEDEC, NM_SUB, "ScaleDec", '-', NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_scale_decrease, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SCALEINC, NM_SUB, "ScaleInc", '+', NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_scale_increase, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_IMAGES, NM_ITEM, "Images", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_IMGFORE, NM_SUB, "ForeImg", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_foreimg, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_IMGBACK, NM_SUB, "BackImg", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_backimg, NULL); #if defined(WITH_JS) || defined(WITH_MOZJS) ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_JS, NM_ITEM, "EnableJS", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_enablejs, NULL); #endif ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_B4, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_REDRAW, NM_ITEM, "Redraw", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_browser_redraw, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_HOTLIST, NM_TITLE, "Hotlist", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_HLADD, NM_ITEM, "HotlistAdd", 'B', NULL, ami_menu_item_hotlist_add, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_HLSHOW, NM_ITEM,"HotlistShowNS",'H', NULL, ami_menu_item_hotlist_show, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_H1, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_PREFS, NM_TITLE, "Settings", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_PREDIT, NM_ITEM, "SettingsEdit", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_settings_edit, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_S1, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_SNAPSHOT, NM_ITEM, "SnapshotWindow",0, NULL, ami_menu_item_settings_snapshot, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_PRSAVE, NM_ITEM, "SettingsSave", 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_settings_save, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_AREXX, NM_TITLE, "ARexx", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_AREXXEX, NM_ITEM, "ARexxExecute",'E', NULL, ami_menu_item_arexx_execute, NULL); ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, M_BAR_A1, NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); gwin->menutype[AMI_MENU_AREXX_MAX] = NM_END; } /* Menu refresh for hotlist */ void ami_menu_refresh(struct gui_window_2 *gwin) { SetAttrs(gwin->objects[OID_MAIN], WINDOW_NewMenu, NULL, TAG_DONE); ami_free_menulabs(gwin); ami_create_menu(gwin); SetAttrs(gwin->objects[OID_MAIN], WINDOW_NewMenu, gwin->menu, TAG_DONE); } struct gui_window_2 *ami_menu_layout(struct gui_window_2 *gwin) { int i, j; int txtlen = 0; struct RastPort *rp = &scrn->RastPort; struct DrawInfo *dri = GetScreenDrawInfo(scrn); for(i=0; i <= AMI_MENU_AREXX_MAX; i++) { if(gwin->menutype[i] == NM_TITLE) { j = i + 1; txtlen = 0; do { if(gwin->menulab[j] != NM_BARLABEL) { if(gwin->menutype[j] == NM_ITEM) { if((TextLength(rp, gwin->menulab[j], strlen(gwin->menulab[j])) + TextLength(rp, &gwin->menukey[j], 1)) > txtlen) { txtlen = TextLength(rp, gwin->menulab[j], strlen(gwin->menulab[j])) + TextLength(rp, &gwin->menukey[j], 1); /**TODO: take account of the size of AMIGAKEY and other imagery too */ } } } j++; } while((gwin->menutype[j] != NM_TITLE) && (gwin->menutype[j] != 0)); } if((GadToolsBase->lib_Version > 53) || ((GadToolsBase->lib_Version == 53) && (GadToolsBase->lib_Revision >= 6))) { /* GadTools 53.6+ only. For now we will only create the menu using label.image if there's a bitmap associated with the item. */ if((gwin->menuicon[i] != NULL) && (gwin->menulab[i] != NM_BARLABEL)) { Object *submenuarrow = NULL; if((gwin->menutype[i] == NM_ITEM) && (gwin->menutype[i+1] == NM_SUB)) { submenuarrow = NewObject(NULL, "sysiclass", IA_Left, txtlen - TextLength(rp, gwin->menulab[i], strlen(gwin->menulab[i])), SYSIA_Which, MENUSUB, SYSIA_DrawInfo, dri, TAG_DONE); } /**TODO: Checkmark/MX images and keyboard shortcuts */ gwin->menuobj[i] = LabelObject, LABEL_DrawInfo, dri, LABEL_DisposeImage, TRUE, LABEL_Image, BitMapObject, BITMAP_Screen, scrn, BITMAP_SourceFile, gwin->menuicon[i], BITMAP_Masking, TRUE, BitMapEnd, LABEL_Text, gwin->menulab[i], LABEL_DisposeImage, TRUE, LABEL_Image, submenuarrow, LabelEnd; if(gwin->menuobj[i]) gwin->menutype[i] |= MENU_IMAGE; } } gwin->menu[i].nm_Type = gwin->menutype[i]; if(gwin->menuobj[i]) gwin->menu[i].nm_Label = (void *)gwin->menuobj[i]; else gwin->menu[i].nm_Label = gwin->menulab[i]; if(gwin->menukey[i]) gwin->menu[i].nm_CommKey = &gwin->menukey[i]; gwin->menu[i].nm_Flags = 0; if(gwin->menu_hook[i].h_Entry) gwin->menu[i].nm_UserData = &gwin->menu_hook[i]; if(gwin->menuicon[i]) { free(gwin->menuicon[i]); gwin->menuicon[i] = NULL; } } FreeScreenDrawInfo(scrn, dri); return gwin; } struct NewMenu *ami_create_menu(struct gui_window_2 *gwin) { int i; gwin->menu = AllocVec(sizeof(struct NewMenu) * (AMI_MENU_AREXX_MAX + 1), MEMF_CLEAR); ami_init_menulabs(gwin); ami_menu_scan(ami_tree_get_tree(hotlist_window), gwin); ami_menu_arexx_scan(gwin); gwin = ami_menu_layout(gwin); #if defined(WITH_JS) || defined(WITH_MOZJS) gwin->menu[M_JS].nm_Flags = CHECKIT | MENUTOGGLE; if(nsoption_bool(enable_javascript) == true) gwin->menu[M_JS].nm_Flags |= CHECKED; #endif gwin->menu[M_PRINT].nm_Flags = NM_ITEMDISABLED; gwin->menu[M_IMGFORE].nm_Flags = CHECKIT | MENUTOGGLE; if(nsoption_bool(foreground_images) == true) gwin->menu[M_IMGFORE].nm_Flags |= CHECKED; gwin->menu[M_IMGBACK].nm_Flags = CHECKIT | MENUTOGGLE; if(nsoption_bool(background_images) == true) gwin->menu[M_IMGBACK].nm_Flags |= CHECKED; /* Set up scheduler to refresh the hotlist menu */ if(nsoption_int(menu_refresh) > 0) schedule(nsoption_int(menu_refresh), (void *)ami_menu_refresh, gwin); return(gwin->menu); } void ami_menu_arexx_scan(struct gui_window_2 *gwin) { int item = AMI_MENU_AREXX; BPTR lock = 0; UBYTE *buffer; struct ExAllControl *ctrl; char matchpatt[16]; LONG cont; struct ExAllData *ead; char *menu_lab; if(lock = Lock(nsoption_charp(arexx_dir), SHARED_LOCK)) { if(buffer = AllocVec(1024,MEMF_PRIVATE | MEMF_CLEAR)) { if(ctrl = AllocDosObject(DOS_EXALLCONTROL,NULL)) { ctrl->eac_LastKey = 0; if(ParsePatternNoCase("#?.nsrx",(char *)&matchpatt,16) != -1) { ctrl->eac_MatchString = (char *)&matchpatt; } do { cont = ExAll(lock,(struct ExAllData *)buffer,1024,ED_COMMENT,ctrl); if((!cont) && (IoErr() != ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES)) break; if(!ctrl->eac_Entries) continue; for(ead = (struct ExAllData *)buffer; ead; ead = ead->ed_Next) { if(item >= AMI_MENU_AREXX_MAX) continue; if(EAD_IS_FILE(ead)) { gwin->menu[item].nm_Type = NM_ITEM; if(ead->ed_Comment[0] != '\0') menu_lab = ead->ed_Comment; else menu_lab = ead->ed_Name; ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, item, NM_ITEM, menu_lab, 0, NULL, ami_menu_item_arexx_entries, (void *)strdup(ead->ed_Name)); item++; } } }while(cont); FreeDosObject(DOS_EXALLCONTROL,ctrl); } FreeVec(buffer); } UnLock(lock); } gwin->menu[item].nm_Type = NM_END; gwin->menu[item].nm_Label = NULL; } ULONG ami_menu_scan(struct tree *tree, struct gui_window_2 *gwin) { struct node *root = tree_node_get_child(tree_get_root(tree)); struct node *node; struct node_element *element; WORD gen = 0; int item; item = AMI_MENU_HOTLIST; for (node = root; node; node = tree_node_get_next(node)) { element = tree_node_find_element(node, TREE_ELEMENT_TITLE, NULL); if(!element) element = tree_node_find_element(node, TREE_ELEMENT_TITLE, NULL); if(element && (strcmp(tree_node_element_get_text(element), messages_get("HotlistMenu")) == 0)) { // found menu ami_menu_scan_2(tree, tree_node_get_child(node), &gen, &item, gwin); } } return(item - AMI_MENU_HOTLIST); } void ami_menu_scan_2(struct tree *tree, struct node *root, WORD *gen, int *item, struct gui_window_2 *gwin) { struct node *tempnode; struct node_element *element=NULL; struct node *node; UBYTE menu_type; char *icon; char key; *gen = *gen + 1; for (node = root; node; node = tree_node_get_next(node)) { if((*gen > 0) && (*gen < 3)) { if(*item >= AMI_MENU_HOTLIST_MAX) return; if(*gen == 1) menu_type = NM_ITEM; if(*gen == 2) menu_type = NM_SUB; if(tree_node_is_folder(node) == true) { icon = "icons/directory.png"; } else { icon = "icons/content.png"; } ami_menu_alloc_item(gwin, *item, menu_type, tree_url_node_get_title(node), 0, icon, ami_menu_item_hotlist_entries, (void *)tree_url_node_get_url(node)); if(tree_node_is_folder(node) && (!tree_node_get_child(node))) gwin->menu[*item].nm_Flags = NM_ITEMDISABLED; *item = *item + 1; } if (tree_node_get_child(node)) ami_menu_scan_2(tree, tree_node_get_child(node), gen, item, gwin); } *gen = *gen - 1; } void ami_menu_update_checked(struct gui_window_2 *gwin) { struct Menu *menustrip; GetAttr(WINDOW_MenuStrip, gwin->objects[OID_MAIN], (ULONG *)&menustrip); if(!menustrip) return; #if defined(WITH_JS) || defined(WITH_MOZJS) if(nsoption_bool(enable_javascript) == true) { if((ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_JS)->Flags & CHECKED) == 0) ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_JS)->Flags ^= CHECKED; } else { if(ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_JS)->Flags & CHECKED) ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_JS)->Flags ^= CHECKED; } #endif if(nsoption_bool(foreground_images) == true) { if((ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_FOREIMG)->Flags & CHECKED) == 0) ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_FOREIMG)->Flags ^= CHECKED; } else { if(ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_FOREIMG)->Flags & CHECKED) ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_FOREIMG)->Flags ^= CHECKED; } if(nsoption_bool(background_images) == true) { if((ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_BACKIMG)->Flags & CHECKED) == 0) ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_BACKIMG)->Flags ^= CHECKED; } else { if(ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_BACKIMG)->Flags & CHECKED) ItemAddress(menustrip, AMI_MENU_BACKIMG)->Flags ^= CHECKED; } ResetMenuStrip(gwin->win, menustrip); } void ami_menu_update_disabled(struct gui_window *g, hlcache_handle *c) { struct Window *win = g->shared->win; if(nsoption_bool(kiosk_mode) == true) return; if(content_get_type(c) <= CONTENT_CSS) { OnMenu(win,AMI_MENU_SAVEAS_TEXT); OnMenu(win,AMI_MENU_SAVEAS_COMPLETE); #ifdef WITH_PDF_EXPORT OnMenu(win,AMI_MENU_SAVEAS_PDF); #endif if(browser_window_get_editor_flags(g->shared->bw) & BW_EDITOR_CAN_COPY) { OnMenu(win,AMI_MENU_COPY); OnMenu(win,AMI_MENU_CLEAR); } else { OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_COPY); OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_CLEAR); } if(browser_window_get_editor_flags(g->shared->bw) & BW_EDITOR_CAN_CUT) OnMenu(win,AMI_MENU_CUT); else OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_CUT); if(browser_window_get_editor_flags(g->shared->bw) & BW_EDITOR_CAN_PASTE) OnMenu(win,AMI_MENU_PASTE); else OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_PASTE); OnMenu(win,AMI_MENU_SELECTALL); OnMenu(win,AMI_MENU_FIND); OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_SAVEAS_IFF); } else { OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_CUT); OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_PASTE); OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_CLEAR); OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_SAVEAS_TEXT); OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_SAVEAS_COMPLETE); #ifdef WITH_PDF_EXPORT OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_SAVEAS_PDF); #endif OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_SELECTALL); OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_FIND); #ifdef WITH_NS_SVG if(content_get_bitmap(c) || (ami_mime_compare(c, "svg") == true)) #else if(content_get_bitmap(c)) #endif { OnMenu(win,AMI_MENU_COPY); OnMenu(win,AMI_MENU_SAVEAS_IFF); } else { OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_COPY); OffMenu(win,AMI_MENU_SAVEAS_IFF); } } } /* * The below functions are called automatically by window.class when menu items are selected. */ static void ami_menu_item_project_newwin(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { nsurl *url; nserror error; error = nsurl_create(nsoption_charp(homepage_url), &url); if (error == NSERROR_OK) { error = browser_window_create(BROWSER_WINDOW_VERIFIABLE | BROWSER_WINDOW_HISTORY, url, NULL, NULL, NULL); nsurl_unref(url); } if (error != NSERROR_OK) { warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(error), 0); } } static void ami_menu_item_project_newtab(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; nsurl *url; nserror error; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); error = nsurl_create(nsoption_charp(homepage_url), &url); if (error == NSERROR_OK) { error = browser_window_create(BROWSER_WINDOW_VERIFIABLE | BROWSER_WINDOW_HISTORY | BROWSER_WINDOW_TAB, url, NULL, gwin->bw, NULL); nsurl_unref(url); } if (error != NSERROR_OK) { warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(error), 0); } } static void ami_menu_item_project_open(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); ami_file_open(gwin); } static void ami_menu_item_project_save(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; ULONG type = (ULONG)hook->h_Data; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); ami_file_save_req(type, gwin, gwin->bw->current_content); } static void ami_menu_item_project_closetab(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); browser_window_destroy(gwin->bw); } static void ami_menu_item_project_closewin(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); ami_menu_window_close = gwin; } static void ami_menu_item_project_print(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); ami_set_pointer(gwin, GUI_POINTER_WAIT, false); ami_print_ui(gwin->bw->current_content); ami_reset_pointer(gwin); } static void ami_menu_item_project_about(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; char *temp, *temp2; int sel; nsurl *url = NULL; nserror error; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); ami_set_pointer(gwin, GUI_POINTER_WAIT, false); temp = ASPrintf("%s|%s|%s", messages_get("OK"), messages_get("HelpCredits"), messages_get("HelpLicence")); temp2 = ami_utf8_easy(temp); FreeVec(temp); sel = TimedDosRequesterTags(TDR_ImageType,TDRIMAGE_INFO, TDR_TitleString, messages_get("NetSurf"), TDR_Window, gwin->win, TDR_GadgetString, temp2, #ifndef NDEBUG TDR_FormatString,"NetSurf %s\n%s\nBuild date %s\n\nhttp://www.netsurf-browser.org", #else TDR_FormatString,"NetSurf %s\n%s\n\nhttp://www.netsurf-browser.org", #endif TDR_Arg1,netsurf_version, #ifdef NS_AMIGA_CAIRO TDR_Arg2,"Cairo (OS4.1+) SObjs build", #else TDR_Arg2,"graphics.library static build", #endif TDR_Arg3,verdate, TAG_DONE); free(temp2); if(sel == 2) { error = nsurl_create("about:credits", &url); } else if(sel == 0) { error = nsurl_create("about:licence", &url); } if(url) { if (error == NSERROR_OK) { error = browser_window_create(BROWSER_WINDOW_VERIFIABLE | BROWSER_WINDOW_HISTORY, url, NULL, NULL, NULL); nsurl_unref(url); } if (error != NSERROR_OK) { warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(error), 0); } } ami_reset_pointer(gwin); } static void ami_menu_item_project_quit(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { ami_menu_window_close = AMI_MENU_WINDOW_CLOSE_ALL; } static void ami_menu_item_edit_cut(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); browser_window_key_press(gwin->bw, KEY_CUT_SELECTION); } static void ami_menu_item_edit_copy(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct bitmap *bm; struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); if(content_get_type(gwin->bw->current_content) <= CONTENT_CSS) { browser_window_key_press(gwin->bw, KEY_COPY_SELECTION); browser_window_key_press(gwin->bw, KEY_CLEAR_SELECTION); } else if(bm = content_get_bitmap(gwin->bw->current_content)) { bm->url = (char *)nsurl_access(hlcache_handle_get_url(gwin->bw->current_content)); bm->title = (char *)content_get_title(gwin->bw->current_content); ami_easy_clipboard_bitmap(bm); } #ifdef WITH_NS_SVG else if(ami_mime_compare(gwin->bw->current_content, "svg") == true) { ami_easy_clipboard_svg(gwin->bw->current_content); } #endif } static void ami_menu_item_edit_paste(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); browser_window_key_press(gwin->bw, KEY_PASTE); } static void ami_menu_item_edit_selectall(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); browser_window_key_press(gwin->bw, KEY_SELECT_ALL); gui_start_selection(gwin->bw->window); } static void ami_menu_item_edit_clearsel(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); browser_window_key_press(gwin->bw, KEY_CLEAR_SELECTION); } static void ami_menu_item_browser_find(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); ami_search_open(gwin->bw->window); } static void ami_menu_item_browser_localhistory(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); if(gwin->bw && gwin->bw->history) ami_history_open(gwin->bw, gwin->bw->history); } static void ami_menu_item_browser_globalhistory(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { ami_tree_open(global_history_window,AMI_TREE_HISTORY); } static void ami_menu_item_browser_cookies(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { ami_tree_open(cookies_window,AMI_TREE_COOKIES); } static void ami_menu_item_browser_foreimg(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct Menu *menustrip; bool checked = false; GetAttr(WINDOW_MenuStrip, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&menustrip); if(ItemAddress(menustrip, msg->Code)->Flags & CHECKED) checked = true; nsoption_set_bool(foreground_images, checked); ami_menu_check_toggled = true; } static void ami_menu_item_browser_backimg(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct Menu *menustrip; bool checked = false; GetAttr(WINDOW_MenuStrip, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&menustrip); if(ItemAddress(menustrip, msg->Code)->Flags & CHECKED) checked = true; nsoption_set_bool(background_images, checked); ami_menu_check_toggled = true; } static void ami_menu_item_browser_enablejs(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct Menu *menustrip; bool checked = false; GetAttr(WINDOW_MenuStrip, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&menustrip); if(ItemAddress(menustrip, msg->Code)->Flags & CHECKED) checked = true; nsoption_set_bool(enable_javascript, checked); ami_menu_check_toggled = true; } static void ami_menu_item_browser_scale_decrease(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); if(browser_window_get_scale(gwin->bw) > 0.1) browser_window_set_scale(gwin->bw, browser_window_get_scale(gwin->bw) - 0.1, false); } static void ami_menu_item_browser_scale_normal(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); browser_window_set_scale(gwin->bw, 1.0, false); } static void ami_menu_item_browser_scale_increase(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); browser_window_set_scale(gwin->bw, browser_window_get_scale(gwin->bw) + 0.1, false); } static void ami_menu_item_browser_redraw(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); ami_schedule_redraw(gwin, true); gwin->new_content = true; } static void ami_menu_item_hotlist_add(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct browser_window *bw; struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); bw = gwin->bw; if (bw == NULL || bw->current_content == NULL || nsurl_access(hlcache_handle_get_url(bw->current_content)) == NULL) return; hotlist_old_add_page(nsurl_access(hlcache_handle_get_url(bw->current_content))); } static void ami_menu_item_hotlist_show(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { ami_tree_open(hotlist_window, AMI_TREE_HOTLIST); } static void ami_menu_item_hotlist_entries(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { nsurl *url; nserror error; char *urltxt = hook->h_Data; struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); if(urltxt == NULL) return; error = nsurl_create(urltxt, &url); if (error != NSERROR_OK) { warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(error), 0); } else { browser_window_navigate(gwin->bw, url, NULL, BROWSER_WINDOW_HISTORY | BROWSER_WINDOW_VERIFIABLE, NULL, NULL, NULL); nsurl_unref(url); } } static void ami_menu_item_settings_edit(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { ami_gui_opts_open(); } static void ami_menu_item_settings_snapshot(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); nsoption_set_int(window_x, gwin->win->LeftEdge); nsoption_set_int(window_y, gwin->win->TopEdge); nsoption_set_int(window_width, gwin->win->Width); nsoption_set_int(window_height, gwin->win->Height); } static void ami_menu_item_settings_save(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { nsoption_write(current_user_options, NULL, NULL); } static void ami_menu_item_arexx_execute(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { char *temp; struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); if(AslRequestTags(filereq, ASLFR_Window, gwin->win, ASLFR_SleepWindow, TRUE, ASLFR_TitleText, messages_get("NetSurf"), ASLFR_Screen, scrn, ASLFR_DoSaveMode, FALSE, ASLFR_InitialDrawer, nsoption_charp(arexx_dir), ASLFR_InitialPattern, "#?.nsrx", TAG_DONE)) { if(temp = AllocVec(1024,MEMF_PRIVATE | MEMF_CLEAR)) { strlcpy(temp, filereq->fr_Drawer, 1024); AddPart(temp, filereq->fr_File, 1024); ami_arexx_execute(temp); FreeVec(temp); } } } static void ami_menu_item_arexx_entries(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { char *script = hook->h_Data; char *temp; struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); if(script) { if(temp = AllocVec(1024, MEMF_PRIVATE | MEMF_CLEAR)) { strcpy(temp, nsoption_charp(arexx_dir)); AddPart(temp, script, 1024); ami_arexx_execute(temp); FreeVec(temp); } } }