/* * Copyright 2008 Vincent Sanders * Copyright 2011 Ole Loots * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "atari/schedule.h" #ifdef DEBUG_SCHEDULER #include "utils/log.h" #else #define LOG(X) #endif #define MS_NOW() ((clock() * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) /* linked list of scheduled callbacks */ static struct nscallback *schedule_list = NULL; /** * scheduled callback. */ struct nscallback { struct nscallback *next; unsigned long timeout; void (*callback)(void *p); void *p; }; static int max_scheduled; static int cur_scheduled; /** * Unschedule a callback. * * \param callback callback function * \param p user parameter, passed to callback function * * All scheduled callbacks matching both callback and p are removed. */ static nserror schedule_remove(void (*callback)(void *p), void *p) { struct nscallback *cur_nscb; struct nscallback *prev_nscb; struct nscallback *unlnk_nscb; /* check there is something on the list to remove */ if (schedule_list == NULL) { return NSERROR_OK; } LOG(("removing %p, %p", callback, p)); cur_nscb = schedule_list; prev_nscb = NULL; while (cur_nscb != NULL) { if ((cur_nscb->callback == callback) && (cur_nscb->p == p)) { /* item to remove */ LOG(("callback entry %p removing %p(%p)", cur_nscb, cur_nscb->callback, cur_nscb->p)); /* remove callback */ unlnk_nscb = cur_nscb; cur_nscb = unlnk_nscb->next; if (prev_nscb == NULL) { schedule_list = cur_nscb; } else { prev_nscb->next = cur_nscb; } free (unlnk_nscb); cur_scheduled--; } else { /* move to next element */ prev_nscb = cur_nscb; cur_nscb = prev_nscb->next; } } return NSERROR_OK; } /* exported function documented in atari/schedule.h */ nserror atari_schedule(int ival, void (*callback)(void *p), void *p) { struct nscallback *nscb; nserror ret; /* remove any existing callback of this kind */ ret = schedule_remove(callback, p); if ((ival < 0) || (ret != NSERROR_OK)) { return ret; } nscb = calloc(1, sizeof(struct nscallback)); nscb->timeout = MS_NOW() + ival; LOG(("adding callback %p for %p(%p) at %d ms", nscb, callback, p, nscb->timeout )); nscb->callback = callback; nscb->p = p; /* add to list front */ nscb->next = schedule_list; schedule_list = nscb; cur_scheduled++; if( cur_scheduled > max_scheduled ) { max_scheduled = cur_scheduled; } return NSERROR_OK; } /* exported function documented in atari/schedule.h */ int schedule_run(void) { unsigned long nexttime; struct nscallback *cur_nscb; struct nscallback *prev_nscb; struct nscallback *unlnk_nscb; unsigned long now = MS_NOW(); if (schedule_list == NULL) return -1; /* reset enumeration to the start of the list */ cur_nscb = schedule_list; prev_nscb = NULL; nexttime = cur_nscb->timeout; while (cur_nscb != NULL) { if (now > cur_nscb->timeout) { /* scheduled time */ /* remove callback */ unlnk_nscb = cur_nscb; if (prev_nscb == NULL) { schedule_list = unlnk_nscb->next; } else { prev_nscb->next = unlnk_nscb->next; } LOG(("callback entry %p running %p(%p)", unlnk_nscb, unlnk_nscb->callback, unlnk_nscb->p)); /* call callback */ unlnk_nscb->callback(unlnk_nscb->p); free(unlnk_nscb); cur_scheduled--; /* need to deal with callback modifying the list. */ if (schedule_list == NULL) { LOG(("schedule_list == NULL")); return -1; /* no more callbacks scheduled */ } /* reset enumeration to the start of the list */ cur_nscb = schedule_list; prev_nscb = NULL; nexttime = cur_nscb->timeout; } else { /* if the time to the event is sooner than the * currently recorded soonest event record it */ if (nexttime > cur_nscb->timeout) { nexttime = cur_nscb->timeout; } /* move to next element */ prev_nscb = cur_nscb; cur_nscb = prev_nscb->next; } } /* make rettime relative to now and convert to ms */ nexttime = nexttime - now; LOG(("returning time to next event as %ldms", nexttime )); /*return next event time in milliseconds (24days max wait) */ return nexttime; } /* exported function documented in atari/schedule.h */ void list_schedule(void) { struct timeval tv; struct nscallback *cur_nscb; LOG(("schedule list at ms clock %ld", MS_NOW() )); cur_nscb = schedule_list; while (cur_nscb != NULL) { LOG(("Schedule %p at %ld", cur_nscb, cur_nscb->timeout )); cur_nscb = cur_nscb->next; } LOG(("Maxmium callbacks scheduled: %d", max_scheduled )); } /* * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset:8 * End: */