/* * Copyright 2008 Chris Young * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "amiga/plotters.h" #include "amiga/gui.h" #include "amiga/bitmap.h" #include "amiga/font.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "amiga/utf8.h" #include #include "amiga/options.h" #include #include #define PATT_DOT 0xAAAA #define PATT_DASH 0xCCCC #define PATT_LINE 0xFFFF struct plotter_table plot; const struct plotter_table amiplot = { ami_clg, ami_rectangle, ami_line, ami_polygon, ami_fill, ami_clip, ami_text, ami_disc, ami_arc, ami_bitmap, ami_bitmap_tile, NULL, //ami_group_start, NULL, //ami_group_end, NULL, //ami_flush, // optional ami_path, false // option_knockout }; bool ami_clg(colour c) { SetRPAttrs(currp,RPTAG_BPenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,c), TAG_DONE); Move(currp,0,0); ClearScreen(currp); return true; } bool ami_rectangle(int x0, int y0, int width, int height, int line_width, colour c, bool dotted, bool dashed) { currp->PenWidth = line_width; currp->PenHeight = line_width; currp->LinePtrn = PATT_LINE; if(dotted) currp->LinePtrn = PATT_DOT; if(dashed) currp->LinePtrn = PATT_DASH; SetRPAttrs(currp,RPTAG_APenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,c), TAG_DONE); Move(currp,x0,y0); Draw(currp,x0+width,y0); Draw(currp,x0+width,y0+height); Draw(currp,x0,y0+height); Draw(currp,x0,y0); currp->PenWidth = 1; currp->PenHeight = 1; currp->LinePtrn = PATT_LINE; return true; } bool ami_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int width, colour c, bool dotted, bool dashed) { currp->PenWidth = width; currp->PenHeight = width; currp->LinePtrn = PATT_LINE; if(dotted) currp->LinePtrn = PATT_DOT; if(dashed) currp->LinePtrn = PATT_DASH; SetRPAttrs(currp,RPTAG_APenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,c), TAG_DONE); Move(currp,x0,y0); Draw(currp,x1,y1); currp->PenWidth = 1; currp->PenHeight = 1; currp->LinePtrn = PATT_LINE; return true; } bool ami_polygon(int *p, unsigned int n, colour fill) { int k; ULONG cx,cy; //DebugPrintF("poly\n"); SetRPAttrs(currp,RPTAG_APenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,fill), RPTAG_OPenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,fill), // RPTAG_OPenColor,0xffffffff, TAG_DONE); AreaMove(currp,p[0],p[1]); for(k=1;kLayer) { reg = NewRegion(); rect.MinX = x0; rect.MinY = y0; rect.MaxX = x1-1; rect.MaxY = y1-1; OrRectRegion(reg,&rect); reg = InstallClipRegion(currp->Layer,reg); if(reg) DisposeRegion(reg); } return true; } bool ami_text(int x, int y, const struct css_style *style, const char *text, size_t length, colour bg, colour c) { char *buffer = NULL; struct TextFont *tfont; if(option_quick_text) { tfont = ami_open_font(style); SetRPAttrs(currp,RPTAG_APenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,c), RPTAG_BPenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,bg), // RPTAG_Font,tfont, TAG_DONE); utf8_to_local_encoding(text,length,&buffer); if(!buffer) return true; /* Below function prints Unicode text direct to the RastPort. * This is commented out due to lack of SDK which allows me to perform blits * that respect the Alpha channel. The code below that (and above) convert to * system default charset and write the text using graphics.library functions. * * ami_unicode_text(currp,text,length,style,x,y,c); * * or, perhaps the ttengine.library version (far too slow): * ami_tte_text(currp,text,length); */ Move(currp,x,y); Text(currp,buffer,strlen(buffer)); ami_close_font(tfont); ami_utf8_free(buffer); } else { ami_unicode_text(currp,text,length,style,x,y,c); } return true; } bool ami_disc(int x, int y, int radius, colour c, bool filled) { SetRPAttrs(currp,RPTAG_APenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,c), TAG_DONE); if(filled) { AreaCircle(currp,x,y,radius); AreaEnd(currp); } else { DrawEllipse(currp,x,y,radius,radius); // NB: does not support fill, need to use AreaCircle for that } return true; } bool ami_arc(int x, int y, int radius, int angle1, int angle2, colour c) { /* http://www.crbond.com/primitives.htm CommonFuncsPPC.lha */ //DebugPrintF("arc\n"); SetRPAttrs(currp,RPTAG_APenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,c), TAG_DONE); // DrawArc(currp,x,y,(float)angle1,(float)angle2,radius); return true; } bool ami_bitmap(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bg, struct content *content) { struct RenderInfo ri; struct BitMap *tbm; struct RastPort trp; if(!width || !height) return true; // ami_fill(x,y,x+width,y+height,bg); /* SetRPAttrs(currp,RPTAG_BPenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,bg), TAG_DONE); */ ri.Memory = bitmap->pixdata; ri.BytesPerRow = bitmap->width * 4; ri.RGBFormat = RGBFB_R8G8B8A8; tbm = p96AllocBitMap(bitmap->width,bitmap->height,32,BMF_DISPLAYABLE,currp->BitMap,RGBFB_R8G8B8A8); InitRastPort(&trp); trp.BitMap = tbm; p96WritePixelArray((struct RenderInfo *)&ri,0,0,&trp,0,0,bitmap->width,bitmap->height); if((bitmap->width != width) || (bitmap->height != height)) { struct BitMap *scaledbm; struct BitScaleArgs bsa; scaledbm = p96AllocBitMap(width,height,32,BMF_DISPLAYABLE,currp->BitMap,RGBFB_R8G8B8A8); if(GfxBase->lib_Version >= 53) // AutoDoc says v52, but this function isn't in OS4.0, so checking for v53 (OS4.1) { CompositeTags(COMPOSITE_Src_Over_Dest,tbm,scaledbm, COMPTAG_ScaleX,COMP_FLOAT_TO_FIX(width/bitmap->width), COMPTAG_ScaleY,COMP_FLOAT_TO_FIX(height/bitmap->height), COMPTAG_Flags,COMPFLAG_IgnoreDestAlpha, COMPTAG_DestX,0, COMPTAG_DestY,0, COMPTAG_DestWidth,width, COMPTAG_DestHeight,height, COMPTAG_OffsetX,0, COMPTAG_OffsetY,0, COMPTAG_FriendBitMap,currp->BitMap, TAG_DONE); } else /* do it the old-fashioned way. This is pretty slow, but probably uses Composite() on OS4.1 anyway, so we're only saving a blit really. */ { bsa.bsa_SrcX = 0; bsa.bsa_SrcY = 0; bsa.bsa_SrcWidth = bitmap->width; bsa.bsa_SrcHeight = bitmap->height; bsa.bsa_DestX = 0; bsa.bsa_DestY = 0; // bsa.bsa_DestWidth = width; // bsa.bsa_DestHeight = height; bsa.bsa_XSrcFactor = bitmap->width; bsa.bsa_XDestFactor = width; bsa.bsa_YSrcFactor = bitmap->height; bsa.bsa_YDestFactor = height; bsa.bsa_SrcBitMap = tbm; bsa.bsa_DestBitMap = scaledbm; bsa.bsa_Flags = 0; BitMapScale(&bsa); } BltBitMapTags(BLITA_Width,width, BLITA_Height,height, BLITA_Source,scaledbm, BLITA_Dest,currp, BLITA_DestX,x, BLITA_DestY,y, BLITA_SrcType,BLITT_BITMAP, BLITA_DestType,BLITT_RASTPORT, BLITA_UseSrcAlpha,TRUE, TAG_DONE); p96FreeBitMap(scaledbm); } else { BltBitMapTags(BLITA_Width,width, BLITA_Height,height, BLITA_Source,&trp, BLITA_Dest,currp, BLITA_DestX,x, BLITA_DestY,y, BLITA_SrcType,BLITT_RASTPORT, BLITA_DestType,BLITT_RASTPORT, BLITA_UseSrcAlpha,!bitmap->opaque, TAG_DONE); } p96FreeBitMap(tbm); return true; } bool ami_bitmap_tile(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bg, bool repeat_x, bool repeat_y, struct content *content) { struct RenderInfo ri; ULONG xf,yf,wf,hf; int max_width,max_height; struct BitMap *tbm; struct RastPort trp; /* SetRPAttrs(currp,RPTAG_BPenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,bg), TAG_DONE); */ ri.Memory = bitmap->pixdata; ri.BytesPerRow = bitmap->width * 4; ri.RGBFormat = RGBFB_R8G8B8A8; tbm = p96AllocBitMap(bitmap->width,bitmap->height,32,0,currp->BitMap,RGBFB_R8G8B8A8); InitRastPort(&trp); trp.BitMap = tbm; p96WritePixelArray((struct RenderInfo *)&ri,0,0,&trp,0,0,bitmap->width,bitmap->height); max_width = (repeat_x ? scrn->Width : width); max_height = (repeat_y ? scrn->Height : height); if(repeat_x && (x<-bitmap->width)) while(x<-bitmap->width) x+=bitmap->width; if(repeat_y && (y<-bitmap->height)) while(y<-bitmap->height) y+=bitmap->height; for(xf=0;xfwidth) { for(yf=0;yfheight) { if(width > xf+bitmap->width) { wf = width-(xf+bitmap->width); } else { wf=bitmap->width; } if(height > yf+bitmap->height) { hf = height-(yf+bitmap->height); } else { hf=bitmap->height; } BltBitMapTags(BLITA_Width,wf, BLITA_Height,hf, BLITA_Source,&trp, BLITA_Dest,currp, BLITA_DestX,x+xf, BLITA_DestY,y+yf, BLITA_SrcType,BLITT_RASTPORT, BLITA_DestType,BLITT_RASTPORT, BLITA_UseSrcAlpha,!bitmap->opaque, TAG_DONE); } } p96FreeBitMap(tbm); return true; } bool ami_group_start(const char *name) { /** optional */ return false; } bool ami_group_end(void) { /** optional */ return false; } bool ami_flush(void) { //DebugPrintF("flush\n"); return true; } bool ami_path(float *p, unsigned int n, colour fill, float width, colour c, float *transform) { /* Not implemented yet - unable to locate website which requires this plotter! */ return true; }