/* * Copyright 2013 Ole Loots * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "desktop/browser_private.h" #include "desktop/search.h" #include "desktop/gui_search.h" #include "atari/gui.h" #include "atari/rootwin.h" #include "atari/misc.h" #include "atari/toolbar.h" #include "atari/search.h" #include "atari/gemtk/gemtk.h" #include "atari/res/netsurf.rsh" extern struct gui_window * input_window; static void nsatari_search_set_status(bool found, void *p); static void nsatari_search_set_hourglass(bool active, void *p); static void nsatari_search_add_recent(const char *string, void *p); void nsatari_search_set_forward_state(bool active, void *p); void nsatari_search_set_back_state(bool active, void *p); static struct gui_search_table search_table = { nsatari_search_set_status, nsatari_search_set_hourglass, nsatari_search_add_recent, nsatari_search_set_forward_state, nsatari_search_set_back_state, }; struct gui_search_table *atari_search_table = &search_table; /** * Change the displayed search status. * \param found search pattern matched in text * \param p the pointer sent to search_verify_new() / search_create_context() */ void nsatari_search_set_status(bool found, void *p) { LOG(("%p set status: %d\n", p, found)); // TODO: maybe update GUI } /** * display hourglass while searching * \param active start/stop indicator * \param p the pointer sent to search_verify_new() / search_create_context() */ void nsatari_search_set_hourglass(bool active, void *p) { SEARCH_FORM_SESSION s = (SEARCH_FORM_SESSION)p; LOG(("active: %d, session: %p", active, p)); if (active) gui_window_set_pointer(s->g, GUI_POINTER_PROGRESS); else gui_window_set_pointer(s->g, GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); } /** * add search string to recent searches list * front is at liberty how to implement the bare notification * should normally store a strdup() of the string; * core gives no guarantee of the integrity of the const char * * \param string search pattern * \param p the pointer sent to search_verify_new() / search_create_context() */ void nsatari_search_add_recent(const char *string, void *p) { LOG(("%p add recent: %s\n", p, string)); } /** * activate search forwards button in gui * \param active activate/inactivate * \param p the pointer sent to search_verify_new() / search_create_context() */ void nsatari_search_set_forward_state(bool active, void *p) { struct gui_window *gw; OBJECT *toolbar; GRECT area; SEARCH_FORM_SESSION s = (SEARCH_FORM_SESSION)p; /* deactivate back cb */ LOG(("%p: set forward state: %d\n", p, active)); gw = s->g; toolbar = toolbar_get_form(gw->root->toolbar); if(active) toolbar[TOOLBAR_BT_SEARCH_FWD].ob_state &= ~OS_DISABLED; else toolbar[TOOLBAR_BT_SEARCH_FWD].ob_state |= OS_DISABLED; window_get_grect(gw->root, BROWSER_AREA_SEARCH, &area); window_schedule_redraw_grect(gw->root, &area); } /** * activate search back button in gui * \param active activate/inactivate * \param p the pointer sent to search_verify_new() / search_create_context() */ void nsatari_search_set_back_state(bool active, void *p) { struct gui_window *gw; OBJECT *toolbar; GRECT area; SEARCH_FORM_SESSION s = (SEARCH_FORM_SESSION)p; /* deactivate back cb */ LOG(("%p: set back state: %d\n", p, active)); s->state.back_avail = active; gw = s->g; toolbar = toolbar_get_form(gw->root->toolbar); if(active) toolbar[TOOLBAR_BT_SEARCH_BACK].ob_state &= ~OS_DISABLED; else toolbar[TOOLBAR_BT_SEARCH_BACK].ob_state |= OS_DISABLED; window_get_grect(gw->root, BROWSER_AREA_SEARCH, &area); window_schedule_redraw_grect(gw->root, &area); } static int apply_form(OBJECT *obj, struct s_search_form_state *s) { char * cstr; assert(s != NULL); s->flags = 0; if( (obj[TOOLBAR_CB_CASESENSE].ob_state & OS_SELECTED) != 0 ) s->flags |= SEARCH_FLAG_CASE_SENSITIVE; if( (obj[TOOLBAR_CB_SHOWALL].ob_state & OS_SELECTED) != 0 ) s->flags |= SEARCH_FLAG_SHOWALL; cstr = gemtk_obj_get_text(obj, TOOLBAR_TB_SRCH); snprintf(s->text, 32, "%s", cstr); return ( 0 ); } static void set_text(OBJECT *obj, short idx, char * text, int len) { char spare[255]; if( len > 254 ) len = 254; if( text != NULL ){ strncpy(spare, text, 254); } else { strcpy(spare, ""); } set_string(obj, idx, spare); } void nsatari_search_restore_form( struct s_search_form_session *s, OBJECT *obj) { if ((s->state.flags & SEARCH_FLAG_SHOWALL) != 0) { obj[TOOLBAR_CB_SHOWALL].ob_state |= OS_SELECTED; } else { obj[TOOLBAR_CB_SHOWALL].ob_state &= ~OS_SELECTED; } if ((s->state.flags & SEARCH_FLAG_CASE_SENSITIVE) != 0) { obj[TOOLBAR_CB_CASESENSE].ob_state |= OS_SELECTED; } else { obj[TOOLBAR_CB_CASESENSE].ob_state &= ~OS_SELECTED; } if (s->state.back_avail == false) { obj[TOOLBAR_BT_SEARCH_BACK].ob_state |= OS_DISABLED; } else { obj[TOOLBAR_BT_SEARCH_BACK].ob_state &= ~OS_DISABLED; } TEDINFO *t = ((TEDINFO *)get_obspec(obj, TOOLBAR_TB_SRCH)); set_text(obj, TOOLBAR_TB_SRCH, s->state.text, t->te_txtlen); } void nsatari_search_session_destroy(struct s_search_form_session *s) { if (s != NULL) { LOG(("")); browser_window_search_clear(s->g->browser->bw); free(s); } } /** checks for search parameters changes */ static bool search_session_compare(struct s_search_form_session *s, OBJECT *obj) { uint32_t flags_old; uint32_t flags_mask = SEARCH_FLAG_SHOWALL | SEARCH_FLAG_CASE_SENSITIVE; struct s_search_form_state cur; assert(s != NULL && obj != NULL); flags_old = s->state.flags; apply_form(obj, &cur); if ((cur.flags&flags_mask) != (flags_old&flags_mask)) { return( true ); } char * cstr; cstr = gemtk_obj_get_text(obj, TOOLBAR_TB_SRCH); if (cstr != NULL){ if (strcmp(cstr, (char*)&s->state.text) != 0) { return (true); } } return( false ); } void nsatari_search_perform(struct s_search_form_session *s, OBJECT *obj, search_flags_t f) { assert(s!=null); assert(input_window->browser->bw == s->g->browser->bw); if(search_session_compare(s, obj)){ browser_window_search_clear(s->g->browser->bw); apply_form(obj, &s->state); } else { } /* get search direction manually: */ if ( (f&SEARCH_FLAG_FORWARDS) != 0 ) s->state.flags |= SEARCH_FLAG_FORWARDS; else s->state.flags &= (~SEARCH_FLAG_FORWARDS); browser_window_search(s->g->browser->bw, s, s->state.flags, gemtk_obj_get_text(obj, TOOLBAR_TB_SRCH)); } struct s_search_form_session * nsatari_search_session_create(OBJECT * obj, struct gui_window *gw) { struct s_search_form_session *sfs; sfs = calloc(1, sizeof(struct s_search_form_session)); assert(obj); assert(sfs); sfs->g = gw; apply_form(obj, &sfs->state); browser_window_search_clear(gw->browser->bw); return(sfs); }