/* * Copyright 2012 Ole Loots * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "desktop/options.h" #include "desktop/plot_style.h" #include "atari/res/netsurf.rsh" #include "atari/settings.h" #include "atari/global_evnt.h" #include "atari/misc.h" #include "atari/plot/plot.h" #include "atari/bitmap.h" #include "atari/findfile.h" extern char options[PATH_MAX]; static OBJECT * dlgtree; static WINDOW * dlgwin; static float tmp_option_memory_cache_size; static float tmp_option_minimum_gif_delay; static unsigned int tmp_option_expire_url; static unsigned int tmp_option_font_min_size; static unsigned int tmp_option_font_size; static unsigned int tmp_option_min_reflow_period; static unsigned int tmp_option_max_fetchers; static unsigned int tmp_option_max_fetchers_per_host; static unsigned int tmp_option_max_cached_fetch_handles; static colour tmp_option_atari_toolbar_bg; /* Tab forms and their buttons: */ static int frms[] = { CHOICES_TAB_BROWSER, CHOICES_TAB_RENDER, CHOICES_TAB_STYLE, CHOICES_TAB_NETWORK, CHOICES_TAB_PATH, CHOICES_TAB_CACHE }; static int buts[] = { CHOICES_REG_BROWSER, CHOICES_REG_RENDER, CHOICES_REG_STYLE, CHOICES_REG_NETWORK, CHOICES_REG_PATH, CHOICES_REG_CACHE }; #define OBJ_SELECTED(idx) ((dlgtree[idx].ob_state & SELECTED)!=0) #define OBJ_CHECK(idx) SET_BIT(dlgtree[idx].ob_state, SELECTED, 1); #define OBJ_UNCHECK(idx) SET_BIT(dlgtree[idx].ob_state, SELECTED, 0); #define DISABLE_OBJ(idx) SET_BIT(dlgtree[idx].ob_state, DISABLED, 1); \ ObjcDraw( OC_FORM, dlgwin, idx, 1 ) #define ENABLE_OBJ(idx) SET_BIT(dlgtree[idx].ob_state, DISABLED, 0); \ ObjcDraw( OC_FORM, dlgwin, idx, 1 ) #define FORMEVENT(idx) form_event( NULL, idx, 0, NULL ); #define INPUT_HOMEPAGE_URL_MAX_LEN 44 #define INPUT_LOCALE_MAX_LEN 6 #define INPUT_PROXY_HOST_MAX_LEN 31 #define INPUT_PROXY_USERNAME_MAX_LEN 36 #define INPUT_PROXY_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN 36 #define INPUT_PROXY_PORT_MAX_LEN 5 #define INPUT_MIN_REFLOW_PERIOD_MAX_LEN 4 #define LABEL_FONT_RENDERER_MAX_LEN 8 #define LABEL_PATH_MAX_LEN 43 #define LABEL_ICONSET_MAX_LEN 8 #define INPUT_TOOLBAR_COLOR_MAX_LEN 6 static void toggle_objects( void ); static void display_settings( void ); static void apply_settings( void ); static void __CDECL onclose( WINDOW *win, short buff[8] ); static void __CDECL closeform( WINDOW *win, int index, int unused, void *unused2); static void __CDECL saveform( WINDOW *win, int index, int unused, void *unused2); static void __CDECL form_event( WINDOW *win, int index, int unused, void *unused2); static void __CDECL clear_history( WINDOW *win, int index, int unused, void *unused2); WINDOW * open_settings() { if( dlgtree == NULL){ dlgtree = get_tree(CHOICES); if( dlgtree == NULL ){ return( NULL ); } } if( dlgwin == NULL){ // TODO: localize title dlgwin = FormCreate( dlgtree, WAT_FORM, NULL, (char*)"Settings", NULL, TRUE, 1); if( !dlgwin ){ return( NULL ); } FormThumb( dlgwin, frms, buts, sizeof(frms) / sizeof(int) ); /* Atach events to dialog buttons: */ ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_ABORT, closeform, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_OK, saveform, NULL); /* Connect interactive dialog elements to generic event handler: */ ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_CB_USE_PROXY, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_CB_PROXY_AUTH, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_DOWNLOAD_PATH, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_HOTLIST_FILE, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_CA_BUNDLE, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_CA_CERTS_PATH, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_EDITOR, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_INC_GIF_DELAY, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_DEC_GIF_DELAY, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_INC_INCREMENTAL_REFLOW, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_DEC_INCREMENTAL_REFLOW, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_INC_CACHED_CONNECTIONS, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_DEC_CACHED_CONNECTIONS, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_INC_MAX_FETCHERS_PER_HOST, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_DEC_MAX_FETCHERS_PER_HOST, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_DEC_MAX_FETCHERS, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_INC_MAX_FETCHERS, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_INC_DEF_FONT_SIZE, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_DEC_DEF_FONT_SIZE, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_INC_MIN_FONT_SIZE, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_DEC_MIN_FONT_SIZE, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_INC_MEM_CACHE, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_DEC_MEM_CACHE, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_INC_HISTORY_AGE, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_DEC_HISTORY_AGE, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_BT_SEL_FONT_RENDERER, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_BT_SEL_LOCALE, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_INPUT_TOOLBAR_BGCOLOR, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_BT_TOOLBAR_ICONSET, form_event, NULL); ObjcAttachFormFunc( dlgwin, CHOICES_BT_CLEAR_HISTORY, clear_history, NULL); EvntAdd( dlgwin, WM_CLOSED, onclose, EV_TOP ); display_settings(); } else { WindTop( dlgwin ); toggle_objects(); } return( dlgwin ); } void close_settings(void) { if( dlgwin != NULL ){ /* Duplicated form tree must be free'd manualy? */ ObjcFree(ObjcTree(OC_FORM, dlgwin)); WindClose(dlgwin); dlgwin = NULL; } } static void set_text( short idx, char * text, int len ) { char spare[255]; if( len > 254 ) len = 254; if( text != NULL ){ strncpy( spare, text, 254); ObjcStrFmt( spare, text, len ); } else { strcpy(spare, ""); } ObjcStrCpy( dlgtree, idx, spare ); } static void __CDECL onclose( WINDOW *win, short buff[8] ) { close_settings(); } static void __CDECL closeform( WINDOW *win, int index, int unused, void *unused2) { ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, ~SELECTED, TRUE); close_settings(); } static void __CDECL saveform( WINDOW *win, int index, int unused, void *unused2) { apply_settings(); // Save settings nsoption_write( (const char*)&options ); nsoption_read( (const char*)&options ); close_settings(); ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, NORMAL, TRUE); form_alert(1, "[1][Some options require an netsurf restart!][OK]"); main_menu_update(); } static void __CDECL clear_history( WINDOW *win, int index, int unused, void *unused2) { } static colour color_popup(int x, int y, colour current) { #define GRID_ROWS 9 #define GRID_COLS 27 colour retval = current; int boxwidth=6, boxheight=8; struct bitmap *palette_img; MFDB bg, screen; GRECT bgarea = {x, y, GRID_COLS*boxwidth+4, GRID_ROWS*boxheight+4}; short web_std_colors[6] = {0, 51, 102, 153, 204, 255}; int r,g,b; int xpos = 0, ypos = 0; colour palette[216+8]; int i=0; plot_style_t drawcolour = { .stroke_type = PLOT_OP_TYPE_NONE, .fill_type = PLOT_OP_TYPE_SOLID, .fill_colour = 0 }; plot_style_t outline = { .stroke_type = PLOT_OP_TYPE_SOLID, .stroke_colour = 0xAAAAAA, .stroke_width = 2, .fill_type = PLOT_OP_TYPE_NONE, .fill_colour = 0 }; /* create a palette array (web colors): */ for (r=0; r<6; r++) { for (g=0; g<6; g++) { for (b=0; b<6; b++) { palette[i] = ((web_std_colors[b]<<16) | (web_std_colors[g]<<8) | web_std_colors[r]); i++; } } } /* setup the gray color values: */ int z = 0; colour grays[15] = {0x111111, 0x222222, 0x333333, 0x444444, 0x555555, 0x666666, 0x777777, 0x888888, 0x999999, 0x999999, 0xAAAAAA, 0xBBBBBB, 0xCCCCCC, 0xDDDDDD, 0xEEEEEE}; for (z=0;i<243;i++) { if (z<15) palette[i] = grays[z]; else palette[i] = 0x000000; z++; } /* hide the mouse */ v_hide_c (app.graf.handle); plot_set_dimensions(x, y, (GRID_COLS*boxwidth)+4, (GRID_ROWS*boxheight)+4); plot_lock(); // store background: short pxy[8]; init_mfdb(app.nplanes, bgarea.g_w, bgarea.g_h, 0, &bg); init_mfdb(0, bgarea.g_w, bgarea.g_h, 0, &screen); pxy[0] = bgarea.g_x; pxy[1] = bgarea.g_y; pxy[2] = bgarea.g_x + bgarea.g_w - 1; pxy[3] = bgarea.g_y + bgarea.g_h - 1; pxy[4] = 0; pxy[5] = 0; pxy[6] = bgarea.g_w - 1; pxy[7] = bgarea.g_h - 1; /* copy screen image */ vro_cpyfm (app.graf.handle, S_ONLY, pxy, &screen, &bg); /* plot_rectangle(x+1, y+1, x+(GRID_COLS*boxwidth)+3, y+(GRID_ROWS*boxheight)+3, &outline); plot_line(x, y, x+(GRID_COLS*boxwidth)+2, y+(GRID_ROWS*boxheight)+2, &outline); */ plot_line(x, y, x+(GRID_COLS*boxwidth)+2, y, &outline); plot_line(x, y+(GRID_ROWS*boxheight)+2, x+(GRID_COLS*boxwidth)+2, y+(GRID_ROWS*boxheight)+2, &outline); /* draw a 27*8 grid: */ for (i=0; i<243; i++){ drawcolour.fill_colour = palette[i]; plot_rectangle(xpos+2, ypos+2, xpos+boxwidth+2, ypos+boxheight+2, &drawcolour); xpos += boxwidth; if (xpos >= GRID_COLS*boxwidth) { xpos = 0; ypos += boxheight; } } /* restore the mouse */ v_show_c ( app.graf.handle, 1); /* fetch mouse event: */ mt_EvntDisable(&app, dlgwin, WM_XBUTTON); EvntWindom(MU_BUTTON); mt_EvntEnable(&app, dlgwin, WM_XBUTTON); /* calulate clicked grid coords: */ int row = ((evnt.my-y)/boxheight); int col = ((evnt.mx-x)/boxwidth); if (row >= 0 && row <= GRID_ROWS-1 && col >= 0 && col <= GRID_COLS-1) { assert( (GRID_COLS*row)+(col) >= 0 ); assert( (GRID_COLS*row)+(col) < 243 ); retval = palette[(GRID_COLS*row)+(col)]; } /* restore background: */ w_put_bkgr(&app, bgarea.g_x, bgarea.g_y, bgarea.g_w, bgarea.g_h, &bg); free(bg.fd_addr); plot_unlock(); #undef GRID_COLS #undef GRID_ROWS return(retval); } /** * Displays a popup to select available icon sets, the returned string is no longer than 8 characters. * \param x x pos of popup * \param y y pos of popup * \return the selected string or NULL on failure. */ static char * toolbar_iconset_popup( int x, int y ) { #define MAX_SETS 24 DIR *dp; struct dirent *ep; struct stat statbuf; char * current = NULL; char *avail[MAX_SETS]; int selected = 0, navail = 0, i, choice=-1; static char toolbar_folder[PATH_MAX]; char fullpath[PATH_MAX]; strncpy( fullpath, nsoption_charp(tree_icons_path), 255 ); path_add_part( fullpath, 255, "toolbar/" ); /* Get current set (for pre-selection): */ memset( avail, 0, MAX_SETS ); current = nsoption_charp(atari_image_toolbar_folder); /* locate the toolbar folder: */ atari_find_resource( toolbar_folder, fullpath, fullpath ); /* search for iconset folders: */ dp = opendir (toolbar_folder); if (dp != NULL){ while (ep = readdir (dp)) { if (strlen(ep->d_name) < 3) continue; snprintf(fullpath, PATH_MAX-1, "%s/%s", toolbar_folder, ep->d_name ); if (is_dir(fullpath)) { if (strcmp(ep->d_name, current) == 0) selected = navail; /* store the folder name: */ avail[navail] = malloc( strlen(ep->d_name)+1 ); sprintf( avail[navail], "%s", ep->d_name ); navail++; if( navail >= MAX_SETS ) break; } if (stat(fullpath, &statbuf) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { } } } (void) closedir (dp); } if (navail > 0){ choice = MenuPopUp( avail, x, y, navail, -1, selected, P_LIST | P_CHCK ); if (choice > 0) snprintf( toolbar_folder, 9, "%s", avail[choice-1] ); } for (i=0;i 0) return( toolbar_folder ); else return( NULL ); #undef MAX_SETS } static void __CDECL form_event( WINDOW *win, int index, int external, void *unused2) { char spare[255]; bool is_button = false; bool checked = OBJ_SELECTED( index ); char * tmp; /* For font driver popup: */ const char *font_driver_items[] = {"freetype", "internal" }; int num_font_drivers = (sizeof(font_driver_items)/sizeof(char*)); /* Just a small collection of locales, each country has at least one ATARI-clone user! :) */ const char *locales[] = { "cs", "de", "de-de" , "en", "en-gb", "en-us", "es", "fr", "it", "nl", "no", "pl", "ru", "sk", "sv" }; int num_locales = (sizeof(locales)/sizeof(char*)); short x, y; int choice; switch( index ){ case CHOICES_CB_USE_PROXY: if( checked ){ ENABLE_OBJ( CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_HOST ); ENABLE_OBJ( CHOICES_CB_PROXY_AUTH ); } else { DISABLE_OBJ( CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_HOST ); DISABLE_OBJ( CHOICES_CB_PROXY_AUTH ); } FORMEVENT( CHOICES_CB_PROXY_AUTH ); break; case CHOICES_CB_PROXY_AUTH: if( checked && OBJ_SELECTED( CHOICES_CB_USE_PROXY ) ){ ENABLE_OBJ(CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_USERNAME); ENABLE_OBJ(CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_PASSWORD); } else { DISABLE_OBJ(CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_USERNAME); DISABLE_OBJ(CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_PASSWORD); } break; case CHOICES_CB_ENABLE_ANIMATION: if( checked ){ ENABLE_OBJ( CHOICES_EDIT_MIN_GIF_DELAY ); } else { DISABLE_OBJ( CHOICES_EDIT_MIN_GIF_DELAY ); } break; case CHOICES_BT_SEL_FONT_RENDERER: if( external ){ objc_offset( FORM(win), CHOICES_BT_SEL_FONT_RENDERER, &x, &y); choice = MenuPopUp ( font_driver_items, x, y, num_font_drivers, -1, -1, P_LIST + P_WNDW + P_CHCK ); if( choice > 0 && choice <= num_font_drivers ){ ObjcStrCpy( dlgtree, CHOICES_BT_SEL_FONT_RENDERER, (char*)font_driver_items[choice-1] ); } ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, NORMAL, TRUE); } tmp = ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_BT_SEL_FONT_RENDERER, NULL); if( strcmp(tmp, "freetype") == 0 ){ ENABLE_OBJ( CHOICES_CB_ANTI_ALIASING ); } else { DISABLE_OBJ( CHOICES_CB_ANTI_ALIASING ); } break; case CHOICES_BT_SEL_LOCALE: objc_offset( FORM(win), CHOICES_BT_SEL_LOCALE, &x, &y); choice = MenuPopUp ( locales, x, y, num_locales, -1, -1, P_LIST + P_WNDW + P_CHCK ); if( choice > 0 && choice <= num_locales ){ ObjcStrCpy( dlgtree, CHOICES_BT_SEL_LOCALE, (char*)locales[choice-1] ); } ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, NORMAL, TRUE); break; case CHOICES_INPUT_TOOLBAR_BGCOLOR: objc_offset( FORM(win), CHOICES_INPUT_TOOLBAR_BGCOLOR, &x, &y ); choice = color_popup(x, y, tmp_option_atari_toolbar_bg); snprintf( spare, 255, "%06x", choice ); tmp_option_atari_toolbar_bg = choice; ObjcStrCpy( dlgtree, CHOICES_INPUT_TOOLBAR_BGCOLOR, spare ); is_button = true; ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, NORMAL, TRUE); ObjcDrawParent(OC_FORM, dlgwin, CHOICES_INPUT_TOOLBAR_BGCOLOR, 2, 1 ); break; case CHOICES_BT_TOOLBAR_ICONSET: objc_offset( FORM(win), CHOICES_BT_TOOLBAR_ICONSET, &x, &y ); tmp = toolbar_iconset_popup(x,y); if( tmp != NULL ){ ObjcStrCpy( dlgtree, CHOICES_BT_TOOLBAR_ICONSET, tmp ); } is_button = true; ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, NORMAL, TRUE); break; case CHOICES_INC_MEM_CACHE: case CHOICES_DEC_MEM_CACHE: if( index == CHOICES_DEC_MEM_CACHE ) tmp_option_memory_cache_size -= 0.1; else tmp_option_memory_cache_size += 0.1; if( tmp_option_memory_cache_size < 0.5 ) tmp_option_memory_cache_size = 0.5; if( tmp_option_memory_cache_size > 999.9 ) tmp_option_memory_cache_size = 999.9; snprintf( spare, 255, "%03.1f", tmp_option_memory_cache_size ); set_text( CHOICES_STR_MAX_MEM_CACHE, spare, 5 ); is_button = true; ObjcDrawParent(OC_FORM, dlgwin, CHOICES_STR_MAX_MEM_CACHE, 2, 1 ); break; case CHOICES_INC_CACHED_CONNECTIONS: case CHOICES_DEC_CACHED_CONNECTIONS: if( index == CHOICES_INC_CACHED_CONNECTIONS ) tmp_option_max_cached_fetch_handles += 1; else tmp_option_max_cached_fetch_handles -= 1; if( tmp_option_max_cached_fetch_handles > 31 ) tmp_option_max_cached_fetch_handles = 31; snprintf( spare, 255, "%02d", tmp_option_max_cached_fetch_handles ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_CACHED_CONNECTIONS, spare, 2 ); is_button = true; ObjcDrawParent(OC_FORM, dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_CACHED_CONNECTIONS, 2, 1 ); break; case CHOICES_INC_MAX_FETCHERS: case CHOICES_DEC_MAX_FETCHERS: if( index == CHOICES_INC_MAX_FETCHERS ) tmp_option_max_fetchers += 1; else tmp_option_max_fetchers -= 1; if( tmp_option_max_fetchers > 31 ) tmp_option_max_fetchers = 31; snprintf( spare, 255, "%02d", tmp_option_max_fetchers ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_FETCHERS, spare, 2 ); is_button = true; ObjcDrawParent(OC_FORM, dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_FETCHERS, 3, 1 ); break; case CHOICES_INC_MAX_FETCHERS_PER_HOST: case CHOICES_DEC_MAX_FETCHERS_PER_HOST: if( index == CHOICES_INC_MAX_FETCHERS_PER_HOST ) tmp_option_max_fetchers_per_host += 1; else tmp_option_max_fetchers_per_host -= 1; if( tmp_option_max_fetchers_per_host > 31 ) tmp_option_max_fetchers_per_host = 31; snprintf( spare, 255, "%02d", tmp_option_max_fetchers_per_host ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_FETCHERS_PER_HOST, spare, 2 ); is_button = true; ObjcDrawParent(OC_FORM, dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_FETCHERS_PER_HOST, 2, 1 ); break; case CHOICES_INC_HISTORY_AGE: case CHOICES_DEC_HISTORY_AGE: if( index == CHOICES_INC_HISTORY_AGE ) tmp_option_expire_url += 1; else tmp_option_expire_url -= 1; if( tmp_option_expire_url > 99 ) tmp_option_expire_url = 0; snprintf( spare, 255, "%02d", tmp_option_expire_url ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_HISTORY_AGE, spare, 2 ); is_button = true; ObjcDrawParent(OC_FORM, dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_HISTORY_AGE, 3, 1 ); break; case CHOICES_INC_GIF_DELAY: case CHOICES_DEC_GIF_DELAY: if( index == CHOICES_INC_GIF_DELAY ) tmp_option_minimum_gif_delay += 0.1; else tmp_option_minimum_gif_delay -= 0.1; if( tmp_option_minimum_gif_delay < 0.1 ) tmp_option_minimum_gif_delay = 0.1; if( tmp_option_minimum_gif_delay > 9.0 ) tmp_option_minimum_gif_delay = 9.0; snprintf( spare, 255, "%01.1f", tmp_option_minimum_gif_delay ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MIN_GIF_DELAY, spare, 3 ); is_button = true; ObjcDrawParent(OC_FORM, dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_MIN_GIF_DELAY, 3, 1 ); break; case CHOICES_INC_MIN_FONT_SIZE: case CHOICES_DEC_MIN_FONT_SIZE: if( index == CHOICES_INC_MIN_FONT_SIZE ) tmp_option_font_min_size += 1; else tmp_option_font_min_size -= 1; if( tmp_option_font_min_size > 500 ) tmp_option_font_min_size = 500; if( tmp_option_font_min_size < 10 ) tmp_option_font_min_size = 10; snprintf( spare, 255, "%03d", tmp_option_font_min_size ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MIN_FONT_SIZE, spare, 3 ); is_button = true; ObjcDrawParent(OC_FORM, dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_MIN_FONT_SIZE, 3, 1 ); break; case CHOICES_INC_DEF_FONT_SIZE: case CHOICES_DEC_DEF_FONT_SIZE: if( index == CHOICES_INC_DEF_FONT_SIZE ) tmp_option_font_size += 1; else tmp_option_font_size -= 1; if( tmp_option_font_size > 999 ) tmp_option_font_size = 999; if( tmp_option_font_size < 50 ) tmp_option_font_size = 50; snprintf( spare, 255, "%03d", tmp_option_font_size ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_DEF_FONT_SIZE, spare, 3 ); is_button = true; ObjcDrawParent(OC_FORM, dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_DEF_FONT_SIZE, 3, 1 ); break; case CHOICES_INC_INCREMENTAL_REFLOW: case CHOICES_DEC_INCREMENTAL_REFLOW: if( index == CHOICES_INC_INCREMENTAL_REFLOW ) tmp_option_min_reflow_period += 1; else tmp_option_min_reflow_period -= 1; if( tmp_option_min_reflow_period > 9999 ) tmp_option_min_reflow_period = 10; snprintf( spare, 255, "%04d", tmp_option_min_reflow_period ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MIN_REFLOW_PERIOD, spare, 4 ); is_button = true; ObjcDrawParent(OC_FORM, dlgwin, CHOICES_EDIT_MIN_REFLOW_PERIOD, 3, 1 ); break; default: break; } if( is_button ){ // remove selection indicator from button element: OBJ_UNCHECK( index ); ObjcDraw( OC_FORM, dlgwin, index, 1 ); } } /** * Toogle all objects which are directly influenced by other GUI elements * ( like checkbox ) */ static void toggle_objects( void ) { /* enable / disable (refresh) objects depending on radio button values: */ FORMEVENT(CHOICES_CB_USE_PROXY); FORMEVENT(CHOICES_CB_PROXY_AUTH); FORMEVENT(CHOICES_BT_SEL_FONT_RENDERER); } /* this gets called each time the settings dialog is opened: */ static void display_settings( void ) { char spare[255]; // read current settings and display them /* "Browser" tab: */ set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_HOMEPAGE, nsoption_charp(homepage_url), INPUT_HOMEPAGE_URL_MAX_LEN ); if( nsoption_bool(block_ads) ){ OBJ_CHECK( CHOICES_CB_HIDE_ADVERTISEMENT ); } else { OBJ_UNCHECK( CHOICES_CB_HIDE_ADVERTISEMENT ); } if( nsoption_bool(target_blank) ){ OBJ_UNCHECK( CHOICES_CB_DISABLE_POPUP_WINDOWS ); } else { OBJ_CHECK( CHOICES_CB_DISABLE_POPUP_WINDOWS ); } if( nsoption_bool(send_referer) ){ OBJ_CHECK( CHOICES_CB_SEND_HTTP_REFERRER ); } else { OBJ_UNCHECK( CHOICES_CB_SEND_HTTP_REFERRER ); } if( nsoption_bool(do_not_track) ){ OBJ_CHECK( CHOICES_CB_SEND_DO_NOT_TRACK ); } else { OBJ_UNCHECK( CHOICES_CB_SEND_DO_NOT_TRACK ); } set_text( CHOICES_BT_SEL_LOCALE, nsoption_charp(accept_language) ? nsoption_charp(accept_language) : (char*)"en", INPUT_LOCALE_MAX_LEN ); tmp_option_expire_url = nsoption_int(expire_url); snprintf( spare, 255, "%02d", nsoption_int(expire_url) ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_HISTORY_AGE, spare, 2 ); /* "Cache" tab: */ tmp_option_memory_cache_size = nsoption_int(memory_cache_size) / 100000; snprintf( spare, 255, "%03.1f", tmp_option_memory_cache_size ); set_text( CHOICES_STR_MAX_MEM_CACHE, spare, 5 ); /* "Paths" tab: */ set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_DOWNLOAD_PATH, nsoption_charp(downloads_path), LABEL_PATH_MAX_LEN ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_HOTLIST_FILE, nsoption_charp(hotlist_file), LABEL_PATH_MAX_LEN ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_CA_BUNDLE, nsoption_charp(ca_bundle), LABEL_PATH_MAX_LEN ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_CA_CERTS_PATH, nsoption_charp(ca_path), LABEL_PATH_MAX_LEN ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_EDITOR, nsoption_charp(atari_editor), LABEL_PATH_MAX_LEN ); /* "Rendering" tab: */ set_text( CHOICES_BT_SEL_FONT_RENDERER, nsoption_charp(atari_font_driver), LABEL_FONT_RENDERER_MAX_LEN ); SET_BIT(dlgtree[CHOICES_CB_TRANSPARENCY].ob_state, SELECTED, nsoption_int(atari_transparency) ? 1 : 0 ); SET_BIT(dlgtree[CHOICES_CB_ENABLE_ANIMATION].ob_state, SELECTED, nsoption_bool(animate_images) ? 1 : 0 ); SET_BIT(dlgtree[CHOICES_CB_INCREMENTAL_REFLOW].ob_state, SELECTED, nsoption_bool(incremental_reflow) ? 1 : 0 ); SET_BIT(dlgtree[CHOICES_CB_ANTI_ALIASING].ob_state, SELECTED, nsoption_int(atari_font_monochrom) ? 0 : 1 ); tmp_option_min_reflow_period = nsoption_int(min_reflow_period); snprintf( spare, 255, "%04d", tmp_option_min_reflow_period ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MIN_REFLOW_PERIOD, spare, INPUT_MIN_REFLOW_PERIOD_MAX_LEN ); tmp_option_minimum_gif_delay = (float)nsoption_int(minimum_gif_delay) / (float)100; snprintf( spare, 255, "%01.1f", tmp_option_minimum_gif_delay ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MIN_GIF_DELAY, spare, 3 ); /* "Network" tab: */ set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_HOST, nsoption_charp(http_proxy_host), INPUT_PROXY_HOST_MAX_LEN ); snprintf( spare, 255, "%5d", nsoption_int(http_proxy_port) ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_PORT, spare, INPUT_PROXY_PORT_MAX_LEN ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_USERNAME, nsoption_charp(http_proxy_auth_user), INPUT_PROXY_USERNAME_MAX_LEN ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_PASSWORD, nsoption_charp(http_proxy_auth_pass), INPUT_PROXY_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN ); SET_BIT(dlgtree[CHOICES_CB_USE_PROXY].ob_state, SELECTED, nsoption_bool(http_proxy) ? 1 : 0 ); SET_BIT(dlgtree[CHOICES_CB_PROXY_AUTH].ob_state, SELECTED, nsoption_int(http_proxy_auth) ? 1 : 0 ); SET_BIT(dlgtree[CHOICES_CB_FG_IMAGES].ob_state, SELECTED, nsoption_bool(foreground_images) ? 1 : 0 ); SET_BIT(dlgtree[CHOICES_CB_BG_IMAGES].ob_state, SELECTED, nsoption_bool(background_images) ? 1 : 0 ); tmp_option_max_cached_fetch_handles = nsoption_int(max_cached_fetch_handles); snprintf( spare, 255, "%2d", nsoption_int(max_cached_fetch_handles) ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_CACHED_CONNECTIONS, spare , 2 ); tmp_option_max_fetchers = nsoption_int(max_fetchers); snprintf( spare, 255, "%2d", nsoption_int(max_fetchers) ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_FETCHERS, spare , 2 ); tmp_option_max_fetchers_per_host = nsoption_int(max_fetchers_per_host); snprintf( spare, 255, "%2d", nsoption_int(max_fetchers_per_host) ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_FETCHERS_PER_HOST, spare , 2 ); /* "Style" tab: */ tmp_option_font_min_size = nsoption_int(font_min_size); snprintf( spare, 255, "%3d", nsoption_int(font_min_size) ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_MIN_FONT_SIZE, spare , 3 ); tmp_option_font_size = nsoption_int(font_size); snprintf( spare, 255, "%3d", nsoption_int(font_size) ); set_text( CHOICES_EDIT_DEF_FONT_SIZE, spare , 3 ); set_text(CHOICES_BT_TOOLBAR_ICONSET, nsoption_charp(atari_image_toolbar_folder), LABEL_ICONSET_MAX_LEN); tmp_option_atari_toolbar_bg = nsoption_int(atari_toolbar_bg); snprintf( spare, 255, "%06x", tmp_option_atari_toolbar_bg); set_text(CHOICES_INPUT_TOOLBAR_BGCOLOR, spare, INPUT_TOOLBAR_COLOR_MAX_LEN ); /* Only first tab is refreshed: */ ObjcDraw( OC_FORM, dlgwin, CHOICES_TAB_BROWSER, 4 ); // update elements (enable/disable) chained to form events: toggle_objects(); } static void apply_settings( void ) { /* "Network" tab: */ nsoption_set_bool(http_proxy, OBJ_SELECTED(CHOICES_CB_USE_PROXY)); if ( OBJ_SELECTED(CHOICES_CB_PROXY_AUTH) ) { nsoption_set_int(http_proxy_auth, OPTION_HTTP_PROXY_AUTH_BASIC); } else { nsoption_set_int(http_proxy_auth, OPTION_HTTP_PROXY_AUTH_NONE); } nsoption_set_charp(http_proxy_auth_pass, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_PASSWORD, NULL)); nsoption_set_charp(http_proxy_auth_user, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_USERNAME, NULL)); nsoption_set_charp(http_proxy_host, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_HOST, NULL)); nsoption_set_int(http_proxy_port, atoi( ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_PROXY_PORT, NULL) )); nsoption_set_int(max_fetchers_per_host, atoi( ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_FETCHERS_PER_HOST, NULL))); nsoption_set_int(max_cached_fetch_handles, atoi( ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_CACHED_CONNECTIONS, NULL))); nsoption_set_int(max_fetchers, atoi( ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_MAX_FETCHERS, NULL) )); nsoption_set_bool(foreground_images, OBJ_SELECTED( CHOICES_CB_FG_IMAGES )); nsoption_set_bool(background_images, OBJ_SELECTED( CHOICES_CB_BG_IMAGES )); /* "Style" tab: */ nsoption_set_int(font_min_size, tmp_option_font_min_size); nsoption_set_int(font_size, tmp_option_font_size); nsoption_set_colour(atari_toolbar_bg, tmp_option_atari_toolbar_bg); nsoption_set_charp(atari_image_toolbar_folder, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_BT_TOOLBAR_ICONSET, NULL) ); /* "Rendering" tab: */ nsoption_set_charp(atari_font_driver, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_BT_SEL_FONT_RENDERER, NULL)); nsoption_set_bool(atari_transparency, OBJ_SELECTED(CHOICES_CB_TRANSPARENCY)); nsoption_set_bool(animate_images, OBJ_SELECTED(CHOICES_CB_ENABLE_ANIMATION)); nsoption_set_int(minimum_gif_delay, (int)(tmp_option_minimum_gif_delay*100+0.5)); nsoption_set_bool(incremental_reflow, OBJ_SELECTED(CHOICES_CB_INCREMENTAL_REFLOW)); nsoption_set_int(min_reflow_period, tmp_option_min_reflow_period); nsoption_set_int(atari_font_monochrom, !OBJ_SELECTED( CHOICES_CB_ANTI_ALIASING )); /* "Paths" tabs: */ nsoption_set_charp(ca_bundle, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_CA_BUNDLE, NULL)); nsoption_set_charp(ca_path, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_CA_CERTS_PATH, NULL)); nsoption_set_charp(homepage_url, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_CA_CERTS_PATH, NULL)); nsoption_set_charp(hotlist_file, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_HOTLIST_FILE, NULL)); nsoption_set_charp(atari_editor, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_EDITOR, NULL)); nsoption_set_charp(downloads_path, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_DOWNLOAD_PATH, NULL)); /* "Cache" tab: */ nsoption_set_int(memory_cache_size, tmp_option_memory_cache_size * 100000); /* "Browser" tab: */ nsoption_set_bool(target_blank, !OBJ_SELECTED(CHOICES_CB_DISABLE_POPUP_WINDOWS)); nsoption_set_bool(block_ads, OBJ_SELECTED(CHOICES_CB_HIDE_ADVERTISEMENT)); nsoption_set_charp(accept_language, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_BT_SEL_LOCALE, NULL)); nsoption_set_int(expire_url, atoi(ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_HISTORY_AGE, NULL))); nsoption_set_bool(send_referer, OBJ_SELECTED(CHOICES_CB_SEND_HTTP_REFERRER)); nsoption_set_bool(do_not_track, OBJ_SELECTED(CHOICES_CB_SEND_HTTP_REFERRER)); nsoption_set_charp(homepage_url, ObjcString( dlgtree, CHOICES_EDIT_HOMEPAGE, NULL)); } #undef OBJ_SELECTED #undef OBJ_CHECK #undef OBJ_UNCHECK #undef DISABLE_OBJ #undef ENABLE_OBJ #undef FORMEVENT