/* * Copyright 2010 Ole Loots * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "content/content.h" #include "content/hlcache.h" #include "desktop/cookie_manager.h" #include "desktop/mouse.h" #include "desktop/tree.h" #include "utils/nsoption.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "utils/url.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "content/fetch.h" #include "atari/gui.h" #include "atari/toolbar.h" #include "atari/misc.h" #include "atari/encoding.h" #include "atari/gemtk/gemtk.h" #include "cflib.h" extern void * h_gem_rsrc; struct is_process_running_callback_data { const char * fname; bool found; }; void warn_user(const char *warning, const char *detail) { size_t len = 1 + ((warning != NULL) ? strlen(messages_get(warning)) : 0) + ((detail != 0) ? strlen(detail) : 0); char message[len]; snprintf(message, len, messages_get(warning), detail); printf("%s\n", message); gemtk_msg_box_show(GEMTK_MSG_BOX_ALERT, message); } void die(const char *error) { printf("%s\n", error); gemtk_msg_box_show(GEMTK_MSG_BOX_ALERT, error); exit(1); } struct gui_window * find_guiwin_by_aes_handle(short handle){ struct gui_window * gw; gw = window_list; if( handle == 0 ){ return( NULL ); } while(gw != NULL) { if(gw->root->win != NULL && gemtk_wm_get_handle(gw->root->win) == handle) { return(gw); } else gw = gw->next; } return( NULL ); } static int scan_process_list(scan_process_callback cb, void *data) { int pid, count = 0; DIR *dir; char*dirname; struct dirent *de; if (( dir = opendir("U:/kern")) == NULL) return(0); while ((de = readdir( dir)) != NULL) { dirname = de->d_name; if( dirname[0] != '1' && dirname[0] != '2' && dirname[0] != '3' && dirname[0] != '4' && dirname[0] != '5' && dirname[0] != '6' && dirname[0] != '7' && dirname[0] != '8' && dirname[0] != '9') continue; count++; if (cb != NULL) { /* when callback returns negative value, we stop scanning: */ pid = atoi(dirname); if (cb(pid, data)<0) { break; } } } closedir(dir); return(count); } static int proc_running_callback(int pid, void * arg) { char buf[PATH_MAX], fnamepath[256]; FILE *fp; int nread; struct is_process_running_callback_data *data; data = (struct is_process_running_callback_data *)arg; sprintf(fnamepath, "U:\\kern\\%d\\fname", pid); printf("checking: %s\n", fnamepath); fp = fopen(fnamepath, "r"); if(!fp) return(0); nread = fread(buf, 1, PATH_MAX-1, fp); fclose(fp); nread = MIN(PATH_MAX-1, nread); if (nread > 0) { buf[nread] = 0; char *lastslash = strrchr(buf, '/'); if(lastslash == NULL) lastslash = strrchr(buf, '\\'); if(lastslash==NULL) lastslash = buf; else lastslash++; if(strcasecmp(lastslash, data->fname)==0){ /* found process, check status: */ sprintf(fnamepath, "U:\\kern\\%d\\status", pid); fp = fopen(fnamepath, "r"); if (fp) { nread = fread(buf, 1, PATH_MAX-1, fp); fclose(fp); if (nread>0) { nread = MIN(PATH_MAX-1,nread); } buf[nread] = 0; if (strstr(buf, "zombie")==NULL) { data->found = true; return(-1); } } } } return(0); } bool is_process_running(const char * name) { struct is_process_running_callback_data data = {name, false}; scan_process_list(proc_running_callback, &data); return( (data.found==1) ? true : false ); } /** * Callback for load_icon(). Should be removed once bitmaps get loaded directly * from disc */ static nserror load_icon_callback(hlcache_handle *handle, const hlcache_event *event, void *pw) { return NSERROR_OK; } /** * utility function. Copied from NetSurf tree API. * * \param name the name of the loaded icon, if it's not a full path the icon is * looked for in the directory specified by icons_dir * \return the icon in form of a content or NULL on failure */ hlcache_handle *load_icon(const char *name, hlcache_handle_callback cb, void * pw ) { char *url = NULL; const char *icon_url = NULL; int len; hlcache_handle *c; nserror err; nsurl *icon_nsurl; char * icons_dir = nsoption_charp(tree_icons_path); /** @todo something like bitmap_from_disc is needed here */ if (!strncmp(name, "file://", 7)) { icon_url = name; } else { char *native_path = NULL; if (icons_dir == NULL) return NULL; err = netsurf_mkpath(&native_path, NULL, 2, icons_dir, name); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(err)); return NULL; } /* Convert native path to URL */ url = path_to_url(native_path); free(native_path); icon_url = url; } err = nsurl_create(icon_url, &icon_nsurl); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { if (url != NULL) free(url); return NULL; } /* Fetch the icon */ err = hlcache_handle_retrieve(icon_nsurl, 0, 0, 0, ((cb != NULL) ? cb : load_icon_callback), pw, 0, CONTENT_IMAGE, &c); nsurl_unref(icon_nsurl); /* If we built the URL here, free it */ if (url != NULL) free(url); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { return NULL; } return c; } void gem_set_cursor( MFORM_EX * cursor ) { static unsigned char flags = 255; static int number = 255; if( flags == cursor->flags && number == cursor->number ) return; if( cursor->flags & MFORM_EX_FLAG_USERFORM ) { gemtk_obj_mouse_sprite(cursor->tree, cursor->number); } else { graf_mouse(cursor->number, NULL ); } number = cursor->number; flags = cursor->flags; } /** * Convert NKC (atari normalized key code) to netsurf * Input key code and/or to ucs4 (depends on keycode). * When the input key can not be found for the NKC, * the function will return 0 and fill ucs4_out with * the NKC converted to UC4 encoding. */ long nkc_to_input_key(short nkc, long * ucs4_out) { unsigned char ascii = (nkc & 0xFF); long ik = 0; // initialize result: *ucs4_out = 0; // sanitize input key: nkc = (nkc & (NKF_CTRL|NKF_SHIFT|0xFF)); /* shift + cntrl key: */ if( ((nkc & NKF_CTRL) == NKF_CTRL) && ((nkc & (NKF_SHIFT))!=0) ) { } /* cntrl key only: */ else if( (nkc & NKF_CTRL) == NKF_CTRL ) { switch ( ascii ) { case 'A': ik = KEY_SELECT_ALL; break; case 'C': ik = KEY_COPY_SELECTION; break; case 'X': ik = KEY_CUT_SELECTION; break; case 'V': ik = KEY_PASTE; break; default: break; } } /* shift key only: */ else if( (nkc & NKF_SHIFT) != 0 ) { switch( ascii ) { case NK_TAB: ik = KEY_SHIFT_TAB; break; case NK_LEFT: ik = KEY_LINE_START; break; case NK_RIGHT: ik = KEY_LINE_END; break; case NK_UP: ik = KEY_PAGE_UP; break; case NK_DOWN: ik = KEY_PAGE_DOWN; break; default: break; } } /* No modifier keys: */ else { switch( ascii ) { case NK_INS: ik = KEY_PASTE; break; case NK_BS: ik = KEY_DELETE_LEFT; break; case NK_DEL: ik = KEY_DELETE_RIGHT; break; case NK_TAB: ik = KEY_TAB; break; case NK_ENTER: ik = KEY_NL; break; case NK_RET: ik = KEY_CR; break; case NK_ESC: ik = KEY_ESCAPE; break; case NK_CLRHOME: ik = KEY_TEXT_START; break; case NK_RIGHT: ik = KEY_RIGHT; break; case NK_LEFT: ik = KEY_LEFT; break; case NK_UP: ik = KEY_UP; break; case NK_UNDO: ik = KEY_UNDO; break; case NK_DOWN: ik = KEY_DOWN; break; case NK_M_PGUP: ik = KEY_PAGE_UP; break; case NK_M_PGDOWN: ik = KEY_PAGE_DOWN; break; default: break; } } if( ik == 0 && ( (nkc & NKF_CTRL)==0) ) { if (ascii >= 9 ) { *ucs4_out = atari_to_ucs4(ascii); } } return ( ik ); } /** * Show default file selector * * \param title The selector title. * \param name Default file name * \return a static char pointer or null if the user aborted the selection. */ const char * file_select(const char * title, const char * name) { static char path[PATH_MAX]=""; // First usage : current directory static char fullname[PATH_MAX]=""; char tmpname[255]; char * use_title = (char*)title; if( strlen(name)>254) return( NULL ); strcpy(tmpname, name); if( use_title == NULL ){ use_title = (char*)""; } if (select_file(path, tmpname, (char*)"*", use_title, NULL)) { snprintf(fullname, PATH_MAX, "%s%s", path, tmpname); return((const char*)&fullname); } return( NULL ); } void dbg_grect(const char * str, GRECT * r) { printf("%s: x: %d, y: %d, w: %d, h: %d (x2: %d, y2: %d)\n", str, r->g_x, r->g_y, r->g_w, r->g_h, r->g_x + r->g_w, r->g_y + r->g_h); } void dbg_pxy(const char * str, short * pxy ) { printf("%s: x: %d, y: %d, w: %d, h: %d\n", str, pxy[0], pxy[1], pxy[2], pxy[3] ); } void dbg_rect(const char * str, int * pxy) { printf("%s: x0: %d, y0: %d, x1: %d, y1: %d (w: %d, h: %d)\n", str, pxy[0], pxy[1], pxy[2], pxy[3], pxy[2] - pxy[0], pxy[3] - pxy[1] ); }