#!/bin/bash # this is an small build script to create an package for nsgem # invoke: mkpkg.sh [-s,-d,-8,-fonts] # # Parameters: # # -8 # Description: The package will be build for 8.3 filesystems # This also defines the -fonts parameter # # -fonts # Description: The package will include the DejaVu fonts package # ( 8.3 compatible names ) # # -fpath # Description: Set path to dejavu Fonts # # -s (srcpath) # Description: use it like: -s "path to netsurf root" to configure from which # directory the package files are taken. # The Path must have trailing slash! # # -d (dstpath) # Description: use it like: -d "path to dir where the package will be placed" # to configure the output path of this script. # The path mus have trailing slash! # # config variable, set default values src="/f/netsurf/netsurf/" dst=$src"atari/pkg/" shortfs=0 inc_short_fonts=0 font_src="/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/" framebuffer=0 while [ "$1" != "" ] # When there are arguments... do # Process the next one case $1 # Look at $1 in -8) shortfs="1" shift ;; -fonts) inc_short_fonts="1" shift ;; -fpath) shift font_src=$1 shift ;; -d) shift dst=$1 shift ;; -s) shift src=$1 shift ;; *) echo "Option [$1] not one of [-8,-fonts,-d,-s,-fpath]"; exit;; esac done echo "Building from: "$src echo "Building in: "$dst echo "Building for short fs: "$shortfs if [ "$shortfs" = "1" ] then inc_short_fonts=1 fi if [ -d "$font_src" ] then echo "Found fonts in $font_src" else echo "Error: TTF Fonts not found ($font_src)!" exit 0 fi set -o verbose rm $dst -r mkdir $dst mkdir $dst"res" mkdir $dst"res/icons" mkdir $dst"res/fonts" cp $src"ns.prg" $dst chmod +x $dst"ns.prg" strip $dst"ns.prg" stack -S 1000k $dst"ns.prg" cp $src"atari/res/" $dst -rL cp $src"\!NetSurf/Resources/AdBlock,f79" $dst"res/adblock.css" -rL cp $src"\!NetSurf/Resources/CSS,f79" $dst"res/default.css" -rL cp $src"\!NetSurf/Resources/CSS,f79" $dst"res/quirks.css" -rL cp $src"\!NetSurf/Resources/SearchEngines" $dst"res/search" -rL cp $src"\!NetSurf/Resources/ca-bundle" $dst"res/cabundle" -rL cp $src"\!NetSurf/Resources/en/Messages" $dst"res/messages" -rL cp $src"\!NetSurf/Resources/Icons/content.png" $dst"res/icons/content.png" -rL cp $src"\!NetSurf/Resources/Icons/directory.png" $dst"res/icons/dir.png" -rL #remove uneeded files: rm $dst"res/netsurf.rsm" rm $dst"res/netsurf.rsh" if [ "$inc_short_fonts" = "1" ] then cp $font_src"DejaVuSans.ttf" $dst"res/fonts/ss.ttf" cp $font_src"DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf" $dst"res/fonts/ssb.ttf" cp $font_src"DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf" $dst"res/fonts/ssi.ttf" cp $font_src"DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf" $dst"res/fonts/ssib.ttf" cp $font_src"DejaVuSansMono.ttf" $dst"res/fonts/mono.ttf" cp $font_src"DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf" $dst"res/fonts/monob.ttf" cp $font_src"DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf" $dst"res/fonts/cursive.ttf" cp $font_src"DejaVuSerif.ttf" $dst"res/fonts/s.ttf" cp $font_src"DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf" $dst"res/fonts/sb.ttf" cp $font_src"DejaVuSerifCondensed-Bold.ttf" $dst"res/fonts/fantasy.ttf" fi #create an simple startup script: if [ "$framebuffer" = "1" ] then echo "NETSURFRES=./res/ export NETSURFRES ./nsfb.prg -v file:///f/" > $dst"ns.sh" chmod +x $dst"ns.sh" fi echo " atari_screen_driver:vdi atari_font_driver:freetype homepage_url:file:///./res/blank http_proxy:0 http_proxy_host: http_proxy_port:8123 http_proxy_auth:0 http_proxy_auth_user: http_proxy_auth_pass: suppress_curl_debug:1 font_size:120 font_min_size:80 #font_sans:Sans #font_serif:Serif #font_mono:Monospace #font_cursive:Serif #font_fantasy:Serif accept_language: accept_charset: memory_cache_size:204800 disc_cache_age:28 block_advertisements:0 minimum_gif_delay:0 send_referer:1 animate_images:1 expire_url:28 #font_default:1 ca_bundle:./res/cabundle ca_path:./res/certs cookie_file:./res/Cookies cookie_jar:./res/Cookies search_url_bar:0 search_provider:0 url_suggestion:0 window_x:0 window_y:0 window_width:0 window_height:0 window_screen_width:0 window_screen_height:0 scale:100 incremental_reflow:1 min_reflow_period:200 tree_icons_dir:./res/icons core_select_menu:1 max_fetchers:16 max_fetchers_per_host:2 max_cached_fetch_handles:6 target_blank:1 margin_top:10 margin_bottom:10 margin_left:10 margin_right:10 export_scale:70 suppress_images:0 remove_backgrounds:0 enable_loosening:1 enable_PDF_compression:1 enable_PDF_password:0 render_resample:0 downloads_clear:0 request_overwrite:1 downloads_directory:./ url_file:./res/URLs button_type:2 disable_popups:0 disable_plugins:0 history_age:0 hover_urls:0 focus_new:0 new_blank:0 hotlist_path:./res/Hotlist current_theme:0 " > $dst"Choices" cd $dst tar cvf - ./* | gzip -c > ns.tar.gz echo exit 0