/* * Copyright 2010 Ole Loots * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "desktop/gui.h" #include "desktop/netsurf.h" #include "desktop/browser.h" #include "desktop/browser_private.h" #include "desktop/mouse.h" #include "desktop/textinput.h" #include "content/content.h" #include "content/hlcache.h" #include "content/urldb.h" #include "css/css.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "atari/gui.h" #include "atari/rootwin.h" #include "atari/misc.h" #include "atari/clipboard.h" #include "utils/nsoption.h" #include "atari/res/netsurf.rsh" #include "atari/ctxmenu.h" #define CNT_INVALID 0 #define CNT_BROWSER 64 #define CNT_HREF 128 #define CNT_SELECTION 256 #define CNT_INTERACTIVE 512 #define CNT_IMG 1024 bool gui_window_get_scroll(struct gui_window *w, int *sx, int *sy); struct s_context_info { unsigned long flags; struct contextual_content ccdata; }; struct s_context_info ctxinfo; static struct s_context_info * get_context_info( struct gui_window * gw, short mx, short my ) { hlcache_handle *h; GRECT area; struct contextual_content ccdata; struct browser_window * bw = gw->browser->bw; int sx, sy; h = bw->current_content; ctxinfo.flags = 0; window_get_grect(gw->root, BROWSER_AREA_CONTENT, &area); if (POINT_WITHIN(mx, my, area)) { mx -= area.g_x; my -= area.g_y; if (!bw->current_content || content_get_type(h) != CONTENT_HTML){ return(&ctxinfo); } ctxinfo.flags |= CNT_BROWSER; memset( &ctxinfo.ccdata, sizeof(struct contextual_content), 0 ); gui_window_get_scroll(gw, &sx, &sy); browser_window_get_contextual_content( gw->browser->bw, mx+sx, my+sy, (struct contextual_content*)&ctxinfo.ccdata); if( ctxinfo.ccdata.link_url ){ ctxinfo.flags |= CNT_HREF; } if( ctxinfo.ccdata.object) { if( content_get_type(ctxinfo.ccdata.object) == CONTENT_IMAGE ){ ctxinfo.flags |= CNT_IMG; } } if ( ctxinfo.ccdata.form_features == CTX_FORM_TEXT ) ctxinfo.flags |= (CNT_INTERACTIVE | CNT_SELECTION); } return(&ctxinfo); } /*** * Generates an unique filename for temp. files * The generated filename includes the path. * If TMPDIR environmenrt vairable is set, this will be used as path, * otherwise U:\tmp\ * \param prefix * \param sufffix * \return pointer to static buffer owned by get_tmpfilename() */ static char * get_tmpfilename(const char * prefix, const char * suffix) { int i=0; static char tmpfilename[PATH_MAX]; char * tmpdir; const char * tmp_path_suffix = ""; // TODO: make function public? tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); if(tmpdir == NULL){ tmpdir = (char*)"u:\\tmp\\"; } if(tmpdir[strlen(tmpdir)-1] != '\\'){ tmp_path_suffix = "\\"; } do{ /* generate a new filename: */ snprintf(tmpfilename, PATH_MAX, "%s%s%s%d%s", tmpdir, tmp_path_suffix, prefix, i++, suffix); /* check with cflib: */ } while(file_exists(tmpfilename)); return(tmpfilename); } //TODO: do not open popup for gui_window, but for a rootwin? void context_popup(struct gui_window * gw, short x, short y) { #define POP_FIRST_ITEM POP_CTX_CUT_SEL #define POP_LAST_ITEM POP_CTX_SAVE_LINK_AS OBJECT * pop; int choice; struct s_context_info * ctx; unsigned long size; const char * data; FILE * fp_tmpfile; char cmdline[128]; /* skip first byte, which must hold length of commandline: */ char * tempfile = &cmdline[1]; int err = 0; char * editor, *lastslash; MENU pop_menu, me_data; pop = gemtk_obj_get_tree( POP_CTX ); if (pop == NULL) return; ctx = get_context_info(gw, x, y); /* Disable all items by default: */ for( choice = POP_FIRST_ITEM; choice<=POP_LAST_ITEM; choice++ ){ SET_BIT(pop[ choice ].ob_state, OS_DISABLED, 1); } if( ctx->flags & CNT_INTERACTIVE ){ SET_BIT(pop[ POP_CTX_PASTE_SEL ].ob_state, OS_DISABLED, 0); } if( (ctx->flags & CNT_BROWSER) ){ SET_BIT(pop[ POP_CTX_SELECT_ALL ].ob_state, OS_DISABLED, 0); SET_BIT(pop[ POP_CTX_COPY_SEL ].ob_state, OS_DISABLED, 0); SET_BIT(pop[ POP_CTX_VIEW_SOURCE ].ob_state, OS_DISABLED, 0); } if( ctx->flags & CNT_HREF ){ SET_BIT(pop[ POP_CTX_COPY_LINK ].ob_state, OS_DISABLED, 0); SET_BIT(pop[ POP_CTX_OPEN_NEW ].ob_state, OS_DISABLED, 0); SET_BIT(pop[ POP_CTX_SAVE_LINK_AS ].ob_state, OS_DISABLED, 0); } if( ctx->flags & CNT_IMG ){ SET_BIT(pop[ POP_CTX_SAVE_AS ].ob_state, OS_DISABLED, 0); SET_BIT(pop[ POP_CTX_COPY_URL ].ob_state, OS_DISABLED, 0); SET_BIT(pop[ POP_CTX_OPEN_NEW ].ob_state, OS_DISABLED, 0); } // point mn_tree tree to states popup: pop_menu.mn_tree = gemtk_obj_get_tree(POP_CTX); pop_menu.mn_menu = 0; pop_menu.mn_item = POP_CTX_CUT_SEL; pop_menu.mn_scroll = SCROLL_NO; pop_menu.mn_keystate = 0; menu_popup(&pop_menu, x, y, &me_data); choice = me_data.mn_item; switch( choice ){ case POP_CTX_COPY_SEL: browser_window_key_press(gw->browser->bw, KEY_COPY_SELECTION); break; case POP_CTX_CUT_SEL: browser_window_key_press(gw->browser->bw, KEY_CUT_SELECTION); break; case POP_CTX_PASTE_SEL: browser_window_key_press(gw->browser->bw, KEY_PASTE); break; case POP_CTX_SELECT_ALL: browser_window_key_press(gw->browser->bw, KEY_SELECT_ALL); break; case POP_CTX_SAVE_AS: if (ctx->ccdata.object != NULL) { if( hlcache_handle_get_url(ctx->ccdata.object) != NULL ) { browser_window_navigate( gw->browser->bw, hlcache_handle_get_url(ctx->ccdata.object), hlcache_handle_get_url(gw->browser->bw->current_content), BW_NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD | BW_NAVIGATE_VERIFIABLE, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } } case POP_CTX_SAVE_LINK_AS: if (ctx->ccdata.link_url != NULL) { nsurl *url; nserror error; error = nsurl_create(ctx->ccdata.link_url, &url); if (error == NSERROR_OK) { error = browser_window_navigate( gw->browser->bw, url, hlcache_handle_get_url(gw->browser->bw->current_content), BW_NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD | BW_NAVIGATE_VERIFIABLE, NULL, NULL, NULL ); nsurl_unref(url); } if (error != NSERROR_OK) { warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(error), 0); } } break; case POP_CTX_COPY_URL: if ((ctx->flags & CNT_IMG) && (ctx->ccdata.object != NULL)) { if( hlcache_handle_get_url(ctx->ccdata.object) != NULL ){ scrap_txt_write((char*)nsurl_access( hlcache_handle_get_url(ctx->ccdata.object))); } } break; case POP_CTX_COPY_LINK: if ((ctx->flags & CNT_HREF) && ctx->ccdata.link_url != NULL) { scrap_txt_write((char*)ctx->ccdata.link_url); } break; case POP_CTX_OPEN_NEW: if ((ctx->flags & CNT_HREF) && ctx->ccdata.link_url) { nsurl *url; nserror error; error = nsurl_create(ctx->ccdata.link_url, &url); if (error == NSERROR_OK) { error = browser_window_create( BW_CREATE_HISTORY | BW_CREATE_CLONE, url, hlcache_handle_get_url(gw->browser->bw->current_content), gw->browser->bw, NULL ); nsurl_unref(url); } if (error != NSERROR_OK) { warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(error), 0); } } break; case POP_CTX_VIEW_SOURCE: editor = nsoption_charp(atari_editor); if (editor != NULL && strlen(editor)>0) { data = content_get_source_data(gw->browser->bw->current_content, &size); if (size > 0 && data != NULL){ snprintf(tempfile, 127, "%s", get_tmpfilename("ns-", ".html")); /* the GEMDOS cmdline contains the length of the commandline in the first byte: */ cmdline[0] = (unsigned char)strlen(tempfile); LOG(("Creating temporay source file: %s\n", tempfile)); fp_tmpfile = fopen(tempfile, "w"); if (fp_tmpfile != NULL){ fwrite(data, size, 1, fp_tmpfile); fclose(fp_tmpfile); // Send SH_WDRAW to notify files changed: gemtk_send_msg(SH_WDRAW, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0); // start application: if(strlen(tempfile)<=125){ shel_write(1, 1, 1, editor, cmdline); } } else { printf("Could not open temp file: %s!\n", tempfile ); } } else { LOG(("Invalid content!")); } } else { form_alert(0, "[1][Set option \"atari_editor\".][OK]"); } break; default: break; } #undef POP_FIRST_ITEM #undef POP_LAST_ITEM }